# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # Author:: Fletcher Nichol () # # Copyright (C) 2014, Fletcher Nichol # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require_relative "../../spec_helper" require "kitchen" require "kitchen/provisioner/chef_zero" describe Kitchen::Provisioner::ChefZero do let(:logged_output) { StringIO.new } let(:logger) { Logger.new(logged_output) } let(:platform) { stub(:os_type => nil) } let(:suite) { stub(:name => "fries") } let(:config) do { :test_base_path => "/b", :kitchen_root => "/r", :log_level => :info } end let(:instance) do stub( :name => "coolbeans", :logger => logger, :suite => suite, :platform => platform ) end let(:provisioner) do Kitchen::Provisioner::ChefZero.new(config).finalize_config!(instance) end it "provisioner api_version is 2" do provisioner.diagnose_plugin[:api_version].must_equal 2 end it "plugin_version is set to Kitchen::VERSION" do provisioner.diagnose_plugin[:version].must_equal Kitchen::VERSION end describe "default config" do describe "for unix operating systems" do before { platform.stubs(:os_type).returns("unix") } it "sets :chef_client_path to a path using :chef_omnibus_root" do config[:chef_omnibus_root] = "/nice/place" provisioner[:chef_client_path]. must_equal "/nice/place/bin/chef-client" end it "sets :ruby_bindir to use an Omnibus Ruby" do config[:chef_omnibus_root] = "/nice" provisioner[:ruby_bindir].must_equal "/nice/embedded/bin" end end describe "for windows operating systems" do before { platform.stubs(:os_type).returns("windows") } it "sets :chef_client_path to a path using :chef_omnibus_root" do config[:chef_omnibus_root] = "$env:systemdrive\\nice\\place" provisioner[:chef_client_path]. must_equal "$env:systemdrive\\nice\\place\\bin\\chef-client.bat" end it "sets :ruby_bindir to use an Omnibus Ruby" do config[:chef_omnibus_root] = "c:\\nice" provisioner[:ruby_bindir].must_equal "c:\\nice\\embedded\\bin" end end it "sets :client_rb to an empty Hash" do provisioner[:client_rb].must_equal Hash.new end it "sets :json_attributes to true" do provisioner[:json_attributes].must_equal true end it "does not set :chef_zero_host" do provisioner[:chef_zero_host].must_equal nil end it "sets :chef_zero_port to 8889" do provisioner[:chef_zero_port].must_equal 8889 end end describe "#create_sandbox" do before do @root = Dir.mktmpdir config[:kitchen_root] = @root end after do FileUtils.remove_entry(@root) begin provisioner.cleanup_sandbox rescue # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions end end describe "client.rb file" do let(:file) do IO.read(sandbox_path("client.rb")).lines.map(&:chomp) end it "creates a client.rb" do provisioner.create_sandbox sandbox_path("client.rb").file?.must_equal true end it "logs a message on info" do provisioner.create_sandbox logged_output.string.must_match info_line("Preparing client.rb") end it "logs a message on debug" do provisioner.create_sandbox logged_output.string. must_match debug_line_starting_with("Creating client.rb from {") end describe "defaults" do # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize def self.common_client_rb_specs it "sets node_name to the instance name" do file.must_include %{node_name "#{instance.name}"} end it "sets checksum_path" do file.must_include %{checksum_path "#{base}checksums"} end it "sets file_backup_path" do file.must_include %{file_backup_path "#{base}backup"} end it "sets cookbook_path" do file.must_include %{cookbook_path } + %{["#{base}cookbooks", "#{base}site-cookbooks"]} end it "sets data_bag_path" do file.must_include %{data_bag_path "#{base}data_bags"} end it "sets environment_path" do file.must_include %{environment_path "#{base}environments"} end it "sets node_path" do file.must_include %{node_path "#{base}nodes"} end it "sets role_path" do file.must_include %{role_path "#{base}roles"} end it "sets client_path" do file.must_include %{client_path "#{base}clients"} end it "sets user_path" do file.must_include %{user_path "#{base}users"} end it "sets validation_key" do file.must_include %{validation_key "#{base}validation.pem"} end it "sets client_key" do file.must_include %{client_key "#{base}client.pem"} end it "sets chef_server_url" do file.must_include %{chef_server_url ""} end it "sets encrypted_data_bag_secret" do file.must_include %{encrypted_data_bag_secret } + %{"#{base}encrypted_data_bag_secret"} end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize describe "for unix os types" do before do platform.stubs(:os_type).returns("unix") provisioner.create_sandbox end let(:base) { "/tmp/kitchen/" } common_client_rb_specs end describe "for windows os types with full path" do before do platform.stubs(:os_type).returns("windows") config[:root_path] = "\\a\\b" provisioner.create_sandbox end let(:base) { "\\\\a\\\\b\\\\" } common_client_rb_specs end describe "for windows os types with $env:TEMP prefixed paths" do before do platform.stubs(:os_type).returns("windows") config[:root_path] = "$env:TEMP\\a" provisioner.create_sandbox end let(:base) { "\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\\\a\\\\" } common_client_rb_specs end end it "supports overwriting defaults" do config[:client_rb] = { :node_name => "eagles", :user_path => "/a/b/c/u", :client_key => "lol" } provisioner.create_sandbox file.must_include %{node_name "eagles"} file.must_include %{user_path "/a/b/c/u"} file.must_include %{client_key "lol"} end it " supports adding new configuration" do config[:client_rb] = { :dark_secret => "golang" } provisioner.create_sandbox file.must_include %{dark_secret "golang"} end it "formats array values correctly" do config[:client_rb] = { :foos => %w[foo1 foo2] } provisioner.create_sandbox file.must_include %{foos ["foo1", "foo2"]} end it "formats integer values correctly" do config[:client_rb] = { :foo => 7 } provisioner.create_sandbox file.must_include %{foo 7} end it "formats symbol-looking string values correctly" do config[:client_rb] = { :foo => ":bar" } provisioner.create_sandbox file.must_include %{foo :bar} end it "formats boolean values correctly" do config[:client_rb] = { :foo => false, :bar => true } provisioner.create_sandbox file.must_include %{foo false} file.must_include %{bar true} end end describe "validation.pem file" do it "creates file" do provisioner.create_sandbox sandbox_path("validation.pem").file?.must_equal true end it "logs a message on info" do provisioner.create_sandbox logged_output.string.must_match info_line("Preparing validation.pem") end it "logs a message on debug" do provisioner.create_sandbox logged_output.string. must_match debug_line_starting_with("Using a dummy validation.pem") end end describe "chef-client-zero.rb file" do describe "for modern Chef versions" do before { config[:require_chef_omnibus] = "11.10" } it "does not create the file" do provisioner.create_sandbox sandbox_path("chef-client-zero.rb").file?.must_equal false end it "a version of '11' is still considered modern" do config[:require_chef_omnibus] = "11" provisioner.create_sandbox sandbox_path("chef-client-zero.rb").file?.must_equal false end it "a version of 11 is still considered modern" do config[:require_chef_omnibus] = 11 provisioner.create_sandbox sandbox_path("chef-client-zero.rb").file?.must_equal false end end describe "for old Chef versions" do before { config[:require_chef_omnibus] = "10.20" } it "creates the file when using an old Chef version" do provisioner.create_sandbox sandbox_path("chef-client-zero.rb").file?.must_equal true end it "logs a message on info" do provisioner.create_sandbox logged_output.string. must_match info_line("Preparing chef-client-zero.rb") end it "logs a message on debug" do provisioner.create_sandbox logged_output.string.must_match debug_line_starting_with( "Using a vendored chef-client-zero.rb") end end end def sandbox_path(path) Pathname.new(provisioner.sandbox_path).join(path) end end describe "#prepare_command" do let(:cmd) { provisioner.prepare_command } describe "for modern Chef versions" do before { config[:require_chef_omnibus] = "11.10" } it "returns nil" do cmd.must_equal nil end end describe "for old Chef versions" do before { config[:require_chef_omnibus] = "10.20" } describe "for bourne shells" do before do platform.stubs(:shell_type).returns("bourne") config[:ruby_bindir] = "/rbd" end it "uses bourne shell" do cmd.must_match(/\Ash -c '$/) cmd.must_match(/'\Z/) end it "ends with a single quote" do cmd.must_match(/'\Z/) end it "exports http_proxy & HTTP_PROXY when :http_proxy is set" do config[:http_proxy] = "http://proxy" cmd.lines.to_a[1..2].must_equal([ %{http_proxy="http://proxy"; export http_proxy\n}, %{HTTP_PROXY="http://proxy"; export HTTP_PROXY\n} ]) end it "exports https_proxy & HTTPS_PROXY when :https_proxy is set" do config[:https_proxy] = "https://proxy" cmd.lines.to_a[1..2].must_equal([ %{https_proxy="https://proxy"; export https_proxy\n}, %{HTTPS_PROXY="https://proxy"; export HTTPS_PROXY\n} ]) end it "exports all http proxy variables when both are set" do config[:http_proxy] = "http://proxy" config[:https_proxy] = "https://proxy" cmd.lines.to_a[1..4].must_equal([ %{http_proxy="http://proxy"; export http_proxy\n}, %{HTTP_PROXY="http://proxy"; export HTTP_PROXY\n}, %{https_proxy="https://proxy"; export https_proxy\n}, %{HTTPS_PROXY="https://proxy"; export HTTPS_PROXY\n} ]) end it "sets the CHEF_REPO_PATH environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "/r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{CHEF_REPO_PATH="/r"; export CHEF_REPO_PATH}) end it "sets the GEM_HOME environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "/r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{GEM_HOME="/r/chef-client-zero-gems"; export GEM_HOME}) end it "sets the GEM_PATH environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "/r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{GEM_PATH="/r/chef-client-zero-gems"; export GEM_PATH}) end it "sets the GEM_CACHE environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "/r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{GEM_CACHE="/r/chef-client-zero-gems/cache"; export GEM_CACHE}) end it "prepends sudo for gem command when :sudo is set" do config[:sudo] = true cmd.must_match regexify(%{gem="sudo -E /rbd/gem"}) end it "does not sudo for gem commands when :sudo is falsey" do config[:sudo] = false cmd.must_match regexify(%{gem="/rbd/gem"}) end end describe "for powershell shells on windows os types" do before do platform.stubs(:shell_type).returns("powershell") platform.stubs(:os_type).returns("windows") config[:root_path] = "\\r" config[:ruby_bindir] = "\\rbd" end it "exports http_proxy & HTTP_PROXY when :http_proxy is set" do config[:http_proxy] = "http://proxy" cmd.lines.to_a[0..1].must_equal([ %{$env:http_proxy = "http://proxy"\n}, %{$env:HTTP_PROXY = "http://proxy"\n} ]) end it "exports https_proxy & HTTPS_PROXY when :https_proxy is set" do config[:https_proxy] = "https://proxy" cmd.lines.to_a[0..1].must_equal([ %{$env:https_proxy = "https://proxy"\n}, %{$env:HTTPS_PROXY = "https://proxy"\n} ]) end it "exports all http proxy variables when both are set" do config[:http_proxy] = "http://proxy" config[:https_proxy] = "https://proxy" cmd.lines.to_a[0..3].must_equal([ %{$env:http_proxy = "http://proxy"\n}, %{$env:HTTP_PROXY = "http://proxy"\n}, %{$env:https_proxy = "https://proxy"\n}, %{$env:HTTPS_PROXY = "https://proxy"\n} ]) end it "sets the CHEF_REPO_PATH environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "\\r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{$env:CHEF_REPO_PATH = "\\r"}) end it "sets the GEM_HOME environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "\\r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{$env:GEM_HOME = "\\r\\chef-client-zero-gems"}) end it "sets the GEM_PATH environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "\\r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{$env:GEM_PATH = "\\r\\chef-client-zero-gems"}) end it "sets the GEM_CACHE environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "\\r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{$env:GEM_CACHE = "\\r\\chef-client-zero-gems\\cache"}) end it "sets the path to the gem command" do cmd.must_match regexify(%{$gem = "\\rbd\\gem.bat"}) end end end end describe "#run_command" do let(:cmd) { provisioner.run_command } # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize def self.common_shell_specs it "sets config flag on chef-client" do cmd.must_match regexify( " --config #{base}client.rb", :partial_line) end it "sets config flag for custom root_path" do config[:root_path] = custom_root cmd.must_match regexify( " --config #{custom_base}client.rb", :partial_line) end it "sets log level flag on chef-client to warn by default" do cmd.must_match regexify(" --log_level warn", :partial_line) end it "set log level flag for custom level" do config[:log_level] = :extreme cmd.must_match regexify(" --log_level extreme", :partial_line) end it "sets force formatter flag on chef-solo" do cmd.must_match regexify(" --force-formatter", :partial_line) end it "sets no color flag on chef-solo" do cmd.must_match regexify(" --no-color", :partial_line) end it "sets json attributes flag on chef-client" do cmd.must_match regexify( " --json-attributes #{base}dna.json", :partial_line) end it "sets json attribtes flag for custom root_path" do config[:root_path] = custom_root cmd.must_match regexify( " --json-attributes #{custom_base}dna.json", :partial_line) end it "does not set json attributes flag if config is falsey" do config[:json_attributes] = false cmd.wont_match regexify(" --json-attributes ", :partial_line) end it "sets logfile flag for custom value" do config[:log_file] = "#{custom_base}out.log" cmd.must_match regexify( " --logfile #{custom_base}out.log", :partial_line) end it "does not set logfile flag by default" do cmd.wont_match regexify(" --logfile ", :partial_line) end it "prefixs the whole command with the command_prefix if set" do config[:command_prefix] = "my_prefix" cmd.must_match(/\Amy_prefix /) end it "does not prefix the command if command_prefix is not set" do config[:command_prefix] = nil cmd.wont_match(/\Amy_prefix /) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize describe "for modern Chef versions" do before { config[:require_chef_omnibus] = "11.10" } # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize def self.common_modern_shell_specs it "sets local mode flag on chef-client" do cmd.must_match regexify(" --local-mode", :partial_line) end it "sets chef zero port flag on chef-client" do cmd.must_match regexify(" --chef-zero-port 8889", :partial_line) end it "sets chef zero host flag for custom host" do config[:chef_zero_host] = "" cmd.must_match regexify(" --chef-zero-host", :partial_line) end it "sets chef zero port flag for custom port" do config[:chef_zero_port] = 123 cmd.must_match regexify(" --chef-zero-port 123", :partial_line) end it "does not set chef zero host flag when value is falsey" do config[:chef_zero_host] = nil cmd.wont_match regexify(" --chef-zero-host ", :partial_line) end it "does not set chef zero port flag when value is falsey" do config[:chef_zero_port] = nil cmd.wont_match regexify(" --chef-zero-port ", :partial_line) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize describe "for bourne shells" do before { platform.stubs(:shell_type).returns("bourne") } let(:base) { "/tmp/kitchen/" } let(:custom_base) { "/a/b/" } let(:custom_root) { "/a/b" } common_shell_specs common_modern_shell_specs it "uses bourne shell" do cmd.must_match(/\Ash -c '$/) cmd.must_match(/'\Z/) end it "ends with a single quote" do cmd.must_match(/'\Z/) end it "exports http_proxy & HTTP_PROXY when :http_proxy is set" do config[:http_proxy] = "http://proxy" cmd.lines.to_a[1..2].must_equal([ %{http_proxy="http://proxy"; export http_proxy\n}, %{HTTP_PROXY="http://proxy"; export HTTP_PROXY\n} ]) end it "exports https_proxy & HTTPS_PROXY when :https_proxy is set" do config[:https_proxy] = "https://proxy" cmd.lines.to_a[1..2].must_equal([ %{https_proxy="https://proxy"; export https_proxy\n}, %{HTTPS_PROXY="https://proxy"; export HTTPS_PROXY\n} ]) end it "exports all http proxy variables when both are set" do config[:http_proxy] = "http://proxy" config[:https_proxy] = "https://proxy" cmd.lines.to_a[1..4].must_equal([ %{http_proxy="http://proxy"; export http_proxy\n}, %{HTTP_PROXY="http://proxy"; export HTTP_PROXY\n}, %{https_proxy="https://proxy"; export https_proxy\n}, %{HTTPS_PROXY="https://proxy"; export HTTPS_PROXY\n} ]) end it "does no powershell PATH reloading for older chef omnibus packages" do cmd.wont_match regexify(%{[System.Environment]::}) end it "uses sudo for chef-client when configured" do config[:chef_omnibus_root] = "/c" config[:sudo] = true cmd.must_match regexify("sudo -E /c/bin/chef-client ", :partial_line) end it "does not use sudo for chef-client when configured" do config[:chef_omnibus_root] = "/c" config[:sudo] = false cmd.must_match regexify("/c/bin/chef-client ", :partial_line) cmd.wont_match regexify("sudo -E /c/bin/chef-client ", :partial_line) end end describe "for powershell shells on windows os types" do before do platform.stubs(:shell_type).returns("powershell") platform.stubs(:os_type).returns("windows") end let(:base) { "$env:TEMP\\kitchen\\" } let(:custom_base) { "\\a\\b\\" } let(:custom_root) { "\\a\\b" } common_shell_specs common_modern_shell_specs it "exports http_proxy & HTTP_PROXY when :http_proxy is set" do config[:http_proxy] = "http://proxy" cmd.lines.to_a[0..1].must_equal([ %{$env:http_proxy = "http://proxy"\n}, %{$env:HTTP_PROXY = "http://proxy"\n} ]) end it "exports https_proxy & HTTPS_PROXY when :https_proxy is set" do config[:https_proxy] = "https://proxy" cmd.lines.to_a[0..1].must_equal([ %{$env:https_proxy = "https://proxy"\n}, %{$env:HTTPS_PROXY = "https://proxy"\n} ]) end it "exports all http proxy variables when both are set" do config[:http_proxy] = "http://proxy" config[:https_proxy] = "https://proxy" cmd.lines.to_a[0..3].must_equal([ %{$env:http_proxy = "http://proxy"\n}, %{$env:HTTP_PROXY = "http://proxy"\n}, %{$env:https_proxy = "https://proxy"\n}, %{$env:HTTPS_PROXY = "https://proxy"\n} ]) end it "reloads PATH for older chef omnibus packages" do cmd.must_match regexify("$env:PATH = " + %{[System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH","Machine")}) end it "calls the chef-client command from :chef_client_path" do config[:chef_client_path] = "\\r\\chef-client.bat" cmd.must_match regexify("& \\r\\chef-client.bat ", :partial_line) end end end describe "for old Chef versions" do before do config[:require_chef_omnibus] = "10.20" end def self.common_old_shell_specs it "does not set local mode flag" do cmd.wont_match regexify(" --local-mode", :partial_line) end it "does not set chef zero host flag for custom host" do config[:chef_zero_host] = "" cmd.wont_match regexify(" --chef-zero-host", :partial_line) end it "does not set chef zero port flag for custom port" do config[:chef_zero_port] = 123 cmd.wont_match regexify(" --chef-zero-port 123", :partial_line) end end describe "for bourne shells" do before do platform.stubs(:shell_type).returns("bourne") config[:ruby_bindir] = "/r/bin" end let(:base) { "/tmp/kitchen/" } let(:custom_base) { "/a/b/" } let(:custom_root) { "/a/b" } common_shell_specs common_old_shell_specs it "uses bourne shell" do cmd.must_match(/\Ash -c '$/) cmd.must_match(/'\Z/) end it "ends with a single quote" do cmd.must_match(/'\Z/) end it "uses sudo for ruby when configured" do config[:root_path] = "/x" config[:sudo] = true cmd.must_match regexify( "sudo -E /r/bin/ruby /x/chef-client-zero.rb ", :partial_line) end it "does not use sudo for ruby when configured" do config[:root_path] = "/x" config[:sudo] = false cmd.must_match regexify( "/r/bin/ruby /x/chef-client-zero.rb ", :partial_line) cmd.wont_match regexify( "sudo -E /r/bin/ruby /x/chef-client-zero.rb ", :partial_line) end it "sets the CHEF_REPO_PATH environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "/r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{CHEF_REPO_PATH="/r"; export CHEF_REPO_PATH}) end it "sets the GEM_HOME environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "/r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{GEM_HOME="/r/chef-client-zero-gems"; export GEM_HOME}) end it "sets the GEM_PATH environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "/r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{GEM_PATH="/r/chef-client-zero-gems"; export GEM_PATH}) end it "sets the GEM_CACHE environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "/r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{GEM_CACHE="/r/chef-client-zero-gems/cache"; export GEM_CACHE}) end it "does no powershell PATH reloading for older chef omnibus packages" do cmd.wont_match regexify(%{[System.Environment]::}) end end describe "for powershell shells on windows os types" do before do platform.stubs(:shell_type).returns("powershell") platform.stubs(:os_type).returns("windows") config[:ruby_bindir] = "\\r\\bin" end let(:base) { "$env:TEMP\\kitchen\\" } let(:custom_base) { "\\a\\b\\" } let(:custom_root) { "\\a\\b" } common_shell_specs common_old_shell_specs it "calls ruby from :ruby_bindir" do config[:root_path] = "\\x" cmd.must_match regexify( "\\r\\bin\\ruby.exe \\x\\chef-client-zero.rb ", :partial_line) end it "sets the CHEF_REPO_PATH environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "\\r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{$env:CHEF_REPO_PATH = "\\r"}) end it "sets the GEM_HOME environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "\\r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{$env:GEM_HOME = "\\r\\chef-client-zero-gems"}) end it "sets the GEM_PATH environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "\\r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{$env:GEM_PATH = "\\r\\chef-client-zero-gems"}) end it "sets the GEM_CACHE environment variable" do config[:root_path] = "\\r" cmd.must_match regexify( %{$env:GEM_CACHE = "\\r\\chef-client-zero-gems\\cache"}) end it "reloads PATH for older chef omnibus packages" do cmd.must_match regexify("$env:PATH = " + %{[System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH","Machine")}) end end end end def info_line(msg) %r{^I, .* : #{Regexp.escape(msg)}$} end def debug_line_starting_with(msg) %r{^D, .* : #{Regexp.escape(msg)}} end def regexify(str, line = :whole_line) r = Regexp.escape(str) r = "^\s*#{r}$" if line == :whole_line Regexp.new(r) end end