require 'ebsco/eds/record' require 'ebsco/eds/facet_titleize' require 'yaml' require 'cgi' require 'date' module EBSCO module EDS # Search Results class Results # Raw results as Hash attr_accessor :results # Array of EBSCO::EDS::Record results attr_accessor :records # Array of EBSCO::EDS::Record Research Starters attr_reader :research_starters # Array of EBSCO::EDS::Record Exact Publication Matches attr_reader :publication_match attr_accessor :stat_total_hits attr_reader :raw_options attr_accessor :temp_format_facet_results attr_accessor :temp_content_provider_facet_results # Creates search results from the \EDS API search response. It includes information about the results and a list # of Record items. def initialize(search_results, eds_config = {}, additional_limiters = {}, options = {}) @results = search_results if @results.is_a?(Hash) @limiters = additional_limiters @raw_options = options # titleize facets? (ENV.has_key? 'EDS_TITLEIZE_FACETS') ? if %w(y Y yes Yes true True).include?(ENV['EDS_TITLEIZE_FACETS']) @titleize_facets_on = true else @titleize_facets_on = false end : @titleize_facets_on = eds_config[:titleize_facets] # convert all results to a list of records @records = [] if @results['SearchResult']['Data']['Records'] @results['SearchResult']['Data']['Records'].each { |record| @records.push(, eds_config)) # # records hidden in guest mode # if record['Header']['AccessLevel'] # if record['Header']['AccessLevel'].to_i > 1 # @records.push( # else # @records.push( # end # else # @records.push( # end } end # create a special list of research starter records @research_starters = [] _related_records = @results.fetch('SearchResult',{}).fetch('RelatedContent',{}).fetch('RelatedRecords',{}) if _related_records.count > 0 _related_records.each do |related_item| if related_item['Type'] == 'rs' rs_entries = related_item.fetch('Records',{}) if rs_entries.count > 0 rs_entries.each do |rs_record| @research_starters.push(, eds_config)) end end end end end # create a special list of exact match publications @publication_match = [] _related_publications = @results.fetch('SearchResult',{}).fetch('RelatedContent',{}).fetch('RelatedPublications',{}) if _related_publications.count > 0 _related_publications.each do |related_item| if related_item['Type'] == 'emp' _publication_matches = related_item.fetch('PublicationRecords',{}) if _publication_matches.count > 0 _publication_matches.each do |publication_record| @publication_match.push(, eds_config)) end end end end end # titleize facets @titleize_facets = %w[Language Journal SubjectEDS SubjectGeographic Publisher] else # response isn't a hash (eg, html error page) raise EBSCO::EDS::ApiError, 'EBSCO API error: Query failed.' end end # returns solr search response format def to_solr solr_start = 0 hl_hash = {} solr_docs = [] research_starters = [] publication_matches = [] if @records.any? @records.each { |record| # todo: add solr hl.tag.pre and to retrieval criteria if retrieval_criteria && retrieval_criteria.fetch('Highlight',{}) == 'y' hl_title = record.eds_title.gsub('<highlight>', '<em>').gsub('</highlight>', '</em>') hl_hash.update({ record.eds_database_id + '__' + record.eds_accession_number => { 'title_display' => [hl_title]} }) #hl_hash.merge title_hl end solr_docs.push(record.to_attr_hash) } solr_start = solr_docs[0]['eds_result_id']-1 end if @research_starters.any? @research_starters.each { |record| research_starters.push(record.to_attr_hash) } end if publication_match.any? publication_match.each { |record| publication_matches.push(record.to_attr_hash) } end status = 0 wt = 'ruby' qtime = stat_total_time qterms = search_terms.join(' ') rows = results_per_page num_found = stat_total_hits.to_i eds_search_limiters_facet = solr_search_limiters eds_publication_type_facet = solr_facets('SourceType') eds_language_facet = solr_facets('Language') eds_subject_topic_facet = solr_facets('SubjectEDS') eds_publisher_facet = solr_facets('Publisher') eds_journal_facet = solr_facets('Journal') eds_subjects_geographic_facet = solr_facets('SubjectGeographic') eds_category_facet = solr_facets('Category') eds_content_provider_facet = solr_facets('ContentProvider') eds_library_location_facet = solr_facets('LocationLibrary') eds_library_collection_facet = solr_facets('CollectionLibrary') eds_author_university_facet = solr_facets('AuthorUniversity') eds_publication_year_range_facet = solr_pub_date_facets eds_publication_year_facet = solr_facets('PublicationYear') eds_pub_year_tisim = solr_facets('PublicationYear') facet = true # solr response solr_response = { 'responseHeader' => { 'status' => status, 'QTime' => qtime, 'params' => { 'q' => qterms, 'wt' => wt, 'start' => solr_start, 'rows' => rows, 'facet' => facet } }, 'response' => { 'numFound' => num_found, 'start' => solr_start, 'docs' => solr_docs }, 'date_range' => date_range, 'research_starters' => research_starters, 'publication_matches' => publication_matches, 'highlighting' => hl_hash, 'facet_counts' => { 'facet_fields' => { 'eds_search_limiters_facet' => eds_search_limiters_facet, 'eds_publication_type_facet' => eds_publication_type_facet, 'eds_language_facet' => eds_language_facet, 'eds_subject_topic_facet' => eds_subject_topic_facet, 'eds_publication_year_facet' => eds_publication_year_facet, 'eds_publication_year_range_facet' => eds_publication_year_range_facet, 'eds_publisher_facet' => eds_publisher_facet, 'eds_journal_facet' => eds_journal_facet, 'eds_subjects_geographic_facet' => eds_subjects_geographic_facet, 'eds_category_facet' => eds_category_facet, 'eds_content_provider_facet' => eds_content_provider_facet, 'eds_library_location_facet' => eds_library_location_facet, 'eds_library_collection_facet' => eds_library_collection_facet, 'eds_author_university_facet' => eds_author_university_facet, 'pub_year_tisim' => eds_pub_year_tisim } } } solr_response.update(solr_spellcheck) if solr_spellcheck solr_response end # # Example: # # "spellcheck":{ # "suggestions":[ # "blesing",{ # "numFound":1, # "startOffset":0, # "endOffset":7, # "origFreq":0, # "suggestion":[{ # "word":"blessings", # "freq":1}]}], # "correctlySpelled":false}} def solr_spellcheck suggestions = [] unless did_you_mean.nil? suggestions = [ search_terms.first.to_s, { 'numFound' => 1, 'startOffset' => 0, 'endOffset' => 7, 'origFreq' => 0, 'suggestion' => [{ 'word' => did_you_mean.to_s, 'freq' => 1 }] } ] end corrections = [] unless auto_corrections.nil? corrections = [ search_terms.first.to_s, { 'numFound' => 1, 'startOffset' => 0, 'endOffset' => 7, 'origFreq' => 0, 'correction' => [{ 'word' => auto_corrections.to_s, 'freq' => 1 }] } ] end unless did_you_mean.nil? && auto_corrections.nil? { 'spellcheck' => { 'suggestions' => suggestions, 'corrections' => corrections, 'correctlySpelled' => false } } end end # Publication date facets: # - This year # - Last 3 years # - Last 10 years # - Last 50 years # - More than 50 years ago def solr_pub_date_facets pub_date_facets = [] if stat_total_hits.to_i > 0 pub_date_facets.push('This year').push('') pub_date_facets.push('Last 3 years').push('') pub_date_facets.push('Last 10 years').push('') pub_date_facets.push('Last 50 years').push('') pub_date_facets.push('More than 50 years ago').push('') end pub_date_facets end # Translate limiters found in calls to Info endpoint into solr facet fields if they are turned on def solr_search_limiters search_limiters = [] if stat_total_hits.to_i > 0 if @limiters.any? _ft_limiter = @limiters.find{|item| item['Id'] == 'FT'} unless _ft_limiter.nil? search_limiters.push(_ft_limiter['Label']).push('') end _rv_limiter = @limiters.find{|item| item['Id'] == 'RV'} unless _rv_limiter.nil? search_limiters.push(_rv_limiter['Label']).push('') end _ft1_limiter = @limiters.find{|item| item['Id'] == 'FT1'} unless _ft1_limiter.nil? search_limiters.push(_ft1_limiter['Label']).push('') end _fr_limiter = @limiters.find{|item| item['Id'] == 'FR'} unless _fr_limiter.nil? search_limiters.push(_fr_limiter['Label']).push('') end end end search_limiters end # Total number of results found. def stat_total_hits _hits = @results.fetch('SearchResult',{}).fetch('Statistics',{}).fetch('TotalHits',{}) _hits == {} ? 0 : _hits end # Time it took to complete the search in milliseconds. def stat_total_time @results['SearchResult']['Statistics']['TotalSearchTime'] end # Search criteria used in the search # Returns a hash. # ==== Example # { # "Queries"=>[{"BooleanOperator"=>"AND", "Term"=>"earthquakes"}], # "SearchMode"=>"all", # "IncludeFacets"=>"y", # "Expanders"=>["fulltext", "thesaurus", "relatedsubjects"], # "Sort"=>"relevance", # "RelatedContent"=>["rs"], # "AutoSuggest"=>"n", # "AutoCorrect"=>"n" # } def search_criteria if @results['SearchRequestGet'] && @results['SearchRequestGet']['QueryString'] params = CGI::parse(@results['SearchRequestGet']['QueryString']) sc = {} sc['SearchMode'] = params['searchmode'].nil? ? 'all' : params['searchmode'][0].to_s sc['IncludeFacets'] = params['includefacets'].nil? ? 'y' : params['includefacets'][0].to_s sc['Sort'] = params['sort'].nil? ? 'relevance' : params['sort'][0].to_s sc['AutoSuggest'] = params['autosuggest'].nil? ? 'n' : params['autosuggest'][0].to_s sc['AutoCorrect'] = params['autocorrect'].nil? ? 'n' : params['autocorrect'][0].to_s sc['Expanders'] = params['expander'].nil? ? [] : params['expander'][0].to_s.split(',') sc['RelatedContent'] = params['relatedcontent'].nil? ? [] : params['relatedcontent'][0].to_s.split(',') query1 = params['query-1'][0].to_s.split(',') sc['Queries'] = [{'BooleanOperator'=>query1[0], 'Term'=>query1[1]}] sc else @results['SearchRequest']['SearchCriteria'] end end # Search criteria actions applied. # Returns a hash. # ==== Example # { # "QueriesWithAction"=>[{"Query"=>{"BooleanOperator"=>"AND", "Term"=>"earthquakes"}, "RemoveAction"=>"removequery(1)"}], # "ExpandersWithAction"=>[{"Id"=>"fulltext", "RemoveAction"=>"removeexpander(fulltext)"}] # } def search_criteria_with_actions @results['SearchRequest']['SearchCriteriaWithActions'] end # Retrieval criteria that was applied to the search. Returns a hash. # ==== Example # {"View"=>"brief", "ResultsPerPage"=>20, "PageNumber"=>1, "Highlight"=>"y"} def retrieval_criteria # GET METHOD: requires the hash to be built from scratch rc = {} if @results['SearchRequestGet'] if @results['SearchRequestGet']['QueryString'] params = CGI::parse(@results['SearchRequestGet']['QueryString']) rc['PageNumber'] = params['pagenumber'].nil? ? 1 : params['pagenumber'][0].to_i rc['ResultsPerPage'] = params['resultsperpage'].nil? ? 20 : params['resultsperpage'][0].to_i rc['Highlight'] = params['highlight'].nil? ? 'n' : params['highlight'][0].to_s rc['View'] = params['view'].nil? ? 'brief' : params['view'][0].to_s end else if @results['SearchRequest'] if @results['SearchRequest']['RetrievalCriteria'] rc = @results['SearchRequest']['RetrievalCriteria'] end end end rc end # Queries used to produce the results. Returns an array of query hashes. # ==== Example # [{"BooleanOperator"=>"AND", "Term"=>"volcano"}] def search_queries search_criteria['Queries'] end # Current page number for the results. Returns an integer. def page_number retrieval_criteria['PageNumber'] end # Results per page. Returns an integer. def results_per_page retrieval_criteria['ResultsPerPage'] || 20 end # List of facets applied to the search. # ==== Example # [{ # "FacetValue"=>{"Id"=>"SubjectGeographic", "Value"=>"massachusetts"}, # "RemoveAction"=>"removefacetfiltervalue(1,SubjectGeographic:massachusetts)" # }] def applied_facets af = [] applied_facets_section = @results['SearchRequest'].fetch('SearchCriteriaWithActions',{}).fetch('FacetFiltersWithAction',{}) applied_facets_section.each do |applied_facets| applied_facets.fetch('FacetValuesWithAction',{}).each do |applied_facet| af.push(applied_facet) end end af end # List of limiters applied to the search. # ==== Example # [{ # "Id"=>"LA99", # "LimiterValuesWithAction"=>[{"Value"=>"French", "RemoveAction"=>"removelimitervalue(LA99:French)"}], # "RemoveAction"=>"removelimiter(LA99)" # }] def applied_limiters af = [] applied_limters_section = @results['SearchRequest'].fetch('SearchCriteriaWithActions',{}).fetch('LimitersWithAction',{}) applied_limters_section.each do |applied_limter| af.push(applied_limter) end af end # Expanders applied to the search. # ==== Example # [ # {"Id"=>"fulltext", "RemoveAction"=>"removeexpander(fulltext)"}, # {"Id"=>"thesaurus", "RemoveAction"=>"removeexpander(thesaurus)"}, # {"Id"=>"relatedsubjects", "RemoveAction"=>"removeexpander(relatedsubjects)"} # ] def applied_expanders af = [] applied_expanders_section = @results['SearchRequest'].fetch('SearchCriteriaWithActions',{}).fetch('ExpandersWithAction',{}) applied_expanders_section.each do |applied_explander| af.push(applied_explander) end af end # Publications search was limited to. # ==== Example # [ # ["Id", "eric"], # ["RemoveAction", "removepublication(eric)"] # ] def applied_publications retval = [] applied_publications_section = @results['SearchRequest'].fetch('SearchCriteriaWithActions',{}).fetch('PublicationWithAction',{}) applied_publications_section.each do |item| retval.push(item) end retval end # Provides a list of databases searched and the number of hits found in each one. # ==== Example # [ # {:id=>"nlebk", :hits=>0, :label=>"eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)"}, # {:id=>"e000xna", :hits=>30833, :label=>"eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)"}, # {:id=>"edsart", :hits=>8246, :label=>"ARTstor Digital Library"}, # {:id=>"e700xna", :hits=>6701, :label=>"eBook Public Library Collection (EBSCOhost)"}, # {:id=>"cat02060a", :hits=>3464, :label=>"EDS Demo Catalog – US - U of Georgia"}, # {:id=>"ers", :hits=>1329, :label=>"Research Starters"}, # {:id=>"asn", :hits=>136406, :label=>"Academic Search Ultimate"} # ] def database_stats databases = [] databases_facet = @results['SearchResult']['Statistics']['Databases'] databases_facet.each do |database| db_label = database['Label'] databases.push({id: database['Id'], hits: database['Hits'], label: db_label}) end databases end # Provides a list of facets for the search results. # ==== Example # [ # { # :id=>"SourceType", # :label=>"Source Type", # :values=>[ # { # :value=>"Academic Journals", # :hitcount=>147, # :action=>"addfacetfilter(SourceType:Academic Journals)" # }, # { # :value=>"News", # :hitcount=>111, # :action=>"addfacetfilter(SourceType:News)" # }, # # ... # # } # ] def facets (facet_provided_id = 'all') facets_hash = [] if temp_format_facet_results.nil? available_facets = @results.fetch('SearchResult',{}).fetch('AvailableFacets',{}) else available_facets = temp_format_facet_results.results.fetch('SearchResult',{}).fetch('AvailableFacets',{}) end available_facets.each do |available_facet| if available_facet['Id'] == facet_provided_id || facet_provided_id == 'all' facet_label = available_facet['Label'] facet_id = available_facet['Id'] facet_values = [] available_facet['AvailableFacetValues'].each do |available_facet_value| facet_value = available_facet_value['Value'] if @titleize_facets_on and @titleize_facets.include?(facet_id) title = facet_value = title.titleize(facet_value) end facet_count = available_facet_value['Count'] facet_action = available_facet_value['AddAction'] facet_values.push({value: facet_value, hitcount: facet_count, action: facet_action}) end facets_hash.push(id: facet_id, label: facet_label, values: facet_values) end end facets_hash end def solr_facets (facet_provided_id = 'all') facet_values = [] available_facets = @results.fetch('SearchResult',{}).fetch('AvailableFacets',{}) if facet_provided_id == 'SourceType' && !temp_format_facet_results.nil? available_facets = temp_format_facet_results.results.fetch('SearchResult',{}).fetch('AvailableFacets',{}) end if facet_provided_id == 'ContentProvider' && !temp_content_provider_facet_results.nil? available_facets = temp_content_provider_facet_results.results.fetch('SearchResult',{}).fetch('AvailableFacets',{}) end available_facets.each do |available_facet| if available_facet['Id'] == facet_provided_id || facet_provided_id == 'all' available_facet['AvailableFacetValues'].each do |available_facet_value| facet_value = available_facet_value['Value'] if @titleize_facets_on and @titleize_facets.include?(facet_provided_id) title = facet_value = title.titleize(facet_value) end facet_count = available_facet_value['Count'] facet_values.push(facet_value, facet_count) end end end facet_values end # Returns a hash of the date range available for the search. # ==== Example # {:mindate=>"1501-01", :maxdate=>"2018-04", :minyear=>"1501", :maxyear=>"2018"} def date_range mindate = @results['SearchResult']['AvailableCriteria']['DateRange']['MinDate'] maxdate = @results['SearchResult']['AvailableCriteria']['DateRange']['MaxDate'] minyear = mindate[0..3] maxyear = maxdate[0..3] # cap maxdate/maxyear to current year + 1 (to filter any erroneous database metadata) current_year = if maxyear.to_i > current_year maxyear = current_year + 1 maxdate = (current_year + 1).to_s + '-01' end {mindate: mindate.to_s, maxdate: maxdate.to_s, minyear:minyear.to_s, maxyear:maxyear.to_s} end # Provides alternative search terms to correct spelling, etc. # ==== Example # results = session.simple_search('earthquak') # results.did_you_mean # => "earthquake" def did_you_mean dym_suggestions = @results.fetch('SearchResult', {}).fetch('AutoSuggestedTerms',{}) dym_suggestions.each do |term| return term end nil end def auto_corrections auto_corrected_terms = @results.fetch('SearchResult', {}).fetch('AutoCorrectedTerms',{}) auto_corrected_terms.each do |term| return term end nil end # Returns a simple list of the search terms used. Boolean operators are not indicated. # ==== Example # ["earthquakes", "california"] def search_terms terms = [] queries = @results.fetch('SearchRequest',{}).fetch('SearchCriteriaWithActions',{}).fetch('QueriesWithAction',{}) unless queries.nil? queries.each do |query| query['Query']['Term'].split.each do |word| terms.push(word) end end end terms end end end end