Feature: Ignore Request By default, VCR hooks into every request, either allowing it and recording it, or playing back a recorded response, or raising an error to force you to deal with the new request. In some situations, you may prefer to have VCR ignore some requests. VCR provides 3 configuration options to accomplish this: * `ignore_request { |req| ... }` will ignore any request for which the given block returns true. * `ignore_hosts 'foo.com', 'bar.com'` allows you to specify particular hosts to ignore. * `ignore_localhost = true` is equivalent to `ignore_hosts 'localhost', '', ''`. It is particularly useful for when you use VCR with a javascript-enabled capybara driver, since capybara boots your rack app and makes localhost requests to it to check that it has booted. Ignored requests are not recorded and are always allowed, regardless of the record mode, and even outside of a `VCR.use_cassette` block. Background: Given a file named "sinatra_app.rb" with: """ruby response_count = 0 $server = start_sinatra_app do get('/') { "Port 7777 Response #{response_count += 1}" } end """ @exclude-jruby Scenario Outline: ignore requests to a specific port Given a file named "ignore_request.rb" with: """ruby include_http_adapter_for("") require 'sinatra_app.rb' response_count = 0 $server_8888 = start_sinatra_app do get('/') { "Port 8888 Response #{response_count += 1}" } end require 'vcr' VCR.configure do |c| c.ignore_request do |request| URI(request.uri).port == $server.port end c.default_cassette_options = { :serialize_with => :syck } c.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes' end VCR.use_cassette('example') do puts response_body_for(:get, "http://localhost:#{$server_8888.port}/") end VCR.use_cassette('example') do puts response_body_for(:get, "http://localhost:#{$server.port}/") end puts response_body_for(:get, "http://localhost:#{$server.port}/") puts response_body_for(:get, "http://localhost:#{$server_8888.port}/") """ When I run `ruby ignore_request.rb` Then it should fail with an error like: """ An HTTP request has been made that VCR does not know how to handle: """ And the output should contain: """ Port 8888 Response 1 Port 7777 Response 1 Port 7777 Response 2 """ And the file "cassettes/example.yml" should contain "Port 8888" And the file "cassettes/example.yml" should not contain "Port 7777" Examples: | configuration | http_lib | | c.hook_into :fakeweb | net/http | | c.hook_into :webmock | net/http | | c.hook_into :typhoeus | typhoeus | | c.hook_into :faraday | faraday (w/ net_http) | Scenario Outline: ignored host requests are not recorded and are always allowed Given a file named "ignore_hosts.rb" with: """ruby include_http_adapter_for("") require 'sinatra_app.rb' require 'vcr' VCR.configure do |c| c.ignore_hosts '', 'localhost' c.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes' end VCR.use_cassette('example') do puts response_body_for(:get, "http://localhost:#{$server.port}/") end puts response_body_for(:get, "http://localhost:#{$server.port}/") """ When I run `ruby ignore_hosts.rb` Then it should pass with: """ Port 7777 Response 1 Port 7777 Response 2 """ And the file "cassettes/example.yml" should not exist Examples: | configuration | http_lib | | c.hook_into :fakeweb | net/http | | c.hook_into :webmock | net/http | | c.hook_into :typhoeus | typhoeus | | c.hook_into :excon | excon | | c.hook_into :faraday | faraday (w/ net_http) | @exclude-jruby Scenario Outline: localhost requests are not treated differently by default Given a file named "localhost_not_ignored.rb" with: """ruby include_http_adapter_for("") require 'sinatra_app.rb' require 'vcr' VCR.configure do |c| c.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes' c.default_cassette_options = { :serialize_with => :syck } end VCR.use_cassette('localhost') do response_body_for(:get, "http://localhost:#{$server.port}/") end response_body_for(:get, "http://localhost:#{$server.port}/") """ When I run `ruby localhost_not_ignored.rb` Then it should fail with "An HTTP request has been made that VCR does not know how to handle" And the file "cassettes/localhost.yml" should contain "Port 7777 Response 1" Examples: | configuration | http_lib | | c.hook_into :fakeweb | net/http | | c.hook_into :webmock | net/http | | c.hook_into :typhoeus | typhoeus | | c.hook_into :excon | excon | | c.hook_into :faraday | faraday (w/ net_http) | Scenario Outline: localhost requests are allowed and not recorded when ignore_localhost = true Given a file named "ignore_localhost_true.rb" with: """ruby include_http_adapter_for("") require 'sinatra_app.rb' require 'vcr' VCR.configure do |c| c.ignore_localhost = true c.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes' end VCR.use_cassette('localhost') do puts response_body_for(:get, "http://localhost:#{$server.port}/") end puts response_body_for(:get, "http://localhost:#{$server.port}/") """ When I run `ruby ignore_localhost_true.rb` Then it should pass with: """ Port 7777 Response 1 Port 7777 Response 2 """ And the file "cassettes/localhost.yml" should not exist Examples: | configuration | http_lib | | c.hook_into :fakeweb | net/http | | c.hook_into :webmock | net/http | | c.hook_into :typhoeus | typhoeus | | c.hook_into :excon | excon | | c.hook_into :faraday | faraday (w/ net_http) |