class Openbsd < Oxidized::Model
  # OpenBSD with custom promp, like user@hostname:~$
  # you can edit the one that your user uses, with root would be /root/.profile using the next PS1 def
  # export PS1="\033[32m\u@\h\033[00m:\033[36m\w\033[00m$ "

  prompt /^.+@.+\:.+\$/
  comment '# '

  # Add a comment between files/configs
  def add_comment comment
    "\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #{comment} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"

  def add_small_comment comment
    "\n=============== #{comment} ===============\n"

  cmd :all do |cfg|

  # Issue the show commands
  pre do
    cfg = add_comment('HOSTNAME FILE')
    cfg += cmd('cat /etc/myname')

    cfg += add_comment('HOSTS FILE')
    cfg += cmd('cat /etc/hosts')

    cfg += add_comment('INTERFACE FILES')
    cfg += cmd('tail -n +1 /etc/hostname.*')

    cfg += add_comment('RESOLV.CONF FILE')
    cfg += cmd('cat /etc/resolv.conf')

    cfg += add_comment('NTP.CONF FILE')
    cfg += cmd('cat /etc/ntp.conf')

    cfg += add_comment('IP ROUTES PER ROUTING DOMAIN')
    cfg += add_small_comment('Routing Domain 0')
    cfg += cmd('route -T0 exec netstat -rn')
    cfg += add_small_comment('Routing Domain 1')
    cfg += cmd('route -T1 exec netstat -rn')
    cfg += add_small_comment('Routing Domain 2')
    cfg += cmd('route -T2 exec netstat -rn')
    cfg += add_small_comment('Routing Domain 3')
    cfg += cmd('route -T3 exec netstat -rn')
    cfg += add_small_comment('Routing Domain 4')
    cfg += cmd('route -T4 exec netstat -rn')
    cfg += add_small_comment('Routing Domain 5')
    cfg += cmd('route -T5 exec netstat -rn')

    cfg += add_comment('SNMP FILE')
    cfg += cmd('cat /etc/snmpd.conf')

    cfg += add_comment('PF FILE')
    cfg += cmd('cat /etc/pf.conf')

    cfg += add_comment('MOTD FILE')
    cfg += cmd('cat /etc/motd')

    cfg += add_comment('PASSWD FILE')
    cfg += cmd('cat /etc/passwd')

    cfg += add_small_comment('END')

  cfg :telnet do
    username /^Username:/
    password /^Password:/

  cfg :telnet, :ssh do
    pre_logout 'exit'