require "active_support" require "active_support/core_ext" # for `with_indifferent_access` module Pvcglue class Cloud attr_accessor :data attr_accessor :current_node attr_accessor :current_hostname attr_accessor :maintenance_mode attr_accessor :bypass_mode attr_accessor :stage_env attr_accessor :passenger_ruby attr_accessor :port_in_node_context # attr_accessor :stage_secrets def data ::Pvcglue::Manager.initialize_cloud_data unless @data @data end def data=(data) # @data = data.with_indifferent_access # We may not want this dependency. # @data = data.to_dot # We may not want this dependency. # @data = # We may not want this dependency. @data = end def current_node raise "Current node not set." if @current_node.nil? @current_node end def current_node_without_nil_check @current_node end def current_node_data current_node.values.first end def current_hostname raise "Current current_hostname not set." if @current_hostname.nil? @current_hostname end def set_stage(stage) @stage_name = stage @stage_name.downcase! if @stage_name end def stage_name @stage_name end def stage_name_validated # TODO: Document better or fix root cause # Work-around for orca file packages that are loaded when required, but stage_name is not going to be used # raise "stage_name is required in this context" unless @stage_name @stage_name end def old_stage # puts project.inspect # puts project[:stages].inspect # puts project[:stages][stage_name].inspect project[:stages][stage_name] end def stage_roles raise("Stage not defined: #{stage_name}.") if stage.nil? # raise(Thor::Error, "Stage not defined: #{stage_name}.") if stage.nil? stage[:roles] end def local_file_name File.join(application_dir, Pvcglue::Manager.cloud_data_file_name_base) end def env_local_file_name File.join(application_dir, Pvcglue::Env.stage_env_file_name_base) end def application_dir Pvcglue.configuration.application_dir end # find node by full node_name or by matching prefix of node_name def find_minion_by_name(minion_name, raise_error = true) # raise(Thor::Error, "Node not specified.") if node_name.nil? || node_name.empty? raise('Minion not specified.') if minion_name.nil? || minion_name.empty? return {minion_name => minions_filtered[minion_name]} if minions[minion_name] minions.each do |key, value| return {key => value} if key.start_with?(minion_name) end raise("Not found: #{minion_name} in #{stage_name}.") if raise_error # raise(Thor::Error, "Not found: #{node_name} in #{stage_name}.") nil end # # find node by full node_name or by matching prefix of node_name # def find_node(node_name, raise_error = true) # # raise(Thor::Error, "Node not specified.") if node_name.nil? || node_name.empty? # raise('Node not specified.') if node_name.nil? || node_name.empty? # return {node_name => nodes_in_stage[node_name]} if nodes_in_stage[node_name] # nodes_in_stage.each do |key, value| # return {key => value} if key.start_with?(node_name) # end # raise("Not found: #{node_name} in #{stage_name}.") if raise_error # # raise(Thor::Error, "Not found: #{node_name} in #{stage_name}.") # end # def minions_filtered(role_filter = 'all') # # puts (stage_roles.values.each_with_object({}) { |node, nodes| nodes.merge!(node) }).inspect # # stage_roles.values.each_with_object({}) { |node, nodes| nodes.merge!(node) } # nodes = stage_roles.each_with_object({}) do |(role, node), nodes| # if role_filter == 'all' || role == role_filter # nodes.merge!(node) # end # end # # puts nodes.inspect # # puts "nodes_in_stage: only first returned"+"!*"*80 # # out = {} # # out["memcached"] = nodes["memcached"] # # puts out.inspect # # out if role_filter == 'all' minions else { |minion_name, minion| minion.has_role?(role_filter) } end end # ENV['PVC_DEPLOY_TO_BASE'] = stage_data[:deploy_to] || '/sites' def deploy_to_base_dir # stage[:deploy_to] || '/sites' # TODO: verify if server setup supports `:deploy_to` override web_app_base_dir # TODO: server setup does not yet support `:deploy_to` override, and would have to be refactored at a higher level than stage. end # ENV['PVC_DEPLOY_TO_APP'] = "#{ENV['PVC_DEPLOY_TO_BASE']}/#{ENV['PVC_APP_NAME']}/#{ENV['PVC_STAGE']}" def deploy_to_app_dir File.join(deploy_to_base_dir, app_name, stage_name) end def deploy_to_app_current_dir File.join(deploy_to_app_dir, 'current') end def deploy_to_app_shared_dir File.join(deploy_to_app_dir, 'shared') end def deploy_to_app_shared_pids_dir File.join(deploy_to_app_shared_dir, 'pids') end def env_file_name File.join(deploy_to_app_shared_dir, ".env.#{stage_name_validated}") end def deploy_to_app_current_public_dir File.join(deploy_to_app_current_dir, 'public') end def deploy_to_app_current_bin_dir File.join(deploy_to_app_current_dir, Pvcglue.configuration.rails_bin_dir) end def maintenance_files_dir File.join(deploy_to_app_dir, 'maintenance') end def maintenance_mode_file_name File.join(maintenance_files_dir, 'maintenance.on') end def maintenance_bypass_mode_file_name File.join(maintenance_files_dir, '') end def deploy_to_app_current_temp_dir File.join(deploy_to_app_current_dir, 'tmp') end def restart_txt_file_name File.join(deploy_to_app_current_temp_dir, 'restart.txt') end def app_name Pvcglue.configuration.application_name end def authorized_keys project[:authorized_keys] end def ssh_ports ports = [] from_all = project[:ssh_allowed_from_all_port].to_i ports << from_all if from_all > 0 ports end def timezone project[:time_zone] || 'America/Los_Angeles' end def exclude_tables project[:excluded_db_tables] || ['versions'] end def firewall_allow_incoming_on_port raise 'Not used currently > 0.9' # These ports allow incoming connections from any ip address ports = [] from_all = project[:ssh_allowed_from_all_port].to_i ports << from_all if from_all > 0 ports.concat [80, 443] if current_node.values.first[:allow_public_access] ports.concat ["2000:3000"] if stage_name == 'local' ports end def firewall_allow_incoming_from_ip raise 'Not used currently > 0.9' # Incoming connections to any port are allowed from these ip addresses addresses = dev_ip_addresses addresses.concat(stage_internal_addresses) # puts addresses.inspect if stage_name == 'local' addresses << Pvcglue::Local.vagrant_config # Yes, this is a hack, and should be refactored. :) end # puts addresses.inspect addresses end def dev_ip_addresses return [''] # TODO: Add this functionality back in later project[:dev_ip_addresses].values.each_with_object([]) { |address, addresses| addresses << address } end def stage_internal_addresses minions_filtered.values.each_with_object([]) do |value, addresses| addresses << value[:public_ip] addresses << value[:private_ip] if value[:private_ip] end end # app_stage_name = "#{ENV['PVC_APP_NAME']}_#{ENV['PVC_STAGE']}".downcase def app_and_stage_name "#{app_name}_#{stage_name}".downcase end def domains stage[:domains] end def web_nginx_http current_node.values.first[:web_nginx_http] || [] end def web_nginx_server current_node.values.first[:web_nginx_server] || [] end def ssl_mode stage[:ssl].to_sym || :none end def ssl_mode_override @ssl_mode_override || ssl_mode end def set_ssl_mode_override(mode) @ssl_mode_override = mode end def lb_nginx_load_balancing_method stage[:lb_nginx_load_balancing_method] end def delayed_job_args stage[:delayed_job_args] end def repo_url project[:repo_url] end def dos_conn_limit_per_ip project[:dos_conn_limit_per_ip] || stage[:dos_conn_limit_per_ip] || "10" end def dos_rate project[:dos_rate] || stage[:dos_rate] || "1" end def dos_burst project[:dos_burst] || stage[:dos_burst] || "30" end def additional_linked_dirs project[:additional_linked_dirs] || stage[:additional_linked_dirs] || "" end def client_header_timeout project[:client_header_timeout] || stage[:client_header_timeout] || "60s" end def client_body_timeout project[:client_body_timeout] || stage[:client_body_timeout] || "60s" end def proxy_read_timeout project[:proxy_read_timeout] || stage[:proxy_read_timeout] || "60s" end def proxy_send_timeout project[:proxy_send_timeout] || stage[:proxy_send_timeout] || "60s" end def client_max_body_size project[:client_max_body_size] || stage[:client_max_body_size] || "1m" end def swapfile_size project[:swapfile_size] || stage[:swapfile_size] || 1024 end def gems project[:gems] || {} end def db_rebuild !!stage[:db_rebuild] end def nginx_config_path '/etc/nginx' end def nginx_config_ssl_path File.join(nginx_config_path, 'ssl', "#{app_and_stage_name}") end def nginx_ssl_crt_file_name File.join(nginx_config_ssl_path, "#{app_and_stage_name}.crt") end def nginx_ssl_key_file_name File.join(nginx_config_ssl_path, "#{app_and_stage_name}.key") end def ssl_crt stage[:ssl_crt] end def ssl_key stage[:ssl_key] end def port_in_context(context) case context when :bootstrap, :manager port = "22" when :env, :build, :shell, :deploy, :maintenance port = project[:ssh_allowed_from_all_port] || "22" else raise "Context not specified or invalid" end puts "Setting port to #{port}" @port_in_node_context = port end def port_in_node_context raise "Context not specified or invalid" if @port_in_node_context.nil? puts "Setting port_in_node_context to #{@port_in_node_context}" @port_in_node_context end def delayed_job_worker_count return 0 unless gems[:delayed_job] (stage[:delayed_job_workers] || 1).to_i end def resque_worker_count return 0 unless gems[:resque] (stage[:resque_workers] || 1).to_i end def monit_mailserver project[:monit_mailserver] || "" end def monit_alert project[:monit_alert] || "" end def monit_disk_usage_threshold stage[:monit_disk_usage_threshold] || project[:monit_disk_usage_threshold] || "80%" end def minion_manager_user_name 'manager' end def letsencrypt_full '/var/www/letsencrypt_root/.well-known/acme-challenge' end def letsencrypt_root '/var/www/letsencrypt_root' end # ============================================================================================== def manager_minion @manager_minion ||= get_manager_minion end def get_manager_minion minion = minion.machine_name = 'pvcglue-manager' minion.roles = ['manager'] minion.public_ip = Pvcglue.configuration.cloud_manager minion.connection = # minion.root_users = machine.root_users # minion.users = machine.users # minion.cloud_id = machine.cloud_id minion.remote_user_name = minion_manager_user_name # minion.all_data = data # minion.project = project # minion.stage = stage # minion.cloud_provider = data.cloud_provider # = # == 'not-supported' minion end # def set_manager_as_project # # # raise('project already initialized') if @project # # @project = find_or_raise(data.projects, 'pvcglue_manager') # @app_name_override = 'pvcglue_manager' # set_stage('manager') # end def reload_minions! @data = nil @project = nil @stage = nil @minions = nil end def web_app_base_dir # '/sites' "/home/#{minion_user_name}/www" end def minion_user_name_base project[:user_name_base] || 'deploy' end def minion_user_name "#{minion_user_name_base}-#{stage_name}" end def find_or_raise(data, name, key = 'name') found = data.detect { |item| item[key] == name } # raise(Thor::Error, "Error: #{name} not found.") unless found unless found puts "name=#{name}, key=#{key}, data=" ap data raise("Error: #{name} not found.") end found end def project @project ||= begin get_project end end def project_name end def get_project find_or_raise(data.projects, @app_name_override || app_name) end def stage @stage ||= begin find_or_raise(project.stages, stage_name) end end def minions @minions ||= get_minions end def find_machine(name)!('=', '') # "==dev-lb==" ==> "dev-lb" find_or_raise(data.machines, name) end def get_minions minions = stage.stack.each do |item| # ap item machine = find_machine(item.machine_name) # ap machine minion = minions[] # ap minion unless minion # TODO: check for duplicate roles: ie. 2 web servers with the same id minion = minion.machine_name = item.machine_name minion.roles = [] minion.private_ip = machine.private_ip minion.public_ip = machine.public_ip minion.connection = minion.root_users = machine.root_users minion.users = machine.users minion.cloud_id = machine.cloud_id minion.remote_user_name = minion_user_name # TODO: sync all machine options here, automatically end # ap minion # puts "*"*175 # ap minion.roles # ap item.role minion.roles << item.role # ap minion.roles # if item.role_index? # minions # end # ap minion minion.all_data = data minion.project = project minion.stage = stage minion.cloud_provider = data.cloud_provider = minions[] = minion end # ap minions minions end end def @cloud ||= end def @cloud = config end end