module Zadt class ADT def self.show_graph_help_message puts "Here are the methods for Graph:" puts "#add_vertex" puts "#remove_vertex(vertex)" puts "#make_connection(v1,v2), adds an edge between two vertices" puts "#break_connection(v1,v2)" puts "#find_connection(v1,v2), returns edge connecting two given vertices" puts "#is_connected?(v1,v2)" end def self.show_face_graph_help_message puts "Here are the methods for FaceGraph:" puts "#add_face(edges_array), makes a face with the given edges (must be cyclicly connected)" puts "#make_original_face(num_edges), which makes a standard disconnected face" puts "#add_attached_face(vertex_array, num_edges), which adds a face connected to the vertex_array" puts "#find_neighbors(vertex_array), lists all faces containing the given vertices" puts "#find_face_neighbors(face), which finds all neighbors of the given face" puts "--a neighbor of a face is defined as one that shares a vertex (not necessarily an edge)" puts "" puts "FaceGraph also inherits the following methods from Graph:" puts "#add_vertex" puts "#remove_vertex(vertex)" puts "#make_connection(v1,v2), adds an edge between two vertices" puts "#break_connection(v1,v2)" puts "#find_connection(v1,v2), returns edge connecting two given vertices" puts "#is_connected?(v1,v2)" end end end