module MooseX module Types def Types.included(c) c.extend(MooseX::Types::Core) end class TypeCheckError < TypeError end module Core # TODO # String # format # length (min, max, between, is) # add custom message # integer / number odd, even, >=, <=, etc # allow new/blank # required :method? # Types::Numeric # PositiveNum # PositiveOrZeroNum # PositiveInt # PositiveOrZeroInt # NegativeNum # NegativeOrZeroNum # NegativeInt # NegativeOrZeroInt # SingleDigit def createValidator(message, &block) l = block l.define_singleton_method(:to_s) { message } l end def isAny createValidator("[Any]") {|value| } end def isConstant(constant_value) createValidator("[Constant: '#{constant_value}' (#{constant_value.class})]") do |value| unless value === constant_value raise TypeCheckError,"Constant violation: value '#{value}' (#{value.class}) is not '#{constant_value}' (#{constant_value.class})" end end end def isType(type) return type if type.is_a?(Proc) createValidator("[Type #{type}]") do |value| raise TypeCheckError, "Type violation: value '#{value}' (#{value.class}) is not an instance of [Type #{type}]" unless value.is_a?(type) end end alias_method :isInstanceOf, :isType alias_method :isConsumerOf, :isType def hasMethods(*methods) createValidator("[hasMethods #{methods}]") do |object| methods.each do |method| unless object.respond_to? method.to_sym raise TypeCheckError, "hasMethods violation: object #{object} (#{object.class}) should implement method #{method}" end end end end def isAllOf(*conditions) createValidator("[AllOf [#{{|t| t.to_s }.join(', ')}]]") do |value| begin conditions.each { |c| isType(c).call(value) } rescue TypeCheckError => e raise TypeCheckError, "AllOf Check violation: caused by [#{e}]" end end end def isAnyOf(*conditions) conditions = conditions.flatten createValidator("[AnyOf [#{{|t| t.to_s }.join(', ')}]]") do |value| find = false exceptions = [] for c in conditions begin isType(c).call(value) find = true break rescue TypeCheckError => ex exceptions << ex rescue => e raise TypeCheckError, "unexpected exception #{e}" end end raise TypeCheckError, "AnyOf Check violation: caused by [#{{|e| e.to_s}.join', '}]" unless find end end def isEnum(*possible_values) possible_constants = do |value| isConstant(value) end createValidator("[Enum #{possible_values}]") do |value| begin isAnyOf(possible_constants).call(value) rescue TypeCheckError => e raise TypeCheckError, "Enum Check violation: value '#{value}' (#{value.class}) is not #{possible_values}" end end end def isNot(condition) createValidator("[NOT #{condition.to_s}]") do |value| success = false begin success = true rescue TypeCheckError => e nil end if success raise TypeCheckError, "Not violation: value '#{value}' (#{value.class}) is not #{condition.to_s}" end end end def isMaybe(type) createValidator("[Maybe #{type.to_s}]") do |value| begin isAnyOf(isType(type), isConstant(nil)).call(value) rescue TypeCheckError => e raise TypeCheckError, "Maybe violation: caused by #{e}" end end end def isArray(type=nil) type = isAny if type.nil? createValidator "[Array #{type.to_s}]" do |array| isType(Array).call(array) array.each do |item| begin isType(type).call(item) rescue TypeCheckError => e raise TypeCheckError, "Array violation: caused by #{e}" end end end end def isHash(map={}) if map.empty? map = {isAny => isAny } end keyType, valueType = map.shift createValidator "[Hash #{keyType.to_s} => #{valueType.to_s}]" do |hash| isType(Hash).call(hash) hash.each_pair do| key, value| begin isType(keyType).call(key) isType(valueType).call(value) rescue TypeCheckError => e raise TypeCheckError, "Hash violation: caused by #{e}" end end end end def isTuple(*types) size_validation = ->(tuple) do unless tuple.size == types.size raise TypeCheckError, "Tuple violation: size should be #{types.size} instead #{tuple.size}" end end individual_validations = create_individual_validations_for_tuples(types) proc = isAllOf( isType(Array), size_validation, *individual_validations, ) createValidator("[Tuple [#{{|t| t.to_s}.join ', '}]]", &proc) end def isSet(type=nil) type = isAny if type.nil? proc = isAllOf( isArray(type), ->(set) do if set.uniq.size != set.size raise TypeCheckError, "Set violation: has one or more non unique elements" end end, ) createValidator("[Set #{type.to_s}]", &proc) end private def create_individual_validations_for_tuples(types) individual_validations = [] types.each_index do |index| individual_validations << ->(tuple) do begin isType(types[index]).call(tuple[index]) rescue TypeCheckError => e raise TypeCheckError, "Tuple violation: on position #{index} caused by #{e}" end end end individual_validations end end end end