module OverSIP module TLS extend ::OverSIP::Logger TLS_PEM_CHAIN_REGEXP = /-{5}BEGIN CERTIFICATE-{5}\n.*?-{5}END CERTIFICATE-{5}\n/m def self.log_id @log_id ||= "TLS" end def self.module_init configuration = ::OverSIP.configuration if configuration[:tls][:public_cert] and configuration[:tls][:private_cert] log_system_info "TLS enabled" ::OverSIP.tls = true ::OverSIP.tls_public_cert = configuration[:tls][:public_cert] ::OverSIP.tls_private_cert = configuration[:tls][:private_cert] if (::OverSIP.tls_proxy_ipv4 = configuration[:tls][:tls_proxy_ipv4]) log_system_info "TLS proxy enabled from IPv4 #{::OverSIP.tls_proxy_ipv4}" end if (::OverSIP.tls_proxy_ipv6 = configuration[:tls][:tls_proxy_ipv6]) log_system_info "TLS proxy enabled from IPv6 #{::OverSIP.tls_proxy_ipv6}" end else log_system_info "TLS dissabled" return end if (ca_dir = configuration[:tls][:ca_dir]) @store = num_certs_added = 0 ::Dir.chdir ca_dir ca_files = ::Dir["*"]! { |ca_file| ::File.file?(ca_file) and ::File.readable?(ca_file) } ca_files.each do |ca_file| log_system_info "inspecting CA file '#{ca_file}'..." ca_file_content = unless ca_file_content.valid_encoding? log_system_error "ignoring '#{ca_file}', invalid symbols found" next end pems = ca_file_content.scan(TLS_PEM_CHAIN_REGEXP).flatten num_pems = pems.size if num_pems == 0 log_system_warn "'#{ca_file}': no public certificates found" next end log_system_info "'#{ca_file}': #{num_pems} public certificates found" now = certs = [] pems.each do |pem| begin certs << rescue => e log_system_error "ignoring invalid X509 certificate: #{e.message} (#{e.class})" num_pems -= 1 end end certs.reject! { |cert| cert.not_after < now } if certs.size != num_pems log_system_info "'#{ca_file}': ignoring #{num_pems - certs.size} expired certificates" end certs.each do |cert| begin @store.add_cert cert num_certs_added += 1 # This occurs when a certificate is repeated. rescue ::OpenSSL::X509::StoreError => e log_system_warn "'#{ca_file}': ignoring certificate: #{e.message} (#{e.class})" end end end if num_certs_added == 0 log_system_notice "zero public certificates found in '#{ca_dir}' directory, dissabling TLS validation" @store = nil end log_system_info "#{num_certs_added} public certificates available for TLS validation" end end # def self.module_init # Return an array with the result of the TLS certificate validation as follows: # validated, cert, tls_error, tls_error_string # where: # - validated: true if the given certificate(s) have been validated, false otherwise # and nil if no certificate is provided by peer or no CA's were configured # for TLS validation. # - cert: the ::OpenSSL::X509::Certificate instance of the first PEM provided by # the peer, nil otherwise. # - tls_error: OpenSSL validation error code (Fixnum) in case of validation error. # - tls_error_string: OpenSSL validation error string in case of validation error. def self.validate pem, intermediate_pems=nil return nil, nil, nil, "no CAs provided, validation dissabled" unless @store return nil, nil, nil, "no certificate provided by peer" unless pem begin cert = pem if intermediate_pems and intermediate_pems.any? intermediate_certs = [] intermediate_pems.each do |pem| intermediate_certs << end else intermediate_certs = nil end if @store.verify cert, intermediate_certs return true, cert else return false, cert, @store.error, @store.error_string end rescue => e log_system_error "exception validating a certificate: #{e.class}: #{e.message}" return false, nil, e.class, e.message end end # def self.validate def self.get_sip_identities cert verify_subjectAltName_DNS = true verify_CN = true subjectAltName_URI_sip_entries = [] subjectAltName_DNS_entries = [] sip_identities = {} cert.extensions.each do |ext| next if ext.oid != "subjectAltName" verify_CN = false ext.value.split(/,\s+/).each do |name| if /^URI:sip:([^@]*)/i =~ name verify_subjectAltName_DNS = false subjectAltName_URI_sip_entries << $1.downcase elsif verify_subjectAltName_DNS && /^DNS:(.*)/i =~ name subjectAltName_DNS_entries << $1.downcase end end end unless verify_CN unless verify_subjectAltName_DNS subjectAltName_URI_sip_entries.each {|domain| sip_identities[domain] = true} else subjectAltName_DNS_entries.each {|domain| sip_identities[domain] = true} end else cert.subject.to_a.each do |oid, value| if oid == "CN" sip_identities[value.downcase] = true break end end end return sip_identities end end end