% Feta (not the Font-En-Tja) music font -- ancient flags % This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter. % % Copyright (C) 2001--2022 Juergen Reuter % % The LilyPond font is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version, or under the SIL Open Font License. % % LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with LilyPond. If not, see . fet_begingroup ("flags"); save between_staff_lines, on_staff_line, anywhere; between_staff_lines := 0; on_staff_line := 1; anywhere := 2; save dir_up, dir_down; dir_up := 1; dir_down := -1; %%%%%%%% % % % % Mensural Notation % % % def draw_mensural_outermost_flare (expr staffline_adjustment, d_) = save flag_end, flag_right; if staffline_adjustment = between_staff_lines: flag_end := 1.9; flag_right := 0.6; elseif staffline_adjustment = on_staff_line: flag_end := 1.4; flag_right := 0.5; else: % staffline_adjustment = anywhere flag_end := 1.7; flag_right := 0.6; fi; penpos1 (0.25 staff_space, 90); penpos2 (0.2 staff_space, 0); penpos3 (0.1 staff_space, -35); z1r = (0, 0); z2r = (flag_right * staff_space, -0.4 staff_space); z3l = (0, -1.0 * flag_end * staff_space); fill z1l .. tension 2.0 .. z2l .. tension 3.0 .. { dir -125 }z3l{ dir -125 } .. { dir 55 }z3r{dir 55 } .. tension 3.0 .. z2r .. tension 2.0 .. z1r -- cycle ; draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded, 0), (0, -0.25 staff_space)); enddef; def draw_mensural_inner_flare (expr il_shift, idx, d_) = define_pixels (linethickness, staff_space); save ellipse, pat, T; path ellipse, pat; transform T; T := identity xscaled 1.00 linethickness yscaled 0.22 staff_space rotated -35; pickup pencircle transformed T; ellipse := fullcircle transformed T; save i; numeric i[]; i0 := idx * 10; i1 := idx * 10 + 1; i2 := idx * 10 + 2; i3 := idx * 10 + 3; i4 := idx * 10 + 4; z[i0] = (0, -il_shift * staff_space); z[i1] = z[i0] + (+0.00 staff_space, -0.10 staff_space); z[i2] = z[i0] + (+0.33 staff_space, -0.30 staff_space); z[i3] = z[i0] + (+0.33 staff_space, -0.70 staff_space); z[i4] = z[i0] + (+0.00 staff_space, -0.90 staff_space); pat := z[i1]{2, 1} .. z[i2] .. z[i3] .. {-2, -1}z[i4]; % we avoid cusps originally present in `draw pat' fill get_subpath (ellipse, -direction 0 of pat, direction 0 of pat, z[i1]) .. get_subpoint (ellipse, direction 1 of pat, z[i2]) {direction 1 of pat} .. get_subpoint (ellipse, direction 2 of pat, z[i3]) {direction 2 of pat} .. get_subpath (ellipse, direction 3 of pat, -direction 3 of pat, z[i4]) .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -direction 2 of pat, z[i3]) {-direction 2 of pat} .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -direction 1 of pat, z[i2]) {-direction 1 of pat} .. cycle; if d_ = dir_up: labels ([i0], [i1], [i2], [i3], [i4]); fi; enddef; def draw_mensural_flag (expr staffline_adjustment, flares, d_) = save char_box_adjust, flare_shift; if staffline_adjustment = between_staff_lines: flare_shift := 0.5; elseif staffline_adjustment = on_staff_line: flare_shift := 0.0; else: % staffline_adjustment = anywhere flare_shift := 0.25; fi; char_box_adjust := flare_shift + 0.5; if d_ = dir_up: set_char_box (0, 0.60 staff_space#, (flares + char_box_adjust) * staff_space#, 0.10 staff_space#); else: % d_ = dir_down set_char_box (0.60 staff_space#, 0, 0.10 staff_space#, (flares + char_box_adjust) * staff_space#); fi; draw_mensural_outermost_flare (staffline_adjustment, d_); for flare_count := 2 step 1 until 4: if flares >= flare_count: draw_mensural_inner_flare (flare_shift + flare_count - 0.5, flare_count, d_); fi; endfor; if d_ = dir_down: currentpicture := currentpicture xscaled -1 yscaled -1 shifted (-0.5 stemthickness_rounded, 0); fi; enddef; % 8th mensural flag, upwards, between staff lines fet_beginchar ("8th mensural flag (up, between lines)", "mensuralu03"); draw_mensural_flag (between_staff_lines, 1, dir_up); fet_endchar; % 8th mensural flag, upwards, on staff line fet_beginchar ("8th mensural flag (up, on line)", "mensuralu13"); draw_mensural_flag (on_staff_line, 1, dir_up); fet_endchar; % 8th mensural flag, upwards, anywhere fet_beginchar ("8th mensural flag (up)", "mensuralu23"); draw_mensural_flag (anywhere, 1, dir_up); fet_endchar; % 8th mensural flag, downwards, between staff lines fet_beginchar ("8th mensural flag (down, between lines)", "mensurald03"); draw_mensural_flag (between_staff_lines, 1, dir_down); fet_endchar; % 8th mensural flag, downwards, on staff line fet_beginchar ("8th mensural flag (down, on line)", "mensurald13"); draw_mensural_flag (on_staff_line, 1, dir_down); fet_endchar; % 8th mensural flag, downwards, anywhere fet_beginchar ("8th mensural flag (down)", "mensurald23"); draw_mensural_flag (anywhere, 1, dir_down); fet_endchar; % 16th mensural flag, upwards, between staff lines fet_beginchar ("16th mensural flag (up, between lines)", "mensuralu04"); draw_mensural_flag (between_staff_lines, 2, dir_up); fet_endchar; % 16th mensural flag, upwards, on staff line fet_beginchar ("16th mensural flag (up, on line)", "mensuralu14"); draw_mensural_flag (on_staff_line, 2, dir_up); fet_endchar; % 16th mensural flag, upwards, anywhere fet_beginchar ("16th mensural flag (up)", "mensuralu24"); draw_mensural_flag (anywhere, 2, dir_up); fet_endchar; % 16th mensural flag, downwards, between staff lines fet_beginchar ("16th mensural flag (down, between lines)", "mensurald04"); draw_mensural_flag (between_staff_lines, 2, dir_down); fet_endchar; % 16th mensural flag, downwards, on staff line fet_beginchar ("16th mensural flag (down, on line)", "mensurald14"); draw_mensural_flag (on_staff_line, 2, dir_down); fet_endchar; % 16th mensural flag, downwards, anywhere fet_beginchar ("16th mensural flag (down)", "mensurald24"); draw_mensural_flag (anywhere, 2, dir_down); fet_endchar; % 32th mensural flag, upwards, between staff lines fet_beginchar ("32th mensural flag (up, between lines)", "mensuralu05"); draw_mensural_flag (between_staff_lines, 3, dir_up); fet_endchar; % 32th mensural flag, upwards, on staff line fet_beginchar ("32th mensural flag (up, on line)", "mensuralu15"); draw_mensural_flag (on_staff_line, 3, dir_up); fet_endchar; % 32th mensural flag, upwards, anywhere fet_beginchar ("32th mensural flag (up)", "mensuralu25"); draw_mensural_flag (anywhere, 3, dir_up); fet_endchar; % 32th mensural flag, downwards, between staff lines fet_beginchar ("32th mensural flag (down, between lines)", "mensurald05"); draw_mensural_flag (between_staff_lines, 3, dir_down); fet_endchar; % 32th mensural flag, downwards, on staff line fet_beginchar ("32th mensural flag (down, on line)", "mensurald15"); draw_mensural_flag (on_staff_line, 3, dir_down); fet_endchar; % 32th mensural flag, downwards, anywhere fet_beginchar ("32th mensural flag (down)", "mensurald25"); draw_mensural_flag (anywhere, 3, dir_down); fet_endchar; % 64th mensural flag, upwards, between staff lines fet_beginchar ("64th mensural flag (up, between lines)", "mensuralu06"); draw_mensural_flag (between_staff_lines, 4, dir_up); fet_endchar; % 64th mensural flag, upwards, on staff line fet_beginchar ("64th mensural flag (up, on line)", "mensuralu16"); draw_mensural_flag (on_staff_line, 4, dir_up); fet_endchar; % 64th mensural flag, upwards, anywhere fet_beginchar ("64th mensural flag (up)", "mensuralu26"); draw_mensural_flag (anywhere, 4, dir_up); fet_endchar; % 64th mensural flag, downwards, between staff lines fet_beginchar ("64th mensural flag (down, between lines)", "mensurald06"); draw_mensural_flag (between_staff_lines, 4, dir_down); fet_endchar; % 64th mensural flag, downwards, on staff line fet_beginchar ("64th mensural flag (down, on line)", "mensurald16"); draw_mensural_flag (on_staff_line, 4, dir_down); fet_endchar; % 64th mensural flag, downwards, anywhere fet_beginchar ("64th mensural flag (down)", "mensurald26"); draw_mensural_flag (anywhere, 4, dir_down); fet_endchar; fet_endgroup ("flags");