
GDBusObject — Base type for D-Bus objects


#include <gio/gio.h>

struct              GDBusObjectIface;
const gchar *       g_dbus_object_get_object_path       (GDBusObject *object);
GList *             g_dbus_object_get_interfaces        (GDBusObject *object);
GDBusInterface *    g_dbus_object_get_interface         (GDBusObject *object,
                                                         const gchar *interface_name);

Object Hierarchy



GDBusObject requires GObject.

Known Implementations

GDBusObject is implemented by GDBusObjectProxy and GDBusObjectSkeleton.


  "interface-added"                                : Run Last
  "interface-removed"                              : Run Last


The GDBusObject type is the base type for D-Bus objects on both the service side (see GDBusObjectSkeleton) and the client side (see GDBusObjectProxy). It is essentially just a container of interfaces.



typedef struct _GDBusObject GDBusObject;

struct GDBusObjectIface

struct GDBusObjectIface {
  GTypeInterface parent_iface;

  /* Virtual Functions */
  const gchar     *(*get_object_path) (GDBusObject  *object);
  GList           *(*get_interfaces)  (GDBusObject  *object);
  GDBusInterface  *(*get_interface)   (GDBusObject  *object,
                                       const gchar  *interface_name);

  /* Signals */
  void (*interface_added)   (GDBusObject     *object,
                             GDBusInterface  *interface_);
  void (*interface_removed) (GDBusObject     *object,
                             GDBusInterface  *interface_);

Base object type for D-Bus objects.

GTypeInterface parent_iface;

The parent interface.

get_object_path ()

Returns the object path. See g_dbus_object_get_object_path().

get_interfaces ()

Returns all interfaces. See g_dbus_object_get_interfaces().

get_interface ()

Returns an interface by name. See g_dbus_object_get_interface().

interface_added ()

Signal handler for the "interface-added" signal.

interface_removed ()

Signal handler for the "interface-removed" signal.

Since 2.30

g_dbus_object_get_object_path ()

const gchar *       g_dbus_object_get_object_path       (GDBusObject *object);

Gets the object path for object.

object :

A GDBusObject.

Returns :

A string owned by object. Do not free.

Since 2.30

g_dbus_object_get_interfaces ()

GList *             g_dbus_object_get_interfaces        (GDBusObject *object);

Gets the D-Bus interfaces associated with object.

object :

A GDBusObject.

Returns :

(element-type GDBusInterface) (transfer full) : A list of GDBusInterface instances. The returned list must be freed by g_list_free() after each element has been freed with g_object_unref().

Since 2.30

g_dbus_object_get_interface ()

GDBusInterface *    g_dbus_object_get_interface         (GDBusObject *object,
                                                         const gchar *interface_name);

Gets the D-Bus interface with name interface_name associated with object, if any.

object :

A GDBusObject.

interface_name :

A D-Bus interface name.

Returns :

NULL if not found, otherwise a GDBusInterface that must be freed with g_object_unref(). [transfer full]

Since 2.30

Signal Details

The "interface-added" signal

void                user_function                      (GDBusObject    *object,
                                                        GDBusInterface *interface,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

Emitted when interface is added to object.

object :

The GDBusObject emitting the signal.

interface :

The GDBusInterface that was added.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 2.30

The "interface-removed" signal

void                user_function                      (GDBusObject    *object,
                                                        GDBusInterface *interface,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

Emitted when interface is removed from object.

object :

The GDBusObject emitting the signal.

interface :

The GDBusInterface that was removed.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 2.30