b0VIM 7.2WqO-$kannanchump.local~kannan/Work/api/delta/clients/ruby/search_cache.rbutf-8 3210#"! Utp}|~Sad*:}v3*(a>< a / "  k  ,   w "  3 uX<!~nfba`_H2_>"y_: x_F jM43o:9 while (page_limit == nil) or (page < page_limit) changed = false page = 0 c = DropboxClient.new(sess, ACCESS_TYPE) sess.set_access_token(*access_token) sess = DropboxSession.new(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET) # Connect to Dropbox tree = state['tree'] cursor = state['cursor'] access_token = state['access_token'] state = load_state() # Load state end exit warn "ERROR: \"update\" takes either zero or one argument." else page_limit = Integer(args[1]) elsif args.size == 2 page_limit = nil if args.size == 1def command_update(args)end }) 'tree' => {} 'access_token' => [access_token.key, access_token.secret], save_state({ puts "Link successful." access_token = sess.access_token sess.get_access_token # This will fail if the user didn't visit the above URL and hit 'Allow' STDIN.gets puts "After you're done, press ENTER." puts "2. Authorize this app." puts "1. Go to: #{url}" url = sess.get_authorize_url # Make the user log in and authorize this token sess.get_request_token sess = DropboxSession.new(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET) end exit warn "ERROR: \"link\" doesn't take any arguments" if args.size != 1def command_link(args)end end exit(1) warn "Run with no arguments for help." warn "ERROR: Unknown command: #{command}" else command_reset(args) elsif command == 'reset' command_find(args) elsif command == 'find' command_update(args) elsif command == 'update' command_link(args) if command == 'link' command = args[0] end exit warn(" #{prog_name} reset Delete the cache.") warn(" #{prog_name} find Display entire cache contents") warn(" #{prog_name} find Search cache for .") warn(" #{prog_name} update Update cache, limit to pages of /delta.") warn(" #{prog_name} update Update cache to the latest on Dropbox.") warn(" #{prog_name} link Link to a user's account.") warn("Usage:\n") if args.size == 0 args = ARGV prog_name = __FILE__ end exit warn "ERROR: Set your APP_KEY and APP_SECRET at the top of search_cache.rb" if APP_KEY == '' or APP_SECRET == ''def main()STATE_FILE = 'search_cache.json' #https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps #set to have full :dropbox access. Check your app at #The default is :app_folder, but your application might beACCESS_TYPE = :app_folder #The two valid values here are :app_folder and :dropboxAPP_SECRET = ''APP_KEY = ''# Find this at https://www.dropbox.com/developers# You must use your Dropbox App key and secret to use the API.require 'json'require './lib/dropbox_sdk'# Repeat steps 2-4 any number of times.# > ruby search_cache.rb find 'txt'# 4. Search the local cache.## > ruby search_cache.rb update# 3. Update the local cache to match what's on Dropbox.## 2. Go to Dropbox and make changes to the contents.## > ruby search_cache.rb link# 1. Link to your Dropbox account## Example usage:## cache.# the local cache. Use the 'find' sub-command to search the local# the App Folder's contents. Use the 'update' sub-command to update# An example use of the /delta API call. Maintains a local cache ofadLSumc_^I(   OB:9  j T   q [ W V U c G   l 7 + #    g _ [ Z I  main()end state state['tree'] = Node.from_json_content(state['tree']) state = JSON.parse(File.read(STATE_FILE), :max_nesting => false)def load_state()end end f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(state, :max_nesting => false)) File.open(STATE_FILE,"w") do |f| state['tree'] = Node.to_json_content(state['tree'])def save_state(state)end end end search_tree(results, node.content, term) if node.folder? end end results.push("#{path} (#{size}, #{modified})") size, modified = node.content else results.push("#{path}") if node.folder? if (path != nil) and path.include?(term) path = node.path tree.each do |name_lc, node|def search_tree(results, tree, term)# Print out any matches.# Recursively search 'tree' for files that contain the string in 'term'.end save_state(state) state['tree'] = {} end state.delete('cursor') if state.has_key?('cursor') state = load_state() # Delete cursor, empty tree. end exit warn("ERROR: \"reset\" takes no arguments.") if args.size != 1def command_reset(args)end puts("[Matches: #{results.size}]") end puts("#{r}") for r in results search_tree(results, state['tree'], term) results = [] state = load_state() end exit warn("ERROR: \"find\" takes either zero or one arguments.") else term = args[1] elsif args.size == 2 term = '' if args.size == 1def command_find(args)end [parts, parts.pop] bad, *parts = path.split '/'def split_path(path)end child end children[name] = child = Node.new(nil, nil) if child == nil child = children[name]def get_or_create_child(children, name)ad(4|gL6*ZN,  k b G ? > : 9  z e - x f 6 .  l - g Z E 9 1 - , pY54qY;vRFE#GN4uF  oMA9543end end end children.delete(leaf) if not missing_parent # If we made it all the way, delete the file/folder. end children = node.content end break missing_parent = true if node == nil or not node.folder? # If one of the parent folders is missing, then we're done. node = children[part] branch.each do |part| missing_parent = false children = root # want to delete. # Traverse down the tree until we find the parent of the entry we puts "- #{path}" else end node.content = metadata['size'], metadata['modified'] else node.content = {} if not node.folder? # Only create a folder if there isn't one there already. if metadata['is_dir'] node.path = metadata['path'] # Save the un-lower-cased path. node = get_or_create_child(children, leaf) # Create the file/folder. end children = node.content end node.content = {} if not node.folder? # If there's no folder here, make an empty one. node = get_or_create_child(children, part) branch.each do |part| children = root # we want to add. Create any missing folders along the way. # Traverse down the tree until we find the parent folder of the entry puts "+ #{path}" if metadata != nil branch, leaf = split_path(path) path, metadata = edef apply_delta(root, e)end new h.each { |k,v| new[k] = yield v } new = {}def map_hash_values(h)# Run a mapping function over every value in a Hash, returning a new Hash.end end end jcontent else map_hash_values(jcontent) { |jchild| Node.from_json jchild } if jcontent.is_a? Hash def self.from_json_content(jcontent) end end content else map_hash_values(content) { |child| child.to_json } if content.is_a? Hash def self.to_json_content(content) end Node.new(path, Node.from_json_content(jcontent)) path, jcontent = jnode def self.from_json(jnode) end [@path, Node.to_json_content(@content)] def to_json() end @content.is_a? Hash def folder?() end @content = content # For folders, content is a hash of children Nodes, keyed by lower-case file names. # For files, content is a pair (size, modified) @path = path # The "original" page (i.e. not the lower-case path) def initialize(path, content) attr_accessor :path, :contentclass Node# We track folder state as a tree of Node objects.end end puts "No updates." else save_state(state) state['tree'] = tree state['cursor'] = cursor if changed # Save state end end break if not result['has_more'] cursor = result['cursor'] end apply_delta(tree, delta_entry) changed = true for delta_entry in result['entries'] # Apply the entries one by one to our cached tree. cursor = result['cursor'] end tree = {} changed = true puts 'reset' if result['reset'] == true page += 1 result = c.delta(cursor) # Get /delta results from Dropbox