define("dojox/geo/openlayers/GreatCircle", [ "dojo/_base/lang", "./_base", "./GeometryFeature" ], function(lang, openlayers, GeometryFeature){ var gc = openlayers.GreatCircle = { toPointArray: function(p1, p2, increment){ // summary: // Create a geodetic line as an array of OpenLayers.Point. // description: // Create a geodetic line as an array of OpenLayers.Point between the point p1 // and the point p2. Result is a polyline approximation for which a new point is // calculated every increment degrees. // p1: Point // The first point of the geodetic line. x and y fields are longitude and // latitude in decimal degrees. // p2: Point // The second point of the geodetic line. x and y fields are longitude and // latitude in decimal degrees. // increment: Float // The value at which a new point is computed. var startLon = p1.x; var endLon = p2.x; var sl = Math.min(startLon, endLon); var el = Math.max(startLon, endLon); var d2r = this.DEG2RAD; var lat1 = p1.y * d2r; var lon1 = p1.x * d2r; var lat2 = p2.y * d2r; var lon2 = p2.x * d2r; if(Math.abs(lon1 - lon2) <= this.TOLERANCE){ var l = Math.min(lon1, lon2); lon2 = l + Math.PI; } if(Math.abs(lon2 - lon1) == Math.PI){ if(lat1 + lat2 == 0.0){ lat2 += Math.PI / 180000000; } } var lon = sl * d2r; var elon = el * d2r; var incr = increment * d2r; var wp = []; var k = 0; var r2d = this.RAD2DEG; while(lon <= elon){ lat = Math.atan((Math.sin(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.sin(lon - lon2) - Math.sin(lat2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.sin(lon - lon1)) / (Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.sin(lon1 - lon2))); var p = { x: lon * r2d, y: lat * r2d }; wp[k++] = p; if(lon < elon && (lon + incr) >= elon){ lon = elon; }else{ lon = lon + incr; } } return wp; }, toLineString: function(p1, p2, increment){ // summary: // Create a geodetic line as an array of OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString. // description: // Create a geodetic line as a OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString between the point p1 // and the point p2. Result is a polyline approximation for which a new point is // calculated every increment degrees. // p1: Point // The first point of the geodetic line. x and y fields are longitude and // latitude in decimal degrees. // p2: Point // The second point of the geodetic line. x and y fields are longitude and // latitude in decimal degrees. // increment: Float // The value at which a new point is computed. var wp = this.toPointArray(p1, p2, increment); var ls = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(wp); return ls; }, toGeometryFeature: function(p1, p2, increment){ // summary: // Create a geodetic line as an array of dojox.geo.openlayers.GeometryFeature. // description: // Create a geodetic line as a dojox.geo.openlayers.GeometryFeature between the point p1 // ant the point p2. Result is a polyline approximation for which a new point is // calculated every increment degrees. // p1: Point // The first point of the geodetic line. x and y fields are longitude and // latitude in decimal degrees. // p2: Point // The second point of the geodetic line. x and y fields are longitude and // latitude in decimal degrees. // increment: Float // The value at which a new point is computed. // returns: // The geodetic line as a GeometryFeature var ls = this.toLineString(p1, p2, increment); return new GeometryFeature(ls); // GeometryFeature }, DEG2RAD: Math.PI / 180, RAD2DEG: 180 / Math.PI, TOLERANCE: 0.00001 }; return gc; });