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JEFvrzVyPZEmk\J~P= 6zGP] J0Ywhhk@X,!c/*oF:^ 4!H-`^6b./`L%fV\`2oH(f305( aC b$_QA GdkImage to displayA GdkPixbuf to displayA GdkPixmap to displayA GtkPackType indicating whether the child is packed with reference to the start or end of the parentA boolean that determines whether the menu grabs the keyboard focusA boolean that indicates whether the menu is torn-offA column in the data source model to get the strings fromA hash table representation of the color scheme.A human-readable description of the statusA list of style attributes to apply to the text of the labelA list of style attributes to apply to the text of the rendererA logo for the about box. If this is not set, it defaults to gtk_window_get_default_icon_list()A name for the action group.A named icon to use as the logo for the about box.A palette of named colors for use in themesA pointer to the pixel data of the pixbufA shorter label that may be used on toolbar buttons.A string used for identifying the print job.A string with _ characters in positions correspond to characters in the text to underlineA title that may be displayed by the window manager when the popup is torn-offA title that may be displayed by the window manager when this menu is torn-offA tooltip for this action.A unique name for the action.A widget to display in place of the usual expander labelA widget to display in place of the usual frame labelAbove childAccelerator ClosureAccelerator ModeAccelerator WidgetAccelerator keyAccelerator keycodeAccelerator modifiersAccept focusAccepts PDFAccepts PostScriptAccepts tabActionAction GroupAction area borderActivatableActivates defaultActiveActive itemActivity BlocksActivity StepActivity modeAdd tearoffs to menusAdjustmentAlign setAlignmentAllow AsyncAllow GrowAllow RulesAllow ShrinkAllow drawing of alternating color rowsAllow emptyAlternative button orderAlternative sort indicator directionAlways enable arrowsAmount of border space between the menubar shadow and the menu itemsAmount of border space between the toolbar shadow and the buttonsAmount of space used up by arrowAmount to increase child's size on either sideAmount to increase child's size on the top and bottomAmount to indent the paragraph, in pixelsAn XML string describing the merged UIAngleAngle at which the label is rotatedAnimationAnonymous User Data PointerAppearance of the frame borderAppearance of the shadow surrounding the arrowAppearance of the shadow that surrounds the containerAppears as listApplication paintableApplication supplied widget for custom previews.Application supplied widget for extra options.Arrow ScalingArrow SizeArrow X DisplacementArrow Y DisplacementArrow directionArrow shadowArtistsAspect ratio if obey_child is FALSEAspect ratio with which to draw insertion cursorAttributesAuthorsBackendBackend for the printerBackground colorBackground color as a (possibly unallocated) GdkColorBackground color as a GdkColorBackground color as a stringBackground color nameBackground full heightBackground full height setBackground setBackground stipple maskBackground stipple setBackward stepperBar styleBitmap to use as a mask when drawing the text backgroundBitmap to use as a mask when drawing the text foregroundBits per SampleBlinkingBorder between button edges and child.Border between text and frame.Border between text and frame. Overrides the inner-border style propertyBorder reliefBorder widthBottom AttachBottom PaddingBottom attachmentBufferButton reliefButton spacingCan be used to add a new child to the containerCan change acceleratorsCan defaultCan focusCase sensitiveCell background colorCell background color as a GdkColorCell background color as a stringCell background color nameCell background setCellView modelChildChild Pack directionChild X DisplacementChild Y DisplacementChild internal height paddingChild internal width paddingChild widget to appear next to the button textChild widget to appear next to the menu textClickableClimb RateClimb rateColor HashColor of the selection boxColor of unvisited linksColor of visited linksColor schemeColor to use for even rowsColor to use for odd rowsColor with which to draw error-indication underlinesColor with which to draw insertion cursorColor with which to draw the secondary insertion cursor when editing mixed right-to-left and left-to-right textColorspaceColumn SpacingColumn gets share of extra width allocated to the widgetColumn headers respond to click eventsColumn is user-resizableColumn spacingColumn span columnColumnsComboBox modelCommand to run when displaying a print previewComments about the programComments stringCompletion ModelComposite childContent PaddingContent area borderCopy target listCopyright information for the programCopyright stringCreate the same proxies as a radio actionCredits to the translators. This string should be marked as translatableCurrent AlphaCurrent ColorCurrent PageCurrent fixed width of the columnCurrent text of the bufferCurrent width of the columnCursor BlinkCursor Blink TimeCursor Blink TimeoutCursor PositionCursor VisibleCursor colorCursor line aspect ratioCursor positionCursor theme nameCursor theme sizeCurve typeCustom paletteCustom tab labelCustom tabs for this textDash pattern used to draw the focus indicatorDash pattern used to draw the tree view grid linesDash pattern used to draw the tree view linesDayDecoratedDefault DisplayDefault HeightDefault Outside SpacingDefault Page SetupDefault SpacingDefault WidthDefault command to run when displaying a print previewDefault file chooser backendDefault print backendDelay before drop down menus appearDelay before hiding a submenuDelay before submenus appearDelay before the submenus of a menu bar appearDeletableDeprecated property, use shadow_type insteadDestroy with ParentDetailDetermines how the shadowed box around the viewport is drawnDialogDigitsDiscrete BlocksDisplace focusDisplay a second backward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbarDisplay a second backward arrow button on the opposite end of the tab areaDisplay a second forward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbarDisplay a second forward arrow button on the opposite end of the tab areaDisplay the cellDisplay the cell sensitiveDisplay the standard backward arrow buttonDisplay the standard forward arrow buttonDo overwrite confirmationDocumentersDon't change slider size, just lock it to the minimum lengthDouble ArrowsDouble Click DistanceDouble Click TimeDrag thresholdDrawDraw BorderDraw IndicatorDraw ValueDraw as radio menu itemDraw slider ACTIVE during dragDraw the toggle button as a radio buttonEditability setEditableEditable mode of the CellRendererEllipsizeEllipsize setEmbeddedEnable AcceleratorsEnable AnimationsEnable Grid LinesEnable MnemonicsEnable PopupEnable SearchEnable Touchscreen ModeEnable Tree LinesEnable arrow keysEnable extended row background themingError BellError underline colorEven Row ColorEventsExpandExpand timeoutExpand value for timeouts, when a widget is expanding a new regionExpandedExpander ColumnExpander SizeExport filenameExtension eventsExtra indentation for each levelExtra space at the left and right edges of the menuExtra space at the top and bottom of the menuExtra space to put between the child and its left and right neighbors, in pixelsExtra space to put between the child and its neighbors, in pixelsExtra space to put between the child and its upper and lower neighbors, in pixelsExtra spacing applied to the width of a progress bar.Extra widgetFALSE displays the "invisible char" instead of the actual text (password mode)FALSE if this represents a real hardware printerFALSE removes outside bevel from entryFallback Icon Theme NameFile System BackendFilenameFilename to load and displayFillFill LevelFilterFixed Height ModeFixed WidthFixed slider sizeFocus in ToplevelFocus line dash patternFocus linewidthFocus on clickFocus on mapFocus paddingFollow StateFontFont NameFont description as a PangoFontDescription structFont description as a string, e.g. "Sans Italic 12"Font familyFont family setFont nameFont optionsFont pointsFont resolutionFont scaleFont scale setFont scaling factorFont sizeFont size as a scale factor relative to the default font size. This properly adapts to theme changes etc. so is recommended. Pango predefines some scales such as PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGEFont size in Pango unitsFont size in pointsFont size setFont stretchFont stretch as a PangoStretch, e.g. PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSEDFont stretch setFont styleFont style as a PangoStyle, e.g. PANGO_STYLE_ITALICFont style setFont variantFont variant as a PangoVariant, e.g. PANGO_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPSFont variant setFont weightFont weight as an integer, see predefined values in PangoWeight; for example, PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLDFont weight setForce aspect ratio to match that of the frame's childForeground colorForeground color as a (possibly unallocated) GdkColorForeground color as a GdkColorForeground color as a stringForeground color nameForeground setForeground stipple maskForeground stipple setForward stepperFractionFrame shadowGTK ModulesGdkPixbufAnimation to displayGravityGrid line patternGrid line widthGroupGroup IDGroup ID for tabs drag and dropGroup for tabs drag and dropHandle SizeHandle positionHas AlphaHas EntryHas FrameHas Opacity ControlHas Resize GripHas defaultHas focusHas paletteHas selectionHas separatorHas tooltipHeader PaddingHeader imageHeader image for the assistant pageHeaders ClickableHeaders VisibleHeightHeight requestHide if emptyHint to help the desktop environment understand what kind of window this is and how to treat it.HomogeneousHorizontal AdjustmentHorizontal Adjustment for the widgetHorizontal AlignmentHorizontal OffsetHorizontal PaddingHorizontal Scroll Arrow LengthHorizontal Scrollbar PolicyHorizontal Separator WidthHorizontal Tab BorderHorizontal adjustmentHorizontal adjustment for the text widgetHorizontal alignmentHorizontal alignment for childHorizontal optionsHorizontal paddingHorizontal position of child in available space. 0.0 is left aligned, 1.0 is right alignedHorizontal scaleHorizontal space between cells. Must be an even numberHover ExpandHover SelectionHow far in the x direction to move the arrow when the button is depressedHow far in the x direction to move the child when the button is depressedHow far in the y direction to move the arrow when the button is depressedHow far in the y direction to move the child when the button is depressedHow long to show the last input character in hidden entriesHow the range should be updated on the screenHow the text and icon of each item are positioned relative to each otherHow to align the linesHow to break the string into multiple lines, if the cell renderer does not have enough room to display the entire stringHow to draw the input method preedit stringHow to draw the input method statusbarHow to draw the toolbarHow to layout the buttons in the box. Possible values are default, spread, edge, start and endIM Preedit styleIM Status styleIconIcon NameIcon SizesIcon Theme NameIcon View ModelIcon for this windowIcon nameIcon setIcon set to displayIcon sizeIcon size setIcon spacingIcon widgetIcon widget to display in the itemIconsIf FALSE, don't allow to enter strings other than the chosen onesIf TRUE, a heading is displayedIf TRUE, day names are displayedIf TRUE, pressing the right mouse button on the notebook pops up a menu that you can use to go to a pageIf TRUE, scroll arrows are added if there are too many tabs to fitIf TRUE, the GtkProgress is in activity mode, meaning that it signals something is happening, but not how much of the activity is finished. This is used when you're doing something but don't know how long it will take.If TRUE, the child appears in a secondary group of children, suitable for, e.g., help buttonsIf TRUE, the child can be made smaller than its requisitionIf TRUE, the child expands and shrinks along with the paned widgetIf TRUE, the popup window will appear for a single match.If TRUE, the popup window will have the same size as the entryIf TRUE, the selected month cannot be changedIf TRUE, the table cells are all the same width/heightIf TRUE, the widget will receive the default action when it is focusedIf TRUE, the window has no mimimum size. Setting this to TRUE is 99% of the time a bad ideaIf TRUE, the window is modal (other windows are not usable while this one is up)If TRUE, unmapped widgets are ignored when determining the size of the groupIf TRUE, users can expand the window beyond its minimum sizeIf TRUE, users can resize the windowIf TRUE, week numbers are displayedIf an arrow should be shown if the toolbar doesn't fitIf available horizontal space is bigger than needed for the child, how much of it to use for the child. 0.0 means none, 1.0 means allIf available vertical space is bigger than needed for the child, how much of it to use for the child. 0.0 means none, 1.0 means allIf set, an underline in the label property indicates that the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator key in the overflow menuIf set, an underline in the text indicates the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator keyIf set, the label is used to pick a stock item instead of being displayedIf set, wrap lines if the text becomes too wideIf the insertion cursor is shownIf the toggle action should be active in or notIf the toggle button is in an "in between" stateIf the toggle button should be pressed in or notIf the toggle part of the button is displayedIf the tooltips of the toolbar should be active or notIf this window should be destroyed when the parent is destroyedIf wrap is set, controls how linewrapping is doneIgnore hiddenImageImage positionImage spacingImage widgetImage/label borderInconsistentInconsistent stateIndentIndent ExpandersIndent setIndicator SizeIndicator SpacingIndicator sizeInline completionInline selectionInner BorderInterior FocusInternal paddingInvert direction slider moves to increase range valueInvertedInvisibleInvisible characterInvisible setIs ActiveIs ExpandedIs ExpanderIs VirtualIs focusIs importantIs this curve linear, spline interpolated, or free-formJob CountJob NameJustificationJustification setKey Theme NameKeybinding to activate the menu barKeynav Cursor OnlyKeynav Wrap AroundLabelLabel for the tab containing custom widgets.Label widgetLabel xalignLabel yalignLanguageLanguage setLargest possible value for the "position" propertyLayout styleLeft AttachLeft MarginLeft PaddingLeft attachmentLeft gravityLeft marginLeft margin setLeft, right, or center justificationLength of scale's sliderLength of step buttons at endsLength of the cursor blink cycle, in millisecondsLevel IndentationLimitLine WrapLine wrapLine wrap modeList of authors of the programList of currently active GTK modulesList of icon namesList of icon sizes (gtk-menu=16,16:gtk-button=20,20...List of people documenting the programList of people who have contributed artwork to the programList of the GtkPrintBackend backends to use by defaultLocal OnlyLocal onlyLocationLogoLogo Icon NameLowerLower limit of rulerLower stepper sensitivityMake the expanders indentedMarginMargin AccumulatesMark nameMarked up text to renderMarkupMarkup columnMaskMask bitmap to use with GdkImage or GdkPixmapMax SizeMaximal PositionMaximum ValueMaximum WidthMaximum Width In CharactersMaximum XMaximum YMaximum allowed width of the columnMaximum amount of space an expandable item will be givenMaximum child expandMaximum distance allowed between two clicks for them to be considered a double click (in pixels)Maximum lengthMaximum number of characters for this entry. Zero if no maximumMaximum possible X valueMaximum possible value for YMaximum size of the rulerMaximum time allowed between two clicks for them to be considered a double click (in milliseconds)MenuMenu bar acceleratorMenu labelMerged UI definitionMessage ButtonsMessage TypeMetricMinimal PositionMinimum Key LengthMinimum Slider LengthMinimum ValueMinimum WidthMinimum XMinimum YMinimum allowed width of the columnMinimum child heightMinimum child widthMinimum height of buttons inside the boxMinimum length of scrollbar sliderMinimum length of the search key in order to look up matchesMinimum possible value for XMinimum possible value for YMinimum time the pointer must stay over a menu item before the submenu appearMinimum width of buttons inside the boxMnemonic keyMnemonic widgetModalModeModelModel column used to retrieve the icon pixbuf fromModel column used to retrieve the text fromModel column used to retrieve the text if using Pango markupMonthNameName of a icon theme to fall back toName of default font to useName of file system backend to useName of icon theme to useName of key theme RC file to loadName of the GtkFileChooser backend to use by defaultName of the cursor theme to use, or NULL to use the default themeName of the font family, e.g. Sans, Helvetica, Times, MonospaceName of the printerName of the themed icon for this windowName of theme RC file to loadName used to refer to the text tag. NULL for anonymous tagsNo Month ChangeNo show allNumber of ChannelsNumber of PagesNumber of characters to leave space for in the entryNumber of columnsNumber of columns to displayNumber of jobs queued in the printerNumber of pixels around the content pages.Number of pixels around the header.Number of pixels between the scrollbars and the scrolled windowNumber of pixels of the entry scrolled off the screen to the leftNumber of pixels the cursor can move before draggingNumber of recently used filesNumericObey childObsolete property, ignoredOdd Row ColorOffset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative)Offset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative) in Pango unitsOpacity for WindowOpacity of the selection boxOptions specifying the horizontal behaviour of the childOptions specifying the vertical behaviour of the childOrientationOrientation and growth direction of the progress barOverride for height request of the widget, or -1 if natural request should be usedOverride for width request of the widget, or -1 if natural request should be usedOverwrite modePack directionPack typePaddingPagePage IncrementPage SetupPage SizePage completePage titlePage typePalette to use in the color selectorParagraph background colorParagraph background color as a (possibly unallocated) GdkColorParagraph background color as a stringParagraph background color nameParagraph background setParent widgetPassword Hint TimeoutPaste target listPatternPixbufPixbuf Expander ClosedPixbuf Expander OpenPixbuf ObjectPixbuf columnPixbuf for closed expanderPixbuf for open expanderPixel sizePixel size to use for named iconPixelsPixels Above LinesPixels Below LinesPixels Inside WrapPixels above linesPixels above lines setPixels below linesPixels below lines setPixels inside wrapPixels inside wrap setPixels of blank space above paragraphsPixels of blank space below paragraphsPixels of blank space between wrapped lines in a paragraphPixmapPlace scrollbars within the scrolled window's bevelPopup completionPopup set widthPopup shownPopup single matchPositionPosition SetPosition of mark on the rulerPosition of paned separator in pixels (0 means all the way to the left/top)Position of the handle relative to the child widgetPreview Widget ActivePreview textPreview widgetPrint SettingsPrinterPrinter settingsPrinter to print the job toProgram nameProgram versionPulsePulse StepRadio stateRatioReads the current value, or sets a new valueReceives defaultRecent Files LimitRecent ManagerRender detail to pass to the theme engineReorderableRepeat timeoutRepeat value for timeouts, when button is pressedResizableResizeResize modeResize mode of the columnResolution for Xft, in 1024 * dots/inch. -1 to use default valueRestrict to Fill LevelRight AttachRight MarginRight PaddingRight attachmentRight marginRight margin setRiseRise setRow Ending detailsRow SpacingRow has childrenRow is an expander row, and is expandedRow spacingRow span columnRowsRowstrideRubber BandingRules HintSans 12ScreenScroll offsetScrollableScrollbar spacingScrollbars within bevelScrolled Window PlacementSearch ColumnSecondarySecondary TextSecondary backward stepperSecondary cursor colorSecondary forward stepperSelect MultipleSelect on focusSelectableSelected PrinterSelection BoundSelection Box AlphaSelection Box ColorSelection modeSensitiveSeparator HeightSeparator WidthSet a hint to the theme engine to draw rows in alternating colorsSet the column for the expander columnSet this to positive values to indicate that some progress is made, but you don't know how much.SettingsShadow TypeShadow typeShort labelShow ArrowShow BorderShow Day NamesShow DialogShow ExpandersShow Fill LevelShow HeadingShow HiddenShow IconsShow Not FoundShow NumbersShow PrivateShow TabsShow TooltipsShow Week NumbersShow button imagesShow file operationsShow menu imagesShow sizeShow styleShow textShow the 'Input Methods' menuShow the 'Insert Unicode Control Character' menuShow the column header buttonsShrinkSide of the handlebox that's lined up with the docking point to dock the handleboxSidebar imageSidebar image for the assistant pageSingle Line ModeSingle Paragraph ModeSizeSize of areas outside the widget's allocation to drawSize of check or radio indicatorSize of dropdown indicatorSize of icons in this toolbarSize of spacersSize of tab curvatureSize of tab overlap areaSize of the expander arrowSize to use for cursors, or 0 to use the default sizeSizingSkip pagerSkip taskbarSlider LengthSlider WidthSmallest possible value for the "position" propertySnap edgeSnap edge setSnap to TicksSort TypeSort direction the sort indicator should indicateSort indicatorSort orderSource optionSpace between value text and the slider/trough areaSpace styleSpace to put between the label and the childSpace which is inserted at the edges of the icon viewSpace which is inserted between cellsSpace which is inserted between cells of an itemSpace which is inserted between grid columnsSpace which is inserted between grid rowsSpacer sizeSpacingSpacing around check or radio indicatorSpacing around expander arrowSpacing around indicatorSpacing between buttonsSpacing between step buttons and thumbSpacing between thumb/steppers and outer trough bevelSpacing in pixels between the icon and labelSpacing in pixels between the image and labelSpecifies the visual style of the bar in percentage mode (Deprecated)Specify how resize events are handledSpeeds up GtkTreeView by assuming that all rows have the same heightSplit CursorStart timeoutStarting value for timeouts, when button is pressedStartup IDState MessageStatusStatus StringStep IncrementStepper SizeStepper SpacingStock IDStock ID for a stock image to displayStock IconStock IdStorage typeStrikethroughStrikethrough setString giving the current state of the printerStyleStyle of bevel around the contentsStyle of bevel around the menubarStyle of bevel around the spin buttonStyle of bevel around the statusbar textStyle of bevel around the toolbarStyle of underline for this textSubmenuSymbolic size to use for stock icon, icon set or named iconTRUE if a progress dialog is shown while printing.TRUE if print process may run asynchronous.TRUE if the Position property should be usedTRUE if the origin of the context should be at the corner of the page and not the corner of the imageable areaTRUE if the print job will continue to emit status-changed signals after the print data has been sent to the printer or print server.TRUE if the print operation will continue to report on the print job status after the print data has been sent to the printer or print server.TRUE if the window should be brought to the user's attention.TRUE if the window should not be in the pager.TRUE if the window should not be in the task bar.TRUE if the window should receive the input focus when mapped.TRUE if the window should receive the input focus.TRUE if this printer can accept PDFTRUE if this printer can accept PostScriptTab BorderTab PositionTab curvatureTab detachableTab expandTab fillTab labelTab overlapTab pack typeTab reorderableTabsTabs setTag TableTag nameTake FocusTearoff StateTearoff TitleTextText ColumnText Tag TableText columnText directionText direction, e.g. right-to-left or left-to-rightText of the expander's labelText of the frame's labelText of the label widget inside the button, if the button contains a label widgetText on the progress barText to be displayed in the progress barText to renderText to show in the item.Text x alignmentText y alignmentThe GdkFont that is currently selectedThe GtkActionGroup this GtkAction is associated with, or NULL (for internal use).The GtkAdjustment connected to the progress bar (Deprecated)The GtkAdjustment for the horizontal positionThe GtkAdjustment for the vertical positionThe GtkAdjustment that contains the current value of this range objectThe GtkAdjustment that contains the current value of this scale button objectThe GtkAdjustment that determines the values of the horizontal position for this viewportThe GtkAdjustment that determines the values of the vertical position for this viewportThe GtkIconSize value that specifies the size of the rendered iconThe GtkPageSetup to useThe GtkPageSetup used by defaultThe GtkPrintSettings used for initializing the dialogThe GtkPrinter which is selectedThe PrinterOption backing this widgetThe RecentManager object to useThe URL for the link to the website of the programThe acceleration rate when you hold down a buttonThe adjustment that holds the value of the spinbuttonThe adjustment that holds the value of the spinbutton.The alignment of the lines in the text of the label relative to each other. This does NOT affect the alignment of the label within its allocation. See GtkMisc::xalign for thatThe amount of space between childrenThe amount of space between two consecutive columnsThe amount of space between two consecutive rowsThe amount of space to add on the left and right of the widget, in pixelsThe amount of space to add on the top and bottom of the widget, in pixelsThe border relief styleThe buffer which is displayedThe buttons shown in the message dialogThe character to use when masking entry contents (in "password mode")The child pack direction of the menubarThe closure to be monitored for accelerator changesThe colorspace in which the samples are interpretedThe column in the model containing the tooltip texts for the itemsThe column in the model containing the tooltip texts for the rowsThe column number to attach the left side of the child toThe column number to attach the right side of a child widget toThe column number to attach the right side of the child toThe column of the model containing the strings.The contents of the entryThe contents of the tooltip for this widgetThe current colorThe current filter for selecting which files are displayedThe current filter for selecting which resources are displayedThe current opacity value (0 fully transparent, 65535 fully opaque)The current page in the documentThe current position of the insertion cursor in charsThe current valueThe currently selected filenameThe default display for GDKThe default font options for the screenThe default height of the window, used when initially showing the windowThe default width of the window, used when initially showing the windowThe desired maximum width of the label, in charactersThe desired width of the button widget, in characters.The desired width of the label, in charactersThe dialog has a separator bar above its buttonsThe direction the arrow should pointThe directions in which the size group affects the requested sizes of its component widgetsThe dropdown menuThe event mask that decides what kind of GdkEvents this widget getsThe file chooser dialog to use.The fill level.The fixed heightThe fixed widthThe fraction of total progress to move the bouncing block when pulsedThe fraction of total work that has been completedThe full path to the file to be used to store and read the listThe hardware keycode of the acceleratorThe height of separators if "wide-separators" is TRUEThe height of the layoutThe horizontal alignment of the labelThe horizontal alignment, from 0 (left) to 1 (right). Reversed for RTL layouts.The horizontal text alignment, from 0 (left) to 1 (right). Reversed for RTL layouts.The icon name to use for the printerThe icon sizeThe imageThe inconsistent state of the buttonThe increment used for each iteration in activity mode (Deprecated)The index of the child in the parentThe index of the current pageThe initial position of the windowThe item which is currently activeThe keyval of the acceleratorThe label for the link to the website of the program. If this is not set, it defaults to the URLThe label used for menu items and buttons that activate this action.The language this text is in, as an ISO code. Pango can use this as a hint when rendering the text. If not set, an appropriate default will be used.The language this text is in, as an ISO code. Pango can use this as a hint when rendering the text. If you don't understand this parameter, you probably don't need itThe length of horizontal scroll arrowsThe length of vertical scroll arrowsThe list of targets this buffer supports for clipboard copying and DND sourceThe list of targets this buffer supports for clipboard pasting and DND destinationThe location of the printerThe mask that decides what kind of extension events this widget getsThe maximum number of items to be displayedThe maximum number of items to be returned by gtk_recent_manager_get_items()The maximum value of the adjustmentThe menu of optionsThe metric used for the rulerThe minimum size of the arrow in the combo boxThe minimum value of the adjustmentThe mnemonic accelerator key for this labelThe model containing the possible values for the combo boxThe model for cell viewThe model for the TreeModelSort to sortThe model for the combo boxThe model for the icon viewThe model for the tree viewThe model to find matches inThe modifier mask of the acceleratorThe name of the icon from the icon themeThe name of the program. If this is not set, it defaults to g_get_application_name()The name of the selected fontThe name of the themed icon displayed on the itemThe name of the widgetThe number of bits per sampleThe number of blocks which can fit in the progress bar area in activity mode (Deprecated)The number of bytes between the start of a row and the start of the next rowThe number of columns in the tableThe number of columns of the pixbufThe number of decimal places that are displayed in the valueThe number of decimal places to displayThe number of discrete blocks in a progress bar (when shown in the discrete style)The number of pages in the document.The number of rows in the tableThe number of rows of the pixbufThe number of samples per pixelThe opacity of the window, from 0 to 1The orientation of the trayThe pack direction of the menubarThe padding to insert at the bottom of the widget.The padding to insert at the left of the widget.The padding to insert at the right of the widget.The padding to insert at the top of the widget.The page increment of the adjustmentThe page size of the adjustmentThe parent widget of this widget. Must be a Container widgetThe pixbuf to renderThe position in which the current value is displayedThe position of the image relative to the textThe position of the insert mark (as offset from the beginning of the buffer)The position of the opposite end of the selection from the cursor in charsThe preferred place to ellipsize the string, if the cell renderer does not have enough room to display the entire stringThe preferred place to ellipsize the string, if the label does not have enough room to display the entire stringThe preferred place to ellipsize the string, if the progress bar does not have enough room to display the entire string, if at all.The primary text of the message dialogThe primary text of the title includes Pango markup.The radio action whose group this action belongs to.The radio button whose group this widget belongs to.The radio menu item whose group this widget belongs to.The representation being used for image dataThe resolution for fonts on the screenThe row number to attach the bottom of the child toThe row number to attach the top of a child widget toThe row number to attach the top of the child toThe screen where this status icon will be displayedThe screen where this window will be displayedThe secondary text includes Pango markup.The secondary text of the message dialogThe selected colorThe selected day (as a number between 1 and 31, or 0 to unselect the currently selected day)The selected month (as a number between 0 and 11)The selected opacity value (0 fully transparent, 65535 fully opaque)The selected yearThe selection modeThe sensitivity policy for the stepper that points to the adjustment's lower sideThe sensitivity policy for the stepper that points to the adjustment's upper sideThe size of the iconThe size of the recently used resources listThe sorting order of the items displayedThe status of the print operationThe step increment of the adjustmentThe stock ID of the stock icon to renderThe stock icon displayed in widgets representing this action.The stock icon displayed on the itemThe string displayed in the child's menu entryThe string displayed on the child's tab labelThe style of the widget, which contains information about how it will look (colors etc)The submenu attached to the menu item, or NULL if it has noneThe text of the labelThe text of the label includes XML markup. See pango_parse_markup()The text to display in order to demonstrate the selected fontThe time before hiding a submenu when the pointer is moving towards the submenuThe title of the assistant pageThe title of the color selection dialogThe title of the file chooser dialog.The title of the font selection dialogThe title of the windowThe toggle button can be activatedThe toggle state of the buttonThe transient parent of the dialogThe translation domain used by gettextThe type of acceleratorsThe type of messageThe type of operation that the file selector is performingThe type of the assistant pageThe type of the windowThe unit in which distances can be measured in the contextThe valueThe value of the adjustmentThe value of the scaleThe value property of the currently active member of the group to which this action belongs.The value returned by gtk_radio_action_get_current_value() when this action is the current action of its group.The version of the programThe vertical alignment of the labelThe vertical alignment, from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom)The vertical text alignment, from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom).The widget to be activated when the label's mnemonic key is pressedThe widget to be monitored for accelerator changesThe width at which the text is wrappedThe width of separators if wide-separators is TRUEThe width of the empty border outside the containers childrenThe width of the layoutThe width used for each itemThe window gravity of the windowThe x-alignThe xpadThe y-alignThe ypadTheme NameTime after which the cursor stops blinking, in secondsTimeout after which browse mode is disabledTimeout before tooltip is shownTimeout before tooltip is shown when browse mode is enabledTitleTitle of the print jobTitle to appear in column headerToggle stateToolbar StyleToolbar styleTooltipTooltip ColumnTooltip TextTooltip browse mode timeoutTooltip browse timeoutTooltip markupTooltip timeoutTooltipsTop AttachTop PaddingTop attachmentTrack Print StatusTransient for WindowTranslation DomainTranslator creditsTree line patternTree line widthTreeModel column containing the column span valuesTreeModel column containing the row span valuesTreeModelSort ModelTreeView ModelTrough BorderTrough Side DetailsTrough Under SteppersTruncate multilineType hintType of bevel around toolbar buttonsType of subpixel antialiasing; none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgrUnderlineUnderline setUnique identifier for the window to be used when restoring a sessionUnique startup identifier for the window used by startup-notificationUnitUnvisited Link ColorUpdate PolicyUpdate policyUpperUpper limit of rulerUpper stepper sensitivityUrgentUse MarkupUse Markup in secondaryUse Preview LabelUse alphaUse font in labelUse full pageUse markupUse separatorUse size in labelUse stockUse underlineUser DataValueValue PositionValue in listValue of the progress barValue spacingVertical AdjustmentVertical Adjustment for the widgetVertical AlignmentVertical OffsetVertical PaddingVertical Scroll Arrow LengthVertical Scrollbar PolicyVertical Separator WidthVertical Tab BorderVertical adjustmentVertical adjustment for the text widgetVertical alignmentVertical alignment for childVertical optionsVertical paddingVertical position of child in available space. 0.0 is top aligned, 1.0 is bottom alignedVertical scaleVertical space between cells. Must be an even numberView allows user to search through columns interactivelyView has expandersView is reorderableVisibilityVisibleVisible WindowVisible when horizontalVisible when overflownVisible when verticalVisited Link ColorWebsite URLWebsite labelWhat degree of hinting to use; hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, or hintfullWhen TRUE, empty menu proxies for this action are hidden.When TRUE, keyboard navigation and other errors will cause a beepWhen TRUE, the parts of the trough on the two sides of the slider are drawn with different detailsWhen TRUE, there are no motion notify events delivered on this screenWhen TRUE, there are only cursor keys available to navigate widgetsWhen TRUE, toolitem proxies for this action are represented in the toolbar overflow menu.When scrolling, always show both arrows.When the horizontal scrollbar is displayedWhen the menu is a submenu, position it this number of pixels offset horizontallyWhen the menu is a submenu, position it this number of pixels offset verticallyWhen the vertical scrollbar is displayedWhere the contents are located with respect to the scrollbars. This property only takes effect if "window-placement-set" is TRUE.Where the contents of scrolled windows are located with respect to the scrollbars, if not overridden by the scrolled window's own placement.Whether "window-placement" should be used to determine the location of the contents with respect to the scrollbars.Whether Tab will result in a tab character being enteredWhether a file chooser in save mode will present an overwrite confirmation dialog if necessary.Whether a palette should be usedWhether a spin button should wrap upon reaching its limitsWhether all required fields on the page have been filled outWhether an empty value may be entered in this fieldWhether buttons for creating/manipulating files should be displayedWhether buttons in dialogs should use the alternative button orderWhether default toolbars have text only, text and icons, icons only, etc.Whether dropdowns should have a tearoff menu itemWhether dropdowns should look like lists rather than menusWhether entered text overwrites existing contentsWhether entered values must already be present in the listWhether erroneous values are automatically changed to a spin button's nearest step incrementWhether extra space given to the child should be allocated to the child or used as paddingWhether grid lines should be drawn in the tree viewWhether gtk_widget_show_all() should not affect this widgetWhether images should be shown in menusWhether labels should have mnemonicsWhether left and right margins accumulate.Whether lines are wrapped at widget edgesWhether list item matching is case sensitiveWhether menu accelerators can be changed by pressing a key over the menu itemWhether menu items should have acceleratorsWhether non-numeric characters should be ignoredWhether or not the plug is embeddedWhether or not the status icon is blinkingWhether or not the status icon is embeddedWhether or not the status icon is visibleWhether or not to give the color an alpha valueWhether or not to keep all text in a single paragraphWhether rows should be expanded/collapsed when the pointer moves over themWhether selected font size is shown in the labelWhether separators have configurable width and should be drawn using a box instead of a lineWhether spacers are vertical lines or just blankWhether tabs should be shown or notWhether tabs should have homogeneous sizesWhether tearoff menu items should be added to menusWhether the action group is enabled.Whether the action group is visible.Whether the action is considered important. When TRUE, toolitem proxies for this action show text in GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ mode.Whether the action is enabled.Whether the action is visible.Whether the application supplied widget for custom previews should be shown.Whether the application will paint directly on the widgetWhether the arrow keys move through the list of itemsWhether the background color fills the entire line height or only the height of the tagged charactersWhether the border should be shown or notWhether the buffer has some text currently selectedWhether the button grabs focus when it is clicked with the mouseWhether the child should receive extra space when the parent growsWhether the child's tab should fill the allocated area or notWhether the child_displacement_x/_y properties should also affect the focus rectangleWhether the children should all be the same sizeWhether the color selector should allow setting opacityWhether the column can be reordered around the headersWhether the combo box draws a frame around the childWhether the combo box grabs focus when it is clicked with the mouseWhether the combo's dropdown is shownWhether the common prefix should be inserted automaticallyWhether the completions should be shown in a popup windowWhether the context menus of entries and text views should offer to change the input methodWhether the context menus of entries and text views should offer to insert control charactersWhether the current value is displayed as a string next to the sliderWhether the cursor should blinkWhether the direction of the sort indicators in list and tree views is inverted compared to the default (where down means ascending)Whether the entry contents can be editedWhether the event box is visible, as opposed to invisible and only used to trap events.Whether the event-trapping window of the eventbox is above the window of the child widget as opposed to below it.Whether the expander has been opened to reveal the child widgetWhether the header can be clickedWhether the hidden files and folders should be displayedWhether the icon-size property has been setWhether the input focus is within this GtkWindowWhether the item should be the same size as other homogeneous itemsWhether the item should receive extra space when the toolbar growsWhether the items pointing to unavailable resources should be displayedWhether the items should be displayed with a numberWhether the label is drawn in the selected fontWhether the label is drawn with the selected font sizeWhether the label is in single line modeWhether the label text can be selected with the mouseWhether the mark has left gravityWhether the menu item is checkedWhether the menu item looks like a radio menu itemWhether the pixbuf has an alpha channelWhether the preview widget should take up the entire space it is allocatedWhether the private items should be displayedWhether the progress is shown as text.Whether the proxies for this action look like radio action proxiesWhether the rendered pixbuf should be colorized according to the stateWhether the selected file(s) should be limited to local file: URLsWhether the selected font style is shown in the labelWhether the selected resource(s) should be limited to local file: URIsWhether the selection should follow the pointerWhether the separator is drawn, or just blankWhether the spin button should update always, or only when the value is legalWhether the statusbar has a grip for resizing the toplevelWhether the tab is detachableWhether the tab is reorderable by user action or notWhether the text can be modified by the userWhether the toolbar item is considered important. When TRUE, toolbar buttons show text in GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ modeWhether the toolbar item is visible when the toolbar is in a horizontal orientation.Whether the toolbar item is visible when the toolbar is in a vertical orientation.Whether the toplevel is the current active windowWhether the widget can accept the input focusWhether the widget can be the default widgetWhether the widget has the input focusWhether the widget is part of a composite widgetWhether the widget is the default widgetWhether the widget is the focus widget within the toplevelWhether the widget is visibleWhether the widget responds to inputWhether the window frame should have a close buttonWhether the window should be decorated by the window managerWhether there should be a tooltip on the itemWhether there should be an icon near the itemWhether this tag affects background heightWhether this tag affects indentationWhether this tag affects line wrap modeWhether this tag affects paragraph justificationWhether this tag affects strikethroughWhether this tag affects tabsWhether this tag affects text editabilityWhether this tag affects text visibilityWhether this tag affects the alignment modeWhether this tag affects the background colorWhether this tag affects the background stippleWhether this tag affects the cell background colorWhether this tag affects the ellipsize modeWhether this tag affects the font familyWhether this tag affects the font sizeWhether this tag affects the font stretchWhether this tag affects the font styleWhether this tag affects the font variantWhether this tag affects the font weightWhether this tag affects the foreground colorWhether this tag affects the foreground stippleWhether this tag affects the language the text is rendered asWhether this tag affects the left marginWhether this tag affects the number of pixels above linesWhether this tag affects the number of pixels between wrapped linesWhether this tag affects the paragraph background colorWhether this tag affects the right marginWhether this tag affects the riseWhether this tag affects underliningWhether this tag scales the font size by a factorWhether this text is hidden.Whether this widget has a tooltipWhether to activate the default widget (such as the default button in a dialog) when Enter is pressedWhether to allow multiple files to be selectedWhether to allow multiple items to be selectedWhether to antialias Xft fonts; 0=no, 1=yes, -1=defaultWhether to display a fill level indicator graphics on trough.Whether to display a stock label with the name of the previewed file.Whether to display an "inconsistent" stateWhether to display the columnWhether to draw the focus indicator inside widgetsWhether to draw trough for full length of range or exclude the steppers and spacingWhether to enable selection of multiple items by dragging the mouse pointerWhether to enable toolkit-wide animations.Whether to expand the child's tab or notWhether to hint Xft fonts; 0=no, 1=yes, -1=defaultWhether to put a separator between the message dialog's text and the buttonsWhether to restrict the upper boundary to the fill level.Whether to select the contents of a selectable label when it is focusedWhether to select the contents of an entry when it is focusedWhether to show a sort indicatorWhether to strike through the textWhether to truncate multiline pastes to one line.Whether to use the value from the snap_edge property or a value derived from handle_positionWhether to wrap around when keyboard-navigating widgetsWhether to wrap lines never, at word boundaries, or at character boundariesWhether to wrap the license text.Whether tree lines should be drawn in the tree viewWhether two cursors should be displayed for mixed left-to-right and right-to-left textWhether words are wrapped at widget edgesWhich kind of shadow to draw around the combo boxWhich kind of shadow to draw around the entry when has-frame is setWhich side of the notebook holds the tabsWide SeparatorsWidgetWidget nameWidget to put in column header button instead of column titleWidget to use as the item labelWidthWidth In CharactersWidth for each itemWidth in charsWidth of border around the button area at the bottom of the dialogWidth of border around the label and image in the message dialogWidth of border around the main dialog areaWidth of handleWidth of scrollbar or scale thumbWidth of the border around the tab labelsWidth of the horizontal border of tab labelsWidth of the left margin in pixelsWidth of the right margin in pixelsWidth of the vertical border of tab labelsWidth requestWidth, in pixels, between focus indicator and the widget 'box'Width, in pixels, of the focus indicator lineWidth, in pixels, of the tree view grid linesWidth, in pixels, of the tree view linesWindow PlacementWindow Placement SetWindow PositionWindow RoleWindow TitleWindow TypeWith this option set to TRUE, sliders will be drawn ACTIVE and with shadow IN while they are draggedWord WrapWrapWrap ModeWrap licenseWrap modeWrap mode setWrap widthWrap width for laying out the items in a gridX Alignment of the column header text or widgetX alignX alignment of the childX padX positionX position of child widgetXSpacingXft AntialiasXft DPIXft Hint StyleXft HintingXft RGBAY alignY alignment of the childY padY positionY position of child widgetYearYour description hereheightmodethe GdkScreen for the renderervisiblewidthxalignxpadyalignypadProject-Id-Version: gtk+-properties.HEAD Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-10 11:56-0400 PO-Revision-Date: 2007-09-11 09:40+0200 Last-Translator: Arangel Angov Language-Team: Macedonian Language: mk MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4 A GdkImage to displayA GdkPixbuf to displayA GdkPixmap to displayA GtkPackType indicating whether the child is packed with reference to the start or end of the parentA boolean that determines whether the menu grabs the keyboard focusA boolean that indicates whether the menu is torn-offA column in the data source model to get the strings fromПретставување со хеш табела на шемата на бојата.Опис за статусот кој е разбирлив за човекA list of style attributes to apply to the text of the labelA list of style attributes to apply to the text of the rendererA logo for the about box. If this is not set, it defaults to gtk_window_get_default_icon_list()Име за групата за дејствување.A named icon to use as the logo for the about box.Палета од именувани бои за употреба во темитеA pointer to the pixel data of the pixbufA shorter label that may be used on toolbar buttons.Низа од знаци која се користи за идентификација на печатењето.A string with _ characters in positions correspond to characters in the text to underlineОзнака која може да биде прикажан од менаџерот на прозорци кога скокачкиот прозорец се одделуваA title that may be displayed by the window manager when this menu is torn-offA tooltip for this action.Уникатно име за дејството.A widget to display in place of the usual expander labelA widget to display in place of the usual frame labelAbove childAccelerator ClosureРежим на забрзувачотКопче за забрзувањеКопче за забрзувањеКод на копчето на забрзувачотМенувачи на забрзувачотПрифати фокусПрифаќа PDFПрифаќа PostScriptAccepts tabДејствоГрупа за дејствувањеAction area borderActivatableГо активира стандарднотоАктивенАктивен предметActivity BlocksActivity StepActivity modeAdd tearoffs to menusAdjustmentПоставеностПоставеностДозволи асинхроноAllow GrowAllow RulesДозволи намалувањеAllow drawing of alternating color rowsДозволи празноAlternative button orderАлтернативна насока на индикаторот за подредувањеСекогаш вклучувај стрелкиAmount of border space between the menubar shadow and the menu itemsAmount of border space between the toolbar shadow and the buttonsКоличина на простор кој се користи од стрелкатаAmount to increase child's size on either sideAmount to increase child's size on the top and bottomAmount to indent the paragraph, in pixelsAn XML string describing the merged UIAngleAngle at which the label is rotatedАнимацијаАнонимен покажувач на кориснички податоциAppearance of the frame borderAppearance of the shadow surrounding the arrowAppearance of the shadow that surrounds the containerСе појавува на листатаApplication paintableApplication supplied widget for custom previews.Апликацијата нуди копчиња за додатни опцииСкалирање на стрелкаГолемина на стрелкаArrow X DisplacementArrow Y DisplacementСтрелка за правецСтрелка за сенкаИзведувачиAspect ratio if obey_child is FALSEAspect ratio with which to draw insertion cursorАтрибутиАвториБекендБекенд за печатачотБоја на позадинаBackground color as a (possibly unallocated) GdkColorBackground color as a GdkColorBackground color as a stringBackground color nameBackground full heightBackground full height setПозадината е поставенаBackground stipple maskBackground stipple setBackward stepperBar styleBitmap to use as a mask when drawing the text backgroundBitmap to use as a mask when drawing the text foregroundБитови по примерТрепкањеГраница меѓу рабовите на копчето и прозорецот-дете.Граница меѓу текстот и рамката.Граница меѓу текстот и рамката. Го надминува својството за стил на внатрешната границаBorder reliefШирочина на границатаBottom AttachBottom PaddingBottom attachmentBufferОтпуштање на копчеButton spacingCan be used to add a new child to the containerCan change acceleratorsCan defaultCan focusГолемина на буквиCell background colorCell background color as a GdkColorCell background color as a stringCell background color nameCell background setМодел за преглед на ќелиитеChildChild Pack directionChild X DisplacementChild Y DisplacementChild internal height paddingChild internal width paddingChild widget to appear next to the button textChild widget to appear next to the menu textМоже да се кликнуваClimb RateСтапка на искачувањеМешање на бојаColor of the selection boxБојата на непосетените врскиБоја на посетените врскиШема на бојаColor to use for even rowsColor to use for odd rowsColor with which to draw error-indication underlinesБоја на стрелката за влечењеColor with which to draw the secondary insertion cursor when editing mixed right-to-left and left-to-right textМесто за бојаМесто помеѓу колониColumn gets share of extra width allocated to the widgetColumn headers respond to click eventsColumn is user-resizableColumn spacingColumn span columnКолониComboBox modelКоманда која ќе се извршува кога се прикажува преглед за печатењеComments about the programComments stringМодел на довршувањеComposite childПоместување на содржинаContent area borderКопирај ја целната листаCopyright information for the programСтринг за copyrightCreate the same proxies as a radio actionCredits to the translators. This string should be marked as translatableТековна алфаМоментална бојаТековна страницаCurrent fixed width of the columnCurrent text of the bufferCurrent width of the columnCursor BlinkCursor Blink TimeВреме за трепкање на стрелкатаПозиција на стрелкатаCursor VisibleБоја на стрелкатаCursor line aspect ratioПозиција на стрелкатаCursor theme nameCursor theme sizeТип на кривинаСопствена палетаСопствена ознака на јазичетоCustom tabs for this textDash pattern used to draw the focus indicatorИспрекинати линии се користат за исцртување на линиите на прегледот на дрвотоИспрекинати линии се користат за исцртување на линиите на прегледот на дрвотоДенУкрасеноСтандарден приказСтандардна височинаDefault Outside SpacingСтандардно поставување на страницаСтандарден просторСтандардна широчинаСтандардна команда која ќе се извршува кога се прикажува преглед за печатењеDefault file chooser backendСтандарден бекенд за печатењеDelay before drop down menus appearDelay before hiding a submenuDelay before submenus appearDelay before the submenus of a menu bar appearСе бришиDeprecated property, use shadow_type insteadDestroy with ParentDetailDetermines how the shadowed box around the viewport is drawnДијалогDigitsDiscrete BlocksDisplace focusDisplay a second backward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbarDisplay a second backward arrow button on the opposite end of the tab areaПрикажи уште една стрелка за напред на спротивната страна од лентата за лизгањеDisplay a second forward arrow button on the opposite end of the tab areaDisplay the cellDisplay the cell sensitiveDisplay the standard backward arrow buttonDisplay the standard forward arrow buttonDo overwrite confirmationДокументаториDon't change slider size, just lock it to the minimum lengthДупли стрелкиDouble Click DistanceDouble Click TimeDrag thresholdDrawНацртај границаDraw IndicatorDraw ValueDraw as radio menu itemИсцртај го лизгачот ACTIVE при влечењеDraw the toggle button as a radio buttonEditability setEditableEditable mode of the CellRendererEllipsizeEllipsize setВграденоОвозможи забрзувачиОвозможи анимацииПрикажи линии од мрежатаОвозможи мнемоникаEnable PopupВклучи пребарувањеГо овозможува режимот на екран осетлив на допирПрикажи линии на дрвотоВклучи копчиња со стрелкиОвозможи проширено уредување на изгледот на позадината на редотЅвонче за грешкиError underline colorEven Row ColorНастаниExpandВреме на проширувањеПрошири ја вредноста на временскиот лимит кога графичката контрола се проширува во нов регионПроширеноExpander ColumnГолеминаИзвези го името на датотекатаНастани поврзани со екстензииЕкстра идентација за секое нивоДодатен простор на левиот и десниот раб на менитоExtra space at the top and bottom of the menuExtra space to put between the child and its left and right neighbors, in pixelsExtra space to put between the child and its neighbors, in pixelsExtra space to put between the child and its upper and lower neighbors, in pixelsДодатниот простор применет на широчината на лентата за напредок.Додатно копчеFALSE displays the "invisible char" instead of the actual text (password mode)FALSE ако ова претставува вистински хардвер печатачFALSE removes outside bevel from entryИме на темата за икони за враќањеБекенд на датотечниот системИме на датотекаFilename to load and displayПополниНиво на пополнувањеФилтерFixed Height ModeFixed WidthFixed slider sizeFocus in ToplevelFocus line dash patternFocus linewidthFocus on clickFocus on mapFocus paddingFollow StateФонтИме на фонтотFont description as a PangoFontDescription structFont description as a string, e.g. "Sans Italic 12"Font familyFont family setFont nameПоени за фонтFont pointsРезолуција на фонтотFont scaleFont scale setFont scaling factorГолемина на фонтFont size as a scale factor relative to the default font size. This properly adapts to theme changes etc. so is recommended. Pango predefines some scales such as PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGEFont size in Pango unitsFont size in pointsFont size setFont stretchFont stretch as a PangoStretch, e.g. PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSEDFont stretch setFont styleFont style as a PangoStyle, e.g. PANGO_STYLE_ITALICFont style setFont variantFont variant as a PangoVariant, e.g. PANGO_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPSFont variant setДебелина на ФонтFont weight as an integer, see predefined values in PangoWeight; for example, PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLDFont weight setForce aspect ratio to match that of the frame's childForeground colorForeground color as a (possibly unallocated) GdkColorForeground color as a GdkColorForeground color as a stringForeground color nameForeground setForeground stipple maskForeground stipple setForward stepperфракцијаFrame shadowGTK ModulesGdkPixbufAnimation to displayГравитацијаМостра на линија на мрежатаШирина на линиите на мрежатаГрупаИд. на групаИд. на групата за влечење и пуштање на јазичињаГрупа на јазичиња за влечење и пуштањеHandle SizeHandle positionИма алфаHas EntryИма рамкаHas Opacity ControlHas Resize GripHas defaultHas focusИма палетаИма изборИма разделувачИма балонче со советПоместување на хедерСлика на хедеротСлика на хедерот на страницата на асистентотHeaders ClickableHeaders VisibleВисочинаHeight requestСкриј ако е празноHint to help the desktop environment understand what kind of window this is and how to treat it.HomogeneousHorizontal AdjustmentHorizontal Adjustment for the widgetХоризонтално порамнувањеHorizontal OffsetХоризонтално растојаниеДолжина на хоризонталната стрелка за скролањеHorizontal Scrollbar PolicyHorizontal Separator WidthHorizontal Tab BorderHorizontal adjustmentHorizontal adjustment for the text widgetХоризонтално подредувањеHorizontal alignment for childHorizontal optionsHorizontal paddingHorizontal position of child in available space. 0.0 is left aligned, 1.0 is right alignedHorizontal scaleHorizontal space between cells. Must be an even numberHover ExpandHover SelectionHow far in the x direction to move the arrow when the button is depressedHow far in the x direction to move the child when the button is depressedHow far in the y direction to move the arrow when the button is depressedHow far in the y direction to move the child when the button is depressedКолку долго да го прикажува последно внесениот знак во скриените полиња за внeсувањеHow the range should be updated on the screenHow the text and icon of each item are positioned relative to each otherКако да се постават редовитеHow to break the string into multiple lines, if the cell renderer does not have enough room to display the entire stringHow to draw the input method preedit stringHow to draw the input method statusbarHow to draw the toolbarHow to layout the buttons in the box. Possible values are default, spread, edge, start and endIM Preedit styleIM Status styleИконаИме на иконаIcon SizesIcon Theme NameМодел за преглед на иконаИконата за овој прозорецИме на иконаIcon setIcon set to displayIcon sizeПоставување на големината на иконитеРастојание меѓу иконитеКопче за иконаIcon widget to display in the itemИкониIf FALSE, don't allow to enter strings other than the chosen onesIf TRUE, a heading is displayedIf TRUE, day names are displayedIf TRUE, pressing the right mouse button on the notebook pops up a menu that you can use to go to a pageIf TRUE, scroll arrows are added if there are too many tabs to fitАко е ВИСТИНА тогаш GtkProgress е во активен режим, што значи дека сигнализира кога се случува нешто, но не и колку од активноста е завршена. Ова се користи кога правите нешто за кое што не знаете колку време е потребно.If TRUE, the child appears in a secondary group of children, suitable for, e.g., help buttonsIf TRUE, the child can be made smaller than its requisitionIf TRUE, the child expands and shrinks along with the paned widgetIf TRUE, the popup window will appear for a single match.If TRUE, the popup window will have the same size as the entryIf TRUE, the selected month cannot be changedАко е ВИСТИНА, ќелиите во табелите се со истна височина/широчинаIf TRUE, the widget will receive the default action when it is focusedIf TRUE, the window has no mimimum size. Setting this to TRUE is 99% of the time a bad ideaIf TRUE, the window is modal (other windows are not usable while this one is up)Ако е TRUE, скриените графички контроли ќе бидат игнорирани при определувањето на големината на групатаIf TRUE, users can expand the window beyond its minimum sizeIf TRUE, users can resize the windowIf TRUE, week numbers are displayedIf an arrow should be shown if the toolbar doesn't fitIf available horizontal space is bigger than needed for the child, how much of it to use for the child. 0.0 means none, 1.0 means allIf available vertical space is bigger than needed for the child, how much of it to use for the child. 0.0 means none, 1.0 means allIf set, an underline in the label property indicates that the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator key in the overflow menuIf set, an underline in the text indicates the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator keyIf set, the label is used to pick a stock item instead of being displayedIf set, wrap lines if the text becomes too wideIf the insertion cursor is shownДали копчето за менување да е активно или неIf the toggle button is in an "in between" stateIf the toggle button should be pressed in or notIf the toggle part of the button is displayedIf the tooltips of the toolbar should be active or notIf this window should be destroyed when the parent is destroyedАко пренесувањето на текст е поставено, ќе контролира како се пренесуваат редовитеIgnore hiddenСликаПозиција на сликатаПростор меѓу сликитеКопче за сликаImage/label borderНеконзистентноInconsistent stateВовлеченоIndent ExpandersIndent setГолемина на индикаторотIndicator SpacingГолемина на индикаторотInline completionВнатрешен изборВнатрешна границаВнатрешен фокусInternal paddingInvert direction slider moves to increase range valueInvertedНевидливоНевидлив знакInvisible setЕ активноIs ExpandedIs ExpanderЕ вируеленIs focusIs importantIs this curve linear, spline interpolated, or free-formБројач на работиИме на печатењеПорамнувањеJustification setKey Theme NameKeybinding to activate the menu barKeynav само со стрелкиKeynav Wrap AroundОзнакаОзнака на јазичето кое содржи прилагодени графички контроли.Label widgetLabel xalignLabel yalignЈазикLanguage setLargest possible value for the "position" propertyLayout styleLeft AttachLeft MarginЛева маргинаLeft attachmentГравитација од левоЛева маргинаLeft margin setLeft, right, or center justificationLength of scale's sliderLength of step buttons at endsДолжина на циклусот на трепкање во милисекундиИдентација на нивоЛимитLine WrapLine wrapРежим на пренесување на редовитеЛиста на автори на програматаList of currently active GTK modulesЛиста на имиња со икониList of icon sizes (gtk-menu=16,16:gtk-button=20,20...Листа на луѓето кои работат на документацијатаList of people who have contributed artwork to the programЛиста на GtkPrintBackend бекендови кои ќе се користат стандардноСамо локалноСамо локалноЛокацијаЛогоLogo Icon NameДолниLower limit of rulerНизок степен на чувствителностMake the expanders indentedMarginМаргината се собираОзначи имеMarked up text to renderМаркирањеMarkup columnMaskMask bitmap to use with GdkImage or GdkPixmapMax SizeМаксимална позицијаМаксимална вредностMaximum WidthMaximum Width In CharactersМаксимум XМаксимум YMaximum allowed width of the columnМаксимален простор кој ќе му биде даден на проширувачкиот предметМаксимално проширување на прозорецот-детеMaximum distance allowed between two clicks for them to be considered a double click (in pixels)Максимална должинаMaximum number of characters for this entry. Zero if no maximumМаксимум можна вредност за XМаксимум можна вредност за YMaximum size of the rulerMaximum time allowed between two clicks for them to be considered a double click (in milliseconds)МениMenu bar acceleratorMenu labelMerged UI definitionMessage ButtonsMessage TypeМетричкиМинимална позицијаМинимална должина на клучMinimum Slider LengthМинимална вредностMinimum WidthМинумук XМаксимум YMinimum allowed width of the columnMinimum child heightMinimum child widthMinimum height of buttons inside the boxMinimum length of scrollbar sliderMinimum length of the search key in order to look up matchesМинимум можна вредност за XМинимум можна вредност за YMinimum time the pointer must stay over a menu item before the submenu appearMinimum width of buttons inside the boxMnemonic keyMnemonic widgetModalПоместиМоделModel column used to retrieve the icon pixbuf fromModel column used to retrieve the text fromModel column used to retrieve the text if using Pango markupМесецИмеИме на темата за икони на која ќе се вратамName of default font to useName of file system backend to useName of icon theme to useName of key theme RC file to loadName of the GtkFileChooser backend to use by defaultИме на темата на стрелката која ќе се користи или NULL за користење на стандардната темаName of the font family, e.g. Sans, Helvetica, Times, MonospaceИме на печатачИмето на иконата од темата за овој прозорецName of theme RC file to loadName used to refer to the text tag. NULL for anonymous tagsNo Month ChangeNo show allБрој на каналиБрој на странициБрој на знаци за кои што треба да биде оставено место во записотБрој на колониNumber of columns to displayБрој на печатења кои се во редот на чекање на печатачотБрој на пиксели околу страниците за содржина.Број на пиксели околу хедерот.Number of pixels between the scrollbars and the scrolled windowNumber of pixels of the entry scrolled off the screen to the leftNumber of pixels the cursor can move before draggingБрој на скорешно користени датотекиНумеричкоObey childЗастарено својство, се игнорираOdd Row ColorOffset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative)Offset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative) in Pango unitsПровидност на прозорецотOpacity of the selection boxOptions specifying the horizontal behaviour of the childOptions specifying the vertical behaviour of the childОриентацијаOrientation and growth direction of the progress barOverride for height request of the widget, or -1 if natural request should be usedOverride for width request of the widget, or -1 if natural request should be usedOverwrite modePack directionPack typePaddingСтраницаPage IncrementПоставување на страницаГолемина на страницаСтраницата е завршенаНаслов на страницатаТип на страницаПалета што ќе се користи како избирач за бојаПозадинска боја на параграфотParagraph background color as a (possibly unallocated) GdkColorParagraph background color as a stringParagraph background color nameParagraph background setParent widgetВременски лимит за прикажување совет за лозинкаЛиста со цели на вметнувањеШараPixbufPixbuf Expander ClosedPixbuf Expander OpenPixbuf ObjectPixbuf колонаPixbuf for closed expanderPixbuf for open expanderГолемина на пикселPixel size to use for named iconПикселиPixels Above LinesPixels Below LinesPixels Inside WrapPixels above linesPixels above lines setPixels below linesPixels below lines setPixels inside wrapPixels inside wrap setPixels of blank space above paragraphsPixels of blank space below paragraphsPixels of blank space between wrapped lines in a paragraphPixmapПостави ги лентите за лизгање на рабовите на прозорецотPopup completionPopup set widthПрикажан е скокачки прозорецPopup single matchПозицијаPosition SetPosition of mark on the rulerPosition of paned separator in pixels (0 means all the way to the left/top)Position of the handle relative to the child widgetPreview Widget ActivePreview textПреглед на копчеПоставувања за печатењеПечатачПоставувања на печатачотПечатач со кого ќе се изврши печатењетоИме на програмаВерзија на програмаПулсPulse StepRadio stateОдносReads the current value, or sets a new valueReceives defaultОграничување на скорешните датотекиСкорашен менаџерRender detail to pass to the theme engineReorderableПовтори го временскиот лимитПовтори ја вредноста на временското ограничување кога копчето е притиснатоСо променлива големинаПромени големинаРежим на менување на големинаResize mode of the columnResolution for Xft, in 1024 * dots/inch. -1 to use default valueОграничи на нивото на пополнувањеRight AttachRight MarginДесна маргинаRight attachmentДесна маргинаRight margin setRiseRise setДетали за завршување на редМесто помеѓу редовиRow has childrenRow is an expander row, and is expandedRow spacingRow span columnРедициRowstrideПревиткување на гумаRules HintSans 12ЕкранScroll offsetScrollableScrollbar spacingЛенти за лизгањеПоставување на скролуваниот прозорецSearch ColumnSecondaryСекундарен текстSecondary backward stepperSecondary cursor colorSecondary forward stepperИзбери повеќеИзбери при фокусирањеSelectableИзбран печатачНе е направен изборSelection Box AlphaБоја на кутијата за изборРежим на избирањеSensitiveДолжина на разделувачШирина на разделувачSet a hint to the theme engine to draw rows in alternating colorsSet the column for the expander columnПоставете го ова на позитивни вредности ако се направил некаков напредок, но не знаете колку.ПоставувањаShadow TypeShadow typeКратка ознакаShow ArrowПокажи границаShow Day NamesПрикажи дијалогПокажи ги проширувачитеПокажи го нивото на пополнувањеShow HeadingПокажи скриениПрикажи икониПрикажувањето не е пронајденоПрикажи бројкиПрикажи приватноПокажи јазичињаПрикажи советиShow Week NumbersShow button imagesShow file operationsShow menu imagesПокажи големинаПокажи стилShow textПрикажи го менито „Методи на внесување“Прикажи го менито за внесување на Unicode контролни знациShow the column header buttonsShrinkSide of the handlebox that's lined up with the docking point to dock the handleboxСлика на страничната лентаСлика од страничната лента на страницата на асистентотSingle Line ModeSingle Paragraph ModeГолеминаSize of areas outside the widget's allocation to drawSize of check or radio indicatorSize of dropdown indicatorГолемина на иконите на оваа лента со алаткиSize of spacersГолемина на кривината на јазичетоРастојание меѓу јазичињатаГолемина на стрелкатаГолемина која ќе се употребува за боите или 0 за стандардната големинаГолеминаПрескокни пејџерПрескокни лента со програмиSlider LengthSlider WidthSmallest possible value for the "position" propertySnap edgeSnap edge setSnap to TicksТип на сортирањеSort direction the sort indicator should indicateSort indicatorРед на сортирањеОпции на изворотSpace between value text and the slider/trough areaSpace styleSpace to put between the label and the childSpace which is inserted at the edges of the icon viewSpace which is inserted between cellsSpace which is inserted between cells of an itemПростор кој е вметнат меѓу колоните на мрежатаSpace which is inserted between grid rowsSpacer sizeРастојаниеSpacing around check or radio indicatorSpacing around expander arrowSpacing around indicatorПростор помеѓу копчињаSpacing between step buttons and thumbSpacing between thumb/steppers and outer trough bevelРастојание меѓу иконата и ознаката во пикселиРастојание меѓу сликата и ознаката во пикселиSpecifies the visual style of the bar in percentage mode (Deprecated)Одредете како се справуваат настани за менување на големинаSpeeds up GtkTreeView by assuming that all rows have the same heightSplit CursorВременски лимит за започнувањеПочетна вредност на временскиот лимит кога копчето е притиснатоID за подигнувањеПорака за состојбаСтатусНиза од знаци за статусStep IncrementStepper SizeStepper SpacingStock IDStock ID for a stock image to displayStock IconStock IdStorage typeПрецртанStrikethrough setНиза од знаци која ја дава тековната состојба на печатачотСтилStyle of bevel around the contentsStyle of bevel around the menubarStyle of bevel around the spin buttonStyle of bevel around the statusbar textStyle of bevel around the toolbarStyle of underline for this textПодмениSymbolic size to use for stock icon, icon set or named iconTRUE ако дијалог за напредок се прикажува при печатењето.TRUE ако процесот на печатење може да тече асинхроно.TRUE if the Position property should be usedTRUE ако изворот на содржината треба да е во ќоше на страната наместо на површината за претставувањеTRUE ако печатењето ќе продолжи да емитува статус - променети сигнали откако податоците за печатење се испратени до печатачот или до серверот за печатење.TRUE ако операцијата на печатење ќе продолжи да известува за статусот на печатењето откако податоците за печатење се испратени до печатачот или серверот за печатење.TRUE if the window should be brought to the user's attention.TRUE if the window should not be in the pager.TRUE if the window should not be in the task bar.TRUE if the window should receive the input focus when mapped.TRUE if the window should receive the input focus.TRUE ако овој печатач прифаќа PDFTRUE ако овој печатач прифаќа PostScriptГраница на јазичетоПозиција на јазичетоЗакривување на јазичетоЈазичето се откачуваTab expandTab fillTab labelРастојание меѓу јазичињатаTab pack typeЈазичето е преуредливоТабовиTabs setTag TableTag nameTake FocusTearoff StateTearoff TitleТекстКолона со текстText Tag TableКолона со текстНасока на текстText direction, e.g. right-to-left or left-to-rightText of the expander's labelText of the frame's labelText of the label widget inside the button, if the button contains a label widgetТекст на лентата за прогресText to be displayed in the progress barText to renderText to show in the item.Text x alignmentText y alignmentThe GdkFont that is currently selectedThe GtkActionGroup this GtkAction is associated with, or NULL (for internal use).The GtkAdjustment connected to the progress bar (Deprecated)The GtkAdjustment for the horizontal positionThe GtkAdjustment for the vertical positionThe GtkAdjustment that contains the current value of this range objectGtkAdjustment што ја содржи тековната вредност на овој објект за скалирање на копчеThe GtkAdjustment that determines the values of the horizontal position for this viewportThe GtkAdjustment that determines the values of the vertical position for this viewportThe GtkIconSize value that specifies the size of the rendered iconGtkPageSetup поставувањето кое ќе се употребуваGtkPageSetup поставувањето кое стандардно се користиGtkPrintSettings поставувањата кои се користат за иницијализирање на дијалоготGtkPrinter печатачот кој е избранPrinterOption опцијата кој е во позадина на оваа графичка контролаОбјектот на скорашниот менаџер кој ќе се употребуваThe URL for the link to the website of the programThe acceleration rate when you hold down a buttonThe adjustment that holds the value of the spinbuttonПрилагодувањето кое ја содржи вредноста на кружното копче.The alignment of the lines in the text of the label relative to each other. This does NOT affect the alignment of the label within its allocation. See GtkMisc::xalign for thatThe amount of space between childrenThe amount of space between two consecutive columnsThe amount of space between two consecutive rowsThe amount of space to add on the left and right of the widget, in pixelsThe amount of space to add on the top and bottom of the widget, in pixelsThe border relief styleThe buffer which is displayedКопчињата прикажани во дијалогот со поракаThe character to use when masking entry contents (in "password mode")The child pack direction of the menubarThe closure to be monitored for accelerator changesThe colorspace in which the samples are interpretedКолоната во моделот која содржи текстови за балончињата со совет за предмеитеКолоната во моделот која содржи текстови за балончиња со советиThe column number to attach the left side of the child toThe column number to attach the right side of a child widget toThe column number to attach the right side of the child toThe column of the model containing the strings.Содржината на записотСодржините на балончето со совет за оваа графичка контролаМоменталната бојаМоменталниот филтер за избирање на прикажаните датотекиТековниот филтер за избирање кои ресурси ќе се прикажатThe current opacity value (0 fully transparent, 65535 fully opaque)Тековната страница во документотThe current position of the insertion cursor in charsТековната вредностThe currently selected filenameСтандарден приказ за GDKСтандардните опции за фонтот на екранотСтандардната височина за прозорецот, се користи при прикажување на прозорецотСтандардната широчина за прозорецот, се користи при прикажување на прозорецотThe desired maximum width of the label, in charactersThe desired width of the button widget, in characters.The desired width of the label, in charactersThe dialog has a separator bar above its buttonsThe direction the arrow should pointThe directions in which the size group affects the requested sizes of its component widgetsThe dropdown menuThe event mask that decides what kind of GdkEvents this widget getsThe file chooser dialog to use.Нивото на пополнување.The fixed heightThe fixed widthThe fraction of total progress to move the bouncing block when pulsedThe fraction of total work that has been completedЦелосната патека на датотеката која ќе биде употребена за зачувување и читање на листатаХардверскиот код на клуч на забрзувачотДолжината на разделувачите ако поставувањето "wide-separators" е TRUEThe height of the layoutThe horizontal alignment of the labelThe horizontal alignment, from 0 (left) to 1 (right). Reversed for RTL layouts.Хоризонтална поставеност на текстот, од 0 (лево) до 1 (десно).Име на иконата која ќе се користи за печатачотГолемина на иконатаСликатаThe inconsistent state of the buttonThe increment used for each iteration in activity mode (Deprecated)The index of the child in the parentИндексот на тековната странаThe initial position of the windowПредметот кој што е моментално активенВредноста на копчето за забрзувачотThe label for the link to the website of the program. If this is not set, it defaults to the URLThe label used for menu items and buttons that activate this action.The language this text is in, as an ISO code. Pango can use this as a hint when rendering the text. If not set, an appropriate default will be used.The language this text is in, as an ISO code. Pango can use this as a hint when rendering the text. If you don't understand this parameter, you probably don't need itДолжината на хоризонталните стрелки за скролањеДолжината на вертикалните стрелки за скролањеЛиста на цели кои овој бафер ги поддржува за вметнување од клипбордот и DND изворЛиста на цели кои овој бафер ги поддржува за вметнување од клипбордот и DND дестинацијаЛокација на печатачотThe mask that decides what kind of extension events this widget getsМаксималниот број на предмети кои ќе бидат прикажаниМаксималниот број на предмети кои ќе бидат вратени од gtk_recent_manager_get_items()Максималната вредност за променаThe menu of optionsThe metric used for the rulerМинималната големина на стрелката во комбинираното полеМинималната вредност за променаThe mnemonic accelerator key for this labelThe model containing the possible values for the combo boxМоделот за преглед на ќелиитеThe model for the TreeModelSort to sortThe model for the combo boxThe model for the icon viewThe model for the tree viewThe model to find matches inМодификаторската маска на забрзувачотThe name of the icon from the icon themeThe name of the program. If this is not set, it defaults to g_get_application_name()The name of the selected fontThe name of the themed icon displayed on the itemThe name of the widgetБрој на битови по примерThe number of blocks which can fit in the progress bar area in activity mode (Deprecated)The number of bytes between the start of a row and the start of the next rowThe number of columns in the tableThe number of columns of the pixbufThe number of decimal places that are displayed in the valueThe number of decimal places to displayThe number of discrete blocks in a progress bar (when shown in the discrete style)Бројот на страници во документот.The number of rows in the tableThe number of rows of the pixbufБрој на примери по пикселПровидност на прозорецот, од 0 до 1Ориентација на фиокатаThe pack direction of the menubarThe padding to insert at the bottom of the widget.The padding to insert at the left of the widget.The padding to insert at the right of the widget.The padding to insert at the top of the widget.The page increment of the adjustmentThe page size of the adjustmentThe parent widget of this widget. Must be a Container widgetThe pixbuf to renderThe position in which the current value is displayedПозиција на сликата релативна на текстотПозицијата на ознаката за вметнување (како порамнување од почетокот на баферот)The position of the opposite end of the selection from the cursor in charsПретпочитано место за елипсизација на текстуалната низа, ако исцртувачот на ќелијата нема доволно простор за прикажување на целата текстуална низаПретпочитаното место за елипсизација на текстуалната низа, ако ознаката нема доволно место за прикажување на целата текстуална низаПреферираното место за кратење на низата ако лентата за напредок нема доволно место за прикажување на целата низа.Примарниот текст од дијалогот со поракаПримарниот текст од насловот користи Pango маркирање.The radio action whose group this action belongs to.The radio button whose group this widget belongs to.Предмет од радио менито на чија група припаѓа оваа графичка контрола.The representation being used for image dataРезолуцијата за фонтовите на екранотThe row number to attach the bottom of the child toThe row number to attach the top of a child widget toThe row number to attach the top of the child toЕкранот каде ќе се прикажува статусната иконаThe screen where this window will be displayedСекундарниот текст содржи Pango додаток.Секундарниот текст на дијалогот со поракаИзбраната бојаThe selected day (as a number between 1 and 31, or 0 to unselect the currently selected day)The selected month (as a number between 0 and 11)The selected opacity value (0 fully transparent, 65535 fully opaque)The selected yearРежимот на избирањеПравила за чувствителност кои покажуваат на ниската страна на прилагодувањатаПравила за чувствителност кои покажуваат на високата страна на прилагодувањатаГолемина на иконатаГолемината на скорашно употребуваната листа на ресурсиРедоследот на сортирање на прикажаните предметиСтатусот на операцијата за печатењеThe step increment of the adjustmentThe stock ID of the stock icon to renderThe stock icon displayed in widgets representing this action.The stock icon displayed on the itemThe string displayed in the child's menu entryThe string displayed on the child's tab labelThe style of the widget, which contains information about how it will look (colors etc)Подменито прикачено на предметот од менито или NULL ако немаThe text of the labelThe text of the label includes XML markup. See pango_parse_markup()The text to display in order to demonstrate the selected fontThe time before hiding a submenu when the pointer is moving towards the submenuНасловот на страницата на асистентотThe title of the color selection dialogThe title of the file chooser dialog.The title of the font selection dialogНасловот на прозорецотThe toggle button can be activatedThe toggle state of the buttonПреодниот прозорец-родител на дијалоготДоменот за превод кој се користи од gettextТипот на забрзувачотThe type of messageThe type of operation that the file selector is performingТипот на страницата на асистентотТипот на прозорецотЕдиницата во која се мерат оддалеченостите во содржинатаThe valueВредноста за променаВредноста на скалатаСвојството за вредност на тековно активниот член на групата на која оваа акција ѝ припаѓа.The value returned by gtk_radio_action_get_current_value() when this action is the current action of its group.Верзијата на програматаThe vertical alignment of the labelThe vertical alignment, from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom)Вертикална поставеност на текстот, од 0 (врв) до 1 (дно).The widget to be activated when the label's mnemonic key is pressedThe widget to be monitored for accelerator changesThe width at which the text is wrappedШирина на разделувачите ако поставувањето wide-separators е TRUEThe width of the empty border outside the containers childrenThe width of the layoutThe width used for each itemThe window gravity of the windowThe x-alignThe xpadThe y-alignThe ypadTheme NameВреме за кое стрелката престанува да трепка, во секундиВремето за кое се исклучува режимот за прелистувањеВреме за кое се покажува ова балонче со советВреме за истекување на прелистувањето на балончето за кое се прикажува кога е овозможен режимот за прелистувањеНасловНаслов на печатењетоTitle to appear in column headerToggle stateToolbar StyleToolbar styleTooltipКолона за балонче со советТекст на балончето со советВреме за истекување на прелистувањето на балончетоВреме за истекување на прелистувањето на балончетоМаркирање на балончето со советВреме на појавување на балончето со советTooltipsTop AttachTop PaddingTop attachmentСледи го статусот на печатењетоПреодност за прозорецДомен за преводАрангел Ангов (ufo@linux.net.mk)Мостра на линијата на дрвотоШирина на линијата на дрвотоTreeModel column containing the column span valuesTreeModel column containing the row span valuesTreeModelSort ModelTreeView ModelTrough BorderДетали за страната на полетоПоле под копчето на лентата за движењеСкрати повеќе редовиType hintType of bevel around toolbar buttonsType of subpixel antialiasing; none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgrПодцртајUnderline setUnique identifier for the window to be used when restoring a sessionУникатен означувач за прозорецот кој се користи од startup-notificationЕдиницаБоја на непосетена врскаUpdate PolicyUpdate policyГорниUpper limit of rulerВисоко ниво на чувствителностИтноКористи маркирањеКористи маркирање во секундарнотоКористи ознака за прегледКористи алфаUse font in labelКористи ја целата страницаUse markupUse separatorUse size in labelUse stockUse underlineКориснички податоциВредностValue PositionВредност во листатаValue of the progress barValue spacingVertical AdjustmentVertical Adjustment for the widgetВертикално порамнувањеVertical OffsetVertical PaddingДолжина на вертикалната стрелка за скролањеVertical Scrollbar PolicyVertical Separator WidthVertical Tab BorderVertical adjustmentVertical adjustment for the text widgetВертикално подредувањеВертикално подредување на подпроцесVertical optionsVertical paddingVertical position of child in available space. 0.0 is top aligned, 1.0 is bottom alignedVertical scaleVertical space between cells. Must be an even numberView allows user to search through columns interactivelyПогледот има проширувачиView is reorderableВидливостВидливоВидлив прозорецВидливо кога е хоризонталноVisible when overflownVisible when verticalБоја на постена врскаWebsite URLWebsite labelWhat degree of hinting to use; hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, or hintfullWhen TRUE, empty menu proxies for this action are hidden.Кога е TRUE, навигацијата со тастатура и другите грешки ќе предизвикуваат бипкањеКога е поставено на TRUE, деловите од полето на двете страни од лизгачот се исцртани со различни деталиКога е TRUE, не се прикажуваат известувања за движењето на овој екранКога е TRUE, достапни се само копчињата со стрелки за навигација во графичките контролиWhen TRUE, toolitem proxies for this action are represented in the toolbar overflow menu.При скролање, секогаш прикажувај ги двете стрелки.When the horizontal scrollbar is displayedWhen the menu is a submenu, position it this number of pixels offset horizontallyWhen the menu is a submenu, position it this number of pixels offset verticallyWhen the vertical scrollbar is displayedКаде да биде поставена содржината соодветно на лентите за скролање. Ова својство ќе стапи во сила ако поставувањето "window-placement-set" е TRUE.Каде се лоцирани содржините на скролуваниот прозорец соодветно со лентите за скролање, ако не се надминати од поставувањето на скролуваниот прозорец.Дали "window-placement" да биде користен за одредување на локацијата на содржините соодветно со лентите за скролање.Whether Tab will result in a tab character being enteredДали избирачот на датотеки во режим на зачувување ќе претставува и дијалог за потврдување на запишување над датотеки.Дали да се користи палетаWhether a spin button should wrap upon reaching its limitsДали сите потребни полиња на страницата се пополнетиДали во полето смее да биде внесена празна вредностWhether buttons for creating/manipulating files should be displayedWhether buttons in dialogs should use the alternative button orderWhether default toolbars have text only, text and icons, icons only, etc.Whether dropdowns should have a tearoff menu itemWhether dropdowns should look like lists rather than menusWhether entered text overwrites existing contentsДали внесената вредност мора да биде присутна на листатаWhether erroneous values are automatically changed to a spin button's nearest step incrementWhether extra space given to the child should be allocated to the child or used as paddingДали линиите од мрежата да се исцртаат на прегледот на дрвотоWhether gtk_widget_show_all() should not affect this widgetWhether images should be shown in menusДали натписите да имаат мнемоникаДали десните и левите маргини се собираат.Whether lines are wrapped at widget edgesWhether list item matching is case sensitiveWhether menu accelerators can be changed by pressing a key over the menu itemДали предметите од менијата да имаат забрзувачиWhether non-numeric characters should be ignoredДали приклучокот е вграденДали иконата за статус трепкаДали се вградува статусна иконаДали иконата за статус е видливаWhether or not to give the color an alpha valueWhether or not to keep all text in a single paragraphWhether rows should be expanded/collapsed when the pointer moves over themWhether selected font size is shown in the labelДали разделувачите имаат приспособлива ширина и дали треба да бидат повлекувани со користење на поле наместо линијаWhether spacers are vertical lines or just blankWhether tabs should be shown or notWhether tabs should have homogeneous sizesWhether tearoff menu items should be added to menusДали е вклучена групата за дејствување.Дали е видлива групата за дејствување.Whether the action is considered important. When TRUE, toolitem proxies for this action show text in GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ mode.Дали дејството е вклучено.Whether the action is visible.Whether the application supplied widget for custom previews should be shown.Whether the application will paint directly on the widgetДали копчињата со стрелки се поместуваат на листата на предметиWhether the background color fills the entire line height or only the height of the tagged charactersWhether the border should be shown or notДали баферот има текст кој е тековно избранWhether the button grabs focus when it is clicked with the mouseWhether the child should receive extra space when the parent growsWhether the child's tab should fill the allocated area or notWhether the child_displacement_x/_y properties should also affect the focus rectangleWhether the children should all be the same sizeWhether the color selector should allow setting opacityWhether the column can be reordered around the headersWhether the combo box draws a frame around the childWhether the combo box grabs focus when it is clicked with the mouseДали отпуштањето на комбинираните полиња е прикажаноWhether the common prefix should be inserted automaticallyWhether the completions should be shown in a popup windowДали менито со содржини на записите и прегледите на текстот да овозможи промена на методот за внесувањеДали менијата на содржината на полињата за внесување текст и прегледите на текст треба да понудат внесување на контролни знациWhether the current value is displayed as a string next to the sliderWhether the cursor should blinkДали насоката на индикаторите на вид во листата и дрвата е превртена за разлика од стандардната (каде надолу значи покачување)Дали внесената содржина може да биде уредуванаWhether the event box is visible, as opposed to invisible and only used to trap events.Whether the event-trapping window of the eventbox is above the window of the child widget as opposed to below it.Whether the expander has been opened to reveal the child widgetWhether the header can be clickedWhether the hidden files and folders should be displayedДали својството за големина на иконите е поставеноWhether the input focus is within this GtkWindowWhether the item should be the same size as other homogeneous itemsWhether the item should receive extra space when the toolbar growsДали да се прикажат предметите кои покажуваат кон недостапни ресурсиДали предметите да бидат прикажани со бројкаWhether the label is drawn in the selected fontWhether the label is drawn with the selected font sizeWhether the label is in single line modeWhether the label text can be selected with the mouseДали ознаката тежи кон левоДали е штиклиран предметот за мениWhether the menu item looks like a radio menu itemWhether the pixbuf has an alpha channelWhether the preview widget should take up the entire space it is allocatedДали приватните предмети да се прикажатДали напредокот се прикажува како текстWhether the proxies for this action look like radio action proxiesWhether the rendered pixbuf should be colorized according to the stateWhether the selected file(s) should be limited to local file: URLsWhether the selected font style is shown in the labelДали избраните ресурси да бидат ограничени само на локална датотека: URIWhether the selection should follow the pointerWhether the separator is drawn, or just blankWhether the spin button should update always, or only when the value is legalWhether the statusbar has a grip for resizing the toplevelДали јазичето се откачуваДали јазичето е преуредливо од дејството на корисникотWhether the text can be modified by the userWhether the toolbar item is considered important. When TRUE, toolbar buttons show text in GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ modeWhether the toolbar item is visible when the toolbar is in a horizontal orientation.Whether the toolbar item is visible when the toolbar is in a vertical orientation.Whether the toplevel is the current active windowWhether the widget can accept the input focusWhether the widget can be the default widgetWhether the widget has the input focusWhether the widget is part of a composite widgetWhether the widget is the default widgetWhether the widget is the focus widget within the toplevelWhether the widget is visibleWhether the widget responds to inputДали рамката на прозорецот да има копче за затварањеWhether the window should be decorated by the window managerДали да се прикажи совет за предметотДали да се прикажат икони покрај предметотWhether this tag affects background heightWhether this tag affects indentationWhether this tag affects line wrap modeWhether this tag affects paragraph justificationWhether this tag affects strikethroughWhether this tag affects tabsWhether this tag affects text editabilityWhether this tag affects text visibilityДали оваа етикета има ефект врз режимот на поставувањеWhether this tag affects the background colorWhether this tag affects the background stippleWhether this tag affects the cell background colorWhether this tag affects the ellipsize modeWhether this tag affects the font familyWhether this tag affects the font sizeWhether this tag affects the font stretchWhether this tag affects the font styleWhether this tag affects the font variantWhether this tag affects the font weightWhether this tag affects the foreground colorWhether this tag affects the foreground stippleWhether this tag affects the language the text is rendered asWhether this tag affects the left marginWhether this tag affects the number of pixels above linesWhether this tag affects the number of pixels between wrapped linesWhether this tag affects the paragraph background colorWhether this tag affects the right marginWhether this tag affects the riseWhether this tag affects underliningWhether this tag scales the font size by a factorWhether this text is hidden.Дали оваа графичка контрола има балонче со советWhether to activate the default widget (such as the default button in a dialog) when Enter is pressedWhether to allow multiple files to be selectedДали е дозволено повеќе предмети да бидат избраниWhether to antialias Xft fonts; 0=no, 1=yes, -1=defaultДали да се прикажи ниво на пополнување.Whether to display a stock label with the name of the previewed file.Whether to display an "inconsistent" stateWhether to display the columnWhether to draw the focus indicator inside widgetsДали да исцртам поле за целосна должина на опсегот или да ги исклучам копчињата на лентата за движење и растојаниетоДали да овозможам избор на повеќе предмети со влечење со стрелката на глувчетоДали да овозможи анимации на алатниците.Whether to expand the child's tab or notWhether to hint Xft fonts; 0=no, 1=yes, -1=defaultWhether to put a separator between the message dialog's text and the buttonsДали да се ограничи горната граница на нивото на ограничување.Дали да се избери содржината на избирачки наслов кога е фокусиранДали да ја избере содржината на записот кога истиот е фокусиранWhether to show a sort indicatorWhether to strike through the textДали да ги скрати вметнувања на повеќе редови во еден.Whether to use the value from the snap_edge property or a value derived from handle_positionДали да се обвитка при навигација на графичките контроли со тастатураWhether to wrap lines never, at word boundaries, or at character boundariesWhether to wrap the license text.Дали линиите од дрвото да се исцртаат на прегледот на дрвотоWhether two cursors should be displayed for mixed left-to-right and right-to-left textWhether words are wrapped at widget edgesКој тип на сенка ќе се исцртува околу комбинираното полеКаков тип на сенка да се црта околу записот кога е поставено has-frameWhich side of the notebook holds the tabsШироки разделувачиКопчеWidget nameWidget to put in column header button instead of column titleWidget to use as the item labelШирочинаWidth In CharactersWidth for each itemWidth in charsWidth of border around the button area at the bottom of the dialogWidth of border around the label and image in the message dialogWidth of border around the main dialog areaWidth of handleWidth of scrollbar or scale thumbWidth of the border around the tab labelsWidth of the horizontal border of tab labelsWidth of the left margin in pixelsWidth of the right margin in pixelsWidth of the vertical border of tab labelsWidth requestWidth, in pixels, between focus indicator and the widget 'box'Width, in pixels, of the focus indicator lineШирина во пиксели на линиите на прегледот на дрвотоШирина во пиксели на линиите на прегледот на дрвотоWindow PlacementПоставување на положбата на прозорецотПозиција на прозорецотВиткање на прозорецНаслов на прозорецТип на прозорецСо поставување на оваа опција на TRUE, лизгачите ќе бидат исцртани ACTIVE и со сенката IN додека се влечениWord WrapПоредиWrap ModeWrap licenseWrap modeWrap mode setЗавиткај широчинаЗголеми ја ширината за поставување на предметите на мрежатаX Alignment of the column header text or widgetX alignX alignment of the childX padX positionX position of child widgetXSpacingXft AntialiasXft DPIXft Hint StyleXft HintingXft RGBAY alignY alignment of the childY padY positionY position of child widgetYearВашиот опис овдевисинарежимthe GdkScreen for the renderervisibleширинаxalignxpadyalignypad