# Upgrading
This file documents important changes needed to upgrade your app's Shopify App version to a new major version.
#### Table of contents
[Upgrading to `v19.0.0`](#upgrading-to-v1900)
[Upgrading to `v18.1.2`](#upgrading-to-v1812)
[Upgrading to `v17.2.0`](#upgrading-to-v1720)
[Upgrading to `v13.0.0`](#upgrading-to-v1300)
[Upgrading to `v11.7.0`](#upgrading-to-v1170)
[Upgrading from `v8.6` to `v9.0.0`](#upgrading-from-v86-to-v900)
## Upgrading to `v19.0.0`
This update moves API authentication logic from this gem to the [`shopify_api`](https://github.com/Shopify/shopify_api)
### High-level process
- Delete `config/initializers/omniauth.rb` as apps no longer need to initialize `OmniAuth` directly.
- Delete `config/initializers/user_agent.rb` as `shopify_app` will set the right `User-Agent` header for interacting
with the Shopify API. If the app requires further information in the `User-Agent` header beyond what Shopify API
requires, specify this in the `ShopifyAPI::Context.user_agent_prefix` setting.
- Remove `allow_jwt_authentication=` and `allow_cookie_authentication=` invocations from
`config/initializers/shopify_app.rb` as the decision logic for which authentication method to use is now handled
internally by the `shopify_api` gem, using the `ShopifyAPI::Context.embedded_app` setting.
- `v19.0.0` updates the `shopify_api` dependency to `10.0.0`. This version of `shopify_api` has breaking changes. See
the documentation for addressing these breaking changes on GitHub [here](https://github.com/Shopify/shopify_api#breaking-change-notice-for-version-1000).
### Specific cases
#### Shopify user id in session
Previously, we set the entire app user object in the `session` object.
As of v19, since we no longer save the app user to the session (but only the shopify user id), we now store it as `session[:shopify_user_id]`. Please make sure to update any references to that object.
#### Webhook Jobs
Add a new `handle` method to existing webhook jobs to go through the updated `shopify_api` gem.
class MyWebhookJob < ActiveJob::Base
extend ShopifyAPI::Webhooks::Handler
class << self
# new handle function
def handle(topic:, shop:, body:)
# delegate to pre-existing perform_later function
perform_later(topic: topic, shop_domain: shop, webhook: body)
# original perform function
def perform(topic:, shop_domain:, webhook:)
# ...
#### Temporary sessions
The new `shopify_api` gem offers a utility to temporarily create sessions for interacting with the API within a block.
This is useful for interacting with the Shopify API outside of the context of a subclass of `AuthenticatedController`.
ShopifyAPI::Auth::Session.temp(shop: shop_domain, access_token: shop_token) do |session|
# make invocations to the API
Within a subclass of `AuthenticatedController`, the `current_shopify_session` function will return the current active
Shopify API session, or `nil` if no such session is available.
#### Setting up `ShopifyAPI::Context`
The `shopify_app` initializer must configure the `ShopifyAPI::Context`. The Rails generator will
generate a block in the `shopify_app` initializer. To do so manually, ensure the following is
part of the `after_initialize` block in `shopify_app.rb`.
Rails.application.config.after_initialize do
if ShopifyApp.configuration.api_key.present? && ShopifyApp.configuration.secret.present?
api_key: ShopifyApp.configuration.api_key,
api_secret_key: ShopifyApp.configuration.secret,
old_api_secret_key: ShopifyApp.configuration.old_secret,
api_version: ShopifyApp.configuration.api_version,
host_name: URI(ENV.fetch('HOST', '')).host || '',
scope: ShopifyApp.configuration.scope,
is_private: !ENV.fetch('SHOPIFY_APP_PRIVATE_SHOP', '').empty?,
is_embedded: ShopifyApp.configuration.embedded_app,
session_storage: ShopifyApp::SessionRepository,
logger: Rails.logger,
private_shop: ENV.fetch('SHOPIFY_APP_PRIVATE_SHOP', nil),
user_agent_prefix: "ShopifyApp/#{ShopifyApp::VERSION}"
## Upgrading to `v18.1.2`
Version 18.1.2 replaces the deprecated EASDK redirect with an App Bridge 2 redirect when attempting to break out of an iframe. This happens when an app is installed, requires new access scopes, or re-authentication because the login session is expired.
## Upgrading to `v17.2.0`
### Different SameSite cookie attribute behaviour
To support Rails `v6.1`, the [`SameSiteCookieMiddleware`](/lib/shopify_app/middleware/same_site_cookie_middleware.rb) was updated to configure cookies to `SameSite=None` if the app is embedded. Before this release, cookies were configured to `SameSite=None` only if this attribute had not previously been set before.
# same_site_cookie_middleware.rb
- cookie << '; SameSite=None' unless cookie =~ /;\s*samesite=/i
+ cookie << '; SameSite=None' if ShopifyApp.configuration.embedded_app?
By default, Rails `v6.1` configures `SameSite=Lax` on all cookies that don't specify this attribute.
## Upgrading to `v13.0.0`
Version 13.0.0 adds the ability to use both user and shop sessions, concurrently. This however involved a large
change to how session stores work. Here are the steps to migrate to 13.x
### Changes to `config/initializers/shopify_app.rb`
- _REMOVE_ `config.per_user_tokens = [true|false]` this is no longer needed
- _CHANGE_ `config.session_repository = 'Shop'` To `config.shop_session_repository = 'Shop'`
- _ADD (optional)_ User Session Storage `config.user_session_repository = 'User'`
### Shop Model Changes (normally `app/models/shop.rb`)
- _CHANGE_ `include ShopifyApp::SessionStorage` to `include ShopifyApp::ShopSessionStorage`
### Changes to the @shop_session instance variable (normally in `app/controllers/*.rb`)
- _CHANGE_ if you are using shop sessions, `@shop_session` will need to be changed to `@current_shopify_session`.
### Changes to Rails `session`
- _CHANGE_ `session[:shopify]` is no longer set. Use `session[:user_id]` if your app uses user based tokens, or `session[:shop_id]` if your app uses shop based tokens.
### Changes to `ShopifyApp::LoginProtection`
- CHANGE if you are using `ShopifyApp::LoginProtection#shopify_session` in your code, it will need to be
changed to `ShopifyApp::LoginProtection#activate_shopify_session`
- CHANGE if you are using `ShopifyApp::LoginProtection#clear_shop_session` in your code, it will need to be
changed to `ShopifyApp::LoginProtection#clear_shopify_session`
### Notes
You do not need a user model; a shop session is fine for most applications.
## Upgrading to `v11.7.0`
### Session storage method signature breaking change
If you override `def self.store(auth_session)` method in your session storage model (e.g. Shop), the method signature has changed to `def self.store(auth_session, *args)` in order to support user-based token storage. Please update your method signature to include the second argument.
## Upgrading from `v8.6` to `v9.0.0`
### Configuration change
Add an API version configuration in `config/initializers/shopify_app.rb`
Set this to the version you want to run against by default. See [Shopify API docs](https://help.shopify.com/api/versioning) for versions available.
config.api_version = '2019-04'
### Session storage change
You will need to add an `api_version` method to your session storage object. The default implementation for this is.
def api_version
### Generated file change
`embedded_app.html.erb` the usage of `shop_session.url` needs to be changed to `shop_session.domain`
is changed to
### ShopifyAPI changes
You will need to also follow the ShopifyAPI [upgrade guide](https://github.com/Shopify/shopify_api/blob/master/README.md#-breaking-change-notice-for-version-700-) to ensure your app is ready to work with API versioning.
[dashboard]: https://partners.shopify.com
[app-bridge]: https://shopify.dev/apps/tools/app-bridge