module ExpressAdmin class SmartTable < ExpressTemplates::Components::Base include ExpressTemplates::Components::Capabilities::Configurable MAX_COLS_TO_SHOW_IDX = 5 emits -> { table(my[:id], 'data-turbolinks-permanent': nil)._table_hover { thead { tr { display_columns.each do |column| th.send( { div { # wrap in div so we can use overflow } } end th.actions { 'Actions' } show_hidden_columns_header_indicator if columns_hidden? } } tbody { for_each(collection_var) { tr(id: row_id, 'data-resource-url': resource_link) { display_columns.each do |column| td.send( { cell_value( } end td { link_to 'Delete', resource_link, method: :delete, data: {confirm: 'Are you sure?'}, class: 'button tiny secondary' } show_hidden_column_cell if columns_hidden? } } } } if @config[:show_on_click] script { %Q( $(document).on('click', 'tr', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); Turbolinks.visit($(this).attr('data-resource-url'), { cacheRequest: false, change: ['#{collection_member_name}',] }); }) ) } end } def resource_link "{{resource_path(#{collection_member_name}.id)}}" end def row_id "#{collection_member_name}:{{#{collection_member_name}.id}}" end def collection_member_name @config[:id].to_s.singularize end def collection_var "@#{collection_member_name.pluralize}".to_sym end def cell_value(column_name) "{{#{collection_member_name}.#{column_name}}}" end def display_columns columns.slice(0..MAX_COLS_TO_SHOW_IDX) end def columns_hidden? columns.size > MAX_COLS_TO_SHOW_IDX+1 end def show_hidden_columns_header_indicator th._more_columns_indicator { "..." } end def show_hidden_column_cell td._more_columns_indicator end def columns resource_class.constantize.content_columns end def resource_class # TODO: Module namespace needs to be guessed somehow @config[:class_name] || "ExpressCms::#{collection_member_name.classify}" end end end