module Bugsnag class Stacktrace # e.g. "org/jruby/ `catch'" BACKTRACE_LINE_REGEX = /^((?:[a-zA-Z]:)?[^:]+):(\d+)(?::in `([^']+)')?$/ # e.g. "org.jruby.Ruby.runScript(" JAVA_BACKTRACE_REGEX = /^(.*)\((.*)(?::([0-9]+))?\)$/ ## # Process a backtrace and the configuration into a parsed stacktrace. # # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def initialize(backtrace, configuration) @configuration = configuration backtrace = caller if !backtrace || backtrace.empty? @processed_backtrace = do |trace| # Parse the stacktrace line if trace.match(BACKTRACE_LINE_REGEX) file, line_str, method = [$1, $2, $3] elsif trace.match(JAVA_BACKTRACE_REGEX) method, file, line_str = [$1, $2, $3] end next(nil) if file.nil? # Expand relative paths file = File.realpath(file) rescue file # Generate the stacktrace line hash trace_hash = {} trace_hash[:lineNumber] = line_str.to_i if configuration.send_code trace_hash[:code] = code(file, trace_hash[:lineNumber]) end # Clean up the file path in the stacktrace if defined?(@configuration.project_root) && @configuration.project_root.to_s != '' trace_hash[:inProject] = true if file.start_with?(@configuration.project_root.to_s) file.sub!(/#{@configuration.project_root}\//, "") trace_hash.delete(:inProject) if file.match(@configuration.vendor_path) end # Strip common gem path prefixes if defined?(Gem) file = Gem.path.inject(file) {|line, path| line.sub(/#{path}\//, "") } end trace_hash[:file] = file # Add a method if we have it trace_hash[:method] = method if method && (method =~ /^__bind/).nil? if trace_hash[:file] && !trace_hash[:file].empty? trace_hash else nil end end.compact end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity ## # Returns the processed backtrace def to_a @processed_backtrace end private def code(file, line_number, num_lines = 7) code_hash = {} from_line = [line_number - num_lines, 1].max # don't try and open '(irb)' or '-e' return unless File.exist?(file) # Populate code hash with line numbers and code lines do |f| current_line_number = 0 f.each_line do |line| current_line_number += 1 next if current_line_number < from_line code_hash[current_line_number] = line[0...200].rstrip break if code_hash.length >= ( num_lines * 1.5 ).ceil end end while code_hash.length > num_lines last_line = code_hash.keys.max first_line = code_hash.keys.min if (last_line - line_number) > (line_number - first_line) code_hash.delete(last_line) else code_hash.delete(first_line) end end code_hash rescue @configuration.warn("Error fetching code: #{$!.inspect}") nil end end end