/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright 2013 Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "internal.h" #include "logging.h" #include "settings.h" #include "http-priv.h" #include "http.h" #include "ctx-log-inl.h" #include "sllist.h" #include using namespace lcb::http; #define LOGFMT "<%s:%s>" #define LOGID(req) get_ctx_host((req)->ioctx), get_ctx_port((req)->ioctx) #define LOGARGS(req, lvl) req->instance->settings, "http-io", LCB_LOG_##lvl, __FILE__, __LINE__ void Request::assign_response_headers(const lcb::htparse::Response& resp) { response_headers.assign(resp.headers.begin(), resp.headers.end()); response_headers_clist.clear(); std::vector::const_iterator ii; for (ii = response_headers.begin(); ii != response_headers.end(); ++ii) { response_headers_clist.push_back(ii->key.c_str()); response_headers_clist.push_back(ii->value.c_str()); } response_headers_clist.push_back(NULL); } int Request::handle_parse_chunked(const char *buf, unsigned nbuf) { int parse_state, oldstate, diff; using lcb::htparse::Parser; lcb::htparse::Response& res = parser->get_cur_response(); do { const char *rbody; unsigned nused = -1, nbody = -1; oldstate = res.state; parse_state = parser->parse_ex(buf, nbuf, &nused, &nbody, &rbody); diff = oldstate ^ parse_state; /* Got headers now for the first time */ if (diff & Parser::S_HEADER) { assign_response_headers(res); if (res.status >= 300 && res.status <= 400) { const char *redir = res.get_header_value("Location"); if (redir != NULL) { pending_redirect.assign(redir); return Parser::S_DONE; } } } if (parse_state & Parser::S_ERROR) { /* nothing to do here */ return parse_state; } if (nbody) { if (chunked) { lcb_RESPHTTP htresp = { 0 }; init_resp(&htresp); htresp.body = rbody; htresp.nbody = nbody; htresp.rc = LCB_SUCCESS; passed_data = true; callback(instance, LCB_CALLBACK_HTTP, (const lcb_RESPBASE *)&htresp); } else { res.body.append(rbody, nbody); } } buf += nused; nbuf -= nused; } while ((parse_state & Parser::S_DONE) == 0 && is_ongoing() && nbuf); if ( (parse_state & Parser::S_DONE) && is_ongoing()) { lcb_RESPHTTP resp = { 0 }; if (chunked) { buf = NULL; nbuf = 0; } else { buf = res.body.c_str(); nbuf = res.body.size(); } init_resp(&resp); resp.rflags = LCB_RESP_F_FINAL; resp.rc = LCB_SUCCESS; resp.body = buf; resp.nbody = nbuf; passed_data = true; callback(instance, LCB_CALLBACK_HTTP, (const lcb_RESPBASE*)&resp); status |= Request::CBINVOKED; } return parse_state; } static void io_read(lcbio_CTX *ctx, unsigned nr) { Request *req = reinterpret_cast(lcbio_ctx_data(ctx)); lcb_t instance = req->instance; /** this variable set to 0 (in progress), -1 (error), 1 (done) */ int rv = 0; lcbio_CTXRDITER iter; req->incref(); /** Delay the timer */ lcbio_timer_rearm(req->timer, req->timeout()); LCBIO_CTX_ITERFOR(ctx, &iter, nr) { char *buf; unsigned nbuf; int parse_state; buf = reinterpret_cast(lcbio_ctx_ribuf(&iter)); nbuf = lcbio_ctx_risize(&iter); parse_state = req->handle_parse_chunked(buf, nbuf); if ((parse_state & lcb::htparse::Parser::S_ERROR) || req->has_pending_redirect()) { rv = -1; break; } else if (!req->is_ongoing()) { rv = 1; break; } } if (rv == -1) { // parse error or redirect lcb_error_t err; if (req->has_pending_redirect()) { instance->bootstrap(lcb::BS_REFRESH_THROTTLE); // Transfer control to redirect function() lcb_log(LOGARGS(req, DEBUG), LOGFMT "Attempting redirect to %s", LOGID(req), req->pending_redirect.c_str()); req->redirect(); } else { err = LCB_PROTOCOL_ERROR; lcb_log(LOGARGS(req, ERR), LOGFMT "Got parser error while parsing HTTP stream", LOGID(req)); req->finish_or_retry(err); } } else if (rv == 1) { // Complete req->finish(LCB_SUCCESS); } else { // Pending lcbio_ctx_rwant(ctx, req->paused ? 0 : 1); lcbio_ctx_schedule(ctx); } req->decref(); } void Request::pause() { if (!paused) { paused = true; if (ioctx) { lcbio_ctx_rwant(ioctx, 0); lcbio_ctx_schedule(ioctx); } } } void Request::resume() { if (!paused) { return; } if (ioctx == NULL) { return; } paused = false; lcbio_ctx_rwant(ioctx, 1); lcbio_ctx_schedule(ioctx); } static void io_error(lcbio_CTX *ctx, lcb_error_t err) { Request *req = reinterpret_cast(lcbio_ctx_data(ctx)); lcb_log(LOGARGS(req, ERR), LOGFMT "Got error while performing I/O on HTTP stream. Err=0x%x", LOGID(req), err); req->finish_or_retry(err); } static void request_timed_out(void *arg) { (reinterpret_cast(arg))->finish(LCB_ETIMEDOUT); } static void on_connected(lcbio_SOCKET *sock, void *arg, lcb_error_t err, lcbio_OSERR syserr) { Request *req = reinterpret_cast(arg); lcbio_CTXPROCS procs; lcb_settings *settings = req->instance->settings; LCBIO_CONNREQ_CLEAR(&req->creq); if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(req, ERR), "Connection to failed with Err=0x%x", err); req->finish_or_retry(err); return; } lcbio_sslify_if_needed(sock, settings); procs.cb_err = io_error; procs.cb_read = io_read; req->ioctx = lcbio_ctx_new(sock, arg, &procs); req->ioctx->subsys = "mgmt/capi"; lcbio_ctx_put(req->ioctx, &req->preamble[0], req->preamble.size()); if (!req->body.empty()) { lcbio_ctx_put(req->ioctx, &req->body[0], req->body.size()); } lcbio_ctx_rwant(req->ioctx, 1); lcbio_ctx_schedule(req->ioctx); (void)syserr; } lcb_error_t Request::start_io(lcb_host_t& dest) { lcbio_MGR *pool = instance->http_sockpool; lcbio_pMGRREQ poolreq; poolreq = lcbio_mgr_get(pool, &dest, timeout(), on_connected, this); if (!poolreq) { return LCB_CONNECT_ERROR; } LCBIO_CONNREQ_MKPOOLED(&creq, poolreq); if (!timer) { timer = lcbio_timer_new(io, this, request_timed_out); } if (!lcbio_timer_armed(timer)) { lcbio_timer_rearm(timer, timeout()); } return LCB_SUCCESS; } static void pool_close_cb(lcbio_SOCKET *sock, int reusable, void *arg) { int close_ok = *(int *)arg; lcbio_ref(sock); if (reusable && close_ok) { lcbio_mgr_put(sock); } else { lcbio_mgr_discard(sock); } } void Request::close_io() { lcbio_connreq_cancel(&creq); if (!ioctx) { return; } int can_ka; if (parser && is_data_request()) { can_ka = parser->can_keepalive(); } else { can_ka = 0; } lcbio_ctx_close(ioctx, pool_close_cb, &can_ka); ioctx = NULL; }