module Distil class Project < Configurable include ErrorReporter option :output_folder, ProjectPath, "build/$(mode)", :aliases=>['output'] option :source_folder, ProjectPath, "" option :path, String option :mode, DEBUG_MODE, :valid_values=>[DEBUG_MODE, RELEASE_MODE] option :force def up_to_date true end def build end def self.fetch_project_using_git(options = {}) uri= options["repository"] path= options["path"] begin `git --version 2>/dev/null` rescue nil end if $?.nil? || !$?.success? raise"The git version control tool is required to pull this repository: #{uri}") end FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) Dir.chdir path do init_cmd = "git init" init_cmd+= " -q" # init_cmd += " -q" if options[:quiet] and not $verbose # puts init_cmd if $verbose system(init_cmd) # base_cmd = "git pull --depth 1 #{uri}" base_cmd = "git pull #{uri}" base_cmd+= " -q" # base_cmd += " -q" if options[:quiet] and not $verbose base_cmd += " #{options["version"]}" if options["version"] # puts base_cmd if $verbose if system(base_cmd) # puts "removing: .git .gitignore" if $verbose # FileUtils.rm_rf %w(.git .gitignore) else # rm_rf path end end end def self.from_config(config, parent=nil) if config.is_a?(String) string= config uri= URI.parse(string) config= { "name" => File.basename(config, ".*") } case when ['.js', '.css'].include?(File.extname(uri.path)) config["href"]= uri.to_s when uri.scheme config["repository"]= uri.to_s else config["path"]= uri.to_s full_path= File.expand_path(config["path"]) if File.exist?(full_path) && File.file?(full_path) config["path"]= File.dirname(full_path) else config["path"]= full_path end end end if !config["name"] case when config["repository"] uri= URI.parse(config["repository"]) config["name"]= File.basename(uri.path, ".*") when config["path"] config["name"]= File.basename(config["path"], ".*") else raise"External project has neither name, path nor repository") end end if config["href"] return, parent) end config["path"]||= "ext/#{config["name"]}" if config["repository"] && !["path"]) fetch_project_using_git(config) end config["mode"]||= parent.mode if parent path= config["path"] if !path ErrorReporter.error "No path for project: #{config["name"]}" return nil end if ! ErrorReporter.error "Path is not valid for project: #{config["name"]}" return nil end basename= File.basename(path) case when exist?(path, "#{basename}.jsproj") project_file= File.join(path, "#{basename}.jsproj") project_info= YAML.load_file(project_file) project_info.merge!(config) project_info["path"]= path project=, parent) if parent project.build_command ||= "distil --mode=#{parent.mode} --force=#{parent.force}" else project.build_command ||= "distil" end when exist?(path, "Makefile") || exist?(path, "makefile") project=, parent) project.build_command ||= "make" when exist?(path, "Rakefile") || exist?(path, "rakefile") project=, parent) project.build_command ||= "rake" when exist?(path, "Jakefile") || exist?(path, "jakefile") project=, parent) project.build_command ||= "jake" else ErrorReporter.error "Could not determine type for project: #{config["name"]}" end return project end end end require 'distil/project/remote-project' require 'distil/project/external-project' require 'distil/project/distil-project'