# Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/ # Copyright (c) 2010, Eucalyptus Systems, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2012 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. """ Represents an EC2 Instance """ import boto from boto.ec2.ec2object import EC2Object, TaggedEC2Object from boto.resultset import ResultSet from boto.ec2.address import Address from boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping import BlockDeviceMapping from boto.ec2.image import ProductCodes from boto.ec2.networkinterface import NetworkInterface from boto.ec2.group import Group import base64 class InstanceState(object): """ The state of the instance. :ivar code: The low byte represents the state. The high byte is an opaque internal value and should be ignored. Valid values: * 0 (pending) * 16 (running) * 32 (shutting-down) * 48 (terminated) * 64 (stopping) * 80 (stopped) :ivar name: The name of the state of the instance. Valid values: * "pending" * "running" * "shutting-down" * "terminated" * "stopping" * "stopped" """ def __init__(self, code=0, name=None): self.code = code self.name = name def __repr__(self): return '%s(%d)' % (self.name, self.code) def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): pass def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'code': self.code = int(value) elif name == 'name': self.name = value else: setattr(self, name, value) class InstancePlacement(object): """ The location where the instance launched. :ivar zone: The Availability Zone of the instance. :ivar group_name: The name of the placement group the instance is in (for cluster compute instances). :ivar tenancy: The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running within a VPC). An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware. """ def __init__(self, zone=None, group_name=None, tenancy=None): self.zone = zone self.group_name = group_name self.tenancy = tenancy def __repr__(self): return self.zone def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): pass def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'availabilityZone': self.zone = value elif name == 'groupName': self.group_name = value elif name == 'tenancy': self.tenancy = value else: setattr(self, name, value) class Reservation(EC2Object): """ Represents a Reservation response object. :ivar id: The unique ID of the Reservation. :ivar owner_id: The unique ID of the owner of the Reservation. :ivar groups: A list of Group objects representing the security groups associated with launched instances. :ivar instances: A list of Instance objects launched in this Reservation. """ def __init__(self, connection=None): EC2Object.__init__(self, connection) self.id = None self.owner_id = None self.groups = [] self.instances = [] def __repr__(self): return 'Reservation:%s' % self.id def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): if name == 'instancesSet': self.instances = ResultSet([('item', Instance)]) return self.instances elif name == 'groupSet': self.groups = ResultSet([('item', Group)]) return self.groups else: return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'reservationId': self.id = value elif name == 'ownerId': self.owner_id = value else: setattr(self, name, value) def stop_all(self): for instance in self.instances: instance.stop() class Instance(TaggedEC2Object): """ Represents an instance. :ivar id: The unique ID of the Instance. :ivar groups: A list of Group objects representing the security groups associated with the instance. :ivar public_dns_name: The public dns name of the instance. :ivar private_dns_name: The private dns name of the instance. :ivar state: The string representation of the instance's current state. :ivar state_code: An integer representation of the instance's current state. :ivar previous_state: The string representation of the instance's previous state. :ivar previous_state_code: An integer representation of the instance's current state. :ivar key_name: The name of the SSH key associated with the instance. :ivar instance_type: The type of instance (e.g. m1.small). :ivar launch_time: The time the instance was launched. :ivar image_id: The ID of the AMI used to launch this instance. :ivar placement: The availability zone in which the instance is running. :ivar placement_group: The name of the placement group the instance is in (for cluster compute instances). :ivar placement_tenancy: The tenancy of the instance, if the instance is running within a VPC. An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on a single-tenant hardware. :ivar kernel: The kernel associated with the instance. :ivar ramdisk: The ramdisk associated with the instance. :ivar architecture: The architecture of the image (i386|x86_64). :ivar hypervisor: The hypervisor used. :ivar virtualization_type: The type of virtualization used. :ivar product_codes: A list of product codes associated with this instance. :ivar ami_launch_index: This instances position within it's launch group. :ivar monitored: A boolean indicating whether monitoring is enabled or not. :ivar spot_instance_request_id: The ID of the spot instance request if this is a spot instance. :ivar subnet_id: The VPC Subnet ID, if running in VPC. :ivar vpc_id: The VPC ID, if running in VPC. :ivar private_ip_address: The private IP address of the instance. :ivar ip_address: The public IP address of the instance. :ivar platform: Platform of the instance (e.g. Windows) :ivar root_device_name: The name of the root device. :ivar root_device_type: The root device type (ebs|instance-store). :ivar block_device_mapping: The Block Device Mapping for the instance. :ivar state_reason: The reason for the most recent state transition. :ivar groups: List of security Groups associated with the instance. :ivar interfaces: List of Elastic Network Interfaces associated with this instance. :ivar ebs_optimized: Whether instance is using optimized EBS volumes or not. :ivar instance_profile: A Python dict containing the instance profile id and arn associated with this instance. """ def __init__(self, connection=None): TaggedEC2Object.__init__(self, connection) self.id = None self.dns_name = None self.public_dns_name = None self.private_dns_name = None self.key_name = None self.instance_type = None self.launch_time = None self.image_id = None self.kernel = None self.ramdisk = None self.product_codes = ProductCodes() self.ami_launch_index = None self.monitored = False self.spot_instance_request_id = None self.subnet_id = None self.vpc_id = None self.private_ip_address = None self.ip_address = None self.requester_id = None self._in_monitoring_element = False self.persistent = False self.root_device_name = None self.root_device_type = None self.block_device_mapping = None self.state_reason = None self.group_name = None self.client_token = None self.eventsSet = None self.groups = [] self.platform = None self.interfaces = [] self.hypervisor = None self.virtualization_type = None self.architecture = None self.instance_profile = None self._previous_state = None self._state = InstanceState() self._placement = InstancePlacement() def __repr__(self): return 'Instance:%s' % self.id @property def state(self): return self._state.name @property def state_code(self): return self._state.code @property def previous_state(self): if self._previous_state: return self._previous_state.name return None @property def previous_state_code(self): if self._previous_state: return self._previous_state.code return 0 @property def placement(self): return self._placement.zone @property def placement_group(self): return self._placement.group_name @property def placement_tenancy(self): return self._placement.tenancy def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): retval = TaggedEC2Object.startElement(self, name, attrs, connection) if retval is not None: return retval if name == 'monitoring': self._in_monitoring_element = True elif name == 'blockDeviceMapping': self.block_device_mapping = BlockDeviceMapping() return self.block_device_mapping elif name == 'productCodes': return self.product_codes elif name == 'stateReason': self.state_reason = SubParse('stateReason') return self.state_reason elif name == 'groupSet': self.groups = ResultSet([('item', Group)]) return self.groups elif name == "eventsSet": self.eventsSet = SubParse('eventsSet') return self.eventsSet elif name == 'networkInterfaceSet': self.interfaces = ResultSet([('item', NetworkInterface)]) return self.interfaces elif name == 'iamInstanceProfile': self.instance_profile = SubParse('iamInstanceProfile') return self.instance_profile elif name == 'currentState': return self._state elif name == 'previousState': self._previous_state = InstanceState() return self._previous_state elif name == 'instanceState': return self._state elif name == 'placement': return self._placement return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'instanceId': self.id = value elif name == 'imageId': self.image_id = value elif name == 'dnsName' or name == 'publicDnsName': self.dns_name = value # backwards compatibility self.public_dns_name = value elif name == 'privateDnsName': self.private_dns_name = value elif name == 'keyName': self.key_name = value elif name == 'amiLaunchIndex': self.ami_launch_index = value elif name == 'previousState': self.previous_state = value elif name == 'name': self.state = value elif name == 'code': try: self.state_code = int(value) except ValueError: boto.log.warning('Error converting code (%s) to int' % value) self.state_code = value elif name == 'instanceType': self.instance_type = value elif name == 'rootDeviceName': self.root_device_name = value elif name == 'rootDeviceType': self.root_device_type = value elif name == 'launchTime': self.launch_time = value elif name == 'platform': self.platform = value elif name == 'kernelId': self.kernel = value elif name == 'ramdiskId': self.ramdisk = value elif name == 'state': if self._in_monitoring_element: if value == 'enabled': self.monitored = True self._in_monitoring_element = False elif name == 'spotInstanceRequestId': self.spot_instance_request_id = value elif name == 'subnetId': self.subnet_id = value elif name == 'vpcId': self.vpc_id = value elif name == 'privateIpAddress': self.private_ip_address = value elif name == 'ipAddress': self.ip_address = value elif name == 'requesterId': self.requester_id = value elif name == 'persistent': if value == 'true': self.persistent = True else: self.persistent = False elif name == 'groupName': if self._in_monitoring_element: self.group_name = value elif name == 'clientToken': self.client_token = value elif name == "eventsSet": self.events = value elif name == 'hypervisor': self.hypervisor = value elif name == 'virtualizationType': self.virtualization_type = value elif name == 'architecture': self.architecture = value elif name == 'ebsOptimized': self.ebs_optimized = (value == 'true') else: setattr(self, name, value) def _update(self, updated): self.__dict__.update(updated.__dict__) def update(self, validate=False): """ Update the instance's state information by making a call to fetch the current instance attributes from the service. :type validate: bool :param validate: By default, if EC2 returns no data about the instance the update method returns quietly. If the validate param is True, however, it will raise a ValueError exception if no data is returned from EC2. """ rs = self.connection.get_all_instances([self.id]) if len(rs) > 0: r = rs[0] for i in r.instances: if i.id == self.id: self._update(i) elif validate: raise ValueError('%s is not a valid Instance ID' % self.id) return self.state def terminate(self): """ Terminate the instance """ rs = self.connection.terminate_instances([self.id]) if len(rs) > 0: self._update(rs[0]) def stop(self, force=False): """ Stop the instance :type force: bool :param force: Forces the instance to stop :rtype: list :return: A list of the instances stopped """ rs = self.connection.stop_instances([self.id], force) if len(rs) > 0: self._update(rs[0]) def start(self): """ Start the instance. """ rs = self.connection.start_instances([self.id]) if len(rs) > 0: self._update(rs[0]) def reboot(self): return self.connection.reboot_instances([self.id]) def get_console_output(self): """ Retrieves the console output for the instance. :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.instance.ConsoleOutput` :return: The console output as a ConsoleOutput object """ return self.connection.get_console_output(self.id) def confirm_product(self, product_code): return self.connection.confirm_product_instance(self.id, product_code) def use_ip(self, ip_address): """ Associates an Elastic IP to the instance. :type ip_address: Either an instance of :class:`boto.ec2.address.Address` or a string. :param ip_address: The IP address to associate with the instance. :rtype: bool :return: True if successful """ if isinstance(ip_address, Address): ip_address = ip_address.public_ip return self.connection.associate_address(self.id, ip_address) def monitor(self): return self.connection.monitor_instance(self.id) def unmonitor(self): return self.connection.unmonitor_instance(self.id) def get_attribute(self, attribute): """ Gets an attribute from this instance. :type attribute: string :param attribute: The attribute you need information about Valid choices are: * instanceType * kernel * ramdisk * userData * disableApiTermination * instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior * rootDeviceName * blockDeviceMapping * productCodes * sourceDestCheck * groupSet * ebsOptimized :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.image.InstanceAttribute` :return: An InstanceAttribute object representing the value of the attribute requested """ return self.connection.get_instance_attribute(self.id, attribute) def modify_attribute(self, attribute, value): """ Changes an attribute of this instance :type attribute: string :param attribute: The attribute you wish to change. * instanceType - A valid instance type (m1.small) * kernel - Kernel ID (None) * ramdisk - Ramdisk ID (None) * userData - Base64 encoded String (None) * disableApiTermination - Boolean (true) * instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior - stop|terminate * sourceDestCheck - Boolean (true) * groupSet - Set of Security Groups or IDs * ebsOptimized - Boolean (false) :type value: string :param value: The new value for the attribute :rtype: bool :return: Whether the operation succeeded or not """ return self.connection.modify_instance_attribute(self.id, attribute, value) def reset_attribute(self, attribute): """ Resets an attribute of this instance to its default value. :type attribute: string :param attribute: The attribute to reset. Valid values are: kernel|ramdisk :rtype: bool :return: Whether the operation succeeded or not """ return self.connection.reset_instance_attribute(self.id, attribute) def create_image( self, name, description=None, no_reboot=False ): """ Will create an AMI from the instance in the running or stopped state. :type name: string :param name: The name of the new image :type description: string :param description: An optional human-readable string describing the contents and purpose of the AMI. :type no_reboot: bool :param no_reboot: An optional flag indicating that the bundling process should not attempt to shutdown the instance before bundling. If this flag is True, the responsibility of maintaining file system integrity is left to the owner of the instance. :rtype: string :return: The new image id """ return self.connection.create_image(self.id, name, description, no_reboot) class ConsoleOutput: def __init__(self, parent=None): self.parent = parent self.instance_id = None self.timestamp = None self.output = None def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'instanceId': self.instance_id = value elif name == 'timestamp': self.timestamp = value elif name == 'output': self.output = base64.b64decode(value) else: setattr(self, name, value) class InstanceAttribute(dict): ValidValues = ['instanceType', 'kernel', 'ramdisk', 'userData', 'disableApiTermination', 'instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior', 'rootDeviceName', 'blockDeviceMapping', 'sourceDestCheck', 'groupSet'] def __init__(self, parent=None): dict.__init__(self) self.instance_id = None self.request_id = None self._current_value = None def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): if name == 'blockDeviceMapping': self[name] = BlockDeviceMapping() return self[name] elif name == 'groupSet': self[name] = ResultSet([('item', Group)]) return self[name] else: return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'instanceId': self.instance_id = value elif name == 'requestId': self.request_id = value elif name == 'value': if value == 'true': value = True elif value == 'false': value = False self._current_value = value elif name in self.ValidValues: self[name] = self._current_value class SubParse(dict): def __init__(self, section, parent=None): dict.__init__(self) self.section = section def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name != self.section: self[name] = value