
@import "functions";

//Label general settings
$label-padding: px-to-rems(3) px-to-rems(6) !default;
$label-font-size: px-to-rems(11) !default;
$label-font-weight: normal !default;
$label-font-color: #FFF !default;
$label-font-shadow-alpha: 0.20 !default;
$label-font-shadow-x: 0 !default;
$label-font-shadow-y: -1px !default;
$label-hover-decoration: none !default;
$label-default-background:  #95A5A6 !default;

//Label variations
$label-radius: px-to-rems(3) !default;
$label-round: px-to-rems(1000) !default;

//Label background variations
$label-primary-background: #3498db !default;
$label-success-background: #2ecc71 !default;
$label-danger-background: #e74c3c !default;
$label-warning-background: #e67e22 !default;

// We use this mixin to build the general settings for labels
@mixin label-base {
  display: inline-block;
  *display: inline-block;
  padding: $label-padding;
  font-size: $label-font-size;
  font-weight: $label-font-weight;
  color: $label-font-color;
  vertical-align: baseline;
  white-space: nowrap;
  text-shadow: $label-font-shadow-x $label-font-shadow-y 0 rgba(0,0,0, $label-font-shadow-alpha);

  &:hover {
    text-decoration: $label-hover-decoration;

// We use this mixin to add styling to the labels
// $background-color - Is the background for the labels. Default: $label-default-background

@mixin label-style($background-color: $label-default-background) {
  background: $background-color;

// We use this mixin to let the user create custom buttons
// $background-color - Is the background color for the button to create. Default: $label-default-background
// $include-round - Wheter or not to add the round style on the custom button
// $include-radius - Wheter or not to add the radius size style on the custom button
// Example .custom-label { @include label($background-color: #1abc9c); }

@mixin label($background-color: $label-default-background, $include-round: true, $include-radius: true) {
  @include label-base;
  @include label-style($background-color);

  @if $include-round {
    &.round { @include border-radius($label-round); }

  @if $include-radius {
    &.radius { @include border-radius($label-radius); }

//Label style definition
.label {
  @include label-base;
  @include label-style;

  &.round { @include border-radius($label-round); }
  &.radius { @include border-radius($label-radius); }

  //Label styles
  &.primary { @include label-style($label-primary-background); }
  &.success { @include label-style($label-success-background); }
  &.danger { @include label-style($label-danger-background); }
  &.warning { @include label-style($label-warning-background); }