# do not override if httpclient/webagent-cookie is loaded already unless defined?(HTTPClient::CookieManager) begin # for catching LoadError and load webagent-cookie instead require 'http-cookie' class HTTPClient class CookieManager attr_reader :format attr_accessor :cookies_file def initialize(cookies_file = nil, format = WebAgentSaver) @cookies_file = cookies_file @format = format @jar = HTTP::CookieJar.new load_cookies if @cookies_file end def load_cookies check_cookies_file @jar.clear @jar.load(@cookies_file, :format => @format) end def save_cookies(session = false) check_cookies_file @jar.save(@cookies_file, :format => @format, :session => session) end def cookies(uri = nil) cookies = @jar.cookies(uri) # TODO: return HTTP::Cookie in the future cookies.map { |cookie| WebAgent::Cookie.new( :name => cookie.name, :value => cookie.value, :domain => cookie.domain, :path => cookie.path, :origin => cookie.origin, :for_domain => cookie.for_domain, :expires => cookie.expires, :httponly => cookie.httponly, :secure => cookie.secure ) } end def cookie_value(uri) cookies = self.cookies(uri) unless cookies.empty? HTTP::Cookie.cookie_value(cookies) end end def parse(value, uri) @jar.parse(value, uri) end def cookies=(cookies) @jar.clear cookies.each do |cookie| add(cookie) end end def add(cookie) @jar.add(cookie) end def find(uri) warn('CookieManager#find is deprecated and will be removed in near future. Use HTTP::Cookie.cookie_value(CookieManager#cookies) instead') if cookie = cookies(uri) HTTP::Cookie.cookie_value(cookie) end end private def check_cookies_file unless @cookies_file raise ArgumentError.new('Cookies file not specified') end end end class WebAgentSaver < HTTP::CookieJar::AbstractSaver # no option def default_options {} end # same as HTTP::CookieJar::CookiestxtSaver def save(io, jar) jar.each { |cookie| next if !@session && cookie.session? io.print cookie_to_record(cookie) } end # same as HTTP::CookieJar::CookiestxtSaver def load(io, jar) io.each_line { |line| cookie = parse_record(line) and jar.add(cookie) } end private def cookie_to_record(cookie) [ cookie.origin, cookie.name, cookie.value, cookie.expires.to_i, cookie.dot_domain, cookie.path, self.class.flag(cookie) ].join("\t") + "\n" end def parse_record(line) return nil if /\A#/ =~ line col = line.chomp.split(/\t/) origin = col[0] name = col[1] value = col[2] value.chomp! if col[3].empty? or col[3] == '0' expires = nil else expires = Time.at(col[3].to_i) return nil if expires < Time.now end domain = col[4] path = col[5] cookie = WebAgent::Cookie.new(name, value, :origin => origin, :domain => domain, :path => path, :expires => expires ) self.class.set_flag(cookie, col[6].to_i) cookie end USE = 1 SECURE = 2 DOMAIN = 4 PATH = 8 HTTP_ONLY = 64 def self.flag(cookie) flg = 0 flg += USE # not used flg += SECURE if cookie.secure? flg += DOMAIN if cookie.for_domain? flg += HTTP_ONLY if cookie.httponly? flg += PATH if cookie.path # not used flg end def self.set_flag(cookie, flag) cookie.secure = true if flag & SECURE > 0 cookie.for_domain = true if flag & DOMAIN > 0 cookie.httponly = true if flag & HTTP_ONLY > 0 end end end # for backward compatibility class WebAgent CookieManager = ::HTTPClient::CookieManager class Cookie < HTTP::Cookie @@warned = false def url deprecated('url', 'origin') self.origin end def url=(url) deprecated('url=', 'origin=') self.origin = url end def http_only? deprecated('http_only?', 'httponly?') self.httponly? end alias original_domain domain def domain warn('Cookie#domain returns dot-less domain name now. Use Cookie#dot_domain if you need "." at the beginning.') self.original_domain end def flag deprecated('flag', 'secure, for_domain, etc.') HTTPClient::WebAgentSaver.flag(self) end private def deprecated(old, new) unless @@warned warn("WebAgent::Cookie is deprecated and will be replaced with HTTP::Cookie in the near future. Please use Cookie##{new} instead of Cookie##{old} for the replacement.") @@warned = true end end end end rescue LoadError require 'httpclient/webagent-cookie' end end