One layout tool to rule them all.

Cytoplasm is the gel-like substance that houses the nucleus and organelles of every cell of every organism on the planet Earth, as well as a jQuery-based bootstrap library for Ruby 1.9/Rails 3 designed and developed independently by <%=link_to("MacKinley Smith","",:target => "_blank")%>, which builds upon LESS Css and jQuery/jQuery UI Frameworks to make your application beautiful, responsive, and recustomizable without diving into code. It comes complete with a settings partial that can be used to restyle any page of your site directly from your browser, a FontLoader class for you typographers, as well as a lightweight jQuery library that transforms your HTML5 complient form elements into sleek, sexy, and incredibly versatile counterparts.

Cytoplasm is intended to serve as a vehicle of thought, aiding in the transportation of your ideas into the minds of your target audience. Much like the fluid whose name it shares, Cytoplasm is meant to envelope your content, providing ample breathing room for each element of your design.


Browser wars, no more.

Cytoplasm's intelligent preprocessor unifies your markup on the fly.

<%=link_to("Learn More","#")%>

A graphical interface without learning curves.

We've included one layout management tool to rule them all.

<%=link_to("View Demo",cytoplasm_settings_url)%>

True @font-face freedom.

A stylish typeface is the cornerstone of an eye-catching website. That's why Cytoplasm packs a powerful font-loading module under the hood, which interfaces with Font Squirrel's and Google Web Fonts' APIs. Choose from a vast collection of over 10,000 royalty-free and commercially approved fonts using the built-in navigator.

<%=link_to("View Demo",cytoplasm_fonts_url)%>

Page-to-page transitions.

Developers who use Cytoplasm can rest assured that their code will never be displayed on the viewers of their sites.

<%=link_to("View Demo","#")%>

HTML5 in its purest <form>.

Cytoplasm includes stuff for forms!

<%=link_to("View Demo","/demos/jquery")%>


Requires Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2.9, jQuery/jQuery UI, and Sass-Rails.

To install, simply add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'cytoplasm'

To get the jQuery Toolkit up and running, add these two lines to the head tag in app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

<%=stylesheet_link_tag *Cytoplasm.css, :media => "all"%>
<%=javascript_include_tag *Cytoplasm.js%>


Cytoplasm provides a variety of methods for harnessing its awesome power.