# This is the model for the DVD Profiler profile which is used # to find meta data from DVD Profiler's exported Collection.xml # # Usage: # # profiles = DvdprofilerProfile.all(:titles => ['The Alamo']) # # profile = DvdprofilerProfile.first(:isbn => '012345678901') # or # profile = DvdprofilerProfile.first(:title => 'movie title') # # puts profile.dvd_hash[:key] # puts profile.to_xml # puts profile.isbn # puts profile.title # profile.save(media.path_to(:dvdprofiler_xml_extension)) # class DvdprofilerProfile # options: # :isbn => String # :title => String # returns: Array of DvdprofilerProfile instances def self.all(options={}) # :isbn_dvd_hash, :title_isbn_hash, :isbn_title_hash result = [] # try finding by isbn first if options.has_key?(:isbn) && !options[:isbn].blank? dvd_hash = collection.isbn_dvd_hash[options[:isbn]] unless dvd_hash.blank? result << DvdprofilerProfile.new(dvd_hash, options[:isbn]) end end # if unable to find by isbn, then try finding by title if result.empty? && options.has_key?(:title) isbns = self.find_isbns(options) unless isbns.blank? isbns.each do |isbn| dvd_hash = collection.isbn_dvd_hash[isbn] unless dvd_hash.blank? result << DvdprofilerProfile.new(dvd_hash, isbn, options[:title]) end end end end # return all profiles if neither :isbn nor :title are given if result.empty? && !options.has_key?(:isbn) && !options.has_key?(:title) collection.isbn_dvd_hash.each do |isbn, dvd_hash| result << DvdprofilerProfile.new(dvd_hash, isbn) end end result end # options: # :isbn => String # :title => String # returns: DvdprofilerProfile instance or nil def self.first(options={}) all(options).first end # look up ISBN by title # expects a :title option # returns Array of ISBN Strings def self.find_isbns(options={}) result = [] if options.has_key?(:title) result = [collection.title_isbn_hash[Collection.title_pattern(options[:title])]].flatten.uniq.compact end result end protected def self.collection @collection ||= Collection.new(File.expand_path(AppConfig[:collection_filespec])) end def initialize(dvd_hash, isbn, title=nil) @dvd_hash = dvd_hash @isbn = isbn @title = title @title ||= @dvd_hash[:title] end public attr_reader :isbn, :title, :dvd_hash def to_xml data = @dvd_hash.stringify_keys data.delete_if { |key, value| value.nil? } xml = XmlSimple.xml_out(data, 'NoAttr' => true, 'RootName' => 'movie') end def save(filespec) begin xml = self.to_xml unless xml.blank? AppConfig[:logger].debug { "saving #{filespec}" } save_to_file(filespec, xml) end rescue Exception => e AppConfig[:logger].error { "Unable to save dvdprofiler profile to #{filespec} - #{e.to_s}" } end end protected def save_to_file(filespec, data) new_filespec = filespec + AppConfig[:new_extension] File.open(new_filespec, "w") do |file| file.puts(data) end backup_filespec = filespec + AppConfig[:backup_extension] File.delete(backup_filespec) if File.exist?(backup_filespec) File.rename(filespec, backup_filespec) if File.exist?(filespec) File.rename(new_filespec, filespec) File.delete(new_filespec) if File.exist?(new_filespec) end end