describe("MultivariateTest", function() { beforeEach(function() { GOVUK.cookie = jasmine.createSpy('GOVUK.cookie'); window._gaq = []; }); describe("#run", function() { it("should pick a random cohort on first run", function() { GOVUK.cookie.andReturn(null); var fooSpy = jasmine.createSpy('fooSpy'); var barSpy = jasmine.createSpy('barSpy'); var test = new GOVUK.MultivariateTest({ name: 'stuff', customVarIndex: 1, cohorts: { foo: {callback: fooSpy}, bar: {callback: barSpy} } }); expect(GOVUK.cookie.callCount).toEqual(2); expect(GOVUK.cookie.argsForCall[1][0]).toEqual('multivariatetest_cohort_stuff'); if (GOVUK.cookie.argsForCall[1][1] == 'foo') { expect(fooSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); } else { expect(barSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); } }); it("should use an existing cohort choice on subsequent runs", function() { GOVUK.cookie.andReturn('foo'); var fooSpy = jasmine.createSpy('fooSpy'); var barSpy = jasmine.createSpy('barSpy'); var test = new GOVUK.MultivariateTest({ name: 'stuff', customVarIndex: 1, cohorts: { foo: {callback: fooSpy}, bar: {callback: barSpy} } }); expect(fooSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should set a custom var", function() { GOVUK.cookie.andReturn('foo'); var test = new GOVUK.MultivariateTest({ name: 'stuff', customVarIndex: 1, cohorts: { foo: {}, bar: {} }, customVarIndex: 2 }); expect(window._gaq).toEqual([ [ '_setCustomVar', 2, 'multivariatetest_cohort_stuff', 'foo', 2 ], [ '_trackEvent', 'multivariatetest_cohort_stuff', 'run', '-', 0, true ] ]); }); it("should set html for a cohort", function() { GOVUK.cookie.andReturn('foo'); var $el = $('
'); var test = new GOVUK.MultivariateTest({ name: 'stuff', customVarIndex: 1, el: $el, cohorts: { foo: {html: "foo"}, bar: {html: "bar"} } }); expect($el.html()).toEqual('foo'); }); it("should call the callback for a cohort", function() { var fooSpy = jasmine.createSpy('fooSpy'); var barSpy = jasmine.createSpy('barSpy'); GOVUK.cookie.andReturn('bar'); var $el = $('
'); var test = new GOVUK.MultivariateTest({ name: 'stuff', customVarIndex: 1, el: $el, cohorts: { foo: {callback: fooSpy}, bar: {callback: barSpy} } }); expect(barSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should call the callback for a cohort if it is a string", function() { GOVUK.cookie.andReturn('foo'); var test = new GOVUK.MultivariateTest({ name: 'stuff', customVarIndex: 1, cohorts: { foo: {callback: 'fooCallback'}, bar: {} }, runImmediately: false }); test.fooCallback = jasmine.createSpy('fooCallback'); expect(test.fooCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should assign a new random cohort if the assigned cohort does not exist", function() { var fooSpy = jasmine.createSpy('fooSpy'); var barSpy = jasmine.createSpy('barSpy'); GOVUK.cookie.andReturn('baz'); var test = new GOVUK.MultivariateTest({ name: 'stuff', customVarIndex: 1, cohorts: { foo: {callback: fooSpy}, bar: {callback: barSpy} } }); if (GOVUK.cookie.argsForCall[1][1] == 'foo') { expect(fooSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); } else { expect(barSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); } }); }); describe("#weightedCohortNames", function() { it("should return the weighted names of the cohorts when no weights are defined", function() { var test = new GOVUK.MultivariateTest({ name: 'stuff', customVarIndex: 1, cohorts: {foo: {}, bar: {}, baz: {}} }); expect(test.weightedCohortNames()).toEqual(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); }); it("should return the weighted names of the cohorts when weights are defined", function() { var test = new GOVUK.MultivariateTest({ name: 'stuff', customVarIndex: 1, cohorts: {foo: { weight: 2 }, bar: { weight: 1 }, baz: { weight: 3 }} }); expect(test.weightedCohortNames()).toEqual(['foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz', 'baz']); }); it("should return the weighted names of the cohorts using default weighting", function() { var test = new GOVUK.MultivariateTest({ name: 'stuff', customVarIndex: 1, defaultWeight: 2, cohorts: {foo: {}, bar: {}, baz: {}} }); expect(test.weightedCohortNames()).toEqual(['foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz']); }); it("should return the weighted names of the cohorts using default weighting or defined weighting", function() { var test = new GOVUK.MultivariateTest({ name: 'stuff', customVarIndex: 1, defaultWeight: 2, cohorts: {foo: {}, bar: { weight: 1 }, baz: {}} }); expect(test.weightedCohortNames()).toEqual(['foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz']); }); }); describe("#chooseRandomCohort", function() { it("should choose a random cohort", function() { var test = new GOVUK.MultivariateTest({ name: 'stuff', customVarIndex: 1, cohorts: {foo: {}, bar: {}} }); expect(['foo', 'bar']).toContain(test.chooseRandomCohort()); }) }); });