require 'tunnels/version' require 'uri' require 'eventmachine' # most of code is from [thin-glazed]( # Copyright © 2012, Thin::Glazed was a Rails Camp New Zealand project, and is developed and maintained by Pat Allan. It is released under the open MIT Licence. class ClientError < StandardError; end module Tunnels def!(params) maps = parse_params params maps.each do |from, to| puts "#{from[0]}://#{from[1]}:#{from[2]} --(--)--> #{to[0]}://#{to[1]}:#{to[2]}" end maps = group_params maps do servers = {} maps.each do |from, map| scheme, port = from servers[from] ||= case scheme when :https EventMachine.start_server('', port, HttpsProxy, map) when :http EventMachine.start_server('', port, HttpProxy, map) end end puts "Ready :)" end rescue RuntimeError => e STDERR.puts e.message STDERR.puts "Maybe you should run on `sudo`" rescue ClientError => e STDERR.puts e.message end def <<-HELP Usage: multitunnels [from to] [from2 to2] ... Examples: multitunnels 443 3000 multitunnels localhost:443 localhost:3000 multitunnels https://:443 http://:3000 multitunnels https://localhost:443 http://localhost:3000 HELP end private def self.parse_params params = [] params = ['443', '80'] if params.empty? maps = split_params params maps.inject({}) do |h, (from, to)| h.merge parse_host_str(from) => parse_host_str(to) end end def self.group_params params = {} params.inject({}) do |h, (from, to)| h[[from[0], from[2]]] ||= {} h[[from[0], from[2]]].merge! from => to h end end def self.split_params params = [] Hash[*params] end def self.parse_host_str str raise ArgumentError if str.empty? if str =~ /^:?(\d+)$/ [get_scheme($1), '', $1.to_i] elsif str =~ /^(\w+):\/\/:(\d+)$/ [$1.to_sym, '', $2.to_i] elsif str =~ /:\/\// uri = URI str [uri.scheme.to_sym,, uri.port] else parts = str.split(':') raise ArgumentError if parts.size != 2 [get_scheme(parts[1]), parts[0], parts[1].to_i] end end def self.get_scheme port port.to_i == 443 ? :https : :http end class HttpClient < EventMachine::Connection attr_reader :proxy, :to_host, :to_port def initialize(proxy, from_host, from_port, to_host, to_port) @proxy = proxy @connected = @from_host, @from_port, @to_host, @to_port = from_host, from_port, to_host, to_port end def connection_completed @connected.succeed end def receive_data(data) proxy.relay_from_client(data) end def send(data) @connected.callback { send_data data } end def unbind proxy.unbind_client @from_host, @from_port end end class HttpsClient < HttpClient def post_init start_tls end end class HttpProxy < EventMachine::Connection def initialize(map) map.each do |from, to| make_client from[1], from[2], to[0], to[1], to[2] end end def receive_data(data) unless data.nil? client = nil data.sub! /\r\nHost:\s*(.+?)\s*\r\n/i do host, port = $1.split(':') if $1 client = client host, port "\r\nHost: #{client.to_host}:#{client.to_port}\r\n" end client.send_data data end end def relay_from_client(data) send_data data unless data.nil? end def unbind close_all_connections clear_clients end def unbind_client host, port close_connection_after_writing clear_client host, port.to_i end private def make_client from_host, from_port, to_scheme, to_host, to_port from_port, to_port = from_port.to_i, to_port.to_i @clients ||= {|h, k| h[k] = {} } @clients[from_host][from_port] = case to_scheme when :http EventMachine.connect to_host, to_port, HttpClient, self, from_host, from_port, to_host, to_port when :https EventMachine.connect to_host, to_port, HttpsClient, self, from_host, from_port, to_host, to_port else raise "Cannot support scheme: #{to_scheme}" end end def client host, port port = port.to_i search_client_by_host_and_port(host, port) || search_client_by_host(host) || raise( "Cannot find a client for #{host}:#{port}") end def search_client_by_host_and_port host, port @clients[host][port] || @clients['localhost'][port] || @clients[''][port] || @clients[''][port] end def search_client_by_host host @clients[host].values.first || @clients['localhost'].values.first || @clients[''].values.first || @clients[''].values.first end def clear_client host, port @clients[host].delete port.to_i end def close_all_connections @clients.each do |_, host| host.each do |_, client| client.close_connection end end end def clear_clients @clients.clear end end class HttpsProxy < HttpProxy def post_init start_tls end def relay_from_client(data) super @x_forwarded_proto_header_inserted = false end def receive_data(data) if !@x_forwarded_proto_header_inserted && data =~ /\r\n\r\n/ super data.gsub(/\r\n\r\n/, "\r\nX_FORWARDED_PROTO: https\r\n\r\n") @x_forwarded_proto_header_inserted = true else super end end end end