--- en: activemodel: attributes: sortition: additional_info: Sortition information decidim_category_id: Categories of the set of proposals in which you want to apply the draw decidim_proposals_component_id: Proposals set dice: Result of die roll. Roll a 6-sided die, or look for another random way to generate a number from 1 to 6, and enter here the resulting number in front of some witnesses. This contributes to the quality and guarantees of the randomness of the result target_items: Number of proposals to be selected (indicates the number of proposals you want to be selected by drawing lots of the group of proposals you have previously chosen) title: Title witnesses: Witnesses models: decidim/sortitions/create_sortition_event: Sortition activerecord: models: decidim/sortitions/sortition: one: Sortition other: Sortitions decidim: components: sortitions: name: Sortitions settings: global: comments_enabled: Comments enabled comments_max_length: Comments max length (Leave 0 for default value) events: sortitions: sortition_created: email_intro: The sortition "%{resource_title}" has been added to "%{participatory_space_title}" that you are following. email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following "%{participatory_space_title}". You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: New sortition added to %{participatory_space_title} notification_title: The sortition %{resource_title} has been added to %{participatory_space_title} pages: home: statistics: sortitions_count: Sortitions participatory_processes: statistics: sortitions_count: Sortitions sortitions: admin: actions: destroy: Cancel the sortition edit: Edit new: New sortition show: Sortition details models: sortition: fields: category: Category created_at: Creation date decidim_proposals_component: Proposals component dice: Dice reference: Reference request_timestamp: Draw time seed: Seed target_items: Items to select title: Title name: one: Sortition other: Sortitions sortitions: confirm_destroy: confirm_destroy: Are you sure you want to cancel this sortition? destroy: Cancel sortition title: Cancellation of the sortition create: error: There was a problem creating a new sortition. success: Sortition successfully created destroy: error: Can not cancel the sortition. success: Sortition successfully cancelled edit: title: Update the information about the sortition update: Update form: all_categories: All categories select_proposal_component: Select the proposals set title: New sortition for proposals index: title: Sortitions new: confirm: By pressing the next button Decidim will record the date and time (with precision of seconds) and together with the dice roll, this information will be used to generate a random selection. The action will be irreversible, once the button is clicked the result of this draw will be published, together with the data entered in this form and can not be modified, please check the content carefully create: Create title: New sortition show: selected_proposals: Proposals selected for draw update: error: There was a problem updating the sortition. success: Sortition successfully updated admin_log: sortition: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} sortition in %{space_name}" delete: "%{user_name} cancelled the %{resource_name} sortition in %{space_name}" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} sortition in %{space_name}" sortitions: count: proposals_count: one: 1 proposal other: "%{count} proposals" filters: active: Active all: All cancelled: Cancelled category: Category category_prompt: Select a category search: Search state: Status filters_small_view: close_modal: Close modal filter: Filter filter_by: Filter by unfold: Unfold linked_sortitions: selected_proposals: Selected proposals orders: label: 'Order sortitions by:' random: Random recent: Recent results_count: count: one: selected proposal other: selected proposals show: algorithm: Sortition's algorithm code any_category: from all categories back: Back to list cancelled: Cancelled sortition candidate_proposal_ids: Sortition proposals order and IDs candidate_proposals_info: 'The sortition was carried out among the following proposals (%{category_label}), with the following IDs (in bold the selected proposals) ' category: from the %{category} category dice_result: "(1) Dice result" introduction: 'This page contains the results of the sortition %{reference}. By means of this sortition, %{target_items} number of results have been selected randomly and with an equal probability distribution from the set of proposals displayed bellow. Together with the results, the information displayed on this page provides all the information required to maximize guarantees and to reproduce the results. The key to the quality of this sortition is the double randomness provided by a the rolling of a dice(verified by witnesses) and the precise time of the sortition that provides input for an algorithm that generates a random selection. The time-seed for the sortition is so accurate (seconds) that it is impossible to control by humans thus providing a double "uncontrollable" input to guarantee a fair result. ' mathematical_result: Result (1) x (2) proposals_selected_by_sortition: Proposals selected by sortition sortition_reproducibility_details: Sortition reproducibility details time_seed: "(2) Time seed" witnesses: Witnesses sortition: random_seed: Random seed selected_proposals: one: proposal selected other: proposals selected view: View sortition_author: deleted: Deleted participant sortition_cancel_author: deleted: Deleted participant sortitions_count: count: one: 1 sortition other: "%{count} sortitions"