.row .span3 %h2 Left Col %button.btn.spin_me Start spinner %script $('.spin_me').toggle(function() { $(this).spin('large','#0090D5'); }, function() { $(this).spin(false); }); .span6 %h1 Forms with Uniform, AutoGrowing, AutoSuggesting - h1 = semantic_form_for 'speedo' do |f| / = f.semantic_errors = f.inputs do .row-fluid = f.input 'Title', placeholder: 'Type your title', wrapper_html: {class: 'span6'} = f.input 'Name', wrapper_html: {class: 'span6'} = f.input 'Singer', input_html: { class: 'autoSuggest' } = f.input 'Description', as: :text, input_html: { placeholder: 'AutoGrowing', class: 'autogrow tip', :rows => 2, title: 'Tip: you can type what you like, and this will get bigger to fit!', data: {placement: 'bottom'} } = f.input 'Attachment', as: :file, required: false = f.input 'Select', as: :select, include_blank: false, hint: 'Just select one!' = f.input 'Are you real?', as: :radio, wrapper_html: { class: 'inline_choices' } = f.input 'Which do you own?', as: :check_boxes, collection: ['Speedo','Swim Short','Bikini'] %hr %h2 Buttons - h2 = f.actions do = f.action :submit, label: 'Submit', as: :button, button_html: { class: 'btn left' } = f.action :cancel, label: 'Cancel', as: :link, button_html: { class: 'btn btn-danger left' } .btn-group %button.btn.btn-success %i.icon-plus.icon-white Plus icon %button.btn %i.icon-cog Cog icon %button.btn.btn-danger %i.icon-remove.icon-white Remove icon = link_to 'Bootstrap buttons docs', 'http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/base-css.html#buttons', target: '_blank' %hr %h3 Sortable dataTable - h3 %table.dataTable %thead %tr %th Name %th Username %tbody %tr %td Sally %td gurlsally %tr %td Dave %td davieboy %tr %td Hilary %td hermahili %hr %h4 Inputs with bonuses - h4 %select.chzn{style: 'width:200px'} %option Canada %option UK %option USA %br %input{type: :date, placeholder: 'yy-mm-dd'} %hr %h5 Lists - h5 %ul %li This is a list: %li no margin %li or padding %li or bullets %li (you'll need to add them back when you need 'em) %hr %h6 Time - h6 %pre.ib %time.ago{datetime: Time.now.iso8601} results in telling us when this page was loaded: %time.ago.notice.flash.tip{datetime: Time.now.iso8601, title: Time.now.to_s(:long)} %p Note: make sure you use iso8601 or you'll get errors! .span3 %h3 Right Col %a.btn{href: '#modal', data: {toggle: 'modal', backdrop: 'static'}} Modal %br %button.btn{data: {toggle: 'modal', target: '#popup'}} Popup Help! %br = link_to 'External Popup', '/', class: 'btn', data: {toggle: 'modal', target: '#external'} = content_for :popups do #modal.modal.hide .modal-header %h2 Modal .modal-body %p When you need user input, set data-backdrop to 'static' and clicking the overlay will have no effect. .modal-footer %p For example: Which are you? %button.btn{data:{dismiss:'modal'}} Right handed %button.btn{data:{dismiss:'modal'}} Left handed %button.btn{data:{dismiss:'modal'}} Ambidextrous #popup.modal.hide .modal-header %button.close{data:{dismiss:"modal"}} × %h2 Helpful Popup .modal-body %p Put your popup content in "= content_for :popups do". %p Popups should have an #ID and .modal.hide. You can have .modal-header, -body and -footer within modals. %p External content can be loaded by specifying both href="external-link" and data-target="#id-of-modal". Make sure to include a .modal-body for the content to be loaded into. %pre \#external.modal.hide \ .modal-body .modal-footer = link_to 'View bootstrap docs', 'http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#modals', target: '_blank' #external.modal.hide .modal-header %button.close{data:{dismiss:"modal"}} × %h1 The heading isn't external .modal-body .modal-footer Neither is the footer