# frozen_string_literal: true module SyntaxTree module ERB # A Location represents a position for a node in the source file. class Location attr_reader :start_char, :end_char, :start_line, :end_line def initialize(start_char:, end_char:, start_line:, end_line:) @start_char = start_char @end_char = end_char @start_line = start_line @end_line = end_line end def deconstruct_keys(keys) { start_char: start_char, end_char: end_char, start_line: start_line, end_line: end_line } end def to(other) Location.new( start_char: start_char, start_line: start_line, end_char: other.end_char, end_line: other.end_line ) end def <=>(other) start_char <=> other.start_char end def to_s if start_line == end_line "line #{start_line}, char #{start_char}..#{end_char}" else "line #{start_line},char #{start_char} to line #{end_line}, char #{end_char}" end end end # A parent node that contains a bit of shared functionality. class Node def format(q) Format.new(q).visit(self) end def pretty_print(q) PrettyPrint.new(q).visit(self) end def without_new_line self end def skip? false end end # A Token is any kind of lexical token from the source. It has a type, a # value which is a subset of the source, and an index where it starts in # the source. class Token < Node attr_reader :type, :value, :location def initialize(type:, value:, location:) @type = type @value = value @location = location end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_token(self) end def child_nodes [] end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) { type: type, value: value, location: location } end end # The Document node is the top of the syntax tree. # It contains any number of: # - Text # - HtmlNode # - ErbNodes class Document < Node attr_reader :elements, :location def initialize(elements:, location:) @elements = elements @location = location end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_document(self) end def child_nodes [*elements].compact end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) { elements: elements, location: location } end end # This is a base class for a Node that can also hold an appended # new line. class Element < Node attr_reader(:new_line, :location) def initialize(new_line:, location:) @new_line = new_line @location = location end def without_new_line self.class.new(**deconstruct_keys([]).merge(new_line: nil)) end def deconstruct_keys(keys) { new_line: new_line, location: location } end end # This is a base class for a block that contains: # - an opening # - optional elements # - optional closing class Block < Node attr_reader(:opening, :elements, :closing, :location) def initialize(opening:, location:, elements: nil, closing: nil) @opening = opening @elements = elements || [] @closing = closing @location = location end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_block(self) end def child_nodes [opening, *elements, closing].compact end def new_line closing.new_line if closing.respond_to?(:new_line) end def without_new_line self.class.new( **deconstruct_keys([]).merge(closing: closing&.without_new_line) ) end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) { opening: opening, elements: elements, closing: closing, location: location } end end # An element is a child of the document. It contains an opening tag, any # optional content within the tag, and a closing tag. It can also # potentially contain an opening tag that self-closes, in which case the # content and closing tag will be nil. class HtmlNode < Block # These elements do not require a closing tag # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Void_element HTML_VOID_ELEMENTS = %w[ area base br col embed hr img input link meta param source track wbr ] # The opening tag of an element. It contains the opening character (<), # the name of the element, any optional attributes, and the closing # token (either > or />). class OpeningTag < Element attr_reader :opening, :name, :attributes, :closing def initialize( opening:, name:, attributes:, closing:, new_line:, location: ) super(new_line: new_line, location: location) @opening = opening @name = name @attributes = attributes @closing = closing end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_opening_tag(self) end def child_nodes [opening, name, *attributes, closing] end def is_void_element? HTML_VOID_ELEMENTS.include?(name.value) end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) super.merge( opening: opening, name: name, attributes: attributes, closing: closing ) end end # The closing tag of an element. It contains the opening character (<), # the name of the element, and the closing character (>). class ClosingTag < Element attr_reader :opening, :name, :closing def initialize(opening:, name:, closing:, location:, new_line:) super(new_line: new_line, location: location) @opening = opening @name = name @closing = closing end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_closing_tag(self) end def child_nodes [opening, name, closing] end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) super.merge(opening: opening, name: name, closing: closing) end end def is_void_element? false end def without_new_line self.class.new( **deconstruct_keys([]).merge( opening: closing.nil? ? opening.without_new_line : opening, closing: closing&.without_new_line ) ) end # The HTML-closing tag is responsible for new lines after the node. def new_line closing.nil? ? opening.new_line : closing&.new_line end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_html(self) end end class ErbNode < Element attr_reader :opening_tag, :keyword, :content, :closing_tag def initialize( opening_tag:, keyword:, content:, closing_tag:, new_line:, location: ) super(new_line: new_line, location: location) @opening_tag = opening_tag # prune whitespace from keyword @keyword = if keyword Token.new( type: keyword.type, value: keyword.value.strip, location: keyword.location ) end @content = prepare_content(content) @closing_tag = closing_tag end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_erb(self) end def child_nodes [opening_tag, keyword, content, closing_tag].compact end def new_line closing_tag&.new_line end def without_new_line self.class.new( **deconstruct_keys([]).merge( closing_tag: closing_tag.without_new_line ) ) end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) super.merge( opening_tag: opening_tag, keyword: keyword, content: content, closing_tag: closing_tag ) end private def prepare_content(content) if content.is_a?(ErbContent) content else # Set content to nil if it is empty content ||= [] ErbContent.new(value: content) end rescue SyntaxTree::Parser::ParseError # Try to add the keyword to see if it parses result = ErbContent.new(value: [keyword, *content]) @keyword = nil result end end class ErbBlock < Block def initialize(opening:, location:, elements: nil, closing: nil) super( opening: opening, location: location, elements: elements, closing: closing ) end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_erb_block(self) end end class ErbClose < Element attr_reader :closing def initialize(closing:, new_line:, location:) super(new_line: new_line, location: location) @closing = closing end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_erb_close(self) end def child_nodes [] end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) super.merge(closing: closing) end end class ErbDoClose < ErbClose def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_erb_do_close(self) end end class ErbControl < Block end class ErbIf < ErbControl # opening: ErbNode # elements: [[HtmlNode | ErbNode | CharDataNode]] # closing: [nil | ErbElsif | ErbElse] def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_erb_if(self) end end class ErbUnless < ErbIf # opening: ErbNode # elements: [[HtmlNode | ErbNode | CharDataNode]] # closing: [nil | ErbElsif | ErbElse] def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_erb_if(self) end end class ErbElsif < ErbIf def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_erb_if(self) end end class ErbElse < ErbIf def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_erb_else(self) end end class ErbEnd < ErbNode def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_erb_end(self) end def child_nodes [] end alias deconstruct child_nodes end class ErbCase < ErbControl # opening: ErbNode # elements: [[HtmlNode | ErbNode | CharDataNode]] # closing: [nil | ErbCaseWhen | ErbElse | ErbEnd] def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_erb_case(self) end end class ErbCaseWhen < ErbControl # opening: ErbNode # elements: [[HtmlNode | ErbNode | CharDataNode]] # closing: [nil | ErbCaseWhen | ErbElse | ErbEnd] def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_erb_case_when(self) end end class ErbContent < Node attr_reader(:value) def initialize(value:) if value.is_a?(Array) value = value.map { |token| token.is_a?(Token) ? token.value : token }.join end @value = SyntaxTree.parse(value.strip) end def blank? value.nil? || value .statements .child_nodes .reject { |node| node.is_a?(SyntaxTree::VoidStmt) } .empty? end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_erb_content(self) end def child_nodes [@value].compact end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) { value: value } end end # An HtmlAttribute is a key-value pair within a tag. It contains the key, the # equals sign, and the value. class HtmlAttribute < Node attr_reader :key, :equals, :value, :location def initialize(key:, equals:, value:, location:) @key = key @equals = equals @value = value @location = location end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_attribute(self) end def child_nodes [key, equals, value] end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) { key: key, equals: equals, value: value, location: location } end end # A HtmlString can include ERB-tags class HtmlString < Node attr_reader :opening, :contents, :closing, :location def initialize(opening:, contents:, closing:, location:) @opening = opening @contents = contents @closing = closing @location = location end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_html_string(self) end def child_nodes [*contents] end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) { opening: opening, contents: contents, closing: closing, location: location } end end class HtmlComment < Element attr_reader :token def initialize(token:, new_line:, location:) super(new_line: new_line, location: location) @token = token end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_html_comment(self) end def child_nodes [] end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) super.merge(token: token) end end class ErbComment < Element attr_reader :token def initialize(token:, new_line:, location:) super(new_line: new_line, location: location) @token = token end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_erb_comment(self) end def child_nodes [] end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) super.merge(token: token) end end # A CharData contains either plain text or whitespace within an element. # It wraps a single token value. class CharData < Element attr_reader :value def initialize(value:, new_line:, location:) super(new_line: new_line, location: location) @value = value end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_char_data(self) end def child_nodes [value] end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) super.merge(value: value) end def skip? value.value.strip.empty? end # Also remove trailing whitespace def without_new_line self.class.new( **deconstruct_keys([]).merge( new_line: nil, value: Token.new( type: value.type, location: value.location, value: value.value.rstrip ) ) ) end end class NewLine < Node attr_reader :count, :location def initialize(location:, count:) @location = location @count = count end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_new_line(self) end def child_nodes [] end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) { location: location, count: count } end end # A document type declaration is a special kind of tag that specifies the # type of the document. It contains an opening declaration, the name of # the document type, an optional external identifier, and a closing of the # tag. class Doctype < Element attr_reader :opening, :name, :closing def initialize(opening:, name:, closing:, new_line:, location:) super(new_line: new_line, location: location) @opening = opening @name = name @closing = closing end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_doctype(self) end def child_nodes [opening, name, closing].compact end alias deconstruct child_nodes def deconstruct_keys(keys) super.merge(opening: opening, name: name, closing: closing) end end end end