package jose import ( "crypto/aes" "crypto/cipher" "crypto/hmac" "errors" "fmt" "" "" ) // AES CBC with HMAC authenticated encryption algorithm implementation type AesCbcHmac struct { keySizeBits int } func init() { RegisterJwe(&AesCbcHmac{keySizeBits: 256}) RegisterJwe(&AesCbcHmac{keySizeBits: 384}) RegisterJwe(&AesCbcHmac{keySizeBits: 512}) } func (alg *AesCbcHmac) Name() string { switch alg.keySizeBits { case 256: return A128CBC_HS256 case 384: return A192CBC_HS384 default: return A256CBC_HS512 } } func (alg *AesCbcHmac) KeySizeBits() int { return alg.keySizeBits } func (alg *AesCbcHmac) SetKeySizeBits(bits int) { alg.keySizeBits = bits } func (alg *AesCbcHmac) Encrypt(aad, plainText, cek []byte) (iv, cipherText, authTag []byte, err error) { cekSizeBits := len(cek) << 3 if cekSizeBits != alg.keySizeBits { return nil, nil, nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("AesCbcHmac.Encrypt(): expected key of size %v bits, but was given %v bits.", alg.keySizeBits, cekSizeBits)) } hmacKey := cek[0 : len(cek)/2] aesKey := cek[len(cek)/2:] if iv, err = arrays.Random(16); err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, err } var block cipher.Block if block, err = aes.NewCipher(aesKey); err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, err } padded := padding.AddPkcs7(plainText, 16) cipherText = make([]byte, len(padded), cap(padded)) mode := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, iv) mode.CryptBlocks(cipherText, padded) authTag = alg.computeAuthTag(aad, iv, cipherText, hmacKey) return iv, cipherText, authTag, nil } func (alg *AesCbcHmac) Decrypt(aad, cek, iv, cipherText, authTag []byte) (plainText []byte, err error) { cekSizeBits := len(cek) << 3 if cekSizeBits != alg.keySizeBits { return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("AesCbcHmac.Decrypt(): expected key of size %v bits, but was given %v bits.", alg.keySizeBits, cekSizeBits)) } hmacKey := cek[0 : len(cek)/2] aesKey := cek[len(cek)/2:] // Check MAC expectedAuthTag := alg.computeAuthTag(aad, iv, cipherText, hmacKey) if !hmac.Equal(expectedAuthTag, authTag) { return nil, errors.New("AesCbcHmac.Decrypt(): Authentication tag do not match.") } var block cipher.Block if block, err = aes.NewCipher(aesKey); err == nil { mode := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv) var padded []byte = make([]byte, len(cipherText), cap(cipherText)) mode.CryptBlocks(padded, cipherText) return padding.RemovePkcs7(padded, 16), nil } return nil, err } func (alg *AesCbcHmac) computeAuthTag(aad []byte, iv []byte, cipherText []byte, hmacKey []byte) (signature []byte) { al := arrays.UInt64ToBytes(uint64(len(aad) << 3)) hmacInput := arrays.Concat(aad, iv, cipherText, al) hmac := calculateHmac(alg.keySizeBits, hmacInput, hmacKey) return hmac[0 : len(hmac)/2] }