module Elasticrawl # Configures the cluster settings for the job flow that will be launched. # These settings are loaded from ~/.elasticrawl/cluster.yml. class Cluster def initialize @master_group = instance_group('master') @core_group = instance_group('core') @task_group = instance_group('task') if has_task_group? end # Returns a configured job flow to the calling job. def create_job_flow(job, emr_config = nil) config = Elasticity.configure do |c| c.access_key = config.access_key_id c.secret_key = config.secret_access_key end job_flow = = "Job: #{job.job_name} #{job.job_desc}" job_flow.log_uri = job.log_uri configure_job_flow(job_flow) configure_instances(job_flow) configure_bootstrap_actions(job_flow, emr_config) job_flow end # Describes the instances that will be launched. This is used by the # job confirmation messages. def cluster_desc cluster_desc = <<-HERE Cluster configuration Master: #{instance_group_desc(@master_group)} Core: #{instance_group_desc(@core_group)} Task: #{instance_group_desc(@task_group)} HERE end private # Set job flow properties from settings in cluster.yml. def configure_job_flow(job_flow) ec2_key_name = config_setting('ec2_key_name') placement = config_setting('placement') emr_ami_version = config_setting('emr_ami_version') job_flow_role = config_setting('job_flow_role') service_role = config_setting('service_role') job_flow.ec2_key_name = ec2_key_name if ec2_key_name.present? job_flow.placement = placement if placement.present? job_flow.ami_version = emr_ami_version if emr_ami_version.present? job_flow.job_flow_role = job_flow_role if job_flow_role.present? job_flow.service_role = service_role if service_role.present? end # Configures the instances that will be launched. The master group has # a single node. The task group is optional. def configure_instances(job_flow) job_flow.set_master_instance_group(@master_group) job_flow.set_core_instance_group(@core_group) job_flow.set_task_instance_group(@task_group) if @task_group.present? end # Configures bootstrap actions that will be run when each instance is # launched. EMR config is an XML file of Hadoop settings stored on S3. # There are applied to each node by a bootstrap action. def configure_bootstrap_actions(job_flow, emr_config = nil) bootstrap_scripts = config_setting('bootstrap_scripts') if bootstrap_scripts.present? bootstrap_scripts.each do |script_uri| action =, '', '') job_flow.add_bootstrap_action(action) end end if emr_config.present? action = job_flow.add_bootstrap_action(action) end end # Returns whether cluster.yml specifies a task group. def has_task_group? task_config = config_for_group('task') task_config.has_key?('instance_count') && task_config['instance_count'] > 0 end # Describes an instance group. def instance_group_desc(group) if group.present? if == 'SPOT' price = "(Spot: #{group.bid_price})" else price = '(On Demand)' end "#{group.count} #{group.type} #{price}" else '--' end end # Configures an instance group with the instance type, # of instances and # the bid price if spot instances are to be used. def instance_group(group_name) config = config_for_group(group_name) instance_group = instance_group.role = group_name.upcase instance_group.type = config['instance_type'] if config.has_key?('instance_count') && config['instance_count'] > 0 instance_group.count = config['instance_count'] end if config['use_spot_instances'] == true instance_group.set_spot_instances(config['bid_price']) end instance_group end # Returns the config settings for an instance group. def config_for_group(group_name) config_setting("#{group_name}_instance_group") end # Returns a config setting from cluster.yml. def config_setting(key_name) config = config.load_config('cluster')[key_name] end end end