(function (f) { function e() { var i = f(); return i.default || i; } if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") module.exports = e(); else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) define(e); else { var t = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : this || {}; (t.prettierPlugins = t.prettierPlugins || {}), (t.prettierPlugins.graphql = e()); } })(function () { "use strict"; var re = Object.defineProperty; var tt = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var nt = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var it = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var Ne = (e, t) => { for (var n in t) re(e, n, { get: t[n], enumerable: !0 }); }, rt = (e, t, n, r) => { if ((t && typeof t == "object") || typeof t == "function") for (let i of nt(t)) !it.call(e, i) && i !== n && re(e, i, { get: () => t[i], enumerable: !(r = tt(t, i)) || r.enumerable, }); return e; }; var st = (e) => rt(re({}, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e); var ln = {}; Ne(ln, { languages: () => Pe, options: () => we, parsers: () => Te, printers: () => un, }); var ot = (e, t, n, r) => { if (!(e && t == null)) return t.replaceAll ? t.replaceAll(n, r) : n.global ? t.replace(n, r) : t.split(n).join(r); }, Y = ot; var se = "indent"; var oe = "group"; var ae = "if-break"; var P = "line"; var ce = "break-parent"; var xe = () => {}, b = xe, ue = xe; function x(e) { return b(e), { type: se, contents: e }; } function y(e, t = {}) { return ( b(e), ue(t.expandedStates, !0), { type: oe, id: t.id, contents: e, break: !!t.shouldBreak, expandedStates: t.expandedStates, } ); } function O(e, t = "", n = {}) { return ( b(e), t !== "" && b(t), { type: ae, breakContents: e, flatContents: t, groupId: n.groupId } ); } var xt = { type: ce }; var _t = { type: P, hard: !0 }; var k = { type: P }, p = { type: P, soft: !0 }, f = [_t, xt]; function E(e, t) { b(e), ue(t); let n = []; for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++) r !== 0 && n.push(e), n.push(t[r]); return n; } function j(e) { return (t, n, r) => { let i = !!(r != null && r.backwards); if (n === !1) return !1; let { length: s } = t, a = n; for (; a >= 0 && a < s; ) { let u = t.charAt(a); if (e instanceof RegExp) { if (!e.test(u)) return a; } else if (!e.includes(u)) return a; i ? a-- : a++; } return a === -1 || a === s ? a : !1; }; } var vn = j(/\s/u), G = j(" "), _e = j(",; "), ye = j(/[^\n\r]/u); function yt(e, t, n) { let r = !!(n != null && n.backwards); if (t === !1) return !1; let i = e.charAt(t); if (r) { if ( e.charAt(t - 1) === "\r" && i === ` ` ) return t - 2; if ( i === ` ` || i === "\r" || i === "\u2028" || i === "\u2029" ) return t - 1; } else { if ( i === "\r" && e.charAt(t + 1) === ` ` ) return t + 2; if ( i === ` ` || i === "\r" || i === "\u2028" || i === "\u2029" ) return t + 1; } return t; } var $ = yt; function It(e, t, n = {}) { let r = G(e, n.backwards ? t - 1 : t, n), i = $(e, r, n); return r !== i; } var Ie = It; function Ot(e, t) { if (t === !1) return !1; if (e.charAt(t) === "/" && e.charAt(t + 1) === "*") { for (let n = t + 2; n < e.length; ++n) if (e.charAt(n) === "*" && e.charAt(n + 1) === "/") return n + 2; } return t; } var Oe = Ot; function Dt(e, t) { return t === !1 ? !1 : e.charAt(t) === "/" && e.charAt(t + 1) === "/" ? ye(e, t) : t; } var De = Dt; function At(e, t) { let n = null, r = t; for (; r !== n; ) (n = r), (r = _e(e, r)), (r = Oe(e, r)), (r = G(e, r)); return (r = De(e, r)), (r = $(e, r)), r !== !1 && Ie(e, r); } var Ae = At; function gt(e) { return Array.isArray(e) && e.length > 0; } var le = gt; var pe = class extends Error { name = "UnexpectedNodeError"; constructor(t, n, r = "type") { super(`Unexpected ${n} node ${r}: ${JSON.stringify(t[r])}.`), (this.node = t); } }, ge = pe; var F = null; function w(e) { if (F !== null && typeof F.property) { let t = F; return (F = w.prototype = null), t; } return (F = w.prototype = e ?? Object.create(null)), new w(); } var kt = 10; for (let e = 0; e <= kt; e++) w(); function fe(e) { return w(e); } function St(e, t = "type") { fe(e); function n(r) { let i = r[t], s = e[i]; if (!Array.isArray(s)) throw Object.assign(new Error(`Missing visitor keys for '${i}'.`), { node: r, }); return s; } return n; } var ke = St; var J = class { constructor(t, n, r) { (this.start = t.start), (this.end = n.end), (this.startToken = t), (this.endToken = n), (this.source = r); } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "Location"; } toJSON() { return { start: this.start, end: this.end }; } }, V = class { constructor(t, n, r, i, s, a) { (this.kind = t), (this.start = n), (this.end = r), (this.line = i), (this.column = s), (this.value = a), (this.prev = null), (this.next = null); } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "Token"; } toJSON() { return { kind: this.kind, value: this.value, line: this.line, column: this.column, }; } }, X = { Name: [], Document: ["definitions"], OperationDefinition: [ "name", "variableDefinitions", "directives", "selectionSet", ], VariableDefinition: ["variable", "type", "defaultValue", "directives"], Variable: ["name"], SelectionSet: ["selections"], Field: ["alias", "name", "arguments", "directives", "selectionSet"], Argument: ["name", "value"], FragmentSpread: ["name", "directives"], InlineFragment: ["typeCondition", "directives", "selectionSet"], FragmentDefinition: [ "name", "variableDefinitions", "typeCondition", "directives", "selectionSet", ], IntValue: [], FloatValue: [], StringValue: [], BooleanValue: [], NullValue: [], EnumValue: [], ListValue: ["values"], ObjectValue: ["fields"], ObjectField: ["name", "value"], Directive: ["name", "arguments"], NamedType: ["name"], ListType: ["type"], NonNullType: ["type"], SchemaDefinition: ["description", "directives", "operationTypes"], OperationTypeDefinition: ["type"], ScalarTypeDefinition: ["description", "name", "directives"], ObjectTypeDefinition: [ "description", "name", "interfaces", "directives", "fields", ], FieldDefinition: [ "description", "name", "arguments", "type", "directives", ], InputValueDefinition: [ "description", "name", "type", "defaultValue", "directives", ], InterfaceTypeDefinition: [ "description", "name", "interfaces", "directives", "fields", ], UnionTypeDefinition: ["description", "name", "directives", "types"], EnumTypeDefinition: ["description", "name", "directives", "values"], EnumValueDefinition: ["description", "name", "directives"], InputObjectTypeDefinition: [ "description", "name", "directives", "fields", ], DirectiveDefinition: ["description", "name", "arguments", "locations"], SchemaExtension: ["directives", "operationTypes"], ScalarTypeExtension: ["name", "directives"], ObjectTypeExtension: ["name", "interfaces", "directives", "fields"], InterfaceTypeExtension: ["name", "interfaces", "directives", "fields"], UnionTypeExtension: ["name", "directives", "types"], EnumTypeExtension: ["name", "directives", "values"], InputObjectTypeExtension: ["name", "directives", "fields"], }, Hn = new Set(Object.keys(X)); var S; (function (e) { (e.QUERY = "query"), (e.MUTATION = "mutation"), (e.SUBSCRIPTION = "subscription"); })(S || (S = {})); var Ct = ke(X, "kind"), Se = Ct; function q(e) { return e.loc.start; } function Q(e) { return e.loc.end; } function Ce(e) { return /^\s*#[^\S\n]*@(?:format|prettier)\s*(?:\n|$)/u.test(e); } function ve(e) { return ( `# @format ` + e ); } function vt(e, t, n) { let { node: r } = e; if (!r.description) return ""; let i = [n("description")]; return ( r.kind === "InputValueDefinition" && !r.description.block ? i.push(k) : i.push(f), i ); } var A = vt; function bt(e, t, n) { let { node: r } = e; switch (r.kind) { case "Document": return [...E(f, g(e, t, n, "definitions")), f]; case "OperationDefinition": { let i = t.originalText[q(r)] !== "{", s = !!r.name; return [ i ? r.operation : "", i && s ? [" ", n("name")] : "", i && !s && le(r.variableDefinitions) ? " " : "", be(e, n), _(e, n, r), !i && !s ? "" : " ", n("selectionSet"), ]; } case "FragmentDefinition": return [ "fragment ", n("name"), be(e, n), " on ", n("typeCondition"), _(e, n, r), " ", n("selectionSet"), ]; case "SelectionSet": return ["{", x([f, E(f, g(e, t, n, "selections"))]), f, "}"]; case "Field": return y([ r.alias ? [n("alias"), ": "] : "", n("name"), r.arguments.length > 0 ? y([ "(", x([p, E([O("", ", "), p], g(e, t, n, "arguments"))]), p, ")", ]) : "", _(e, n, r), r.selectionSet ? " " : "", n("selectionSet"), ]); case "Name": return r.value; case "StringValue": if (r.block) { let i = Y(!1, r.value, '"""', String.raw`\"""`).split(` `); return ( i.length === 1 && (i[0] = i[0].trim()), i.every((s) => s === "") && (i.length = 0), E(f, ['"""', ...i, '"""']) ); } return [ '"', Y( !1, Y(!1, r.value, /["\\]/gu, String.raw`\$&`), ` `, String.raw`\n`, ), '"', ]; case "IntValue": case "FloatValue": case "EnumValue": return r.value; case "BooleanValue": return r.value ? "true" : "false"; case "NullValue": return "null"; case "Variable": return ["$", n("name")]; case "ListValue": return y([ "[", x([p, E([O("", ", "), p], e.map(n, "values"))]), p, "]", ]); case "ObjectValue": { let i = t.bracketSpacing && r.fields.length > 0 ? " " : ""; return y([ "{", i, x([p, E([O("", ", "), p], e.map(n, "fields"))]), p, O("", i), "}", ]); } case "ObjectField": case "Argument": return [n("name"), ": ", n("value")]; case "Directive": return [ "@", n("name"), r.arguments.length > 0 ? y([ "(", x([p, E([O("", ", "), p], g(e, t, n, "arguments"))]), p, ")", ]) : "", ]; case "NamedType": return n("name"); case "VariableDefinition": return [ n("variable"), ": ", n("type"), r.defaultValue ? [" = ", n("defaultValue")] : "", _(e, n, r), ]; case "ObjectTypeExtension": case "ObjectTypeDefinition": case "InputObjectTypeExtension": case "InputObjectTypeDefinition": case "InterfaceTypeExtension": case "InterfaceTypeDefinition": { let { kind: i } = r, s = []; return ( i.endsWith("TypeDefinition") ? s.push(A(e, t, n)) : s.push("extend "), i.startsWith("ObjectType") ? s.push("type") : i.startsWith("InputObjectType") ? s.push("input") : s.push("interface"), s.push(" ", n("name")), !i.startsWith("InputObjectType") && r.interfaces.length > 0 && s.push(" implements ", ...Pt(e, t, n)), s.push(_(e, n, r)), r.fields.length > 0 && s.push([" {", x([f, E(f, g(e, t, n, "fields"))]), f, "}"]), s ); } case "FieldDefinition": return [ A(e, t, n), n("name"), r.arguments.length > 0 ? y([ "(", x([p, E([O("", ", "), p], g(e, t, n, "arguments"))]), p, ")", ]) : "", ": ", n("type"), _(e, n, r), ]; case "DirectiveDefinition": return [ A(e, t, n), "directive ", "@", n("name"), r.arguments.length > 0 ? y([ "(", x([p, E([O("", ", "), p], g(e, t, n, "arguments"))]), p, ")", ]) : "", r.repeatable ? " repeatable" : "", " on ", ...E(" | ", e.map(n, "locations")), ]; case "EnumTypeExtension": case "EnumTypeDefinition": return [ A(e, t, n), r.kind === "EnumTypeExtension" ? "extend " : "", "enum ", n("name"), _(e, n, r), r.values.length > 0 ? [" {", x([f, E(f, g(e, t, n, "values"))]), f, "}"] : "", ]; case "EnumValueDefinition": return [A(e, t, n), n("name"), _(e, n, r)]; case "InputValueDefinition": return [ A(e, t, n), n("name"), ": ", n("type"), r.defaultValue ? [" = ", n("defaultValue")] : "", _(e, n, r), ]; case "SchemaExtension": return [ "extend schema", _(e, n, r), ...(r.operationTypes.length > 0 ? [" {", x([f, E(f, g(e, t, n, "operationTypes"))]), f, "}"] : []), ]; case "SchemaDefinition": return [ A(e, t, n), "schema", _(e, n, r), " {", r.operationTypes.length > 0 ? x([f, E(f, g(e, t, n, "operationTypes"))]) : "", f, "}", ]; case "OperationTypeDefinition": return [r.operation, ": ", n("type")]; case "FragmentSpread": return ["...", n("name"), _(e, n, r)]; case "InlineFragment": return [ "...", r.typeCondition ? [" on ", n("typeCondition")] : "", _(e, n, r), " ", n("selectionSet"), ]; case "UnionTypeExtension": case "UnionTypeDefinition": return y([ A(e, t, n), y([ r.kind === "UnionTypeExtension" ? "extend " : "", "union ", n("name"), _(e, n, r), r.types.length > 0 ? [ " =", O("", " "), x([O([k, "| "]), E([k, "| "], e.map(n, "types"))]), ] : "", ]), ]); case "ScalarTypeExtension": case "ScalarTypeDefinition": return [ A(e, t, n), r.kind === "ScalarTypeExtension" ? "extend " : "", "scalar ", n("name"), _(e, n, r), ]; case "NonNullType": return [n("type"), "!"]; case "ListType": return ["[", n("type"), "]"]; default: throw new ge(r, "Graphql", "kind"); } } function _(e, t, n) { if (n.directives.length === 0) return ""; let r = E(k, e.map(t, "directives")); return n.kind === "FragmentDefinition" || n.kind === "OperationDefinition" ? y([k, r]) : [" ", y(x([p, r]))]; } function g(e, t, n, r) { return e.map(({ isLast: i, node: s }) => { let a = n(); return !i && Ae(t.originalText, Q(s)) ? [a, f] : a; }, r); } function Lt(e) { return e.kind !== "Comment"; } function Rt(e) { let t = e.node; if (t.kind === "Comment") return "#" + t.value.trimEnd(); throw new Error("Not a comment: " + JSON.stringify(t)); } function Pt(e, t, n) { let { node: r } = e, i = [], { interfaces: s } = r, a = e.map(n, "interfaces"); for (let u = 0; u < s.length; u++) { let l = s[u]; i.push(a[u]); let T = s[u + 1]; if (T) { let D = t.originalText.slice(l.loc.end, T.loc.start).includes("#"); i.push(" &", D ? k : " "); } } return i; } function be(e, t) { let { node: n } = e; return le(n.variableDefinitions) ? y([ "(", x([p, E([O("", ", "), p], e.map(t, "variableDefinitions"))]), p, ")", ]) : ""; } function Le(e, t) { e.kind === "StringValue" && e.block && !e.value.includes(` `) && (t.value = e.value.trim()); } Le.ignoredProperties = new Set(["loc", "comments"]); function Ft(e) { var n; let { node: t } = e; return (n = t == null ? void 0 : t.comments) == null ? void 0 : n.some((r) => r.value.trim() === "prettier-ignore"); } var wt = { print: bt, massageAstNode: Le, hasPrettierIgnore: Ft, insertPragma: ve, printComment: Rt, canAttachComment: Lt, getVisitorKeys: Se, }, Re = wt; var Pe = [ { linguistLanguageId: 139, name: "GraphQL", type: "data", color: "#e10098", extensions: [".graphql", ".gql", ".graphqls"], tmScope: "source.graphql", aceMode: "text", parsers: ["graphql"], vscodeLanguageIds: ["graphql"], }, ]; var Fe = { bracketSpacing: { category: "Common", type: "boolean", default: !0, description: "Print spaces between brackets.", oppositeDescription: "Do not print spaces between brackets.", }, singleQuote: { category: "Common", type: "boolean", default: !1, description: "Use single quotes instead of double quotes.", }, proseWrap: { category: "Common", type: "choice", default: "preserve", description: "How to wrap prose.", choices: [ { value: "always", description: "Wrap prose if it exceeds the print width.", }, { value: "never", description: "Do not wrap prose." }, { value: "preserve", description: "Wrap prose as-is." }, ], }, bracketSameLine: { category: "Common", type: "boolean", default: !1, description: "Put > of opening tags on the last line instead of on a new line.", }, singleAttributePerLine: { category: "Common", type: "boolean", default: !1, description: "Enforce single attribute per line in HTML, Vue and JSX.", }, }; var Vt = { bracketSpacing: Fe.bracketSpacing }, we = Vt; var Te = {}; Ne(Te, { graphql: () => cn }); function Ve(e) { return typeof e == "object" && e !== null; } function Be(e, t) { if (!!!e) throw new Error(t ?? "Unexpected invariant triggered."); } var Bt = /\r\n|[\n\r]/g; function B(e, t) { let n = 0, r = 1; for (let i of e.body.matchAll(Bt)) { if ((typeof i.index == "number" || Be(!1), i.index >= t)) break; (n = i.index + i[0].length), (r += 1); } return { line: r, column: t + 1 - n }; } function Me(e) { return he(e.source, B(e.source, e.start)); } function he(e, t) { let n = e.locationOffset.column - 1, r = "".padStart(n) + e.body, i = t.line - 1, s = e.locationOffset.line - 1, a = t.line + s, u = t.line === 1 ? n : 0, l = t.column + u, T = `${e.name}:${a}:${l} `, h = r.split(/\r\n|[\n\r]/g), D = h[i]; if (D.length > 120) { let I = Math.floor(l / 80), ie = l % 80, N = []; for (let v = 0; v < D.length; v += 80) N.push(D.slice(v, v + 80)); return ( T + Ue([ [`${a} |`, N[0]], ...N.slice(1, I + 1).map((v) => ["|", v]), ["|", "^".padStart(ie)], ["|", N[I + 1]], ]) ); } return ( T + Ue([ [`${a - 1} |`, h[i - 1]], [`${a} |`, D], ["|", "^".padStart(l)], [`${a + 1} |`, h[i + 1]], ]) ); } function Ue(e) { let t = e.filter(([r, i]) => i !== void 0), n = Math.max(...t.map(([r]) => r.length)); return t.map(([r, i]) => r.padStart(n) + (i ? " " + i : "")).join(` `); } function Ut(e) { let t = e[0]; return t == null || "kind" in t || "length" in t ? { nodes: t, source: e[1], positions: e[2], path: e[3], originalError: e[4], extensions: e[5], } : t; } var W = class e extends Error { constructor(t, ...n) { var r, i, s; let { nodes: a, source: u, positions: l, path: T, originalError: h, extensions: D, } = Ut(n); super(t), (this.name = "GraphQLError"), (this.path = T ?? void 0), (this.originalError = h ?? void 0), (this.nodes = Ye(Array.isArray(a) ? a : a ? [a] : void 0)); let I = Ye( (r = this.nodes) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.map((N) => N.loc).filter((N) => N != null), ); (this.source = u ?? (I == null || (i = I[0]) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.source)), (this.positions = l ?? (I == null ? void 0 : I.map((N) => N.start))), (this.locations = l && u ? l.map((N) => B(u, N)) : I == null ? void 0 : I.map((N) => B(N.source, N.start))); let ie = Ve(h == null ? void 0 : h.extensions) ? h == null ? void 0 : h.extensions : void 0; (this.extensions = (s = D ?? ie) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : Object.create(null)), Object.defineProperties(this, { message: { writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, name: { enumerable: !1 }, nodes: { enumerable: !1 }, source: { enumerable: !1 }, positions: { enumerable: !1 }, originalError: { enumerable: !1 }, }), h != null && h.stack ? Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", { value: h.stack, writable: !0, configurable: !0, }) : Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, e) : Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", { value: Error().stack, writable: !0, configurable: !0, }); } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "GraphQLError"; } toString() { let t = this.message; if (this.nodes) for (let n of this.nodes) n.loc && (t += ` ` + Me(n.loc)); else if (this.source && this.locations) for (let n of this.locations) t += ` ` + he(this.source, n); return t; } toJSON() { let t = { message: this.message }; return ( this.locations != null && (t.locations = this.locations), this.path != null && (t.path = this.path), this.extensions != null && Object.keys(this.extensions).length > 0 && (t.extensions = this.extensions), t ); } }; function Ye(e) { return e === void 0 || e.length === 0 ? void 0 : e; } function d(e, t, n) { return new W(`Syntax Error: ${n}`, { source: e, positions: [t] }); } var H; (function (e) { (e.QUERY = "QUERY"), (e.MUTATION = "MUTATION"), (e.SUBSCRIPTION = "SUBSCRIPTION"), (e.FIELD = "FIELD"), (e.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION = "FRAGMENT_DEFINITION"), (e.FRAGMENT_SPREAD = "FRAGMENT_SPREAD"), (e.INLINE_FRAGMENT = "INLINE_FRAGMENT"), (e.VARIABLE_DEFINITION = "VARIABLE_DEFINITION"), (e.SCHEMA = "SCHEMA"), (e.SCALAR = "SCALAR"), (e.OBJECT = "OBJECT"), (e.FIELD_DEFINITION = "FIELD_DEFINITION"), (e.ARGUMENT_DEFINITION = "ARGUMENT_DEFINITION"), (e.INTERFACE = "INTERFACE"), (e.UNION = "UNION"), (e.ENUM = "ENUM"), (e.ENUM_VALUE = "ENUM_VALUE"), (e.INPUT_OBJECT = "INPUT_OBJECT"), (e.INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION = "INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION"); })(H || (H = {})); var c; (function (e) { (e.NAME = "Name"), (e.DOCUMENT = "Document"), (e.OPERATION_DEFINITION = "OperationDefinition"), (e.VARIABLE_DEFINITION = "VariableDefinition"), (e.SELECTION_SET = "SelectionSet"), (e.FIELD = "Field"), (e.ARGUMENT = "Argument"), (e.FRAGMENT_SPREAD = "FragmentSpread"), (e.INLINE_FRAGMENT = "InlineFragment"), (e.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION = "FragmentDefinition"), (e.VARIABLE = "Variable"), (e.INT = "IntValue"), (e.FLOAT = "FloatValue"), (e.STRING = "StringValue"), (e.BOOLEAN = "BooleanValue"), (e.NULL = "NullValue"), (e.ENUM = "EnumValue"), (e.LIST = "ListValue"), (e.OBJECT = "ObjectValue"), (e.OBJECT_FIELD = "ObjectField"), (e.DIRECTIVE = "Directive"), (e.NAMED_TYPE = "NamedType"), (e.LIST_TYPE = "ListType"), (e.NON_NULL_TYPE = "NonNullType"), (e.SCHEMA_DEFINITION = "SchemaDefinition"), (e.OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION = "OperationTypeDefinition"), (e.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION = "ScalarTypeDefinition"), (e.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION = "ObjectTypeDefinition"), (e.FIELD_DEFINITION = "FieldDefinition"), (e.INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION = "InputValueDefinition"), (e.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION = "InterfaceTypeDefinition"), (e.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION = "UnionTypeDefinition"), (e.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION = "EnumTypeDefinition"), (e.ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION = "EnumValueDefinition"), (e.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION = "InputObjectTypeDefinition"), (e.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION = "DirectiveDefinition"), (e.SCHEMA_EXTENSION = "SchemaExtension"), (e.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION = "ScalarTypeExtension"), (e.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION = "ObjectTypeExtension"), (e.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION = "InterfaceTypeExtension"), (e.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION = "UnionTypeExtension"), (e.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION = "EnumTypeExtension"), (e.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION = "InputObjectTypeExtension"); })(c || (c = {})); function je(e) { return e === 9 || e === 32; } function L(e) { return e >= 48 && e <= 57; } function Ge(e) { return (e >= 97 && e <= 122) || (e >= 65 && e <= 90); } function de(e) { return Ge(e) || e === 95; } function $e(e) { return Ge(e) || L(e) || e === 95; } function Je(e) { var t; let n = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, r = null, i = -1; for (let a = 0; a < e.length; ++a) { var s; let u = e[a], l = Mt(u); l !== u.length && ((r = (s = r) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : a), (i = a), a !== 0 && l < n && (n = l)); } return e .map((a, u) => (u === 0 ? a : a.slice(n))) .slice((t = r) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : 0, i + 1); } function Mt(e) { let t = 0; for (; t < e.length && je(e.charCodeAt(t)); ) ++t; return t; } var o; (function (e) { (e.SOF = ""), (e.EOF = ""), (e.BANG = "!"), (e.DOLLAR = "$"), (e.AMP = "&"), (e.PAREN_L = "("), (e.PAREN_R = ")"), (e.SPREAD = "..."), (e.COLON = ":"), (e.EQUALS = "="), (e.AT = "@"), (e.BRACKET_L = "["), (e.BRACKET_R = "]"), (e.BRACE_L = "{"), (e.PIPE = "|"), (e.BRACE_R = "}"), (e.NAME = "Name"), (e.INT = "Int"), (e.FLOAT = "Float"), (e.STRING = "String"), (e.BLOCK_STRING = "BlockString"), (e.COMMENT = "Comment"); })(o || (o = {})); var z = class { constructor(t) { let n = new V(o.SOF, 0, 0, 0, 0); (this.source = t), (this.lastToken = n), (this.token = n), (this.line = 1), (this.lineStart = 0); } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "Lexer"; } advance() { return (this.lastToken = this.token), (this.token = this.lookahead()); } lookahead() { let t = this.token; if (t.kind !== o.EOF) do if (t.next) t = t.next; else { let n = Yt(this, t.end); (t.next = n), (n.prev = t), (t = n); } while (t.kind === o.COMMENT); return t; } }; function qe(e) { return ( e === o.BANG || e === o.DOLLAR || e === o.AMP || e === o.PAREN_L || e === o.PAREN_R || e === o.SPREAD || e === o.COLON || e === o.EQUALS || e === o.AT || e === o.BRACKET_L || e === o.BRACKET_R || e === o.BRACE_L || e === o.PIPE || e === o.BRACE_R ); } function R(e) { return (e >= 0 && e <= 55295) || (e >= 57344 && e <= 1114111); } function K(e, t) { return Qe(e.charCodeAt(t)) && We(e.charCodeAt(t + 1)); } function Qe(e) { return e >= 55296 && e <= 56319; } function We(e) { return e >= 56320 && e <= 57343; } function C(e, t) { let n = e.source.body.codePointAt(t); if (n === void 0) return o.EOF; if (n >= 32 && n <= 126) { let r = String.fromCodePoint(n); return r === '"' ? `'"'` : `"${r}"`; } return "U+" + n.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(4, "0"); } function m(e, t, n, r, i) { let s = e.line, a = 1 + n - e.lineStart; return new V(t, n, r, s, a, i); } function Yt(e, t) { let n = e.source.body, r = n.length, i = t; for (; i < r; ) { let s = n.charCodeAt(i); switch (s) { case 65279: case 9: case 32: case 44: ++i; continue; case 10: ++i, ++e.line, (e.lineStart = i); continue; case 13: n.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 10 ? (i += 2) : ++i, ++e.line, (e.lineStart = i); continue; case 35: return jt(e, i); case 33: return m(e, o.BANG, i, i + 1); case 36: return m(e, o.DOLLAR, i, i + 1); case 38: return m(e, o.AMP, i, i + 1); case 40: return m(e, o.PAREN_L, i, i + 1); case 41: return m(e, o.PAREN_R, i, i + 1); case 46: if (n.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 46 && n.charCodeAt(i + 2) === 46) return m(e, o.SPREAD, i, i + 3); break; case 58: return m(e, o.COLON, i, i + 1); case 61: return m(e, o.EQUALS, i, i + 1); case 64: return m(e, o.AT, i, i + 1); case 91: return m(e, o.BRACKET_L, i, i + 1); case 93: return m(e, o.BRACKET_R, i, i + 1); case 123: return m(e, o.BRACE_L, i, i + 1); case 124: return m(e, o.PIPE, i, i + 1); case 125: return m(e, o.BRACE_R, i, i + 1); case 34: return n.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 34 && n.charCodeAt(i + 2) === 34 ? Qt(e, i) : $t(e, i); } if (L(s) || s === 45) return Gt(e, i, s); if (de(s)) return Wt(e, i); throw d( e.source, i, s === 39 ? `Unexpected single quote character ('), did you mean to use a double quote (")?` : R(s) || K(n, i) ? `Unexpected character: ${C(e, i)}.` : `Invalid character: ${C(e, i)}.`, ); } return m(e, o.EOF, r, r); } function jt(e, t) { let n = e.source.body, r = n.length, i = t + 1; for (; i < r; ) { let s = n.charCodeAt(i); if (s === 10 || s === 13) break; if (R(s)) ++i; else if (K(n, i)) i += 2; else break; } return m(e, o.COMMENT, t, i, n.slice(t + 1, i)); } function Gt(e, t, n) { let r = e.source.body, i = t, s = n, a = !1; if ((s === 45 && (s = r.charCodeAt(++i)), s === 48)) { if (((s = r.charCodeAt(++i)), L(s))) throw d( e.source, i, `Invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: ${C(e, i)}.`, ); } else (i = me(e, i, s)), (s = r.charCodeAt(i)); if ( (s === 46 && ((a = !0), (s = r.charCodeAt(++i)), (i = me(e, i, s)), (s = r.charCodeAt(i))), (s === 69 || s === 101) && ((a = !0), (s = r.charCodeAt(++i)), (s === 43 || s === 45) && (s = r.charCodeAt(++i)), (i = me(e, i, s)), (s = r.charCodeAt(i))), s === 46 || de(s)) ) throw d( e.source, i, `Invalid number, expected digit but got: ${C(e, i)}.`, ); return m(e, a ? o.FLOAT : o.INT, t, i, r.slice(t, i)); } function me(e, t, n) { if (!L(n)) throw d( e.source, t, `Invalid number, expected digit but got: ${C(e, t)}.`, ); let r = e.source.body, i = t + 1; for (; L(r.charCodeAt(i)); ) ++i; return i; } function $t(e, t) { let n = e.source.body, r = n.length, i = t + 1, s = i, a = ""; for (; i < r; ) { let u = n.charCodeAt(i); if (u === 34) return (a += n.slice(s, i)), m(e, o.STRING, t, i + 1, a); if (u === 92) { a += n.slice(s, i); let l = n.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 117 ? n.charCodeAt(i + 2) === 123 ? Jt(e, i) : Xt(e, i) : qt(e, i); (a += l.value), (i += l.size), (s = i); continue; } if (u === 10 || u === 13) break; if (R(u)) ++i; else if (K(n, i)) i += 2; else throw d(e.source, i, `Invalid character within String: ${C(e, i)}.`); } throw d(e.source, i, "Unterminated string."); } function Jt(e, t) { let n = e.source.body, r = 0, i = 3; for (; i < 12; ) { let s = n.charCodeAt(t + i++); if (s === 125) { if (i < 5 || !R(r)) break; return { value: String.fromCodePoint(r), size: i }; } if (((r = (r << 4) | U(s)), r < 0)) break; } throw d( e.source, t, `Invalid Unicode escape sequence: "${n.slice(t, t + i)}".`, ); } function Xt(e, t) { let n = e.source.body, r = Xe(n, t + 2); if (R(r)) return { value: String.fromCodePoint(r), size: 6 }; if (Qe(r) && n.charCodeAt(t + 6) === 92 && n.charCodeAt(t + 7) === 117) { let i = Xe(n, t + 8); if (We(i)) return { value: String.fromCodePoint(r, i), size: 12 }; } throw d( e.source, t, `Invalid Unicode escape sequence: "${n.slice(t, t + 6)}".`, ); } function Xe(e, t) { return ( (U(e.charCodeAt(t)) << 12) | (U(e.charCodeAt(t + 1)) << 8) | (U(e.charCodeAt(t + 2)) << 4) | U(e.charCodeAt(t + 3)) ); } function U(e) { return e >= 48 && e <= 57 ? e - 48 : e >= 65 && e <= 70 ? e - 55 : e >= 97 && e <= 102 ? e - 87 : -1; } function qt(e, t) { let n = e.source.body; switch (n.charCodeAt(t + 1)) { case 34: return { value: '"', size: 2 }; case 92: return { value: "\\", size: 2 }; case 47: return { value: "/", size: 2 }; case 98: return { value: "\b", size: 2 }; case 102: return { value: "\f", size: 2 }; case 110: return { value: ` `, size: 2, }; case 114: return { value: "\r", size: 2 }; case 116: return { value: " ", size: 2 }; } throw d( e.source, t, `Invalid character escape sequence: "${n.slice(t, t + 2)}".`, ); } function Qt(e, t) { let n = e.source.body, r = n.length, i = e.lineStart, s = t + 3, a = s, u = "", l = []; for (; s < r; ) { let T = n.charCodeAt(s); if ( T === 34 && n.charCodeAt(s + 1) === 34 && n.charCodeAt(s + 2) === 34 ) { (u += n.slice(a, s)), l.push(u); let h = m( e, o.BLOCK_STRING, t, s + 3, Je(l).join(` `), ); return (e.line += l.length - 1), (e.lineStart = i), h; } if ( T === 92 && n.charCodeAt(s + 1) === 34 && n.charCodeAt(s + 2) === 34 && n.charCodeAt(s + 3) === 34 ) { (u += n.slice(a, s)), (a = s + 1), (s += 4); continue; } if (T === 10 || T === 13) { (u += n.slice(a, s)), l.push(u), T === 13 && n.charCodeAt(s + 1) === 10 ? (s += 2) : ++s, (u = ""), (a = s), (i = s); continue; } if (R(T)) ++s; else if (K(n, s)) s += 2; else throw d(e.source, s, `Invalid character within String: ${C(e, s)}.`); } throw d(e.source, s, "Unterminated string."); } function Wt(e, t) { let n = e.source.body, r = n.length, i = t + 1; for (; i < r; ) { let s = n.charCodeAt(i); if ($e(s)) ++i; else break; } return m(e, o.NAME, t, i, n.slice(t, i)); } function Z(e, t) { if (!!!e) throw new Error(t); } function ee(e) { return te(e, []); } function te(e, t) { switch (typeof e) { case "string": return JSON.stringify(e); case "function": return e.name ? `[function ${e.name}]` : "[function]"; case "object": return Ht(e, t); default: return String(e); } } function Ht(e, t) { if (e === null) return "null"; if (t.includes(e)) return "[Circular]"; let n = [...t, e]; if (zt(e)) { let r = e.toJSON(); if (r !== e) return typeof r == "string" ? r : te(r, n); } else if (Array.isArray(e)) return Zt(e, n); return Kt(e, n); } function zt(e) { return typeof e.toJSON == "function"; } function Kt(e, t) { let n = Object.entries(e); return n.length === 0 ? "{}" : t.length > 2 ? "[" + en(e) + "]" : "{ " + n.map(([i, s]) => i + ": " + te(s, t)).join(", ") + " }"; } function Zt(e, t) { if (e.length === 0) return "[]"; if (t.length > 2) return "[Array]"; let n = Math.min(10, e.length), r = e.length - n, i = []; for (let s = 0; s < n; ++s) i.push(te(e[s], t)); return ( r === 1 ? i.push("... 1 more item") : r > 1 && i.push(`... ${r} more items`), "[" + i.join(", ") + "]" ); } function en(e) { let t = Object.prototype.toString .call(e) .replace(/^\[object /, "") .replace(/]$/, ""); if (t === "Object" && typeof e.constructor == "function") { let n = e.constructor.name; if (typeof n == "string" && n !== "") return n; } return t; } var tn = globalThis.process && !0, He = tn ? function (t, n) { return t instanceof n; } : function (t, n) { if (t instanceof n) return !0; if (typeof t == "object" && t !== null) { var r; let i = n.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag], s = Symbol.toStringTag in t ? t[Symbol.toStringTag] : (r = t.constructor) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.name; if (i === s) { let a = ee(t); throw new Error(`Cannot use ${i} "${a}" from another module or realm. Ensure that there is only one instance of "graphql" in the node_modules directory. If different versions of "graphql" are the dependencies of other relied on modules, use "resolutions" to ensure only one version is installed. https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/selective-version-resolutions Duplicate "graphql" modules cannot be used at the same time since different versions may have different capabilities and behavior. The data from one version used in the function from another could produce confusing and spurious results.`); } } return !1; }; var M = class { constructor(t, n = "GraphQL request", r = { line: 1, column: 1 }) { typeof t == "string" || Z(!1, `Body must be a string. Received: ${ee(t)}.`), (this.body = t), (this.name = n), (this.locationOffset = r), this.locationOffset.line > 0 || Z(!1, "line in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive."), this.locationOffset.column > 0 || Z(!1, "column in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive."); } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "Source"; } }; function ze(e) { return He(e, M); } function Ke(e, t) { return new Ee(e, t).parseDocument(); } var Ee = class { constructor(t, n = {}) { let r = ze(t) ? t : new M(t); (this._lexer = new z(r)), (this._options = n), (this._tokenCounter = 0); } parseName() { let t = this.expectToken(o.NAME); return this.node(t, { kind: c.NAME, value: t.value }); } parseDocument() { return this.node(this._lexer.token, { kind: c.DOCUMENT, definitions: this.many(o.SOF, this.parseDefinition, o.EOF), }); } parseDefinition() { if (this.peek(o.BRACE_L)) return this.parseOperationDefinition(); let t = this.peekDescription(), n = t ? this._lexer.lookahead() : this._lexer.token; if (n.kind === o.NAME) { switch (n.value) { case "schema": return this.parseSchemaDefinition(); case "scalar": return this.parseScalarTypeDefinition(); case "type": return this.parseObjectTypeDefinition(); case "interface": return this.parseInterfaceTypeDefinition(); case "union": return this.parseUnionTypeDefinition(); case "enum": return this.parseEnumTypeDefinition(); case "input": return this.parseInputObjectTypeDefinition(); case "directive": return this.parseDirectiveDefinition(); } if (t) throw d( this._lexer.source, this._lexer.token.start, "Unexpected description, descriptions are supported only on type definitions.", ); switch (n.value) { case "query": case "mutation": case "subscription": return this.parseOperationDefinition(); case "fragment": return this.parseFragmentDefinition(); case "extend": return this.parseTypeSystemExtension(); } } throw this.unexpected(n); } parseOperationDefinition() { let t = this._lexer.token; if (this.peek(o.BRACE_L)) return this.node(t, { kind: c.OPERATION_DEFINITION, operation: S.QUERY, name: void 0, variableDefinitions: [], directives: [], selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(), }); let n = this.parseOperationType(), r; return ( this.peek(o.NAME) && (r = this.parseName()), this.node(t, { kind: c.OPERATION_DEFINITION, operation: n, name: r, variableDefinitions: this.parseVariableDefinitions(), directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(), }) ); } parseOperationType() { let t = this.expectToken(o.NAME); switch (t.value) { case "query": return S.QUERY; case "mutation": return S.MUTATION; case "subscription": return S.SUBSCRIPTION; } throw this.unexpected(t); } parseVariableDefinitions() { return this.optionalMany( o.PAREN_L, this.parseVariableDefinition, o.PAREN_R, ); } parseVariableDefinition() { return this.node(this._lexer.token, { kind: c.VARIABLE_DEFINITION, variable: this.parseVariable(), type: (this.expectToken(o.COLON), this.parseTypeReference()), defaultValue: this.expectOptionalToken(o.EQUALS) ? this.parseConstValueLiteral() : void 0, directives: this.parseConstDirectives(), }); } parseVariable() { let t = this._lexer.token; return ( this.expectToken(o.DOLLAR), this.node(t, { kind: c.VARIABLE, name: this.parseName() }) ); } parseSelectionSet() { return this.node(this._lexer.token, { kind: c.SELECTION_SET, selections: this.many(o.BRACE_L, this.parseSelection, o.BRACE_R), }); } parseSelection() { return this.peek(o.SPREAD) ? this.parseFragment() : this.parseField(); } parseField() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseName(), r, i; return ( this.expectOptionalToken(o.COLON) ? ((r = n), (i = this.parseName())) : (i = n), this.node(t, { kind: c.FIELD, alias: r, name: i, arguments: this.parseArguments(!1), directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), selectionSet: this.peek(o.BRACE_L) ? this.parseSelectionSet() : void 0, }) ); } parseArguments(t) { let n = t ? this.parseConstArgument : this.parseArgument; return this.optionalMany(o.PAREN_L, n, o.PAREN_R); } parseArgument(t = !1) { let n = this._lexer.token, r = this.parseName(); return ( this.expectToken(o.COLON), this.node(n, { kind: c.ARGUMENT, name: r, value: this.parseValueLiteral(t), }) ); } parseConstArgument() { return this.parseArgument(!0); } parseFragment() { let t = this._lexer.token; this.expectToken(o.SPREAD); let n = this.expectOptionalKeyword("on"); return !n && this.peek(o.NAME) ? this.node(t, { kind: c.FRAGMENT_SPREAD, name: this.parseFragmentName(), directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), }) : this.node(t, { kind: c.INLINE_FRAGMENT, typeCondition: n ? this.parseNamedType() : void 0, directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(), }); } parseFragmentDefinition() { let t = this._lexer.token; return ( this.expectKeyword("fragment"), this._options.allowLegacyFragmentVariables === !0 ? this.node(t, { kind: c.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION, name: this.parseFragmentName(), variableDefinitions: this.parseVariableDefinitions(), typeCondition: (this.expectKeyword("on"), this.parseNamedType()), directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(), }) : this.node(t, { kind: c.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION, name: this.parseFragmentName(), typeCondition: (this.expectKeyword("on"), this.parseNamedType()), directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(), }) ); } parseFragmentName() { if (this._lexer.token.value === "on") throw this.unexpected(); return this.parseName(); } parseValueLiteral(t) { let n = this._lexer.token; switch (n.kind) { case o.BRACKET_L: return this.parseList(t); case o.BRACE_L: return this.parseObject(t); case o.INT: return ( this.advanceLexer(), this.node(n, { kind: c.INT, value: n.value }) ); case o.FLOAT: return ( this.advanceLexer(), this.node(n, { kind: c.FLOAT, value: n.value }) ); case o.STRING: case o.BLOCK_STRING: return this.parseStringLiteral(); case o.NAME: switch ((this.advanceLexer(), n.value)) { case "true": return this.node(n, { kind: c.BOOLEAN, value: !0 }); case "false": return this.node(n, { kind: c.BOOLEAN, value: !1 }); case "null": return this.node(n, { kind: c.NULL }); default: return this.node(n, { kind: c.ENUM, value: n.value }); } case o.DOLLAR: if (t) if ( (this.expectToken(o.DOLLAR), this._lexer.token.kind === o.NAME) ) { let r = this._lexer.token.value; throw d( this._lexer.source, n.start, `Unexpected variable "$${r}" in constant value.`, ); } else throw this.unexpected(n); return this.parseVariable(); default: throw this.unexpected(); } } parseConstValueLiteral() { return this.parseValueLiteral(!0); } parseStringLiteral() { let t = this._lexer.token; return ( this.advanceLexer(), this.node(t, { kind: c.STRING, value: t.value, block: t.kind === o.BLOCK_STRING, }) ); } parseList(t) { let n = () => this.parseValueLiteral(t); return this.node(this._lexer.token, { kind: c.LIST, values: this.any(o.BRACKET_L, n, o.BRACKET_R), }); } parseObject(t) { let n = () => this.parseObjectField(t); return this.node(this._lexer.token, { kind: c.OBJECT, fields: this.any(o.BRACE_L, n, o.BRACE_R), }); } parseObjectField(t) { let n = this._lexer.token, r = this.parseName(); return ( this.expectToken(o.COLON), this.node(n, { kind: c.OBJECT_FIELD, name: r, value: this.parseValueLiteral(t), }) ); } parseDirectives(t) { let n = []; for (; this.peek(o.AT); ) n.push(this.parseDirective(t)); return n; } parseConstDirectives() { return this.parseDirectives(!0); } parseDirective(t) { let n = this._lexer.token; return ( this.expectToken(o.AT), this.node(n, { kind: c.DIRECTIVE, name: this.parseName(), arguments: this.parseArguments(t), }) ); } parseTypeReference() { let t = this._lexer.token, n; if (this.expectOptionalToken(o.BRACKET_L)) { let r = this.parseTypeReference(); this.expectToken(o.BRACKET_R), (n = this.node(t, { kind: c.LIST_TYPE, type: r })); } else n = this.parseNamedType(); return this.expectOptionalToken(o.BANG) ? this.node(t, { kind: c.NON_NULL_TYPE, type: n }) : n; } parseNamedType() { return this.node(this._lexer.token, { kind: c.NAMED_TYPE, name: this.parseName(), }); } peekDescription() { return this.peek(o.STRING) || this.peek(o.BLOCK_STRING); } parseDescription() { if (this.peekDescription()) return this.parseStringLiteral(); } parseSchemaDefinition() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseDescription(); this.expectKeyword("schema"); let r = this.parseConstDirectives(), i = this.many(o.BRACE_L, this.parseOperationTypeDefinition, o.BRACE_R); return this.node(t, { kind: c.SCHEMA_DEFINITION, description: n, directives: r, operationTypes: i, }); } parseOperationTypeDefinition() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseOperationType(); this.expectToken(o.COLON); let r = this.parseNamedType(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION, operation: n, type: r, }); } parseScalarTypeDefinition() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseDescription(); this.expectKeyword("scalar"); let r = this.parseName(), i = this.parseConstDirectives(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION, description: n, name: r, directives: i, }); } parseObjectTypeDefinition() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseDescription(); this.expectKeyword("type"); let r = this.parseName(), i = this.parseImplementsInterfaces(), s = this.parseConstDirectives(), a = this.parseFieldsDefinition(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, description: n, name: r, interfaces: i, directives: s, fields: a, }); } parseImplementsInterfaces() { return this.expectOptionalKeyword("implements") ? this.delimitedMany(o.AMP, this.parseNamedType) : []; } parseFieldsDefinition() { return this.optionalMany(o.BRACE_L, this.parseFieldDefinition, o.BRACE_R); } parseFieldDefinition() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseDescription(), r = this.parseName(), i = this.parseArgumentDefs(); this.expectToken(o.COLON); let s = this.parseTypeReference(), a = this.parseConstDirectives(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.FIELD_DEFINITION, description: n, name: r, arguments: i, type: s, directives: a, }); } parseArgumentDefs() { return this.optionalMany(o.PAREN_L, this.parseInputValueDef, o.PAREN_R); } parseInputValueDef() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseDescription(), r = this.parseName(); this.expectToken(o.COLON); let i = this.parseTypeReference(), s; this.expectOptionalToken(o.EQUALS) && (s = this.parseConstValueLiteral()); let a = this.parseConstDirectives(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION, description: n, name: r, type: i, defaultValue: s, directives: a, }); } parseInterfaceTypeDefinition() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseDescription(); this.expectKeyword("interface"); let r = this.parseName(), i = this.parseImplementsInterfaces(), s = this.parseConstDirectives(), a = this.parseFieldsDefinition(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION, description: n, name: r, interfaces: i, directives: s, fields: a, }); } parseUnionTypeDefinition() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseDescription(); this.expectKeyword("union"); let r = this.parseName(), i = this.parseConstDirectives(), s = this.parseUnionMemberTypes(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION, description: n, name: r, directives: i, types: s, }); } parseUnionMemberTypes() { return this.expectOptionalToken(o.EQUALS) ? this.delimitedMany(o.PIPE, this.parseNamedType) : []; } parseEnumTypeDefinition() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseDescription(); this.expectKeyword("enum"); let r = this.parseName(), i = this.parseConstDirectives(), s = this.parseEnumValuesDefinition(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION, description: n, name: r, directives: i, values: s, }); } parseEnumValuesDefinition() { return this.optionalMany( o.BRACE_L, this.parseEnumValueDefinition, o.BRACE_R, ); } parseEnumValueDefinition() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseDescription(), r = this.parseEnumValueName(), i = this.parseConstDirectives(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION, description: n, name: r, directives: i, }); } parseEnumValueName() { if ( this._lexer.token.value === "true" || this._lexer.token.value === "false" || this._lexer.token.value === "null" ) throw d( this._lexer.source, this._lexer.token.start, `${ne(this._lexer.token)} is reserved and cannot be used for an enum value.`, ); return this.parseName(); } parseInputObjectTypeDefinition() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseDescription(); this.expectKeyword("input"); let r = this.parseName(), i = this.parseConstDirectives(), s = this.parseInputFieldsDefinition(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, description: n, name: r, directives: i, fields: s, }); } parseInputFieldsDefinition() { return this.optionalMany(o.BRACE_L, this.parseInputValueDef, o.BRACE_R); } parseTypeSystemExtension() { let t = this._lexer.lookahead(); if (t.kind === o.NAME) switch (t.value) { case "schema": return this.parseSchemaExtension(); case "scalar": return this.parseScalarTypeExtension(); case "type": return this.parseObjectTypeExtension(); case "interface": return this.parseInterfaceTypeExtension(); case "union": return this.parseUnionTypeExtension(); case "enum": return this.parseEnumTypeExtension(); case "input": return this.parseInputObjectTypeExtension(); } throw this.unexpected(t); } parseSchemaExtension() { let t = this._lexer.token; this.expectKeyword("extend"), this.expectKeyword("schema"); let n = this.parseConstDirectives(), r = this.optionalMany( o.BRACE_L, this.parseOperationTypeDefinition, o.BRACE_R, ); if (n.length === 0 && r.length === 0) throw this.unexpected(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.SCHEMA_EXTENSION, directives: n, operationTypes: r, }); } parseScalarTypeExtension() { let t = this._lexer.token; this.expectKeyword("extend"), this.expectKeyword("scalar"); let n = this.parseName(), r = this.parseConstDirectives(); if (r.length === 0) throw this.unexpected(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION, name: n, directives: r, }); } parseObjectTypeExtension() { let t = this._lexer.token; this.expectKeyword("extend"), this.expectKeyword("type"); let n = this.parseName(), r = this.parseImplementsInterfaces(), i = this.parseConstDirectives(), s = this.parseFieldsDefinition(); if (r.length === 0 && i.length === 0 && s.length === 0) throw this.unexpected(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION, name: n, interfaces: r, directives: i, fields: s, }); } parseInterfaceTypeExtension() { let t = this._lexer.token; this.expectKeyword("extend"), this.expectKeyword("interface"); let n = this.parseName(), r = this.parseImplementsInterfaces(), i = this.parseConstDirectives(), s = this.parseFieldsDefinition(); if (r.length === 0 && i.length === 0 && s.length === 0) throw this.unexpected(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION, name: n, interfaces: r, directives: i, fields: s, }); } parseUnionTypeExtension() { let t = this._lexer.token; this.expectKeyword("extend"), this.expectKeyword("union"); let n = this.parseName(), r = this.parseConstDirectives(), i = this.parseUnionMemberTypes(); if (r.length === 0 && i.length === 0) throw this.unexpected(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION, name: n, directives: r, types: i, }); } parseEnumTypeExtension() { let t = this._lexer.token; this.expectKeyword("extend"), this.expectKeyword("enum"); let n = this.parseName(), r = this.parseConstDirectives(), i = this.parseEnumValuesDefinition(); if (r.length === 0 && i.length === 0) throw this.unexpected(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION, name: n, directives: r, values: i, }); } parseInputObjectTypeExtension() { let t = this._lexer.token; this.expectKeyword("extend"), this.expectKeyword("input"); let n = this.parseName(), r = this.parseConstDirectives(), i = this.parseInputFieldsDefinition(); if (r.length === 0 && i.length === 0) throw this.unexpected(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION, name: n, directives: r, fields: i, }); } parseDirectiveDefinition() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseDescription(); this.expectKeyword("directive"), this.expectToken(o.AT); let r = this.parseName(), i = this.parseArgumentDefs(), s = this.expectOptionalKeyword("repeatable"); this.expectKeyword("on"); let a = this.parseDirectiveLocations(); return this.node(t, { kind: c.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION, description: n, name: r, arguments: i, repeatable: s, locations: a, }); } parseDirectiveLocations() { return this.delimitedMany(o.PIPE, this.parseDirectiveLocation); } parseDirectiveLocation() { let t = this._lexer.token, n = this.parseName(); if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(H, n.value)) return n; throw this.unexpected(t); } node(t, n) { return ( this._options.noLocation !== !0 && (n.loc = new J(t, this._lexer.lastToken, this._lexer.source)), n ); } peek(t) { return this._lexer.token.kind === t; } expectToken(t) { let n = this._lexer.token; if (n.kind === t) return this.advanceLexer(), n; throw d( this._lexer.source, n.start, `Expected ${Ze(t)}, found ${ne(n)}.`, ); } expectOptionalToken(t) { return this._lexer.token.kind === t ? (this.advanceLexer(), !0) : !1; } expectKeyword(t) { let n = this._lexer.token; if (n.kind === o.NAME && n.value === t) this.advanceLexer(); else throw d( this._lexer.source, n.start, `Expected "${t}", found ${ne(n)}.`, ); } expectOptionalKeyword(t) { let n = this._lexer.token; return n.kind === o.NAME && n.value === t ? (this.advanceLexer(), !0) : !1; } unexpected(t) { let n = t ?? this._lexer.token; return d(this._lexer.source, n.start, `Unexpected ${ne(n)}.`); } any(t, n, r) { this.expectToken(t); let i = []; for (; !this.expectOptionalToken(r); ) i.push(n.call(this)); return i; } optionalMany(t, n, r) { if (this.expectOptionalToken(t)) { let i = []; do i.push(n.call(this)); while (!this.expectOptionalToken(r)); return i; } return []; } many(t, n, r) { this.expectToken(t); let i = []; do i.push(n.call(this)); while (!this.expectOptionalToken(r)); return i; } delimitedMany(t, n) { this.expectOptionalToken(t); let r = []; do r.push(n.call(this)); while (this.expectOptionalToken(t)); return r; } advanceLexer() { let { maxTokens: t } = this._options, n = this._lexer.advance(); if ( t !== void 0 && n.kind !== o.EOF && (++this._tokenCounter, this._tokenCounter > t) ) throw d( this._lexer.source, n.start, `Document contains more that ${t} tokens. Parsing aborted.`, ); } }; function ne(e) { let t = e.value; return Ze(e.kind) + (t != null ? ` "${t}"` : ""); } function Ze(e) { return qe(e) ? `"${e}"` : e; } function nn(e, t) { let n = new SyntaxError( e + " (" + t.loc.start.line + ":" + t.loc.start.column + ")", ); return Object.assign(n, t); } var et = nn; function rn(e) { let t = [], { startToken: n, endToken: r } = e.loc; for (let i = n; i !== r; i = i.next) i.kind === "Comment" && t.push({ ...i, loc: { start: i.start, end: i.end } }); return t; } var sn = { allowLegacyFragmentVariables: !0 }; function on(e) { if ((e == null ? void 0 : e.name) === "GraphQLError") { let { message: t, locations: [n], } = e; return et(t, { loc: { start: n }, cause: e }); } return e; } function an(e) { let t; try { t = Ke(e, sn); } catch (n) { throw on(n); } return (t.comments = rn(t)), t; } var cn = { parse: an, astFormat: "graphql", hasPragma: Ce, locStart: q, locEnd: Q, }; var un = { graphql: Re }; return st(ln); });