require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper')) describe Tanker do describe "configuration" do it 'sets configuration' do conf = {:url => '', :pagination_backend => :will_paginate} Tanker.configuration = conf Tanker.configuration.should == conf end it 'adds default values to configuration on set if needed' do conf = {:url => ''} Tanker.configuration = conf Tanker.configuration.should == conf.merge(:pagination_backend => :will_paginate) end it 'checks for configuration when the module is included' do Tanker.configuration = nil lambda {, Tanker) }.should raise_error(Tanker::NotConfigured) end it 'should not add model to .included_in if not configured' do Tanker.configuration = nil begin dummy_class = dummy_class.send(:include, Tanker) rescue Tanker::NotConfigured => e Tanker.included_in.should_not include dummy_class end end end describe ".tankit" do before :each do Tanker.configuration = {:url => ''} @dummy_class = do include Tanker end end after :each do Tanker.instance_variable_set(:@included_in, Tanker.included_in - [@dummy_class]) end it 'should require a block when setting up tanker model' do lambda { @dummy_class.send(:tankit, 'dummy index') }.should raise_error(Tanker::NoBlockGiven) end it 'should set indexable fields' do @dummy_class.send(:tankit, 'dummy index') do indexes :field end dummy_instance = dummy_instance.tanker_config.indexes.any? {|field, block| field == :field }.should == true end it 'should allow blocks for indexable field data' do @dummy_class.send(:tankit, 'dummy index') do indexes :class_name do end end dummy_instance = dummy_instance.tanker_config.indexes.any? {|field, block| field == :class_name }.should == true end it 'should overwrite the previous index name if provided' do @dummy_class.send(:tankit, 'first index') do end @dummy_class.send(:tankit, 'second index') do end dummy_instance = dummy_instance.tanker_config.index_name.should == 'second index' end it 'should keep the previous index name if not provided' do @dummy_class.send(:tankit, 'dummy index') do end @dummy_class.send(:tankit) do end dummy_instance = dummy_instance.tanker_config.index_name.should == 'dummy index' end it 'should keep previously indexed fields' do @dummy_class.send(:tankit, 'dummy index') do indexes :something end @dummy_class.send(:tankit, 'dummy index') do indexes :something_else end dummy_instance = Hash[*dummy_instance.tanker_config.indexes.flatten].keys.should == [:something, :something_else] end it 'should overwrite previously indexed fields if re-indexed' do @dummy_class.send(:tankit, 'dummy index') do indexes :something do "first" end end @dummy_class.send(:tankit, 'dummy index') do indexes :something do "second" end end dummy_instance = dummy_instance.stub!(:id => 1) dummy_instance.tanker_index_data[:something].should == "second" end it 'should merge with previously defined variables' do @dummy_class.send(:tankit, 'dummy index') do variables do { 0 => 3.1415927, 1 => 2.7182818 } end end @dummy_class.send(:tankit, 'dummy index') do variables do { 0 => 1.618034 } end end dummy_instance = dummy_instance.tanker_index_options[:variables].should == { 0 => 1.618034, 1 => 2.7182818 } end it 'should allow setting of __type by supplying :as option' do @dummy_class.send(:tankit, 'dummy index', { :as => 'MySpecialModel' }) do end dummy_instance = dummy_instance.stub!(:id => 1) dummy_instance.tanker_index_data[:__type].should == 'MySpecialModel' end it "can be initially defined in one module and extended in the including class" do dummy_module = do def self.included(base) base.send :include, Tanker base.tankit 'dummy index' do indexes :name end end end dummy_class = do include dummy_module tankit 'another index' do indexes :email end end dummy_instance = dummy_instance.tanker_config.index_name.should == 'another index' Hash[*dummy_instance.tanker_config.indexes.flatten].keys.should == [:name, :email] Tanker.instance_variable_set(:@included_in, Tanker.included_in - [dummy_class]) end end describe 'tanker instance' do it 'should create an api instance' do Tanker.api.class.should == IndexTank::ApiClient end it 'should create a connexion to index tank' do Person.tanker_index.class.should == IndexTank::IndexClient end it 'should be able to perform a seach query directly on the model' do Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:search).and_return( { "matches" => 1, "results" => [{ "docid" =>, "name" => 'pedro', "__type" => 'Person', "__id" => '1' }], "search_time" => 1 } ) Person.should_receive(:find).and_return( [] ) collection = Person.search_tank('hey!') collection.class.should == WillPaginate::Collection collection.total_entries.should == 1 collection.total_pages.should == 1 collection.per_page.should == 10 collection.current_page.should == 1 end it 'should handle string and integer ids in search results' do Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:search).and_return( { "matches" => 2, "results" => [{ "docid" => 'Person mystring1d', "name" => 'pedro', "__type" => 'Person', "__id" => 'mystring1d' },{ "docid" => 'Person 1', "name" => 'jaun', "__type" => 'Person', "__id" => '1' }], "search_time" => 1 } ) Person.should_receive(:find).with(['mystring1d', '1']).and_return( [,] ) collection = Person.search_tank('hey!') collection.class.should == WillPaginate::Collection collection.total_entries.should == 2 end it 'should be able to use multi-value query phrases' do Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:search).with( 'name:(hey! location_id:(1) location_id:(2)) OR last_name:(hey! location_id:(1) location_id:(2)) __type:("Person")', anything ).and_return({'results' => [], 'matches' => 0}) collection = Person.search_tank('hey!', :conditions => {:location_id => [1,2]}) end it 'should be able to use filter_functions' do Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:search).with( anything, hash_including(:filter_function2 => "0:10,20:40") ).and_return({'results' => [], 'matches' => 0}) collection = Person.search_tank('hey!', :filter_functions => { 2 => [[0,10], [20,40]] }) end it 'should be able to use filter_docvars' do Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:search).with( anything, hash_including(:filter_docvar3 => "*:7,80:100") ).and_return({'results' => [], 'matches' => 0}) collection = Person.search_tank('hey!', :filter_docvars => { 3 => [['*',7], [80,100]] }) end it 'should be able to perform a seach query over several models' do index = Tanker.api.get_index('animals') Dog.should_receive(:tanker_index).and_return(index) index.should_receive(:search).and_return( { "matches" => 2, "results" => [{ "docid" => 'Dog 7', "name" => 'fido', "__type" => 'Dog', "__id" => '7' }, { "docid" => 'Cat 9', "name" => 'fluffy', "__type" => 'Cat', "__id" => '9' }], "search_time" => 1 } ) Dog.should_receive(:find).and_return( [ => 'fido', :id => 7)] ) Cat.should_receive(:find).and_return( [ => 'fluffy', :id => 9)] ) collection =[Dog, Cat], 'hey!') collection.class.should == WillPaginate::Collection collection.total_entries.should == 2 collection.total_pages.should == 1 collection.per_page.should == 10 collection.current_page.should == 1 end it 'should be able to search for modularized model classes' do Foo::Bar.tanker_index. should_receive(:search). with(/__type:\(.*"Foo Bar".*\)/, anything). and_return({ "results" => [{ "docid" => 'Foo::Bar 42', "__type" => 'Foo::Bar', "__id" => '42' }] }) Foo::Bar.should_receive(:find).and_return([stub(:id => 42)]) Foo::Bar.search_tank('bar') end it 'should be able to perform a search without pagination' do Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:search).and_return( { "matches" => 2, "results" => [{ "docid" => 'Person 1', "name" => 'pedro', "__type" => 'Person', "__id" => '1' },{ "docid" => 'Person 2', "name" => 'jaun', "__type" => 'Person', "__id" => '2' }], "search_time" => 1 } ) Person.should_receive(:find).with(['1', '2']).and_return( [,] ) collection = Person.search_tank('hey!', :paginate => false) collection.class.should == Array collection.size.should == 2 end it 'should be able to perform a search with pagination settings in :paginate option' do Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:search).and_return( { "matches" => 2, "results" => [{ "docid" => 'Person 1', "name" => 'pedro', "__type" => 'Person', "__id" => '1' },{ "docid" => 'Person 2', "name" => 'jaun', "__type" => 'Person', "__id" => '2' }], "search_time" => 1 } ) Person.should_receive(:find).with(['1', '2']).and_return( [,] ) collection = Person.search_tank('hey!', :paginate => { :page => 2, :per_page => 1 }) collection.class.should == WillPaginate::Collection collection.total_entries.should == 2 collection.total_pages.should == 2 collection.per_page.should == 1 collection.current_page.should == 2 end it 'should be able to update the index' do person = => 'Name', :last_name => 'Last Name') Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:add_document).with(, { :__any => "#{$frozen_moment.to_i} . Last Name . Name", :__type => 'Person', :__id => 1, :name => 'Name', :last_name => 'Last Name', :timestamp => $frozen_moment.to_i }, { :variables => { 0 => 1.0, 1 => 20.0, 2 => 300.0 } } ) person.update_tank_indexes end it 'should be able to batch update the index' do person = => 'Name', :last_name => 'Last Name') Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:add_documents).with( [ { :docid =>, :fields => { :__any => "#{$frozen_moment.to_i} . Last Name . Name", :__type => 'Person', :__id => 1, :name => 'Name', :last_name => 'Last Name', :timestamp => $frozen_moment.to_i }, :variables => { 0 => 1.0, 1 => 20.0, 2 => 300.0 } } ] ) Tanker.batch_update([person]) end it 'should be able to delete the document from the index' do person = Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:delete_document) person.delete_tank_indexes end describe 'snippets' do it 'should not call find method but instead create new instances the models matched the search with the snippetted fields as snippet_ attributes' do Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:search).and_return( { "matches" => 1, "results" => [{ "docid" =>, 'snippet_name' => 'ped...', "__type" => 'Person', "__id" => '1' }], "search_time" => 1 }) collection = Person.search_tank('hey!', :snippets => [:name]) collection[0].name_snippet.should == 'ped...' end end describe 'fetch' do it 'should not call find method but instead create new instances the models matched the search with the fetched fields as attributes' do Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:search).and_return( { "matches" => 1, "results" => [{ "docid" =>, 'name' => 'Osama', "__type" => 'Person', "__id" => '1' }], "search_time" => 1 }) collection = Person.search_tank('terrorist', :fetch => [:name]) collection[0].name.should == 'Osama' end end end describe "Kaminari support" do before :all do Tanker.configuration = {:url => '', :pagination_backend => :kaminari} end after :all do Tanker.configuration = {} end it 'should raise error message if Kaminari gem is not required' do Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:search).and_return( { "matches" => 1, "results" => [{ "docid" =>, "name" => 'pedro', "__type" => 'Person', "__id" => '1' }], "search_time" => 1 } ) Person.should_receive(:find).and_return([]) lambda { Person.search_tank('test') }.should raise_error(Tanker::BadConfiguration) end it 'should be able to return Kaminari compatible array for a search' do require 'kaminari' Person.tanker_index.should_receive(:search).and_return( { "matches" => 1, "results" => [{ "docid" =>, "name" => 'pedro', "__type" => 'Person', "__id" => '1' }], "search_time" => 1 } ) Person.should_receive(:find).and_return([]) array = Person.search_tank('hey!') array.class.should == Tanker::KaminariPaginatedArray array.total_count.should == 1 array.num_pages.should == 1 array.limit_value.should == 10 array.current_page.should == 1 end end end