######################### # GS2 CodeRunner module # Data Analysis ######################### # # class NumRu::NetCDF aliold :var def var(*args) if args[0].kind_of? Symbol args[0] = args[0].to_s end return old_var(*args) end end class CodeRunner class Gs2 eval(File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/gsl_tools.rb'), GLOBAL_BINDING, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/gsl_tools.rb') # def gsl_vector(name, options={}) # if options[:t_index] or options[:frame_index] or not [:Failed, :Complete].include? status # return get_gsl_vector(name, options) # else # return cache[[:gsl_vector, name, options]] ||= get_gsl_vector(name, options) # end # end def netcdf_file #if @runner.cache[:runs] and (open = @runner.cache[:runs].keys.find_all{|id| @runner.cache[:runs][id][:netcdf_file]}).size > 200 #ep "my id", id if (open = @runner.run_list.keys.find_all{|id| @runner.run_list[id].cache[:netcdf_file]}).size > 200 open = open.sort_by{|id| @runner.run_list[id].cache[:netcdf_file_otime]} @runner.run_list[open[0]].ncclose end if cache[:netcdf_file] and not [:Complete, :Failed].include? @status ncclose end cache[:netcdf_file_otime] = Time.now.to_i cache[:netcdf_file] ||= NumRu::NetCDF.open(netcdf_filename) cache[:netcdf_file].sync cache[:netcdf_file] end def netcdf_filename @directory + '/' + @run_name + '.out.nc' end def ncclose cache[:netcdf_file].close cache.delete(:netcdf_file) end module FixNormOption #class << self def fix_norm_action(options) case options[:set_norm_option] when "t_over_m", "bd" if ["t_over_m", "bd"].include? @norm_option return :none else return :from_root_2 end else #eputs "else", norm_option if ["t_over_m", "bd"].include? @norm_option #eputs "norm old" return :to_root_2 else return :none end end end def fix_heat_flux_norm(tensor, options={}) case fix_norm_action(options) when :none #eputs "none" return tensor when :to_root_2 eputs "to_root_2" return tensor / 2.0**1.5 when :from_root_2 return tensor * 2.0**1.5 end end # Return tensor normalised according to options[:set_norm_option] # (which may be "t_over_m", "bd" or "with_root_2", "mtk" etc) # regardless of the original normalisation. # # <tt>power</tt> should be the power to which the reference thermal # velocity is raised in the normalising quantity. For example, # <tt>t</tt> is normalised to a / v_thr, so for times, power should # be set equal to -1. def fix_norm(tensor, power, options={}) case fix_norm_action(options) when :none #eputs "none" return tensor when :to_root_2 eputs "to_root_2" return tensor / 2.0**(0.5 * power) when :from_root_2 return tensor * 2.0**(0.5 * power) end end #end # class << self end # module FixNormOption include FixNormOption def gsl_vector(name, options={}) Dir.chdir(@directory) do options[:t_index_window] ||= @scan_index_window options.setup_time_window if [:ky, :kx].include? name.to_sym vec = fix_norm( GSL::Vector.alloc(netcdf_file.var(name.to_s).get.to_a.sort), -1, options ) # ky, ky are normalised to 1 / rho_i if i = options[:interpolate_ + name.to_s.sub(/k/, '').to_sym] if name.to_sym == :ky s = (vec.size - 1)*i + 1 #return vec.connect(GSL::Vector.alloc((vec.size-1)*(i-1)) * 0.0) return (0...s).map{|k| k.to_f * vec[1]}.to_gslv else size = vec.size #vec = vec.to_box_order raise "Hmmm, kx.size should be odd" unless size%2 == 1 s = (size-1)/2 * i return (-s..s).to_a.map{|i| i.to_f * vec.to_box_order[1]}.to_gslv #new_vec = GSL::Vector.alloc((s-1)*i + 1) #new_vec *= 0.0 #for j in 0...((s-1)/2+1) #new_vec[j] = vec[j] #end #for j in 0...((s-1)/2) #new_vec[-j-1] = vec[-j-1] #end #return new_vec.from_box_order end else return vec end elsif [:theta].include? name.to_sym #ep options; gets #vec = GSL::Vector.alloc(netcdf_file.var(name.to_s).get({'start' => [options[:thetamin]||0], 'end' => [options[:thetamax]||-1]}).to_a) vec = GSL::Vector.alloc(netcdf_file.var(name.to_s).get.to_a) if gryfx? and options[:periodic] #vec = vec.connect([2.0*vec[-1] - vec[-2]].to_gslv) vec = vec.connect([-vec[0]].to_gslv) end if ith = options[:interpolate_theta] osize = vec.size newsize = (osize-1)*ith+1 newvec = GSL::Vector.alloc(newsize) newvec[newsize-1] = vec[osize-1]# * ith.to_f for i in 0...(newsize-1) im = i%ith frac = im.to_f/ith.to_f #iold = (i-im)/(new_shape[-1]-1)*(shape[-1]-1) iold = (i-im)/ith newvec[i] = (vec[iold] * (1.0-frac) + vec[iold+1] * frac) end vec = newvec end start = options[:thetamin]||0 endv = options[:thetamax]||vec.size-1 #ep ['options', options, 'vec.size', vec.size] vec = vec.subvector(start, (endv-start+1)).dup return vec elsif name.to_sym == :t #options.setup_time_window t = GSL::Vector.alloc(netcdf_file.var(name.to_s).get('start' => [options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:end_element]]).to_a) t = t - t[0] if options[:sync_time] return fix_norm(t, -1, options) # t is normalised to a/v_thi end options = eval(options) if options.class == String if options[:saturated_time_average] or options[:sta] raise "Not Saturated" unless @saturation_time_index tmax = list(:t).keys.max return ((@saturation_time_index..tmax).to_a.map do |t_index| gsl_vector(name, options.dup.absorb({t_index: t_index, saturated_time_average: nil, sta: nil})) end).sum / (list(:t).values.max - list(:t)[@saturation_time_index]) elsif options[:time_average] or options[:ta] tmax = list(:t).keys.max start_t = 2 return ((start_t..tmax).to_a.map do |t_index| gsl_vector(name, options.dup.absorb({t_index: t_index, time_average: nil, ta: nil})) end).sum / (list(:t).values.max - list(:t)[start_t]) end if method = self.class.instance_methods.find{|meth| (name + '_gsl_vector').to_sym == meth} options[:graphkit_name] = name return send(method, options) end end raise "GSL Vector #{name} not found" end module GSLVectors # The square of the potential summed over all wave numbers, indexed by time, normalised to (e/T)(rho_1/a). def phi2tot_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do #Necessary options: ky #log 'about to open netcdf file' #options.setup_time_window phis = netcdf_file.var('phi2').get('start'=>[options[:begin_element]], 'end'=>[options[:end_element]] ).to_a log 'about to allocate gsl vector' vec = GSL::Vector.alloc(phis) log 'finished' return fix_norm(vec, 1, options) end end def apar2_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do #Necessary options: ky #log 'about to open netcdf file' #options.setup_time_window phis = netcdf_file.var('apar2').get('start'=>[options[:begin_element]], 'end'=>[options[:end_element]] ).to_a log 'about to allocate gsl vector' vec = GSL::Vector.alloc(phis) log 'finished' return fix_norm(vec, 1, options) end end def transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_over_kx_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :kx transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_over_kxy_gsl_vector(options) end def transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_over_ky_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :ky transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_over_kxy_gsl_vector(options) end def transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_over_kxy_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do # i.e. phi2_by_ky_vs_time or phi2_by_kx_vs_time kxy = options[:direction].to_sym # ep :growth_rate_at_ + kxy p send(:transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ + kxy) return GSL::Vector.alloc(send(:transient_es_heat_flux_amplification_at_species_at_ + kxy)[options[:species_index]-1].values) end end def transient_amplification_over_kx_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :kx transient_amplification_over_kxy_gsl_vector(options) end def transient_amplification_over_ky_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :ky transient_amplification_over_kxy_gsl_vector(options) end def transient_amplification_over_kxy_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do # i.e. phi2_by_ky_vs_time or phi2_by_kx_vs_time kxy = options[:direction] # ep :growth_rate_at_ + kxy return GSL::Vector.alloc(send(:transient_amplification_at_ + kxy).values) end end private :transient_amplification_over_kxy_gsl_vector # The growth rate of the fluctuations, calculated from the potential, indexed by time and normalised to vth_1/a. # :kx or :kx_index must be specified in options # def growth_rate_by_kx_over_time_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :kx growth_rate_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector(options) end # The growth rate of the fluctuations, calculated from the potential, indexed by time and normalised to vth_1/a. # :ky or :ky_index must be specified in options def growth_rate_by_ky_over_time_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :ky growth_rate_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector(options) end def growth_rate_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector(options) # i.e. time_dependent_gr_by_ky_vs_time or phi2_by_kx_vs_time kxy = options[:direction] phi = gsl_vector("phi2_by_#{kxy}_over_time", options).log / 2.0 size = phi.size dphi = phi.subvector(1, size - 1) - phi.subvector(0, size-1) # NB dt already has norm fixed, dphi is dimensionless return fix_norm(dphi/gsl_vector('dt'), 0, options) end # <MJL edits on 2013-09-19> # The real frequency of the fluctuations, read from the .out file, indexed by time and normalised to vth_1/a. # :ky_index or :kx_index must be specified in options. def frequency_by_kx_over_time_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :kx frequency_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector(options) end def frequency_by_ky_over_time_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :ky frequency_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector(options) end def frequency_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector(options) kxy = options[:direction] kxy_index = kxy + :_index kxys = get_list_of(kxy) desired_kxy = kxys[options[kxy_index]] raise "No k found at the desired index" if desired_kxy.nil? omega_reals = [] File.open(@run_name+".out",'r') do |fileHandle| fileHandle.each_line do |fileLine| if fileLine.include?('aky=') # Only examine the lines of the .out file that contain frequency information. index = fileLine.index('akx=') raise "akx wasn't found where it was expected in the .out file." if index.nil? akx = fileLine[(index+4)..-1].to_f index = fileLine.index('aky=') raise "aky wasn't found where it was expected in the .out file." if index.nil? aky = fileLine[(index+4)..-1].to_f index = fileLine.index('om=') raise "om wasn't found where it was expected in the .out file." if index.nil? omr = fileLine[(index+3)..-1].to_f if kxy == :kx # You need to be careful when testing equality of the desired k with the k in the .out file # since the .out file is only written to ~ 5 significant digits: omega_reals << omr if ((desired_kxy - akx).abs/(desired_kxy.abs + 1e-7) < 1e-4) else omega_reals << omr if ((desired_kxy - aky).abs/(desired_kxy.abs + 1e-7) < 1e-4) end end end end raise "No real frequencies found in the .out file for the desired k" if (omega_reals.size==0) GSL::Vector.alloc(omega_reals) end # </MJL> # The size of each time step, indexed by time, normalised to a/v_th1. def dt_gsl_vector(options) t = gsl_vector('t', options) size = t.size # NB t already has norm fixed return t.subvector(1, size - 1) - t.subvector(0, size-1) end # The growth rate, calculated from the potential, indexed by kx. Only makes sense in linear calculations. def growth_rate_over_kx_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :kx growth_rate_over_kxy_gsl_vector(options) end # The growth rate, calculated from the potential, indexed by ky. Only makes sense in linear calculations. def growth_rate_over_ky_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :ky growth_rate_over_kxy_gsl_vector(options) end def growth_rate_over_kxy_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do # i.e. phi2_by_ky_vs_time or phi2_by_kx_vs_time kxy = options[:direction] # ep :growth_rate_at_ + kxy return GSL::Vector.alloc(send(:growth_rate_at_ + kxy).values) end end private :growth_rate_over_kxy_gsl_vector # The growth rate, calculated from the potential, indexed by kx. Only makes sense in linear calculations. def growth_rate_over_kx_slice_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do slice_of_growth_rates = send(:growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx)[options[:ky]].values raise "Something went wrong: slice of growth rates seems empty" if slice_of_growth_rates.nil? return GSL::Vector.alloc(slice_of_growth_rates) #return GSL::Vector.alloc(send(:growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx[ky]).values) end end # The growth rate, calculated from the potential, indexed by ky. Only makes sense in linear calculations. def growth_rate_over_ky_slice_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do slice_of_growth_rates = send(:growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx).values.map{|h| h[options[:kx]]} raise "Something went wrong: slice of growth rates seems empty" if slice_of_growth_rates.nil? return GSL::Vector.alloc(slice_of_growth_rates) end end # Frequency, indexed over ky, taken direct from the gs2 output file def frequency_over_ky_gsl_vector(options) options.convert_to_index(self, :kx) return GSL::Vector.alloc(gsl_vector('ky').to_a.map{|ky| frequency_at_ky_at_kx[ky].values[options[:kx_index]-1]}) end def es_heat_by_kx_over_time_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :kx es_heat_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector(options) end def es_heat_by_ky_over_time_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :ky es_heat_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector(options) end def es_heat_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do kxy = options[:direction] kxy_index = kxy + :_index options.convert_to_index(self, kxy) raise "Please provide species_index " unless options[:species_index] if kxy==:ky lkx = list(:kx) es_heat_av = (lkx.keys.map do |kx_index| es_heat = netcdf_file.var('es_heat_by_k').get({'start' => [kx_index-1,options[:ky_index]-1,options[:species_index]-1, 0], 'end' => [kx_index-1,options[:ky_index]-1,options[:species_index]-1, -1]}) #ep phi.shape es_heat.reshape(*es_heat.shape.values_at(3)) end).sum / lkx.size return es_heat_av.to_gslv else lky = list(:ky) es_heat_av = (lky.keys.map do |ky_index| es_heat = netcdf_file.var('es_heat_by_k').get({'start' => [options[:kx_index]-1,ky_index-1,options[:species_index]-1, 0], 'end' => [options[:kx_index]-1,ky_index-1,options[:species_index]-1, -1]}) #ep phi.shape es_heat.reshape(*es_heat.shape.values_at(3)) end).sum / lky.size return es_heat_av.to_gslv end end end private :es_heat_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector def phi2_by_kx_over_time_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :kx phi2_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector(options) end def phi2_by_ky_over_time_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :ky phi2_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector(options) end def phi2_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do # i.e. phi2_by_ky_vs_time or phi2_by_kx_vs_time kxy = options[:direction] if list(kxy).size == 1 return phi2tot_over_time_gsl_vector(options) end kxy_index = kxy + :_index #Necessary options: :ky or :kx #Optional options: :t_index_window # eputs "got here" #options[:begin_element], options[:end_element] = (options[:t_index_window] ? options[:t_index_window].map{|ind| ind -1} : [0, -1]) phi_t_array=nil if @grid_option == "single" phi_t_array = netcdf_file.var('phi2').get('start' => [options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:end_element]]).to_a.flatten else # value = options[:ky] # eputs value # get_list_of(:ky) # index = @ky_list.find{|index,val| (val-value).abs < Float::EPSILON}[0] # ep options options.convert_to_index(self, kxy) #ep options phi_t_array = netcdf_file.var("phi2_by_#{kxy}").get('start' => [options[kxy_index] - 1, options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[kxy_index] - 1, options[:end_element]]).to_a.flatten # eputs 'phi_t_array.size', phi_t_array.size end return GSL::Vector.alloc(phi_t_array) end end private :phi2_by_kxy_over_time_gsl_vector def phi2_by_mode_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do #Necessary options: :ky and :kx #Optional options: :t_index_window # eputs "got here" #options[:begin_element], options[:end_element] = (options[:t_index_window] ? options[:t_index_window].map{|ind| ind -1} : [0, -1]) options.setup_time_window phi_t_array=nil if @grid_option == "single" phi_t_array = netcdf_file.var('phi2').get('start' => [options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:end_element]]).to_a.flatten else # value = options[:ky] # eputs value # get_list_of(:ky) # index = @ky_list.find{|index,val| (val-value).abs < Float::EPSILON}[0] options.convert_to_index(self, :kx, :ky) # p options phi_t_array = netcdf_file.var("phi2_by_mode").get('start' => [options[:kx_index] - 1, options[:ky_index] - 1, options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:kx_index] - 1, options[:ky_index] - 1, options[:end_element]]).to_a.flatten # eputs 'phi_t_array.size', phi_t_array.size end return GSL::Vector.alloc(phi_t_array) end end def tpar2_by_mode_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do #Necessary options: :ky and :kx #Optional options: :t_index_window # eputs "got here" #options[:begin_element], options[:end_element] = (options[:t_index_window] ? options[:t_index_window].map{|ind| ind -1} : [0, -1]) options.setup_time_window tpar_t_array=nil if @grid_option == "single" tpar_t_array = netcdf_file.var('tpar2').get('start' => [options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:end_element]]).to_a.flatten else # value = options[:ky] # eputs value # get_list_of(:ky) # index = @ky_list.find{|index,val| (val-value).abs < Float::EPSILON}[0] options.convert_to_index(self, :kx, :ky, :species) # p options tpar_t_array = netcdf_file.var("tpar2_by_mode").get('start' => [options[:kx_index] - 1, options[:ky_index] - 1, options[:species_index] - 1, options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:kx_index] - 1, options[:ky_index] - 1, options[:species_index] - 1, options[:end_element]]).to_a.flatten # eputs 'tpar_t_array.size', tpar_t_array.size end return GSL::Vector.alloc(tpar_t_array) end end def tperp2_by_mode_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do #Necessary options: :ky and :kx #Optional options: :t_index_window # eputs "got here" #options[:begin_element], options[:end_element] = (options[:t_index_window] ? options[:t_index_window].map{|ind| ind -1} : [0, -1]) options.setup_time_window tperp_t_array=nil if @grid_option == "single" tperp_t_array = netcdf_file.var('tperp2').get('start' => [options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:end_element]]).to_a.flatten else # value = options[:ky] # eputs value # get_list_of(:ky) # index = @ky_list.find{|index,val| (val-value).abs < Float::EPSILON}[0] options.convert_to_index(self, :kx, :ky, :species) # p options tperp_t_array = netcdf_file.var("tperp2_by_mode").get('start' => [options[:kx_index] - 1, options[:ky_index] - 1, options[:species_index] - 1, options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:kx_index] - 1, options[:ky_index] - 1, options[:species_index] - 1, options[:end_element]]).to_a.flatten # eputs 'tperp_t_array.size', tperp_t_array.size end return GSL::Vector.alloc(tperp_t_array) end end def phi0_by_kx_by_ky_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do options.convert_to_index(self, :kx, :ky) phi0_array = netcdf_file.var('phi0').get.to_a.map{|arr| arr[options[:kx_index] - 1][options[:ky_index] - 1][options[:ri]]} return GSL::Vector.alloc(phi0_array) end end def linked_kx_elements_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do return GSL::Vector.alloc([0]) if @grid_option == "single" or agk? if agk? or (@s_hat_input or @shat).abs < 1.0e-5 #p 'op1', options options.convert_to_index(self, :ky, :kx) #p 'op2', options #eputs "No Magnetic Shear" # begin # options.convert_to_index(:kx) # rescue # raise "Must specify kx or kx_index if no magnetics shear" # end # # theta0 = (options[:theta0] || 0) # # theta0 += jump(options) if @g_exb #theta0 = (options[:kx_index]) #if @g_exb and @g_exb.abs > 0.0 #theta0 += jump(options) #theta0 = theta0%((list(:kx).size-1)/2) if list(:kx).size > 1 #end return GSL::Vector.alloc([options[:kx_index] - 1]) end options.convert_to_index(self, :ky, :kx) nkx = netcdf_file.var('kx').dims[0].length # p nkx stride = @jtwist * (options[:ky_index] -1 ) #stride = 3 nlinks = [(nkx / stride).floor, 1].max theta0 = options[:kx_index] % @jtwist #(options[:theta0] || 0) log 'stride', stride, 'nlinks', nlinks, 'theta0', theta0 #if @g_exb and @jtwist > 1 #and options[:t_index] # kx_shift = list(:ky)[options[:ky_index]] * @g_exb # p list(:t)[options[:t_index]], options[:t_index], kx_shift # kx_shift *= list(:t)[(options[:t_index] or list(:t).keys.max)] # jump = (kx_shift / list(:kx)[2]).round #theta0 += (@jtwist - jump(options) % @jtwist) % @jtwist # else # jump = 0 #end ep 'stride', stride, 'nlinks', nlinks, 'theta0', theta0 ep GSL::Vector.indgen(nlinks / 2, nkx + theta0 - nlinks / 2 * stride, stride).connect(GSL::Vector.indgen(nlinks / 2, theta0, stride)).reverse if nlinks > 1 #return [7,5,3,1,34].to_gslv return GSL::Vector.alloc([theta0 % jtwist]) if nlinks ==1 return GSL::Vector.indgen(nlinks / 2, nkx + theta0 - nlinks / 2 * stride, stride).connect(GSL::Vector.indgen(nlinks / 2, theta0, stride)).reverse end end def spectrum_over_kpar_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do # , /kpar_spectrum/ #ep 'zero?', (@s_hat_input||@shat)==0.0 unless agk? or (@s_hat_input||@shat||0.0).abs<1.0e-5 phi = gsl_vector_complex('phi_along_field_line', options) phi = phi.subvector(0,phi.size-1) #i = 0 #phi = phi.collect{|re,im| #i+=1; GSL::Complex.alloc(Math.sin(0.1*i), Math.cos(0.1*i))+ #GSL::Complex.alloc(Math.sin(0.4*i), Math.cos(0.4*i)) #} ##GraphKit.quick_create([phi.square]).gnuplot phi_k = phi.forward phi_kr = phi_k.square case phi_kr.size%2 when 0 spec = phi_kr.subvector((phi_kr.size+2)/2, (phi_kr.size-2)/2).connect(phi_kr.subvector(0, (phi_kr.size+2)/2)) when 1 spec = phi_kr.subvector((phi_kr.size + 1)/2, (phi_kr.size-1)/2).connect(phi_kr.subvector(0, (phi_kr.size+1)/2)) end ##spec = phi_kr #ep 'spec.class', spec.class return spec else gm = gsl_matrix('spectrum_over_ky_over_kpar', options) vec = GSL::Vector.alloc(gm.shape[1]) vec.set_all(0.0) for ky_element in 0...gm.shape[0] vec+= gm.row(ky_element) end vec = vec/gm.shape[0] return vec end end end def kpar_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do if agk? or (@s_hat_input||@shat).abs < 1.0e-5 dk = 1 phi = list(:theta).values else kxe = gsl_vector('linked_kx_elements', options) dk = 1.0/kxe.size phi = gsl_vector_complex('phi_along_field_line', options) end case phi.size%2 when 0 kpar = GSL::Vector.indgen(phi.size-1, -((phi.size-3)/2))*dk when 1 kpar = GSL::Vector.indgen(phi.size-1, -((phi.size-2)/2))*dk end #ep 'kpar', kpar, 'phi.size', phi.size #ep 'kpar.class', kpar.class return kpar end end def phi_along_field_line_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do complex_phi_vector= gsl_vector_complex('phi_along_field_line', options) case options[:imrc] when :im phi_vector = complex_phi_vector.imag when :mag mag = true phi_vector = complex_phi_vector.abs2 when :corr thetas = gsl_vector('theta_along_field_line', options) min = thetas.abs.to_a.index(thetas.abs.min) at_0 = complex_phi_vector[min] # ep at_0.class phi_vector = (complex_phi_vector * (at_0 / at_0.mag).conj).real # gsl_complex('correcting_phase', options)).real when :real phi_vector = complex_phi_vector.real else raise CRError.new("options[:imrc] was: #{options[:irmc]}") end phi_vector *= -1.0 if options[:flip] (phi_vector /= phi_vector.abs.max; phi_vector *= (options[:height] || 1.0)) if options[:norm] phi_vector = phi_vector.reverse if options[:rev] return phi_vector end end def theta_along_field_line_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do case @grid_option when "single", "range" theta_vector = gsl_vector(:theta) when "box" #eputs "Start theta_along_field_line" kx_elements = gsl_vector('linked_kx_elements', options).to_a #if @grid_option == "range" #kx_elements = kx_elements.to_gslv.from_box_order.to_a #end ep 'kx_elements', kx_elements.to_a # ep list(:kx).keys.max # ep kx_elements[0], list(:kx)[(kx_elements[0] + 1).to_i] # ep kx_elements[-1], list(:kx)[(kx_elements[-1] + 1).to_i] thetas = gsl_vector(:theta) # ep thetas #eputs "End theta_along_field_line" return thetas if agk? or (@s_hat_input or @shat).abs < 1.0e-5 if gryfx? theta_list = ((1..kx_elements.size).to_a.map do |i| thetas * i end) thetas = theta_list.inject{|o,n| o.connect(n)} thetas -= Math::PI*(kx_elements.size-1) return thetas end theta_list = (kx_elements.map do |element| kx = list(:kx)[(element + 1).to_i] # ep element #ep 'kx', kx, 'shat', (@s_hat_input or @shat), 'ky', list(:ky)[options[:ky_index]] thetas - 1.0 / (@s_hat_input or @shat) / list(:ky)[options[:ky_index]] * kx end).inject{|old, new| old.connect(new)} # thetas = gsl_vector(:theta) - 1.0 / @shat / list(:ky)[options[:ky_index]] * list(:kx)[(kx_elements[0] + 1).to_i] #- Math::PI*(kx_elements.size - 1) # get_list_of(:ky, :t) # if @g_exb #and options[:t_index] if options[:moving] theta_list = theta_list - Math::PI * 2.0 * (jump(options) / @jtwist) else # ep 'jump % jtwist is!!', jump(options) % @jtwist theta_list = theta_list - Math::PI * 2.0 / @nx.to_f * ((jump(options) % @jtwist).to_f / @jtwist.to_f) end # jump = 0 # end # theta_list = thetas.dup #gsl_vector(:theta) - Math::PI*kx_elements.size # (kx_elements.size - 1).times do # thetas = thetas + Math::PI * 2.0 # theta_list = theta_list.connect(thetas) # end # pp theta_list.to_a.values_at(0, theta_list.size - 1) # pp theta_list.to_a.max theta_vector = theta_list end # theta_vector = theta_vector.reverse if options[:rev] theta_vector *= (@shat) if options[:z] return theta_vector end end def phi_for_eab_movie_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do #options required are x_index, y_index and tm_index (Time) mvf_name = @run_name + '.movie.nc' raise CRError.new("cannot find file #{mvf_name}") unless FileTest.exist? mvf_name ncf = NumRu::NetCDF.open(mvf_name) # p ncf.var('phi_by_xmode').get.to_a[0][0][0] return GSL::Vector.alloc(ncf.var('phi_by_xmode').get.to_a[options[:tm_index] - 1].map{|xy_arr| xy_arr[options[:x_index] - 1][options[:y_index] - 1]}) end end def hflux_tot_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do options.setup_time_window narr = netcdf_file.var('hflux_tot').get('start' => [options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:end_element]]) #eputs 'Got narr' #ep 'hflux_tot', hflux #eputs "fixing norm" return fix_heat_flux_norm(GSL::Vector.alloc(narr.to_a), options) end end alias :hflux_tot_gsl_vector :hflux_tot_over_time_gsl_vector def es_heat_flux_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do options.setup_time_window return GSL::Vector.alloc(netcdf_file.var('es_heat_flux').get('start' => [options[:species_index].to_i - 1, options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:species_index].to_i - 1, options[:end_element]]).to_a.flatten) end end def es_heat_par_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do options.setup_time_window return GSL::Vector.alloc(netcdf_file.var('es_heat_par').get('start' => [options[:species_index].to_i - 1, options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:species_index].to_i - 1, options[:end_element]]).to_a.flatten) end end alias :es_heat_par_gsl_vector :es_heat_par_over_time_gsl_vector def es_heat_perp_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do options.setup_time_window return GSL::Vector.alloc(netcdf_file.var('es_heat_perp').get('start' => [options[:species_index].to_i - 1, options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:species_index].to_i - 1, options[:end_element]]).to_a.flatten) end end alias :es_heat_perp_gsl_vector :es_heat_perp_over_time_gsl_vector def es_heat_flux_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do options.setup_time_window return GSL::Vector.alloc(netcdf_file.var('es_heat_flux').get('start' => [options[:species_index].to_i - 1, options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:species_index].to_i - 1, options[:end_element]]).to_a.flatten) end end def es_mom_flux_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do options.setup_time_window return GSL::Vector.alloc(netcdf_file.var('es_mom_flux').get('start' => [options[:species_index].to_i - 1, options[:begin_element]], 'end' => [options[:species_index].to_i - 1, options[:end_element]]).to_a.flatten) end end # Velocity space diagnostics: fraction of dist func in higher # pitch angle harmonics def lpc_pitch_angle_gsl_vector(options) raise "Velocity space lpc diagnostics not found" unless FileTest.exist? "#@directory/#@run_name.lpc" lpc = GSL::Vector.filescan("#@directory/#@run_name.lpc") return lpc[1] end # Velocity space diagnostics: fraction of dist func in higher # energy harmonics def lpc_energy_gsl_vector(options) raise "Velocity space lpc diagnostics not found" unless FileTest.exist? "#@directory/#@run_name.lpc" lpc = GSL::Vector.filescan("#@directory/#@run_name.lpc") return lpc[2] end # Velocity space diagnostics: integral error due to # pitch angle resolution def vres_pitch_angle_gsl_vector(options) raise "Velocity space vres diagnostics not found" unless FileTest.exist? "#@directory/#@run_name.vres" vres = GSL::Vector.filescan("#@directory/#@run_name.vres") return vres[1] end # Velocity space diagnostics: integral error due to # energy resolution def vres_energy_gsl_vector(options) raise "Velocity space vres diagnostics not found" unless FileTest.exist? "#@directory/#@run_name.vres" vres = GSL::Vector.filescan("#@directory/#@run_name.vres") return vres[2] end def par_mom_flux_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do options.setup_time_window # This is a hack... one day some one will put it in the NetCDF file (haha). momlines = `grep parmom #@run_name.out` mom = [] momlines.scan(Regexp.new("#{LongRegexen::FLOAT.to_s}$")) do mom.push $~[:float].to_f end options[:end_element] = (mom.size + options[:end_element]) if options[:end_element] < 0 # p options return GSL::Vector.alloc(mom).subvector(options[:begin_element], options[:end_element] - options[:begin_element] + 1) end end def perp_mom_flux_over_time_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do options.setup_time_window # This is a hack... one day some one will put it in the NetCDF file (haha). momlines = `grep perpmom #@run_name.out` mom = [] momlines.scan(Regexp.new("#{LongRegexen::FLOAT.to_s}$")) do mom.push $~[:float].to_f end options[:end_element] = (mom.size + options[:end_element]) if options[:end_element] < 0 # p options return GSL::Vector.alloc(mom).subvector(options[:begin_element], options[:end_element] - options[:begin_element] + 1) end end def scan_parameter_value_gsl_vector(options) return GSL::Vector.alloc(netcdf_file.var('scan_parameter_value').get.to_a) end def spectrum_over_kx_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :kx spectrum_over_kxy_gsl_vector(options) end def spectrum_over_ky_gsl_vector(options) options[:direction] = :ky spectrum_over_kxy_gsl_vector(options) end def spectrum_over_kxy_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do # i.e. spectrum_over_ky or spectrum_over_kx kxy = options[:direction] # eputs options[:t_index] raise "Spectrum makes no sense for single modes" if @grid_option == "single" options.convert_to_index(:t) if options[:t] or options[:t_element] # eputs options[:t_index] options[:t_index] ||= list(:t).keys.max # eputs options[:t_index] phi_array = netcdf_file.var("phi2_by_#{kxy}").get('start' => [0, options[:t_index] - 1], 'end' => [-1, options[:t_index] - 1]).to_a.flatten v = GSL::Vector.alloc(phi_array) v = v.from_box_order if kxy == :kx v = v.mul(gsl_vector(kxy).square) unless options[:phi2_only] return v end end def x_gsl_vector(options) raise "options nakx and interpolate_x are incompatible" if options[:nakx] and options[:interpolate_x] kx = gsl_vector(:kx, options) lx = 2*Math::PI/kx.to_box_order[1] #ep 'lx', lx nx = options[:nakx]||kx.size GSL::Vector.indgen(nx, 0, lx/nx) end def y_gsl_vector(options) raise "options naky and interpolate_y are incompatible" if options[:naky] and options[:interpolate_y] ky = gsl_vector(:ky, options) ly = 2*Math::PI/ky[1] ny = options[:naky]||ky.size ysize = ny*2-2+ny%2 GSL::Vector.indgen(ysize, 0, ly/ysize) end def zonal_spectrum_gsl_vector(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do gmzf = gsl_matrix('spectrum_over_ky_over_kx',options) veczf = GSL::Vector.alloc(gmzf.shape[1]) # p gmzf.get_row(0).size # p gmzf.get_row(0) gmzf.shape[1].times{|i| veczf[i] = gmzf[0,i]} return veczf #else #raise CRError.new("Unknown gsl_vector requested: #{name}") end # eputs data; gets end end # module GSLVectors include GSLVectors def gsl_vector_complex(name, options={}) options = eval(options) if options.class == String if method = self.class.instance_methods.find{|meth| (name + '_gsl_vector_complex').to_sym == meth} options[:graphkit_name] = name return send(method, options) end end module GSLVectorComplexes def phi_along_field_line_gsl_vector_complex(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do # eputs options[:ky] # eputs Dir.pwd #eputs "Start phi_along_field_line" options.convert_to_index(self, :ky) if options[:t_index] or options[:t] #extra option required is t_index raise CRFatal.new("write_phi_over_time is not enabled so this function won't work") unless @write_phi_over_time options.convert_to_index(self, :t) case @grid_option when "single" temp = GSL::Vector.alloc(netcdf_file.var('phi_t').get({'start' => [0,0,0,0, options[:t_index] - 1], 'end' => [-1,-1,0,0, options[:t_index] - 1]}).to_a[0][0][0].flatten) when "range" a = netcdf_file.var('phi_t').get({'start' => [0, 0, options[:kx_index]-1, options[:ky_index] - 1, options[:t_index] - 1], 'end' => [-1, -1, options[:kx_index]-1, options[:ky_index] - 1, options[:t_index]-1]}) #temp = GSL::Vector.alloc(a.to_a[0].values_at(*kx_elements).flatten) temp = GSL::Vector.alloc(a.to_a[0][0].flatten) when "box" options.convert_to_index(self, :ky, :kx) kx_elements = gsl_vector('linked_kx_elements', options).to_a # pp kx_elements a = netcdf_file.var('phi_t').get({ 'start' => [0,0,0,options[:ky_index] - 1, options[:t_index] - 1], 'end' => [-1,-1,-1, options[:ky_index] - 1, options[:t_index] - 1] }).to_a[0][0].values_at(*kx_elements).flatten # pp a.index(nil) # temp = GSL::Vector.alloc(netcdf_file.var('phi').get.to_a[options[:ky_index] - 1 ].values_at(*kx_elements).flatten) #ep a temp = GSL::Vector.alloc(a) end #eputs "End phi_along_field_line" return GSL::Vector::Complex.alloc(temp.subvector_with_stride(0, 2), temp.subvector_with_stride(1, 2)) else case @grid_option when "single" temp = GSL::Vector.alloc(netcdf_file.var('phi').get({'start' => [0,0, 0, 0], 'end' => [-1,-1,0,0]}).to_a.flatten) when "range" a = netcdf_file.var('phi').get({'start' => [0, 0, 0, options[:ky_index] - 1], 'end' => [-1, -1, -1, options[:ky_index] - 1]}) #temp = GSL::Vector.alloc(a.to_a[0].values_at(*kx_elements).flatten) temp = GSL::Vector.alloc(a.to_a[0][0].flatten) when "box" ep 'kx_elements', kx_elements = gsl_vector('linked_kx_elements', options).to_a a = netcdf_file.var('phi').get({'start' => [0, 0, 0, options[:ky_index] - 1], 'end' => [-1, -1, -1, options[:ky_index] - 1]}) temp = GSL::Vector.alloc(a.to_a[0].values_at(*kx_elements).flatten) else raise "invalid grid option" end vector = GSL::Vector::Complex.alloc(temp.subvector_with_stride(0, 2), temp.subvector_with_stride(1, 2)) #ep 'vector', vector.real return vector end end # eputs data; gets end end include GSLVectorComplexes def gsl_matrix(name, options={}) options = eval(options) if options.class == String if options[:saturated_time_average] or options[:sta] raise "Not Saturated" unless @saturation_time_index tmax = list(:t).keys.max return ((@saturation_time_index..tmax).to_a.map do |t_index| gsl_matrix(name, options.dup.absorb({t_index: t_index, saturated_time_average: nil, sta: nil})) end).sum / (list(:t).values.max - list(:t)[@saturation_time_index]) end if method = self.class.instance_methods.find{|meth| (name + '_gsl_matrix').to_sym == meth} options[:graphkit_name] = name return send(method, options) end end module GSLMatrices def growth_rate_over_ky_over_kx_gsl_matrix(options) if @growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx.nil? raise("The CodeRunner variable growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx does not seem to have been calculated for this run. This may result when the environment variable GS2_CALCULATE_ALL is not set when the run was analyzed. Try setting GS2_CALCULATE_ALL and then re-analyze the run using, e.g. from the command line,\n $ coderunner rc 'cgrf\' -j #{@id}") end array = @growth_rate_at_ky_at_kx.values.map{|h| h.values} return GSL::Matrix.alloc(array.flatten, array.size, array[0].size) end def transient_amplification_over_ky_over_kx_gsl_matrix(options) array = @transient_amplification_at_ky_at_kx.values.map{|h| h.values} return GSL::Matrix.alloc(array.flatten, array.size, array[0].size) end def es_heat_flux_over_ky_over_kx_gsl_matrix(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do raise "Heat flux spectrum makes no sense for single modes" if @grid_option == "single" options.convert_to_index(:t) if options[:t] or options[:t_element] options[:t_index] ||= list(:t).keys.max #es_heat_by_k index order (in Fortran) is kx, ky, t es_heat_narray = netcdf_file.var("es_heat_by_k").get('start' => [0, 0, 0, options[:t_index] - 1], 'end' => [-1, -1, 0, options[:t_index] - 1]) es_heat_narray.reshape!(*es_heat_narray.shape.slice(0..1)) gm = es_heat_narray.to_gm.move_cols_from_box_order if options[:limit] for i in 0...gm.shape[0] for j in 0...gm.shape[1] # j+= extra if gm[i, j] = [[gm[i,j], (options[:limit][0] or gm[i,j])].max, (options[:limit][1] or gm[i,j])].min # mat[i, j+extra] = gm[i,-j] unless j==0 end end end return gm end end def spectrum_over_ky_over_kx_gsl_matrix(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do raise "Spectrum makes no sense for single modes" if @grid_option == "single" options.convert_to_index(:t) if options[:t] or options[:t_element] options[:t_index] ||= list(:t).keys.max #phi2_by_mode index order (in Fortran) is kx, ky, t phi_narray = netcdf_file.var("phi2_by_mode").get('start' => [0, 0, options[:t_index] - 1], 'end' => [-1, -1, options[:t_index] - 1]) phi_narray.reshape!(*phi_narray.shape.slice(0..1)) gm = phi_narray.to_gm.move_cols_from_box_order if options[:times_kx4] or options[:times_kx2] # puts 'normalising' vals = list(:kx).values.sort for i in 0...gm.shape[0] for j in 0...gm.shape[1] # p vals[j] gm[i,j] = gm[i,j] * (vals[j])**4 if options[:times_kx4] gm[i,j] = gm[i,j] * (vals[j])**2 if options[:times_kx2] end end end if options[:no_zonal] for i in 0...gm.shape[1] gm[0,i] = 0.0 end end if options[:log] gm = gm.log end return gm end end def spectrum_over_ky_over_kpar_gsl_matrix(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do #:re, :theta, :kx, :ky lkx = list(:kx) if options[:t_index] or options[:t] #extra option required is t_index raise CRFatal.new("write_phi_over_time is not enabled so this function won't work") unless @write_phi_over_time options.convert_to_index(self, :t) end temp = phi_av = (lkx.keys.map do |kx_index| if options[:t_index] phi = netcdf_file.var('phi_t').get({'start' => [0,0,kx_index-1,0, options[:t_index] - 1], 'end' => [-1,-2,kx_index-1,-1, options[:t_index] - 1]}) else phi = netcdf_file.var('phi').get({'start' => [0, 0, kx_index - 1, 0], 'end' => [-1, -2, kx_index-1, -1]}) end #ep phi.shape phi.reshape(*phi.shape.values_at(0,1,3)) end).sum / lkx.size phi_t = phi_av.to_a #.map{|arr| arr.transpose}.transpose.map{|a| a.transpose} #ep 'phi_t', phi_t.size, phi_t[0].size, phi_t[0][0].size gvky = gsl_vector('ky') gm = GSL::Matrix.alloc(gvky.size, gsl_vector('theta').size-1) for ky_element in 0...gm.shape[0] #p phi_t[ky_element].transpose[0] spectrum = GSL::Vector::Complex.alloc(phi_t[ky_element]).forward.square if options[:no_kpar0] spectrum[0]=0.0 end #ep spectrum.size spectrum = spectrum.from_box_order #ep spectrum.shape spectrum = spectrum*gvky[ky_element]**2 unless options[:phi2_only] #ep gm.size #ep spectrum.size gm.set_row(ky_element, spectrum) end if options[:no_zonal] gm.row(0).set_all(0.0) end if options[:log] gm = gm.log end return gm end end def phi0_over_x_over_y_gsl_matrix(options) Dir.chdir(@directory) do options.convert_to_index(:t) if options[:t] or options[:t_element] options[:t_index] ||= list(:t).keys.max #phi2_by_mode index order (in Fortran) is kx, ky, t phi_re_narray = netcdf_file.var("phi0").get('start' => [0, 0, 0, options[:t_index] - 1], 'end' => [0, -1, -1, options[:t_index] - 1]) # ep phi_re_narray.shape phi_re_narray.reshape!(*phi_re_narray.shape.slice(1..2)) # The narray has index order ky, kx, but we want kx, ky for historical reasons, hence the transpose. gm_re = phi_re_narray.to_gm phi_im_narray = netcdf_file.var("phi0").get('start' => [1, 0, 0, options[:t_index] - 1], 'end' => [1, -1, -1, options[:t_index] - 1]) phi_im_narray.reshape!(*phi_im_narray.shape.slice(1..2)) # The narray has index order ky, kx, but we want kx, ky for historical imasons, hence the transpose. gm_im = phi_im_narray.to_gm gm = GSL::Matrix::Complex.re_im(gm_re, gm_im) # ep gm.shape if options[:no_zonal] for i in 0...gm.shape[1] gm[0,i] = GSL::Complex.alloc([0,0]) end end if xres = (options[:xres] or options[:x_resolution]) mat = GSL::Matrix::Complex.calloc(gm.shape[0], xres) extra = ((xres - gm.shape[1])).floor for i in 0...gm.shape[0] for j in 0...((gm.shape[1] + 1) / 2 ) # j+= extra if mat[i, j] = gm[i,j] mat[i, j+extra] = gm[i,-j] unless j==0 end end gm = mat # gm = mat.vertcat(gm).vertcat(mat) end if yres = (options[:yres] or options[:y_resolution]) mat = GSL::Matrix::Complex.calloc(yres, gm.shape[1]) extra = ((yres - gm.shape[0])).floor for i in 0...gm.shape[0] for j in 0...gm.shape[1] # j+= extra if mat[i, j] = gm[i,j] # mat[i, j+extra] = gm[i,-j] unless j==0 end end gm = mat # gm = mat.vertcat(gm).vertcat(mat) end # ep gm_re, gm_im # re = GSL::Complex.alloc([1.0, 0.0]) # gm = GSL::Matrix::Complex.calloc(*gm_re.shape) # gm = gm_re * re + gm_im * GSL::Complex.alloc([0.0, 1.0]) # gm_re, gm_im = fourier_transform_gm_matrix_complex_rows(gm_re, gm_im) gm = gm.backward_cols_c2c(true).backward_rows_cc2r(true) if options[:limit] for i in 0...gm.shape[0] for j in 0...gm.shape[1] # j+= extra if gm[i, j] = [[gm[i,j], options[:limit][0]].max, options[:limit][1]].min # mat[i, j+extra] = gm[i,-j] unless j==0 end end end return gm end end end include GSLMatrices def kx_shift(options) # ep options return 0 unless @g_exb and @g_exb.abs > 0.0 #p options return - list(:ky)[options[:ky_index]] * list(:t)[(options[:t_index] or list(:t).keys.max)] * @g_exb end def jump(options) # ep 'kx_shift', kx_shift(options) jump = ((kx_shift(options) / list(:kx)[2]).round) case options[:t_index] when 1 return jump else if @g_exb and @g_exb.abs > 0 return jump + 1 else return 0 end end end # This function is used in the presence of perpendicular flow shear. It returns the (Eulerian) GS2 # kx_index as a function of the Lagrangian kx, which is the kx_index of the mode in a shearing # coordinate system, I.e. if you give it an Lagrangian kx (which is the same as the Eulerian # kx at t=0) it will tell you where it has now got to. It may have left the box, in which case # this function will return an error. # # A given Lagrangian kx moves through the GS2 box, and thus for such a kx the response matrix varies # in time. This is done because the effect of flow shear can be reduced by a shearing coordinate # transformation to become merely a time varying kx. # # At each timestep, phi(ikx_indexed(it)) is set equal to phi(ikx_indexed(it - jump(iky)) # kx_indexed is defined in the following way. # do it=itmin(1), ntheta0 # ikx_indexed (it+1-itmin(1)) = it # end do # # do it=1,itmin(1)-1 # ikx_indexed (ntheta0 - itmin(1) + 1 + it)= it # end do # # In other words, what this means is that akx(ikx_indexed(0)) is the minimum kx, # and that akx(ikx_indexed(ntheta0)) gives the maximum kx, kx_indexed moves the # kxs out of box order. # # So. remembering that jump is negative, phi(kx) is set equal phi(kx - jump * dkx) # so the Lagrangian mode has moved to a lower kx. So get the Eulerian index, one # starts with the Lagrangian index, and adds jump (which is negative!). This, however, # must be done with indexes that are in the physical (not box) order. So this function # first moves the indexes out of box order, then adds jump, then moves them back # into box order so that the index returned will give the correct kx from the GS2 # array. def eulerian_kx_index(options) #eputs "Start eulerian_kx_index" lagrangian_kx_index = options[:kx_index] phys = physical_kx_index(lagrangian_kx_index) #ep 'jump', jump(options) index = phys + jump(options) raise ArgumentError.new("Lagrangian kx out of range") if index <= 0 box= box_kx_index(index) #eputs "End eulerian_kx_index" return box end def kx_indexed return cache[:kx_indexed] if cache[:kx_indexed] #kx = cache[:kx_array] ||= gsl_vector('kx').to_a #kxphys = kx.from_box_order #min_index = kx.min_index + 1 #cache[:kx_indexed] ||= kx.size.times.inject({}) do |hash, kx_element| #hash[kx_element + 1] = kxphs kx = gsl_vector('kx') size = kx.size box = GSL::Vector::Int.indgen(size) + 1 zero_element = kx.abs.min_index phys = box.subvector(zero_element, size-zero_element).connect(box.subvector(0, zero_element)) cache[:kx_indexed] = [phys.to_a, box.to_a].transpose.inject({}){|hash, (phys, box)| hash[phys] = box; hash} end def box_kx_index(physical_kx_index) return kx_indexed[physical_kx_index] end def physical_kx_index(box_kx_index) return kx_indexed.key(box_kx_index) kx = cache[:kx_gslv] ||= gsl_vector('kx') return kx.from_box_order.to_a.index(kx[box_kx_index-1]) + 1 #kx = cache[:kx_gslv] ||= gsl_vector('kx') #index_of_min_kx = cache[:index_of_min_kx] ||= kx.min_index + 1 # kx.min_index returns a 0-based index #if box_kx_index < index_of_min_kx #box_kx_index + (1 + kx.size - index_of_min_kx) #else #box_kx_index - (index_of_min_kx - 1) #end end def gsl_complex(name, options={}) options = eval(options) if options.class == String # p @directory Dir.chdir(@directory) do # eputs Dir.pwd case name when /correcting_phase/ # options.convert_to_index(self, :ky) # theta0 = (options[:theta0] or 0) # # p 'options[:ky_index]', options[:ky_index] # phase_array = NumRu::NetCDF.open("#@directory/#@run_name.out.nc").var('phase').get({"start" => [0, options[:ky_index] - 1, theta0], 'end' => [1, options[:ky_index] - 1, theta0] }).to_a.flatten # p 'phase_array', phase_array # thetaelement0 = (list(:theta).key(0.0) - 1).to_i # p 'list(:theta)[thetaelement0 + 1]', list(:theta)[thetaelement0 + 1] # p 'thetaelement0', thetaelement0 # p 'theta0 - jump(options)', theta0 - jump(options) % @jtwist # p 'list(:kx)[2] * (theta0 - jump(options)%@jtwist)', list(:kx)[2] * (theta0 - jump(options)%@jtwist) # kx_element = list(:kx).key(list(:kx)[2] * (theta0 - jump(options)%@jtwist)) - 1 # at_0 = NumRu::NetCDF.open("#@directory/#@run_name.out.nc").var('phi').get({"start" => [0, thetaelement0, kx_element, options[:ky_index] - 1], 'end' => [1, thetaelement0, kx_element, options[:ky_index] - 1] }).to_a.flatten # p 'at_0', at_0 # at_0 = GSL::Complex.alloc(at_0) # p 'at_0', at_0 # return (at_0 / at_0.mag).conj # # pp 'theta0', theta0 # # pp phase_array[5][theta0] # return GSL::Complex.alloc(phase_array) # # new_options = options.dup # new_options[:imrc] = :real # thetas = gsl_vector('theta_along_field_line', new_options) # at_0 = gsl_vector_complex('phi_along_field_line', new_options)[.to_a.index(0.0)] # p at_0 exit else raise CRError.new("Unknown gsl_complex requested: #{name}") end # eputs data; gets end end # def gsl_matrix(name, options={}) # if options[:t_index] or options[:frame_index] # return get_gsl_matrix(name, options) # else # return cache[[:gsl_vector, name, options]] ||= get_gsl_matrix(name, options) # end # end end end