module RBS module Collection # This class represent the configuration file. class Config class CollectionNotAvailable < StandardError def initialize: () -> void end class LockfileGenerator attr_reader config: Config attr_reader lock: Config? attr_reader lock_path: Pathname attr_reader gemfile_lock: Bundler::LockfileParser type gem_queue_entry = { name: String, version: String? } @gem_queue: Array[gem_queue_entry] def self.generate: (config_path: Pathname, gemfile_lock_path: Pathname, ?with_lockfile: boolish) -> Config def initialize: (config_path: Pathname, gemfile_lock_path: Pathname, with_lockfile: boolish) -> void def generate: () -> Config private def validate_gemfile_lock_path!: (lock: Config?, gemfile_lock_path: Pathname) -> void def assign_gem: (name: String, version: String?) -> void def upsert_gem: (gem_entry? old, gem_entry new) -> void def gemfile_lock_gems: () { (untyped) -> void } -> void def remove_ignored_gems!: () -> void def find_source: (name: String) -> Sources::_Source? def find_best_version: (version: String?, versions: Array[String]) -> Gem::Version end PATH: Pathname type gem_entry = { 'name' => String, 'version' => String?, 'ignore' => boolish, 'source' => Sources::source_entry? } @config_path: Pathname @data: untyped @sources: Array[Sources::_Source] def self.find_config_path: () -> Pathname? def self.generate_lockfile: (config_path: Pathname, gemfile_lock_path: Pathname, ?with_lockfile: boolish) -> Config def self.from_path: (Pathname path) -> Config def self.lockfile_of: (Pathname config_path) -> Config? def self.to_lockfile_path: (Pathname config_path) -> Pathname # config_path is necessary to resolve relative repo_path def initialize: (untyped data, config_path: Pathname) -> void def add_gem: (gem_entry gem) -> void def gem: (String gem_name) -> gem_entry? def repo_path: () -> Pathname def sources: () -> Array[Sources::_Source] def dump_to: (Pathname) -> void def gems: () -> Array[gem_entry] def gemfile_lock_path=: (Pathname) -> Pathname def gemfile_lock_path: () -> Pathname? def check_rbs_availability!: () -> void end end end