module HPC class SBATCH < Exception; attr_accessor :directory def initialize(directory) @directory = directory end end def self.batch_system(batch_system = 'auto') case batch_system.to_s.downcase when 'slurm' HPC::SLURM when 'lsf' HPC::LSF when 'auto' case $previous_commands.last when 'slurm' HPC::SLURM when 'lsf' HPC::LSF else case Rbbt::Config.get(:batch_system, :batch, :batch_system, :hpc, :HPC, :BATCH).to_s.downcase when 'slurm' HPC::SLURM when 'lsf' HPC::LSF else case ENV["BATCH_SYSTEM"].to_s.downcase when 'slurm' HPC::SLURM when 'lsf' HPC::LSF end end end end end module TemplateGeneration def exec_cmd(job, options = {}) env_cmd = Misc.process_options options, :env_cmd development = Misc.process_options options, :development if contain = options[:contain] contain = File.expand_path(contain) env_cmd ||= "" env_cmd << " TMPDIR='#{contain}/.rbbt/tmp' " end if options[:singularity] group, user, user_group, scratch_group_dir, projects_group_dir = options.values_at :group, :user, :user_group, :scratch_group_dir, :projects_group_dir singularity_img, singularity_opt_dir, singularity_ruby_inline = options.values_at :singularity_img, :singularity_opt_dir, :singularity_ruby_inline singularity_cmd = %(singularity exec -e -B #{singularity_opt_dir}:/singularity_opt/ -B "#{singularity_ruby_inline}":"/.singularity_ruby_inline":rw ) if contain && options[:hardened] singularity_cmd << %( -C -H "#{contain}" \ -B "/.singularity_ruby_inline":"#{contain}/.singularity_ruby_inline":rw -B "#{options[:batch_dir]}" \ -B /scratch/tmp \ #{ group != user_group ? "-B /gpfs/projects/#{user_group}" : "" } \ -B #{scratch_group_dir} \ -B #{projects_group_dir} \ -B /apps/ \ -B ~/git:"#{contain}/git":ro \ #{Open.exists?('~/.rbbt/software/opt/')? '-B ~/.rbbt/software/opt/:"/opt/":ro' : '' } \ -B ~/.rbbt:"#{contain}/home/":ro) end singularity_cmd << " #{singularity_img} " end if env_cmd exec_cmd = %(env #{env_cmd} rbbt) else exec_cmd = %(rbbt) end exec_cmd << "--dev '#{development}'" if development exec_cmd = singularity_cmd + exec_cmd if singularity_cmd exec_cmd end def rbbt_job_exec_cmd(job, options) jobname = job.clean_name workflow = job.workflow task = job.task_name Misc.add_defaults options, :jobname => jobname task = Symbol === job.overriden ? job.overriden : job.task_name if job.overriden? #override_deps = job.rec_dependencies. # select{|dep| Symbol === dep.overriden }. override_deps = job.overriden_deps. collect do |dep| name = [dep.workflow.to_s, dep.task_name] * "#" [name, dep.path] * "=" end.uniq * "," options[:override_deps] = override_deps unless override_deps.empty? end # Save inputs into inputs_dir inputs_dir = Misc.process_options options, :inputs_dir saved = Step.save_job_inputs(job, inputs_dir) if inputs_dir options[:load_inputs] = inputs_dir if saved && saved.any? saved.each do |input| options.delete input end if saved cmds = CMD.process_cmd_options options.merge(:add_option_dashes => true) <<-EOF.strip workflow task #{workflow} #{task} #{cmds} EOF end def header(options) header =<<-EOF #!/bin/bash EOF header end def batch_options(job, options) IndiferentHash.setup(options) batch_options = IndiferentHash.setup({}) keys = [ :batch_dir, :lua_modules, :batch_name, :contain, :contain_and_sync, :copy_image, :drbbt, :env_cmd, :exclusive, :highmem, :manifest, :nodes, :queue, :singularity, :singularity_img, :singularity_opt_dir, :singularity_ruby_inline, :sync, :task_cpus, :gres, :mem, :mem_per_cpu, :licenses, :contraints, :time, :user_group, :wipe_container, :workdir, :purge_deps ] keys.each do |key| next if options[key].nil? batch_options[key] = Misc.process_options options, key end batch_dir = batch_options[:batch_dir] batch_name = File.basename(batch_dir) inputs_dir = File.join(batch_dir, 'inputs_dir') keys_from_config = [ :queue, :highmem, :exclusive, :env_cmd, :user_group, :singularity_img, :singularity_opt_dir, :singularity_ruby_inline, :singularity ] keys_from_config.each do |key| next unless batch_options.include? key default_value = Rbbt::Config.get(key, "batch_#{key}", "batch") next if default_value.nil? Misc.add_defaults batch_options, default_value end user = batch_options[:user] ||= ENV['USER'] || `whoami`.strip group = batch_options[:group] ||= File.basename(File.dirname(ENV['HOME'])) batch_options[:scratch_group_dir] = File.join('/gpfs/scratch/', group) batch_options[:projects_group_dir] = File.join('/gpfs/projects/', group) batch_options[:singularity] = true if batch_options[:singularity_img] if batch_options[:contain_and_sync] if batch_options[:contain].nil? contain_base = Rbbt::Config.get(:contain_base_dir, :batch_contain, :batch, :default => "/scratch/tmp/rbbt-[USER]") contain_base = contain_base.sub('[USER]', user) random_file = TmpFile.random_name batch_options[:contain] = File.join(contain_base, random_file) end batch_options[:sync] ||= "~/.rbbt/var/jobs" batch_options[:wipe_container] ||= 'post' end if batch_options[:contain] && ! batch_options[:hardened] options[:workdir_all] = batch_options[:contain] end Misc.add_defaults batch_options, :batch_name => batch_name, :inputs_dir => inputs_dir, :queue => 'debug', :nodes => 1, :step_path => job.path, :task_cpus => 1, :time => '2min', :env_cmd => '_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms1g -Xmx${MAX_MEMORY}m"', :singularity_img => ENV["SINGULARITY_IMG"] || "~/rbbt.singularity.img", :singularity_ruby_inline => ENV["SINGULARITY_RUBY_INLINE"] || "~/.singularity_ruby_inline", :singularity_opt_dir => ENV["SINGULARITY_OPT_DIR"] || "~/singularity_opt", :workdir => Dir.pwd exec_cmd = exec_cmd(job, batch_options) rbbt_cmd = rbbt_job_exec_cmd(job, options) Misc.add_defaults batch_options, :exec_cmd => exec_cmd, :rbbt_cmd => rbbt_cmd batch_dir = batch_options[:batch_dir] Misc.add_defaults batch_options, :fout => File.join(batch_dir, 'std.out'), :ferr => File.join(batch_dir, 'std.err'), :fjob => File.join(batch_dir, ''), :fdep => File.join(batch_dir, 'dependencies.list'), :fcfdep => File.join(batch_dir, 'canfail_dependencies.list'), :fexit => File.join(batch_dir, 'exit.status'), :fsync => File.join(batch_dir, 'sync.log'), :fsexit => File.join(batch_dir, 'sync.status'), :fenv => File.join(batch_dir, 'env.vars'), :fcmd => File.join(batch_dir, 'command.batch') batch_options end def meta_data(options) meta =<<-EOF #MANIFEST: #{(options[:manifest] || []) * ", "} #DEPENDENCIES: #{(options[:dependencies] || []) * ", "} #EXEC_CMD: #{options[:exec_cmd]} #CMD: #{options[:rbbt_cmd]} #STEP_PATH: #{options[:step_path]} EOF meta = meta.split("\n").reject{|line| line =~ /: $/} * "\n" meta end def load_modules(modules = []) modules = modules.split(/,\s*/) if String === modules str = "" modules.each do |mod| str << "module load #{ mod }" << "\n" end if modules str end def batch_system_variables <<-EOF let MAX_MEMORY="$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo|grep -o "[[:digit:]]*") / 1024" EOF end def prepare_environment(options = {}) modules = options[:lua_modules] prepare_environment = "" functions = "" if contain = options[:contain] contain = File.expand_path(contain) functions +=<<-EOF function batch_erase_contain_dir(){ rm -Rfv '#{contain}' 2>1 >> '#{options[:fsync]}' } EOF prepare_environment +=<<-EOF if ls -A '#{contain}' &> /dev/null ; then empty_contain_dir="false" else empty_contain_dir="true" fi EOF prepare_environment +=<<-EOF if options[:wipe_container] == 'force' batch_erase_contain_dir() EOF end if sync = options[:sync] source = if options[:singularity] File.join(options[:contain], '.rbbt/var/jobs') elsif options[:contain] File.join(options[:contain], 'var/jobs') else '~/.rbbt/var/jobs/' end source = File.expand_path(source) sync = File.expand_path(sync) functions +=<<-EOF function batch_sync_contain_dir(){ mkdir -p "$(dirname '#{sync}')" rsync -avztAXHP --copy-unsafe-links "#{source}/" "#{sync}/" 2>1 >> '#{options[:fsync]}' sync_es="$?" echo $sync_es > '#{options[:fsexit]}' find '#{sync}' -type l -ls | awk '$13 ~ /^#{sync.gsub('/','\/')}/ { sub("#{source}", "#{sync}", $13); print $11, $13 }' | while read A B; do rm $A; ln -s $B $A; done } EOF end if options[:singularity] group, user, user_group, scratch_group_dir, projects_group_dir = options.values_at :group, :user, :user_group, :scratch_group_dir, :projects_group_dir singularity_img, singularity_opt_dir, singularity_ruby_inline = options.values_at :singularity_img, :singularity_opt_dir, :singularity_ruby_inline prepare_environment +=<<-EOF # Load singularity modules module load intel/2018.1 module load singularity mkdir -p "#{singularity_opt_dir}" EOF if contain && options[:hardened] prepare_environment +=<<-EOF # Prepare container for singularity mkdir -p "#{contain}/.rbbt/etc/" for dir in .ruby_inline git home; do mkdir -p "#{contain}/$dir" done for tmpd in persist_locks produce_locks R_sockets sensiblewrite sensiblewrite_locks step_info_locks tsv_open_locks; do mkdir -p "#{contain}/.rbbt/tmp/$tmpd" done # Copy environment cp ~/.rbbt/etc/environment #{contain}/.rbbt/etc/ # Set search_paths echo "singularity: /singularity_opt/{PKGDIR}/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" > #{contain}/.rbbt/etc/search_paths echo "rbbt_user: /home/rbbt/.rbbt/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" >> #{contain}/.rbbt/etc/search_paths echo "outside_home: #{contain}/home/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" >> #{contain}/.rbbt/etc/search_paths echo "group_projects: #{projects_group_dir}/{PKGDIR}/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" >> #{contain}/.rbbt/etc/search_paths echo "group_scratch: #{scratch_group_dir}/{PKGDIR}/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" >> #{contain}/.rbbt/etc/search_paths echo "user_projects: #{projects_group_dir}/#{user}/{PKGDIR}/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" >> #{contain}/.rbbt/etc/search_paths echo "user_scratch: #{scratch_group_dir}/#{user}/{PKGDIR}/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" >> #{contain}/.rbbt/etc/search_paths EOF end end batch_system_variables + load_modules(modules) + "\n" + functions + "\n" + prepare_environment end def execute(options) exec_cmd, job_cmd, task_cpus = options.values_at :exec_cmd, :rbbt_cmd, :task_cpus script=<<-EOF step_path=$( #{exec_cmd} #{job_cmd} --printpath ) exit_status=$? [[ -z $BATCH_JOB_ID ]] || #{exec_cmd} workflow write_info --recursive --force=false --check_pid "$step_path" batch_job $BATCH_JOB_ID [[ -z $BATCH_SYSTEM ]] || #{exec_cmd} workflow write_info --recursive --force=false --check_pid "$step_path" batch_system $BATCH_SYSTEM #{exec_cmd} workflow write_info --recursive --force=false --check_pid "$step_path" batch_cpus #{task_cpus} EOF script end def sync_environment(options = {}) sync_environment = "" if options[:sync] sync_environment +=<<-EOF if [ $exit_status == '0' ]; then batch_sync_contain_dir else sync_es=$exit_status fi EOF end sync_environment end def cleanup_environment(options = {}) cleanup_environment = "" cleanup_environment +=<<-EOF if options[:purge_deps] if [ $exit_status == '0' ]; then #{options[:exec_cmd]} workflow forget_deps --purge --recursive_purge "$step_path" 2>1 >> '#{options[:fsync]}' fi EOF if options[:sync] if options[:wipe_container] == 'force' cleanup_environment +=<<-EOF batch_erase_contain_dir EOF elsif options[:wipe_container] == 'post' || options[:wipe_container] == 'both' cleanup_environment +=<<-EOF if [ $sync_es == '0' -a $empty_contain_dir == 'true' ]; then batch_erase_contain_dir fi EOF end end cleanup_environment end def coda(options) coda =<<-EOF echo $exit_status > '#{options[:fexit]}' EOF if options[:sync] coda +=<<-EOF if [ $sync_es == '0' ]; then exit $exit_status else exit $sync_es fi EOF else coda +=<<-EOF exit $exit_status EOF end coda end def job_template(job, options = {}) batch_options = batch_options job, options header = self.header(batch_options) meta_data = self.meta_data(batch_options) prepare_environment = self.prepare_environment(batch_options) execute = self.execute(batch_options) sync_environment = self.sync_environment(batch_options) cleanup_environment = self.cleanup_environment(batch_options) coda = self.coda(batch_options) <<-EOF #{header} # #{Log.color :green, "0. Meta-data"} #{meta_data} # #{Log.color :green, "1. Prepare environment"} #{prepare_environment} env > #{batch_options[:fenv]} # #{Log.color :green, "2. Execute"} #{execute} # #{Log.color :green, "3. Sync and cleanup environment"} #{sync_environment} #{cleanup_environment} # #{Log.color :green, "4. Exit"} #{coda} EOF end def prepare_submision(template, batch_dir, clean_batch_job = false, batch_dependencies = []) Open.mkdir batch_dir fcmd = File.join(batch_dir, 'command.batch') fdep = File.join(batch_dir, 'dependencies.list') fcfdep = File.join(batch_dir, 'canfail_dependencies.list') Open.write(fcmd, template) %w(std.out std.err job.status dependencies.list canfail_dependencies.list exit.status sync.log inputs_dir).each do |filename| path = File.join(batch_dir, filename) Open.rm_rf path if File.exists? path end if clean_batch_job batch_dependencies = [] if batch_dependencies.nil? canfail_dependencies ={|dep| dep =~ /^canfail:(\d+)/ }.collect{|dep| dep.partition(":").last} dependencies = batch_dependencies.reject{|dep| dep =~ /^canfail:(\d+)/ } Open.write(fdep, dependencies * "\n") if dependencies.any? Open.write(fcfdep, canfail_dependencies * "\n") if canfail_dependencies.any? fcmd end def run_job(job, options = {}) system = self.to_s.split("::").last batch_base_dir, clean_batch_job, remove_batch_dir, procpath, tail, batch_dependencies, dry_run = Misc.process_options options, :batch_base_dir, :clean_batch_job, :remove_batch_dir, :batch_procpath, :tail, :batch_dependencies, :dry_run, :batch_base_dir => File.expand_path(File.join('~/rbbt-batch')) workflow = job.workflow task_name = job.task_name TmpFile.with_file(nil, remove_batch_dir, :tmpdir => batch_base_dir, :prefix => "#{system}_rbbt_job-#{workflow.to_s}-#{task_name}-") do |batch_dir| Misc.add_defaults options, :batch_dir => batch_dir, :inputs_dir => File.join(batch_dir, "inputs_dir") options[:procpath_performance] ||= File.join(batch_dir, "procpath##{procpath.gsub(',', '#')}") if procpath template = self.job_template(job, options.dup) fcmd = prepare_submision(template, options[:batch_dir], clean_batch_job, batch_dependencies) batch_job = run_template(batch_dir, dry_run) return batch_job unless tail t_monitor = do self.follow_job(batch_dir, :STDERR) end self.wait_for_job(batch_dir) t_monitor.raise Aborted return unless, 'exit.status')).strip == '0' path =, 'std.out')).strip if Open.exists?(path) && job.path != path "Path of BATCH job #{path} is different from original job #{job.path}. Stablishing link." Open.ln path, job.path Open.ln path + '.info', job.path + '.info' if Open.exists?(path + '.info') Open.ln path + '.files', job.path + '.files' if Open.exists?(path + '.files') end batch_job end end def follow_job(batch_dir, tail = true) fjob = File.join(batch_dir, '') fout = File.join(batch_dir, 'std.out') ferr = File.join(batch_dir, 'std.err') fexit = File.join(batch_dir, 'exit.status') fstatus = File.join(batch_dir, 'job.status') job = if Open.exists?(fjob) if job && ! File.exists?(fexit) begin status_txt = job_status(job) STDERR.puts Log.color(:magenta, "Status [#{job.to_i}]:") STDERR.puts status_txt lines = status_txt.split("\n").length rescue if ! File.exists?(fexit) STDERR.puts Log.color(:magenta, "Job #{job.to_i} not done and not running. STDERR:") STDERR.puts end return end end if File.exists?(fexit) exit_status = if exit_status.to_i == 0 STDERR.puts Log.color(:magenta, "Job #{job} done with exit_status 0. STDOUT:") STDERR.puts else STDERR.puts Log.color(:magenta, "Job #{job.to_i} done with exit_status #{exit_status}. STDERR:") STDERR.puts end return end if tail Log.severity = 10 while ! File.exists? fout if job STDERR.puts Log.clear_line(STDERR) STDERR.write Log.color(:magenta, "Waiting for Output") 3.times do STDERR.write Log.color(:magenta, ".") sleep 1 end status_txt = job_status(job) lines.times do Log.clear_line(STDERR) end Log.clear_line(STDERR) STDERR.puts Log.color(:magenta, "Status [#{job.to_i}]:") STDERR.puts status_txt lines = status_txt.split("\n").length end end STDERR.puts Log.clear_line(STDERR) STDERR.puts Log.color(:magenta, "Output:") begin status_txt = job_status(job) Open.write(fstatus, status_txt) unless status_txt.nil? || status_txt.empty? out = CMD.cmd("tail -f '#{fout}'", :pipe => true) if File.exists?(fout) and not tail == :STDERR err = CMD.cmd("tail -f '#{ferr}'", :pipe => true) if File.exists?(ferr) terr = Misc.consume_stream(err, true, STDERR) if err tout = Misc.consume_stream(out, true, STDOUT) if out sleep 3 while job_status(job).include? job.to_s rescue Aborted ensure begin terr.exit if terr tout.exit if tout err.close if err err.join if err rescue Exception end begin out.close if out out.join if out rescue Exception end end end end def wait_for_job(batch_dir, time = 1) fexit = File.join(batch_dir, 'exit.status') fjob = File.join(batch_dir, '') job = if Open.exists?(fjob) while ! Open.exists?(fexit) sleep time end end end module BATCH extend HPC::TemplateGeneration end end