# frozen_string_literal: true require 'digest/sha1' require 'find' require 'etc' require 'zlib' module RuboCop # Provides functionality for caching rubocop runs. # @api private class ResultCache NON_CHANGING = %i[color format formatters out debug fail_level auto_correct cache fail_fast stdin parallel].freeze # Remove old files so that the cache doesn't grow too big. When the # threshold MaxFilesInCache has been exceeded, the oldest 50% of all the # files in the cache are removed. The reason for removing so much is that # cleaning should be done relatively seldom, since there is a slight risk # that some other RuboCop process was just about to read the file, when # there's parallel execution and the cache is shared. def self.cleanup(config_store, verbose, cache_root = nil) return if inhibit_cleanup # OPTIMIZE: For faster testing cache_root ||= cache_root(config_store) return unless File.exist?(cache_root) files, dirs = Find.find(cache_root).partition { |path| File.file?(path) } return unless requires_file_removal?(files.length, config_store) remove_oldest_files(files, dirs, cache_root, verbose) end class << self # @api private attr_accessor :rubocop_required_features ResultCache.rubocop_required_features = [] private def requires_file_removal?(file_count, config_store) file_count > 1 && file_count > config_store.for_pwd.for_all_cops['MaxFilesInCache'] end def remove_oldest_files(files, dirs, cache_root, verbose) # Add 1 to half the number of files, so that we remove the file if # there's only 1 left. remove_count = 1 + files.length / 2 puts "Removing the #{remove_count} oldest files from #{cache_root}" if verbose sorted = files.sort_by { |path| File.mtime(path) } remove_files(sorted, dirs, remove_count) rescue Errno::ENOENT # This can happen if parallel RuboCop invocations try to remove the # same files. No problem. puts $ERROR_INFO if verbose end def remove_files(files, dirs, remove_count) # Batch file deletions, deleting over 130,000+ files will crash # File.delete. files[0, remove_count].each_slice(10_000).each do |files_slice| File.delete(*files_slice) end dirs.each { |dir| Dir.rmdir(dir) if Dir["#{dir}/*"].empty? } end end def self.cache_root(config_store) root = ENV['RUBOCOP_CACHE_ROOT'] root ||= config_store.for_pwd.for_all_cops['CacheRootDirectory'] root ||= if ENV.key?('XDG_CACHE_HOME') # Include user ID in the path to make sure the user has write # access. File.join(ENV['XDG_CACHE_HOME'], Process.uid.to_s) else File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.cache') end File.join(root, 'rubocop_cache') end def self.allow_symlinks_in_cache_location?(config_store) config_store.for_pwd.for_all_cops['AllowSymlinksInCacheRootDirectory'] end attr :path def initialize(file, team, options, config_store, cache_root = nil) cache_root ||= options[:cache_root] cache_root ||= ResultCache.cache_root(config_store) @allow_symlinks_in_cache_location = ResultCache.allow_symlinks_in_cache_location?(config_store) @path = File.join(cache_root, rubocop_checksum, context_checksum(team, options), file_checksum(file, config_store)) @cached_data = CachedData.new(file) @debug = options[:debug] end def debug? @debug end def valid? File.exist?(@path) end def load puts "Loading cache from #{@path}" if debug? @cached_data.from_json(File.read(@path, encoding: Encoding::UTF_8)) end def save(offenses) dir = File.dirname(@path) begin FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) rescue Errno::EACCES, Errno::EROFS => e warn "Couldn't create cache directory. Continuing without cache.\n #{e.message}" return end preliminary_path = "#{@path}_#{rand(1_000_000_000)}" # RuboCop must be in control of where its cached data is stored. A # symbolic link anywhere in the cache directory tree can be an # indication that a symlink attack is being waged. return if symlink_protection_triggered?(dir) File.open(preliminary_path, 'w', encoding: Encoding::UTF_8) do |f| f.write(@cached_data.to_json(offenses)) end # The preliminary path is used so that if there are multiple RuboCop # processes trying to save data for the same inspected file # simultaneously, the only problem we run in to is a competition who gets # to write to the final file. The contents are the same, so no corruption # of data should occur. FileUtils.mv(preliminary_path, @path) end private def symlink_protection_triggered?(path) !@allow_symlinks_in_cache_location && any_symlink?(path) end def any_symlink?(path) while path != File.dirname(path) if File.symlink?(path) warn "Warning: #{path} is a symlink, which is not allowed." return true end path = File.dirname(path) end false end def file_checksum(file, config_store) digester = Digest::SHA1.new mode = File.stat(file).mode digester.update("#{file}#{mode}#{config_store.for_file(file).signature}") digester.file(file) digester.hexdigest rescue Errno::ENOENT # Spurious files that come and go should not cause a crash, at least not # here. '_' end class << self attr_accessor :source_checksum, :inhibit_cleanup end # The checksum of the rubocop program running the inspection. def rubocop_checksum ResultCache.source_checksum ||= begin digest = Digest::SHA1.new rubocop_extra_features .select { |path| File.file?(path) } .sort! .each do |path| content = File.open(path, 'rb', &:read) digest << Zlib.crc32(content).to_s # mtime not reliable end digest << RuboCop::Version::STRING << RuboCop::AST::Version::STRING digest.hexdigest end end def rubocop_extra_features lib_root = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..') exe_root = File.join(lib_root, '..', 'exe') # These are all the files we have `require`d plus everything in the # exe directory. A change to any of them could affect the cop output # so we include them in the cache hash. source_files = $LOADED_FEATURES + Find.find(exe_root).to_a source_files -= ResultCache.rubocop_required_features # Rely on gem versions source_files end # Return a hash of the options given at invocation, minus the ones that have # no effect on which offenses and disabled line ranges are found, and thus # don't affect caching. def relevant_options_digest(options) options = options.reject { |key, _| NON_CHANGING.include?(key) } options.to_s.gsub(/[^a-z]+/i, '_') end # The external dependency checksums are cached per RuboCop team so that # the checksums don't need to be recomputed for each file. def team_checksum(team) @checksum_by_team ||= {}.compare_by_identity @checksum_by_team[team] ||= team.external_dependency_checksum end # We combine team and options into a single "context" checksum to avoid # making file names that are too long for some filesystems to handle. # This context is for anything that's not (1) the RuboCop executable # checksum or (2) the inspected file checksum. def context_checksum(team, options) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest([team_checksum(team), relevant_options_digest(options)].join) end end end