en: workarea: admin: actions: cancel: Cancel delete: Delete delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete? drag: Drag edit: Edit remove: Remove save: Save update: Update view: View view_on_storefront: View on Storefront expand: Expand activities: a_content_block: a content block a_product: a product a_release: a release a_tax_category: a tax category a_tax_rate: a tax rate a_variant: a variant a_category: a category bulk_action_order_export_create_html: exported orders bulk_action_pricing_discount_code_list_export_create_html: exported promo codes bulk_action_user_export_create_html: exported people catalog_category_create_html: created the %{name} category catalog_category_destroy_html: removed the %{name} category catalog_category_update_html: updated %{fields} on the %{name} category catalog_category_product_rule_create: created rule on %{category} to include products whose %{name} does %{operator} '%{value}' catalog_category_product_rule_update: updated value for %{name} rule on %{category} to %{operator} '%{value}' catalog_category_product_rule_destroy: removed rule on %{category} for products when %{name} %{operator} '%{value}' catalog_product_create_html: created the %{name} product catalog_product_destroy_html: removed the %{name} product catalog_product_image_create_html: added an image to %{name} catalog_product_image_destroy_html: removed an image from %{name} catalog_product_update_html: updated %{fields} on the %{name} product catalog_product_variant_create_html: added %{name} to %{product_name} catalog_product_variant_destroy_html: removed a variant from %{product_name} catalog_product_variant_update_html: updated %{fields} on the %{name} variant on %{product_name} change: one: change other: "%{count} fields" comment_create_html: posted a comment comment_destroy_html: removed a comment comment_update_html: updated a comment content_asset_create_html: created the %{name} asset content_asset_destroy_html: removed the %{name} asset 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navigation_taxon_destroy_html: removed the %{name} taxonomy navigation_taxon_update_html: updated %{fields} on the %{name} taxonomy pricing_discount_code_list_create_html: created the %{name} promo code list pricing_discount_code_list_destroy_html: removed the %{name} promo code list pricing_discount_code_list_update_html: updated %{fields} on the %{name} promo code list pricing_discount_create_html: created the %{name} discount pricing_discount_destroy_html: removed the %{name} discount pricing_discount_update_html: updated %{fields} on the %{name} discount pricing_sku_create_html: created the %{name} pricing SKU pricing_sku_update_html: updated %{fields} on the %{name} pricing SKU release_create_html: created the %{name} release release_destroy_html: removed the %{name} release release_info_html: publishes with %{name} release_published_html: published %{change} for %{name} release release_update_html: updated %{fields} on the %{name} release restore: Restore search_customization_create_html: created search customizations for %{name} search_customization_destroy_html: removed search customizations for %{name} search_customization_update_html: updated %{fields} on the %{name} search customizations search_settings: search settings search_settings_update_html: updated %{fields} on %{link} shipping_service_create_html: created the %{name} shipping service shipping_service_destroy_html: removed the %{name} shipping service shipping_service_update_html: updated %{fields} on the %{name} shipping service show: activity_by: activity by admin_activity: Admin Activity main_dashboard: Main dashboard no_activity: No activity to show show: Show view_all_admin_activity: View all admin activity some_content: some content tax_category_create_html: created the %{name} tax category tax_category_destroy_html: removed the %{name} tax category tax_category_update_html: updated %{fields} on the %{name} tax category tax_rate_create_html: created a tax rate for %{name} tax_rate_destroy_html: removed a tax rate tax_rate_update_html: updated %{fields} on a tax rate on %{name} user_update_html: updated %{fields} on %{name} application_helper: not_applicable: N/A today: Today yesterday: Yesterday date_selector: date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" or_choose: Or choose a_range: a range and: and today: Today yesterday: Yesterday last_week: Last Week last_month: Last Month week_to_date: Week to Date month_to_date: Month to Date quarter_to_date: Quarter to Date year_to_date: Year to Date bookmarks: flash_messages: created: This page has been bookmarked destroyed: This page has been bookmarked bulk_action_deletions: button: Delete confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete %{count} item(s)? edit: title: Delete %{type} selected: '%{count} Selected' view_link: View All Selected %{type} confirm: Confirm and delete confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete %{count}, including the ones below? flash_messages: created: Your deletion request is being processed and will complete shortly. generic_name: Item bulk_action_product_edits: details: add: Add New Attributes names: Attribute Names remove: Remove Existing Details edit: review_changes: Review Changes title: Edit Your Products filters: add: Add New Filters names: Filter Names remove: Remove Existing Filters flash_messages: error: Error publish: Your product edits are being processed. Refresh the page to see changes applied. success: Success inventory: prompt: Select One title: Inventory update: Update SKU Inventory warning: Inventory Warning warning_message: Inventory cannot be updated with Site Planner. Any changes to inventory will apply immediately. label: Products pricing: prices: Update Sku Pricing settings: SKU Pricing Settings title: Pricing info: Prices Info info_message: For products with existing prices, regular and sale prices will be applied to all prices with a minimum quantity of 1. review: no_change: No change save_and_finish: Save and Finish title: Review and Publish Your Edits activate: activate active: Active cancel: Cancel now: Now or_skip_this: or skip this page_title: Publish %{product_name} release_name: Release name save_and_finish: Save and Finish when_does_it_go_live: When does it go live? when_does_it_publish: When does it publish? with_a_new_release: With a new release with_release: With %{release_name} which_release_placeholder: Mother's Day %{year} settings: title: Settings tags: add: Add New Tags remove: Remove Existing Tags tags_note: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' title: Bulk edit products worflow: edit_step: Edit Products publish_step: Publish selected: "%{label} Selected" view_products_link: View Products bulk_action_sequential_product_edits: flash_messages: saved: That product was saved succesfully done: Your changes have been saved, all done. product: attributes: Attributes content: Content images: Images variants: Variants title: "Editing %{product}" previous: Previous description: Make your edits and save them. Your changes will be saved, and we'll send you to the next one. next: Next save_and_continue: Save and Continue save_and_finish: Save and Finish publishing: title: When do these changes go live? make_changes: Make Your Changes label: Products workflow_bar: publishing: Publishing editing: Editing editing_with_count: "Editing %{current} of %{total}" selected: "%{label} Selected" view_products_link: View Products bulk_actions: empty_selection: No selections made for bulk action. add_summary_button: Add to Bulk Action bulk_actions: Bulk Actions... cancel: Cancel deselect_all: Deselect all? go: Go items_selected_to: items selected to select_all: Select all? selected: back_link: Back heading: Selected title: Bulk action cards: attributes: button: Edit Attributes created: 'Created:' modified: 'Modified:' no_value: "(none)" title: Attributes more: "+ %{amount} more" catalog: dashboard_link: Catalog dashboard label: Catalog catalog_categories: cards: attributes: defaults: "(defaults)" featured_products: button: Manage Products description: Featured products appear at the top of the category listing. They can be whatever products you'd like, and don't have to match the category product rules. empty: No featured products. empty_button: Add Products title: Featured Products sparkline_title: Based on units sold over the last three months insights: button: View Details old_label: Past month, orders: orders page_title: Insights on %{category} revenue: revenue title: Insights units_sold: units sold young_label: This week, past_three_months: Past 3 Months views: views edit: client_id_note: Identifies the category for product import filters_note_html: 'Comma separated: just, like, this. If these fields are blank, the global values will be used from %{search_settings_link}.' page_title: Attributes for %{category} search_settings: search settings show_navigation_false: Do not show Navigation show_navigation_true: Show Navigation slug_placeholder: your-slug-here tags_note: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' flash_messages: removed: This category has been removed saved: Your changes have been saved index: add_new_category: Add New Category heading: Categories page_title: Categories no_taxonomy: Not in taxonomy sparkline_title: Based on orders over the last three months category_pluralize: one: "%{count} Category" other: "%{count} Categories" insights: chart_label: Revenue orders: Orders revenue: Revenue views: Views units_sold: Units Sold from_previous: "%{percentage} from previous" skus: SKUs date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" insights_featuring_this_category: Insights Featuring this Category show: delete: Delete delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete? summary: inactive: Inactive no_taxonomy: Not in taxonomy type: Category catalog_product_images: edit: edit_image: Edit Image edit_image_for: Edit Image For image: Image without_options: Images without Options flash_messages: created: Your image has been created removed: Your image has been removed updated: Your image has been updated index: add_new_image: Add New Image create_image: Create Image create_image_disabled_text: Creating Image... delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete this image? delete_image: Delete Image edit_image: Edit Image image: Image images: Images images_for: Images For no_product_images: This product has no images. product_images: Product Images without_options: Images without Options catalog_products: cards: categories: add_categories: Add Categories featured: Featured manage_categories: Manage Categories no_categories: No categories. rules: Rules title: Categories default: "(default)" content: manage_content: Manage Content title: Content images: add_images: Add Images description: Add images to show on the detail page and match them by option. manage_images: Manage Images title: Images insights: average_price: average price button: View Details old_label: Past month, orders: orders revenue: revenue title: Insights units_sold: units sold views: views young_label: This week, past_three_months: Past 3 Months recommendations: add_recommendations: Add Recommendations manage_recommendations: Manage Recommendations no_recommendations: No recommended products title: Recommendations variants: add_variants: Add Variants manage_variants: Manage Variants no_variants: No variants. title: Variants content: page_title: Content for %{product} seo_content: SEO Content customizations: none: None edit: active_title: Active active_info_title: Active Product Info active_info: In addition to this field, a product must have active variants to be considered active. customization_label: Customization details: label: Details learn_more: Learn More name: Name new_attribute_name: New Attribute Name new_attribute_name_note: 'Example: Material' new_attribute_name_placeholder: New Attribute Name new_attribute_value: New Attribute Value new_attribute_value_csv: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' new_attribute_value_note: 'Example: Cotton' new_attribute_value_placeholder: New Attribute Value values: Value(s) filters: label: Filters learn_more: Learn More name: Name new_filter_name: New Filter Name new_filter_name_note: 'Example: Color (cannot be "Type")' new_filter_value: New Filter Value new_filter_value_csv: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' new_fiter_value_note: 'Example: Red' values: Value(s) id_label: ID learn_more: Learn More name_label: Name not_purchasable: Not Purchasable page_title: Attributes for %{product} purchasable: Purchasable purchasable_label: Purchasable slug_label: Product URL slug_note: The URL is auto-generated using the page's name slug_placeholder: your-slug-here tags_label: Tags tags_note: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' template_label: Product Template flash_messages: deleted: Product has been deleted saved: Your changes have been saved index: add_new_product: Add New Product edit: Bulk Edit edit_each: Edit Each heading: Products page_title: Products ignore_inventory: Ignored for %{variants} inventory: zero: None one: 1 unit for %{variants} other: "%{count} units for %{variants}" variant: variant sparkline_title: Based on units sold over the last three months product_pluralize: one: "%{count} Product" other: "%{count} Products" upload_images: Bulk Upload Images insights: average_price: average price chart_label: Revenue orders: Orders page_title: Insights on %{product} revenue: Revenue units_sold: Units Sold views: Views from_previous: "%{percentage} from previous" skus: SKUs date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" insights_featuring_this_product: Insights Featuring this Product show: copy_product: Copy Product summary: add_to_bulk_edit: Add to Bulk Edit inactive: Inactive sold_available: "%{sold} Sold, %{available} Available" type: Product templates: generic: Generic catalog_variants: edit: active_label: Active active_title: Active display_name: Display Name edit: Edit inactive_title: Inactive options: label: Options learn_more: Learn More name: Name new_attribute_name: New Attribute Name new_attribute_name_note: 'Example: Material' new_attribute_name_placeholder: New Attribute Name new_attribute_value: New Attribute Value new_attribute_value_csv: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' new_attribute_value_note: 'Example: Cotton' new_attribute_value_placeholder: New Attribute Value remove: Remove remove_title: Remove %{name} = %{value} values: Value(s) page_title: "%{variant} on %{product}" sku: SKU flash_messages: changes_error: There was a problem saving your changes. removed: This variant has been removed saved: Your changes have been saved sorting_saved: Sorting saved index: active: Active add_new: Add New display_name: Display Name heading: Manage Variants inactive: Inactive inventory: Inventory page_title: Variants for %{product} pricing: Pricing sku: SKU drag_to_rearrange: Drag to rearrange variant_pluralize: one: "%{count} Variant" other: "%{count} Variants" new: display_name: Display Name heading: New Variant options: create_variant: Create Variant label: Options learn_more: Learn More name: Name new_attribute_name: New Attribute Name new_attribute_name_note: 'Example: Material' new_attribute_name_placeholder: New Attribute Name new_attribute_value: New Attribute Value new_attribute_value_csv: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' new_attribute_value_note: 'Example: Cotton' new_attribute_value_placeholder: New Attribute Value remove: Remove remove_title: Remove %{name} = %{value} values: Value(s) page_title: New variant on %{product} sku: SKU categorizations: flash_messages: added: Categorization has been saved removed: Categorization has been removed index: by_being_featured: By being featured by_matching_category_rules: By matching category rules doesnt_match_any_categorys_rules: Doesn't match any category's rules featured_help: This product appears in these categories because it has been manually featured in these categories. There's a shortcut to add below, or visit a category and click the "Featured Products" card to manage featured products. featured_placeholder: Feature in categories... not_featured_in_any_categories: Not featured in any categories page_title: Categories for %{name} rules_help: This product appears in these categories because it matches the product rules setup for them. default_category_info: If active, the default category will be used to generate breadcrumbs for the storefront when this product is navigated to directly. The oldest active category will be used otherwise specified. Note that when changing category rules, it may take up to 24 hours for this default category to be re-calculated. To advance this, you can define the default category using the form below. update_default_category: Select another category no_default_category: No Default Category changesets: all_releases: All Releases delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete these changes? fields: cant_show: Can't show this here! categories: Categories category: Category incompatible_discounts: Incompatible Discounts product: Product products: Products shipping_service: Shipping Service flash_messages: removed: These changes have been removed no_activity: No activity to show planned_changes_for: Planned Changes For published_on: Published On publishes_on: Publishes On releases: Releases unscheduled: Unscheduled catalog_product_copies: new: title: Copy an existing product description: Select a product to copy, then set a unique ID for the new product. preselected_title: Copy %{product} preselected_description: Set a unique ID for the new product. button: Copy and Continue fields: source_product_id: Select a product to copy copy_original: Copy original? randomize: Randomize? flash_messages: created: Product has been copied. You can now continue editing the copied product. error: There was a problem copying this product. Try again. comment_mailer: notify: by: by discussion_history: 'Discussion History:' post_a_comment: Post a comment posted_a_comment_about: posted a comment about posted_at: Posted at reply_here: 'Reply here:' reply_to_this_comment: Reply to this comment subject: 'Re: %{commentable} Discussion' unsubscribe_from_notifications: 'Unsubscribe from notifications on %{commentable_name}' comments: card: blank_button: Add Comment button: View & Add Comments description_1: Leave a comment to make a note on a change, ask someone to take a look, or take down some info. description_2: You can add a list of people to be notified with an email. label: Comment title: Comments edit: all: All comments for %{name} body: Comment Body heading: Edit Comment save: Save Comment flash_messages: added: Your comment has been added added_error: There was a problem adding your comment comment_edit_error: You cannot edit someone else's comment comment_unsubscribed: You have been unsubscribed from notifications for %{commentable} string removed: Your comment has been removed saved: Your comment has been saved saved_error: There was a problem saving your comment index: body: Comment Body create: Create Comment email_authentication: Each admin will receive an email notification about this comment heading: Comments on %{name} new: New Comment notify: Notify Admins title: Comments on %{name} icon: viewed: Comments unviewed: Unread Comments content: advanced: automate: Automate automate_metadata: Automate Metadata automation_help_content: The system will automatically generate browser title and meta description. These fields will be updated monthly. browser_title: Browser Title browser_title_note: The title appears in the top bar of a web browser and is shown in search engine results. browser_title_placeholder: "(defaults to content name)" clear_asset: Clear asset css: CSS css_note: The CSS block is output just before the end of the head. The content of this block is automatically is wrapped in a style tags. do_not_automate: Do not Automate javascript: JavaScript javascript_note: The JavaScript is output before the end of the body. The content of this block is automatically wrapped in script tags. learn_more: Learn More metadata_description: Metadata Description metadata_description_note: Provides a summary that is displayed on search engine result pages. og_image: OpenGraph Image og_image_note: This is the image that will be displayed when shared to a social network og_image_missing: (none) return: Content Editing save_content: Save Content select_an_asset: Select an asset all_system_pages: All system pages card: blank_button: Add content blocks button: Manage Content description: Add associated content blocks to be displayed with this in the storefront. title: Content edit: add: Add a Block add_block_above: Add Block Above add_block_below: Add Block Below advanced: Advanced aside_title: Content Blocks create_preset: Create Preset empty_content: This content is empty loading: Loading... preview: Preview title: Content for %{content} form: all_blocks: All blocks cancel: Cancel devices: Devices display: Display hide_for: Hide for index: dashboard_link: Store dashboard help_link: Create your own pages help_text: Put content in areas shown automatically by the system. title: System Pages page_pluralize: one: "%{count} Page" other: "%{count} Pages" messages: delete: Are you sure you want to delete %{block_type} content? delete_from_release: Are you sure you want to delete this %{block_type} content when %{release} publishes? preview: help_text: This is an approximation of how your site will appear on different devices. summary: inactive: Inactive system_page: System Page content_assets: cards: attributes: created: 'Created:' file_name: 'File Name:' modified: 'Modified:' tags: 'Tags:' type: 'Type:' original: button: View Original title: Original edit: file_label: Choose File name_label: Name page_title: Attributes for %{asset} preview_alt_text: "%{name} preview" save_asset: Save Asset tags_label: Tags tags_note: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' type_label: Type flash_messages: created: Asset has been created. removed: Asset has been removed. saved: Your changes have been saved index: add_asset: Add Asset asset_pluralize: one: "%{count} Asset" other: "%{count} Assets" dashboard_link: Store dashboard description: Files used throughout the content of your site page_title: Assets title: Assets favicon: This asset is used for the site's Favicon insert: page_title: Choose an Asset title: Select Asset new: create_asset: Create Asset create_asset_disabled_text: Creating Asset... file_label: Choose File name_label: Name page_title: New Asset tags_label: Tags tags_note: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' title: New Asset summary: inactive: Inactive type: Asset content_blocks: asset: clear_asset: Clear asset name_missing: "(none)" select_an_asset: Select an asset category: select_placeholder: Choose a category... flash_messages: added: Your content has been added moved: Content has been moved removed: Content has been removed saved: Your content has been saved index: title: Choose Your Content Type title_preset: Choose A Preset products: select_placeholder: Product A, Product B tooltips: more_info: More Information content_emails: content: Content email_content: Email Content flash_messages: updated: "%{type} has been updated" marketing: Marketing marketing_dashboard: Marketing dashboard save_content: Save Content transactional_email_content: Transactional Email Content transactional_email: one: "%{count} Transactional Email" other: "%{count} Transactional Emails" type: Type updated_at: Updated content_pages: aux_navigation: view_on_storefront: View on Storefront cards: attributes: active: 'Active:' created: 'Created:' modified: 'Modified:' show_left_nav: 'Show Left Navigation:' tags: Tags template: Template edit: display_h1_label: Display Page Heading? name_label: Name page_title: Attributes for %{page} show_navigation_false: Do not show Navigation show_navigation_label: Show Left Navigation? show_navigation_true: Show Navigation slug_label: Page URL tags_label: Tags tags_note: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' template_label: Page Template flash_messages: removed: Page has been removed. saved: Page has been saved. index: add_new_page: Add a New Page dashboard_link: Store dashboard description: Build landing pages, category summary pages, look books, etc. page_title: Pages title: Content Pages pluralize: one: "%{count} Page" other: "%{count} Pages" summary: inactive: Inactive name: "%{name} Page" type: Content Page templates: generic: Generic content_presets: flash_messages: preset_error: Preset could not be saved. saved: Preset has been saved. new: name_label: Name the preset save: Save create_catalog_categories: content: continue_to_taxonomy: Continue to Taxonomy page_title: Content for %{category_name} title: "%{category_name}: Add Content" featured_products: continue_to_content: Continue to Content instruction: Click on products to add them to the category. no_matching_products: No matching products found page_title: Products for %{category_name} start_over: Start over title: "%{category_name}: Add Products" flash_messages: created: Your category has been created saved: Your changes have been saved navigation: instruction: You put this category in the top level of the taxonomy. Do you want this to show in the primary navigation? page_title: Navigation for %{category_name} save_and_continue: Save and Continue title: "%{category_name}: Primary Navigation" products: continue_to_content: Continue to Content create_rules: Create rules for products featured_description: Handpick products to show in this category. You'll be able to sort these as you'd like later. instructions: 'There are two ways to add products to a category:' or: or page_title: Products for %{category_name} pick_products: Manually pick products rules_description: 'Specify rules to determine which products will show up in the category. Examples include:' rules_example_1: Price is greater than $40 rules_example_2: Products that match "Shirts" rules_example_3: All products that are on sale title: "%{category_name}: Add Products" publish: active: Active new_release_label: With a new release now_label: Now page_title: Publish %{category_name} release_publish_at_label: When does it publish? save_and_finish: Save and Finish title: "%{category_name}: When does it go live?" which_release_label: Release name which_release_placeholder: Mother's Day %{year} with_release_label: With %{release} rules: continue_to_content: Continue to Content instruction: The preview will update as you add product rules. page_title: Product rules for %{category_name} table: field_header: Field operator_field_title: New rule operator operator_header: Operator remove_header: Remove rule_field_title: New rule field value_field_title: New rule value value_header: Value title: "%{category_name}: Add products" setup: category_name_label: Category Name category_slug_label: URL category_slug_placeholder: your-slug-here category_tags_note: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' category_tags_placeholder: Tags page_title: Setup a new category save_and_add_products: Save and Add Products title: Setup Category taxonomy: page_title: Taxonomy for %{category_name} title: "%{category_name}: Add to Taxonomy" workflow: cancel_message: Are you sure? All work on this category will be lost. skip_this: or skip this steps: content: Content products: Products publish: Publish setup: Setup taxonomy: Taxonomy create_catalog_products: are_you_sure_all_work_on_this_product_will_be_lost: Are you sure? All work on this product will be lost. cancel: Cancel categorization: by_being_featured: By being featured by_matching_category_rules: By matching category rules cancel: Cancel categorize: "%{product_name}: Categorize" continue_to_publish: Continue to Publish doesnt_match_any_categorys_rules: Doesn't match any category's rules flash_messages: added: This product has been added to your categories removed: These changes have been removed not_featured_in_any_categories_yet: Not featured in any categories yet or_skip_this: or skip this page_title: Categorization for %{product_name} save: Save content: add_content: "%{product_name}: Add Content" appears_in_the_browser_and_is_shown_in_search_engine_results: Appears in the browser and is shown in search engine results. browser_title: Browser Title cancel: Cancel defaults_to_a_truncated_description: "(defaults to a truncated description)" description: Description meta_description: Meta Description or_skip_this: or skip this page_title: Content for %{product_name} provides_a_summary_that_is_displayed_on_search_engine_result_pages: Provides a summary that is displayed on search engine result pages. save_and_categorize: Save and Categorize seo: SEO details: add_details: "%{product_name}: Add Details" cancel: Cancel comma_separated_red_green: 'Comma-separated: Red, Green' details: Details example_color: 'Example: Color (cannot be "Type")' example_manufactured: 'Example: Manufactured' example_usa: 'Example: USA' filters: Filters or_skip_this: or skip this page_title: Details for %{product_name} save_details_and_continue: Save Details and Continue flash_messages: details_saved: Details have been saved images_saved: Images have been saved product_created: Your product has been created removed: Categorization has been removed saved: Categorization has been saved variants_saved: Variants have been saved images: add_images: "%{product_name}: Add Images" cancel: Cancel image: Image option: Option or_skip_this: or skip this page_title: Images for %{product_name} save_images_and_continue: Save Images and Continue publish: activate: activate cancel: Cancel now: Now or_skip_this: or skip this page_title: Publish %{product_name} release_name: Release name save_and_finish: Save and Finish when_does_it_go_live: "%{product_name}: When does it go live?" when_does_it_publish: When does it publish? with_a_new_release: With a new release with_release: With %{release_name} setup: cancel: Cancel tags_note: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' customization: Customization going_to_create_several_products_at_once: Going to create several products at once? page_title: Setup a new product product_name: Product Name save_and_add_variants: Save and Add Variants setup: Setup Product tags: Tags template: Template try_the_csv_import: Try the CSV import url: URL copy_a_product: Looking to copy an existing product? copy_button: Select a product to copy steps: categorization: Categorization content: Content details: Details images: Images publish: Publish setup: Setup variants: Variants variants: add_variants: "%{product_name}: Add Variants" cancel: Cancel inventory: Inventory option_1: Option 1 option_2: Option 2 option_3: Option 3 page_title: Variants for %{product_name} price: Price save_variants_and_continue: Save Variants and Continue sku: SKU tax_code: Tax Code create_content_pages: content: add_content: "%{page_name}: Add Content" content_for: Content for %{title} continue_to_taxonomy: Continue to Taxonomy flash_messages: created: Your page has been created navigation_saved: Your changes have been saved saved: Your changes have been saved taxonomy_saved: Your changes have been saved navigation: navigation_for: Navigation for %{title} primary_navigation: "%{page_name}: Primary Navigation" save_and_continue: Save and Continue top_level_message: You put this page in the top level of the taxonomy. Do you want this to show in the primary navigation? publish: now: Now publish_title: Publish %{title} release_name: Release Name save_and_finish: Save and Finish when_does_it_publish: When does it publish? when_live: "%{page_name}: When does it go live?" when_publish: When does it publish? which_release_placeholder: Mother's Day %{year} with_new_release: With a new release with_release_label: With %{release} setup: name: Name page_template: Page Template page_url: Page URL save_and_add_content: Save and Add Content setup: Setup Page setup_a_new_page: Setup a new page tags: Tags tags_note: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' taxonomy: add_to_taxonomy: "%{page_name}: Add to Taxonomy" save_and_continue: Save and Continue taxonomy: Taxonomy taxonomy_for: Taxonomy for %{title} workflow: content: Content delete_confirmation: Are you sure? All work on this page will be lost. or_skip_this: or skip this publish: Publish publishing: Publishing setup: Setup taxonomy: Taxonomy create_pricing_discounts: details: details: "%{discount_type}: Discount Details" name: Name name_note: Displayed to qualifying customers tags: Tags tags_note: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' title: Setup for new discount flash_messages: created: Your discount has been created. saved: Your changes have been saved publish: active: Active mothers_day: Mother's Day %{year} now: Now release_name: Release name title: Publish %{discount} when_does_it_go_live: "%{discount_name}: When does it go live?" when_does_it_publish: When does it publish? with: With with_a_release: With a new release rules: apply_to_sale_times: Apply to sale items compatible_discounts: Compatible Discounts compatible_discounts_note: Discounts that can be applied with this one description: Description ignore_sale_items: Ignore sale items redeem_once_per_email: Redeem once per email address redeem_unlimited_times: Redeem an unlimited number of times for anyone sale_items: Sale Items single_use: Single Use title: Setup for new discount what_does_it_discount: "%{discount_name}: What does it discount?" setup: buy_some_get_some: Buy Some Get Some buy_some_get_some_example: Buy 2, get 1 free category: Category category_example: "$5 off all products in Women's Shirts" example: Example free_gift: Free Gift free_gift_example: Get a free hand bag for all orders over $50 order_total: Order Total order_total_example: 10% off your order with promo code persisted_warning: Discount type cannot be changed after adding rules. You may continue creating a %{type} discount or you can start over product: Product product_attribute: Product Attribute product_attribute_example: Take 15% off any product where attribute Brand is Apple product_example: Take 10% off these products quantity_fixed_price: Quantity Fixed Price quantity_fixed_price_example: Any 2 products in the Shirts category for $29 setup: Setup Discount shipping: Shipping shipping_example: Free shipping on orders over $100 start_over: Start Over start_over_confirmation: Are you sure you want to start over? title: Select discount type for %{discount} type: Type workflow: cancel: Cancel cancel_confirmation: Are you sure? All work on this discount will be lost. or_skip_this: or skip this save_and_continue: Save and Continue save_and_finish: Save and Finish steps: details: Details publish: Publish rules: Rules setup: Setup create_releases: flash_messages: created: Your release has been created. plan: creatable: add_category: Add Category add_discount: Add Discount add_page: Add page add_product: Add Product create_instruction: Create something new in your release instruction: Find something to release, like changing the home page or adding category header content. page_title: Plan changes for %{name} title: "%{release_name}: Plan Changes" setup: page_title: Setup a new release publish_at_label: Publish at release_name_label: Release Name release_name_placeholder: Mother's Day %{year} tags_label: Tags tags_note: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' title: Setup Release undo_at_label: Undo at workflow: delete_confirmation: Are you sure? All work on this release will be lost. or_skip_this: or skip this pick_day: Pick Day plan_changes: Plan changes save_and_plan_changes: Save and Plan Changes setup: Setup skip_and_finish: Skip and Finish create_users: admin: page_title: Create an Account title: Setup an Administrator create_admin: Create Administrator automatic_password_note: If you do not enter a password, one will be randomly generated. customer: page_title: Create an Account title: Setup a Customer create_customer: Create Customer flash_messages: created: This account has been created. index: page_title: Create an Account title: What kind of account? create_a_customer: Create a Customer create_an_administrator: Create an Administrator continue: Continue workflow_bar: select_type: Select Type setup: Setup dashboards: activity: no_activity_as_of: No activity as of %{time}. title: Latest Activity view_all: View All catalog: catalog: Catalog catalog_dashboards: Catalog dashboards categories: Categories imports: Create Import inventory: Inventory pricing: Pricing products: Products customer_acquisition: based_on_accounts_created_a_new_signup_is_not_necessarily_a_new_customer: Based on accounts created. A new signup is not necessarily a new customer. based_on_orders_placed_by_unique_email_addresses: Based on orders placed by unique email addresses. check_back_here_for_a_graph_of_new_customers: Check back here for a graph of new customers in a few weeks. check_back_here_for_a_graph_of_signups: Check back here for a graph of signups in a few weeks. new_customers: New Customers new_customers_info: New Customers Info signups: Signups title: Customer Acquisition discount_redemption_graph: amount: Amount check_back_for_graph_of_discounts: Check back here for a graph of discount redemption amounts in a few weeks. title: Redemption Amount total_amount_of_discount: Total amount of discount given, for the past 12 full weeks in the default currency (%{discount}). filter_popularity: click: click least_popular: Least Popular least_popular_info: Least Popular Info most_popular: Most Popular most_popular_filters_sorted_by_least: Most popular filters sorted by least popular seasonal scoring. most_popular_filters_sorted_by_most: 'Most popular filters sorted by most popular seasonal scoring. Suggestion: consider making categories out of these filters using rules.' most_popular_info: Most Popular Info no_data_for_less_popular_filters: No data for less popular filters right now, check back in a week. no_data_for_popular_filters: No data for popular filters right now, check back in a week. title: Filter Popularity from_previous: "%{percentage} from previous" important_categories: improved: improved improving_weeks: improving weeks no_data_for_top_categories: No data for top categories right now, check back in a week. no_data_for_trending_categories: No data for trending categories right now, check back in a week. of_total_rev: of total rev title: Important Categories tooltip: add_a_summary: Add a summary of this category to your home page feature_best_sellers: Feature best sellers from these categories in search results or recommendations send_marketing_email: Send marketing email to customers who have recently engaged with this category setup_search_redirects: Setup search redirects to these categories from related terms sorting_suggestions: 'Categories sorted by the most improving weeks (over last four weeks) then sorted by percentage revenue improvement over that period of time. Suggestions:' suggestions: 'Categories sorted by highest revenue for the last four weeks. Suggestions:' top_sellers: Top Sellers top_sellers_categories_info: Top Sellers Categories Info trending: Trending trending_categories_info: Trending Categories Info important_customers: best_customers: Best Customers best_customers_info: Best Customers Info check_back_at_risk: Check back here for a list of customers at risk in a few weeks. check_back_best: Check back here for a list of your best customers in a few weeks. customers_at_risk: Customers at Risk customers_at_risk_info: Customers at Risk Info last_purchase: Last Purchase order: order title: Important Customers tooltip: free_shipping: Setup custom discounts for free shipping give_early_access: Give them early access to discounts or new products new_products: Show them new products or categories send_targeted_emails: Send them targeted marketing emails setup_a_loyalty_discount: Setup a loyalty discount suggestions_best: 'Your top 10% spenders, sorted by most frequent ordering then total spent. Suggestions for these customers:' suggestions_risk: 'Your top 10% spenders, sorted by those who haven''t purchased recently. Suggestions for these customers:' win_back: Send them targeted emails to win them back total_spent: total spent index: admin: Admin catalog: Catalog marketing: Marketing orders: Orders people: People reports: Reports search: Search settings: Settings site_planner: Site Planner store: Store storefront: Storefront revenue: Revenue customers: Customers insights: Insights from_previous: "%{percentage} from previous" insights_feed: Insights Feed today: Today yesterday: Yesterday units_sold: Units Sold past_week: Past Week latest: Latest activity: Activity no_activity_as_of: No activity as of %{time}. latest_changes: The latest changes made in the admin view_all_insights: View All Insights view_all_activity: View All Activity main_dashboard: Main Dashboard marketing: discounts: Discounts email_signups: Email signups marketing: Marketing marketing_dashboards: Marketing dashboard promo_codes: Promo codes transactional_emails: Transactional emails days: one: "%{count} Day" other: "%{count} Days" referrers_by_revenue: Referrers by Revenue from_previous: "%{percentage} from previous" all_marketing_insights: All Marketing Insights navigation: check_back: Check back here for a bar graph of orders by primary navigation in a week. last_weeks_orders: Last Weeks Orders no_data: No data for navigation trends right now, check back in a week. title: Navigation tooltip: suggestion: 'The table on the left shows percentage improvement of orders for each navigation, comparing the last two full weeks. The graph on the right breaks down sales by navigation from the last week. Suggestion: sort your primary navigation by most orders.' trends: Trends trends_help: Trends Help orders: all_orders: All orders orders: Orders orders_dashboard: Orders dashboard payment_transactions: Payment transactions todays_orders: Today's orders yesterdays_orders: Yesterday's orders revenue: Revenue aov: AOV units_sold: Units Sold from_previous: "%{percentage} from previous" orders_graph: check_back: Check back here for a graph of orders in a few weeks. duration: For the past 12 full weeks orders: Orders title: Orders orders_summary: aov: AOV dates: last_week: Last Week past_month: Past Month past_six_months: Past Six Months past_three_months: Past Three Months today: Today yesterday: Yesterday orders_discounted: Orders Discounted revenue: Revenue title: Orders Summary total_orders: Total Orders units_sold: Units Sold people: administrators: Administrators all_people: All people customers: Customers people: People people_dashboard: People dashboard todays_signups: Today's signups returning_orders: Returning Orders from_previous: "%{percentage} from previous" insights: Insights new_vs_returning: New vs Returning new: New returning: Returning last_seven_days: Last 7 Days percent_orders_discounted: percent_orders_discounted: Percent Orders Discounted percent_orders_discounted_blank_message: Check back here for a graph of discount percentage in a few weeks. percent_orders_discounted_info: Percent Orders Discounted Info percent_orders_discounted_tooltip_content: For the past 12 full weeks, the percentage of orders that had some amount of discount in that week. recent_searches: recent_searches: Recent Searches recent_searches_blank_message: No data for recent searches right now, check back later. recent_searches_info: Recent Searches Info recent_searches_tooltip_content: These are the most recent searches performed on the site as of this page load. reports: average_order_value: Average Order Value title: Reports sales_over_time: Sales over Time sales_by_category: Sales by Category sales_by_country: Sales by Country sales_by_traffic_referrer: Sales by Traffic Referrer sales_by_product: Sales by Product sales_by_sku: Sales by SKU sales_by_discount: Sales by Discount searches: Searches customers: Customers first_time_vs_returning_sales: First-time vs Returning Sales view_full_report: View Full Report latest_insights: Latest Insights revenue: revenue_blank_message: No data for top %{revenue_name} right now, check back in a week. revenue_tooltip_html: The percentage of revenue your top selling %{revenue_name} have contributed over the last four weeks. top_revenue_html: Top %{revenue_name} By Revenue total_percent: Total % trending_info_html: Trending %{revenue_name} Info revenue_graph: revenue: Revenue revenue_blank_message: Check back here for a graph of revenue in a few weeks. revenue_info: Revenue Info revenue_info_tooltip_content_html: For the past 12 full weeks, in the default currency (%{currency}) search: search: Search search_dashboard: Search dashboard view_all_customizations: View all customizations searches: Searches insights: Insights from_previous: "%{percentage} from previous" searches_without_results: Searches Without Results search_abandonment: abandonment: Abandonment abandonment_info: Abandonment Info abandonment_info_tooltip_content: An abandoned search is one where the customer performs a search but leaves the page without clicking on any products. abandonment_rate_blank_message: Check back here for a graph of your search abandonment rate in a few weeks. abandonment_rate_for_the_last_three_months: Abandonment Rate for the Last Three Months searches_to_improve: Searches to Improve searches_to_improve_blank_message: Check back here for a list of searches you should improve in a few weeks. searches_to_improve_info: Searches to Improve Info searches_to_improve_info_tooltip_html: "<p>Your top 3% most searched over the last four weeks, sorted by worst abandonment rate. Suggestions for improvement:</p><ul><li>Select and sort featured products to improve results<li>Rewrite the query string to match customer expectations</li><li>Redirect to a curated category or page</li></ul>" settings: current_configuration: Current Configuration redirects: Redirects search: Search settings_dashboard: Settings dashboard shipping_services: Shipping services tax_categories: Tax categories time_zone: Time Zone times_in_seconds: assume all time values are in seconds title: Settings trash: Trash store: assets: Assets content_pages: Content pages home_page: Home page primary_navigation: Primary navigation store_dashboard: Store dashboard system_pages: System pages taxonomy: Taxonomy title: Store top_discounts: most_discount_given: Most Discount Given most_discount_given_info: Most Discount Given Info most_discount_given_info_tooltip_content: The discounts with the most total redeemed amount in the last four weeks. most_discounted_blank_message: Check back here for a list of your discounts with most redemption in a few weeks. most_redemptions: Most Redemptions most_redemptions_blank_message: Check back here for a list of your most redeemed discounts in a few weeks. most_redemptions_info: Most Redemptions Info most_redemptions_info_tooltip_content: The discounts sorted by most number of times redeemed in the last four weeks. top_discounts: Top Discounts top_products: no_data_for_top_products: No data for top products right now, check back in a week. top_products: Top Products top_products_info: Top Products Info top_products_tooltip_html: "<p>Products sorted by highest revenue for the last four weeks. Suggestions:</p><ul><li>Add these products to home page using the Product Insights content block</li><li>Feature these products at the top of their respective categories or search</li><li>Display these products in marketing emails or social media campaigns</li>" trending_products: no_data_for_trending_products: No data for trending products right now, check back in a week. trending_products: Trending Products trending_products_info: Trending Products Info trending_products_tooltip_html: "<p>Products sorted by the most improving weeks (over last four weeks) then sorted by percentage revenue improvement over that period of time. Suggestions:</p><ul><li>Add these products to home page using the Product Insights content block</li><li>Feature these products at the top of their respective categories or search</li><li>Display these products in marketing emails or social media campaigns</li></ul>" trends: down_from_last_period: Down %{amount}% from last period up_from_last_period: Up %{amount}% from last period upcoming_store_changes: create_one_now: Create one now no_changes_for_this_release: No changes for this release! no_upcoming_releases: There are no upcoming releases publishing on your site. upcoming_changes: Upcoming Changes upcoming_changes_info: Upcoming Changes Info upcoming_changes_tooltip_html: "<p>These are the next releases that will publish. Suggestions:</p><ul><li>Double check to make sure the changes are good</li><li>Add more changes for broader impact</li><li>Setup marketing campaigns to launch with these releases</li></ul>" view_changes: View Changes direct_uploads: processing_html: Processing image <span data-direct-upload-count='%{count}'>%{count}</span> of %{total} processing_warning: Processing in progress. Please try again after it completes. something_went_wrong: Something Went Wrong upload_failed: Review the list to find files that have failed and refresh before trying again. everything_went_great: Everything went great! upload_succeeded: Refreshing in a few seconds... drop_files_here: Drop files here to upload info: Open up your file manager, select the files you want, and drag them over this area file_name: Name file_status: Status pending_status: Pending... success_status: Success! failure_status: Failed! threshold_error: You must upload %{count} files or fewer that do not exceed a total file size of %{size}MB. Please adjust your selection and try again. product_match_error: No product matches %{id} formatting_error: File name format is invalid product_images: back: All Products heading: Product Image Bulk Upload instructions_html: > <p>Upload as many product images here as you like. The files must be named in the following way: <code>product-id.position.option.extension</code>. The <code>product-id</code> should match the product, <code>position</code> controls the ordering of the images on the product, and <code>option</code> should match the corresponding variation of the product this image represents (this part is optional). The extension will depend on the type of file. Some examples:</p> <ul> <li><code>001.0.jpg</code></li> <li><code>2134234.1.green.jpg</code></li> <li><code>00-abc.3.red.jpeg</code></li> </ul> facets: applied: clear_all: Clear All remove_filter: Remove filter price_inputs: from: From price_ranges_label: Price Ranges to: To 'false': 'No' featured_products: edit: browse_link: Browse products to add drag_instructions: Drag to sort products empty: You haven't featured any products yet. title: Featured products for %{featurable} flash_messages: added: "%{name} has been added" removed: "%{name} has been removed" select: details_html: You'll be able to sort these next. %{link} empty_html: No matching products found %{link} empty_link: Start Over instruction: Click products to add or remove them as featured sort_link: I'm done, go sort sort_now_link: Go sort now title: Select products for %{featurable} release_preview_warning: Changes to featured products for a release will not be reflected in release previewing. Changes will still apply at the time of publishing. fields: action: Action active: Active admin: Administrator allow_discounting: Allow Discounting allow_sale_items: Allow Sale Items allow_sale_items: Allow Sale Items amount: Amount automate_metadata: Automate Metadata available: Available Units avatar: Avatar average_order_value: Average Order Value backordered: Backordered Units backordered_units: Backordered Units backordered_until: Backordered Until body: Body breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs browser_title: Browser Title category: Category category_id: Category category_ids: Categories changes: Changes client_id: Client ID code: Code compatible_discount_ids: Compatible Discounts compatible_discounts: Compatible Discounts completed_at: Completed content: Content content_blocks: Content Blocks copied_from_id: Copied From count: Count country: Country created_at: Created created_by: Created By css: CSS customers: Customers customizations: Customizations data_file: Data File days_since_first_purchase: Days since First Purchase default_category: Default Category default_sort: Default Sort description: Description destination: Destination details: Details digital: Digital dimensions: Dimensions discountable: Allow Discounting discount: Discount discounts: Discounts display_name: Display Name email: Email ends_at: Ends At errors: Errors excluded_category_ids: Excluded Categories excluded_product_ids: Excluded Products expires_at: Expires featured: Featured featured_products: Featured Products file: File file_name: File Name filters: Filters first_name: First Name first_order_at: First Order At first_time_orders: First-time Orders from: From fulfillment_status: Fulfillment Status merchandise: Merchandise hidden_breakpoints: Hidden Breakpoints id: ID image: Image impersonate_after_create: Impersonate Now imports: Imports insights: Insights inventory: Inventory javascript: JavaScript last_impersonated_at: Last Impersonated At last_impersonated_by: Last Impersonated By last_name: Last Name last_order_at: Last Order At last_published: Last Published last_purchase: Last Purchase list: List matching_url: Matching URL medium: Medium meta_description: Meta Description min_quantity: Minimum Quantity msrp: MSRP name: Name new_customers: New Customers revenue: Net Sales no_taxonomy: No taxonomy on_sale: On Sale one: 1 field operator: Operator option: Option options: Options order: Order orders: Orders original_id: Original ID other: "%{count} fields" packaged_product_ids: Packaged Products pass: Pass password: Password path: Path payment_status: Payment Status payment_type: Payment Type percent: Percent percent_returning: Percent Returning percent_purchased_again: Purchased Again % period: Period permissions_manager: Permissions Manager placed_at: Placed policy: Tracking Policy prefix: Prefix price: Price pricing: Pricing product: Product product_id: Product product_ids: Products products_file: Products File publish_at: Publish At published_at: Published At publishes: Publishes purchasable: Purchasable purchased: Units Sold purchased_again: Purchased Again rate_count: Rate Count rates: Rates rates_file: Rates File redemptions: Redemptions redirect: Redirect region: Region regions: Regions regular: Regular Price related_product: Related Product reserve: Reserved Units reset_by: Reset by results: Results returning_orders: Returning Orders revenue: Revenue rewrite: Rewrite rules: Rules sale: Sale Price sale_price: Sale Price score: Score search: Search search_id: Search ID search_terms: Search Terms searches: Searches send_account_creation_email: Notify Them by Email service: Service services_file: Services File shipping: Shipping shipping_service_id: Shipping Service show_left_navigation: Show Left Navigation show_navigation: Show Navigation single_use: Single Use sku: SKU skus_file: SKUs File slug: URL sold: Units Sold source: Source spell_corrections: Spell Corrections spent: Spent started_at: Started starts_at: Starts At status: Status status_email_recipient: Status Email Recipient store_credit: Store Credit subscribed_user_ids: Notified Admins summary: Summary tags: Tags tax: Tax tax_category: Tax Category tax_code: Tax Code taxon_id: Taxonomy template: Template terms: Terms terms_facets_list: Filters thumbnail: Thumbnail tiered: Tiered to: To token: Token top_selling_product: Top Selling Product total: Total total_available: Total Available total_orders: Total Orders total_price: Total Price total_results: Total Results tracking_policy: Tracking Policy type: Type undo_at: Undo At units_sold: Units Sold updated_at: Updated url: URL user_tags: User Tags variants: Variants form: cancel: Cancel csv_field_note: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' save_changes: Save Changes unsaved_changed_message: You have unsaved changes, do you want to continue? fulfillments: show: by_carrier: by %{carrier} cancellations: Cancellations no_items_marked_cancelled: There are no items marked as cancelled. no_items_marked_shipped: There are no items marked as shipped. on_time_created_html: on %{time} status: Status packages: Packages page_title: Fulfillment for %{name} pending_items: Pending Items product: Product quantity: Quantity shipped: Shipped with_no_tracking_number: with no tracking number with_tracking_number_html: with tracking number %{tracking_number_link} guest_browsing: flash_messages: started: You are now browsing as a guest. stopped: You have stopped browsing as a guest. help: edit: body_label: Body body_note_html: Use %{markdown_link} for formatting. category_label: Category find_and_manage_help_assets: Find and manage help assets. index_link: All help manage_help_assets: Manage Help Assets matching_url_label: Matching Admin URL matching_url_note: Used to lookup suggested articles for a given page name_label: Name page_title: Edit %{name} save_help_article: Save Help Article summary_label: Summary thumbnail_label: Change Thumbnail thumbnail_note: Should be a square flash_messages: created: Your help article has been created removed: Your help article has been removed save_error: There was a problem saving your help article updated: Your help article has been updated index: add_new_article: Add New Article article: one: "%{count} Article" other: "%{count} Articles" community_forum_info_html: We've launched our community forum! You can get help from anyone in the Workarea community, from other retailers to the product team. <a href="https://community.workarea.com">Visit the community forum and get an answer today.</a> dashboard_link: Main dashboard edit: Edit edit_name: Edit %{name} manage_help_assets: Manage Help Assets page_title: Help search_placeholder: Find help articles by keywords title: Help new: body_label: Body body_note_html: Use %{markdown_link} for formatting. category_label: Category create_help_article: Create Help Article find_and_manage_help_assets: Find and manage help assets. index_link: All help manage_help_assets: Manage Help Assets matching_url_label: Matching Admin URL matching_url_note: Used to lookup suggested articles for a given page name_label: Name page_title: New Help summary_label: Summary thumbnail_label: Thumbnail thumbnail_note: Should be a square title: New Help Article show: dashboard_link: Help dashboard edit: Edit edit_name: Edit %{name} index_link: All help takeover: didnt_find_what_you_are_looking_for: Didn't find what you're looking for? edit: Edit edit_name: Edit %{name} related_articles_for_this_page: Related Articles for this Page search_placeholder: Find help articles by keywords title: Help view_all_help: View All Help help_assets: flash_messages: created: Your help asset has been created removed: Your help asset has been removed index: add_an_asset: Add an Asset all_help: All help assets: one: "%{count} Asset" other: "%{count} Assets" file: File link_copy_and_paste: Link (Copy and Paste into Markdown) not_applicable: N/A preview: Preview title: Help Assets data_file_mailer: export: download_html: "%{link} your %{name} %{type} export." download_link: Download subject: Here's your Workarea %{name} export import_error: subject: Your Workarea %{type} import of %{file} was a failure! message: Your import of %{name} could not complete. errors: 'Error info:' unknown: Unknown link_text: View %{name} import_failure: subject: Your Workarea %{type} import of %{file} completed with errors! message: Your import of %{name} could not complete. failed: '%{failed} of %{count} failed to import.' errors: 'The following errors occurred:' unknown: Unknown id: ID link_text: View %{name} import: subject: Your Workarea %{type} import of %{file} has completed successfully message: Your import of %{name} has completed! success: '%{count} imported successfully.' link_text: View %{name} data_file_tax_imports: flash_messages: processing: Your tax rates import is being processed. You will receive an email when the import completes. new: index_link: Tax Category title: New Tax Rate Import example_link: tax rates avalara_info: Avalara has rates in a compatible format available for free download. warning: This will replace all current tax rates for the selected tax category. data_file_exports: new: title: Export %{name} back: Back start_export: Start Export what_will_the_file_look_like: What will the file look like? formats: Formats where_will_the_file_go: Where will the file go? no_samples: No samples available. Try adding one manually and coming back. enter_your_email: Enter the email addresses to send the export to emails_note: 'Comma separated: developer@example.com, manager@example.com' flash_messages: processing: Your export is processing. We'll send you an email to let you know when it's done. data_file_imports: csv_notes_html: <h2 class="align-center">Additional Notes on CSV</h2> <ul> <li>The first line <em>must</em> include headers</li> <li>If you wish to ignore certain columns, omit the whole column</li> <li>Leave the <code>_id</code> field blank if you want to create a new item with an auto-generated id</li> <li>Blank cells will be ignored</li> <li>Multiple values (like tags or filters) are separated by a comma (<code>just, like, this</code>)</li> <li>For parents with children (e.g. products with variants), each child should be on its own line.</li> <li>You must define <code>_id</code> for new parent items if children items are included on other lines.</li> <li>Ensure you're using a UTF-8 encoding</li> </ul> new: title: Import %{name} back: Back start_import: Start Import note: File type is automatically detected. You'll get an email with results when it's done. what_should_the_file_look_like: What should the file look like? download_sample: Download a Sample formats: Formats what_are_the_rules_for_the_data: What are the rules for the data? no_samples: No samples available. Try adding one manually and coming back. create_import: Create Import example_file_link: See an example file flash_messages: processing: Your import is processing. We'll send you an email with the results when it's done. more_info_link: More info on Imports more_info_tooltip: Import using a CSV file. A CSV (comma-separated values) stores tabular data in plain text usage: download_step_html: Download our %{link} CSV template edit_step: Add your data to the rows below each column's header field. Columns must remain in the order provided, otherwise the data will not be saved to the expected location. export_step: Export your data to CSV. If using spreadsheet program use 'Export As' function and select CSV file format. more_link: Learn More open_step: 'Open the downloaded file in an application that supports CSVs. Note: this file can be opened in either a text editor or a spreadsheet program like Excel.' title: Using the CSV Importer upload_step: Upload the files and you're done. data_files: errors: error: Error page_title: Errors for %{name} %{type} dashboard_link: All Imports & Exports title: Errors for %{name} %{type} unknown_type: Unknown table: id_or_line: ID or Line Number field: Field message: Message index: dashboard_link: Settings dashboard export: Export import: Import info: Review details of imports and exports from the last %{duration} page_title: Imports & Exports showing: Showing %{count}, title: Imports & Exports view_exports: view exports view_imports: view imports imports_helper: field_validation_html: Requires %{type} of %{field} insights: icons: top_selling: Top Selling trending: Trending revenue: other_label: Other %{name} top_label: Top %{name} time_frames: last_week: Last Week past_month: Past Month past_six_months: Past Six Months past_three_months: Past Three Months past_year: Past Year this_week: This Week trend: down: "%{amount} down" no_change: "(no change)" positive: "+ %{amount}" time_range_html: "%{start} to %{stop}" up: "%{amount} up" # new ones insights_feed: Insights Feed week_ending: Week ending %{date} best_customers: title: Best Customers info: Best customers in terms of spend, orders and recency. best_full_price_customers: title: Best Full-Price Customers info: Best full-price customers in terms of spend, orders and recency. cold_products: title: Cold Products info: These products had the largest revenue drop from the week prior. growth: growth weeks_revenue: week's revenue cold_searches: title: Cold Searches info: These searches had the largest revenue drop from the week prior. growth: Growth term: Term weeks_revenue: Week's Revenue customer_acquisition: title: Customer Acquisition total_new_customers: total new customers customers_at_risk: title: Customers at Risk info: These high-value customers haven't purchased in a while. hot_products: title: Hot Products info: These products had the most revenue growth from the week prior. growth: growth weeks_revenue: week's revenue hot_searches: title: Hot Searches info: These searches had the most revenue growth from the week prior. growth: Growth term: Term weeks_revenue: Week's Revenue low_aov_customers: title: Low AOV Customers info: These customers purchase often, but have low order sizes. most_discount_given: title: Most Discount Given info: Your top discounts by the total amount of discount given. orders: one: "%{count} order" other: "%{count} orders" of_total_discounting: of total discounting most_discounted_products: title: Most Discounted Products info: See the performance of your most discounted products. average_discount: average discount discount_rate: sold at discount units_sold: units sold conversion_rate: conversion rate new_products: title: New Products info: Your new products created yesterday. non_sellers: title: Non-Sellers info: Products with views but no orders. views: views popular_searches: title: Popular Searches info: These searches were the most searched for this month. term: Term searches: Searches total_results: Total Results popular_searches_without_results: title: Popular Searches Without Results info: These are your most popular searches that aren't showing results. term: Term searches: Searches products_purchased_together: title: Products Purchased Together info: Top selling products last week with the product they are most commonly sold with. products_to_improve: title: Products to Improve info: Your top 10% most viewed products, sorted by conversion rate from worst to best. conversion_rate: conversion rate views: views promising_products: title: Promising Products info: Products with low views and high conversion rates. conversion_rate: conversion rate views: views release_reminder: title: Release Reminder! info: one: This release is scheduled to publish tomorrow. other: These releases are scheduled to publish tomorrow. repeat_purchase_rate: title: Repeat Purchase Rate info: How often new customers purchase again at 30, 60, and 90 days. sales_by_navigation: title: Sales By Navigation info: Your navigation menus by revenue. menu: Menu revenue: Revenue of_revenue: "% of Revenue" searches_to_improve: title: Searches to Improve info: Your top 10% most searched terms, sorted by conversion rate from worst to best term: Term conversation_rate: Conversion Rate searches: Searches star_products: title: Star Products info: Your top 10% most viewed products, sorted by conversion rate from best to worst. conversion_rate: conversion rate views: views star_searches: title: Star Searches info: Your top 10% most searched terms, sorted by conversion rate from best to worst. term: Term conversation_rate: Conversion Rate searches: Searches top_categories: title: Top Categories info: Your top categories by revenue. category: Category revenue: Revenue of_revenue: "% of Revenue" top_discounts: title: Top Discounts info: Your top discounts by revenue of the discounted orders. discount: Discount orders: Orders of_redemptions: "% of Redemptions" revenue: Revenue top_products: title: Top Products info: Your top products by revenue. of_total_revenue: of total revenue trending_products: title: Trending Products info: Your products with the most revenue-improving weeks and highest number of orders. improving_weeks: one: "%{count} improving week" other: "%{count} improving weeks" orders: one: "%{count} order" other: "%{count} orders" trending_searches: title: Trending Searches info: Your searches with the most revenue-improving weeks and highest number of orders. term: Term improving_weeks: Improving Weeks orders: Orders upcoming_releases: title: Upcoming Releases info: These are your next releases scheduled to be published. inventory_skus: aux_navigation: view_pricing: View Pricing view_product: View Product cards: available: 'Available:' backordered: 'Backordered:' policy: 'Policy:' purchased: 'Purchased:' reserve: 'Reserve:' edit: available_quantity: Available Quantity backordered_quantity: Backordered Quantity backordered_ship_date: Backordered Ship Date page_title: Attributes for inventory %{sku} reserved_quantity: Reserved Quantity save_sku: Save SKU sku: SKU tracking_policy: Tracking Policy tracking_policy_info_html: "<p><strong>Ignore:</strong> Always allow this SKU to be ordered.</p> <p><strong>Standard:</strong> Decrement the inventory in the available quantity field when this SKU is ordered.</p><p><strong>Allow Backorder:</strong> Decrement the inventory in the backorder quantity field when this SKU is ordered.</p><p><strong>Displayable When Out Of Stock:</strong> Always show this SKU on the storefront, even when it is out of stock.</p>" flash_messages: created: "%{id} has been created." removed: This inventory SKU has been removed saved: "%{id} has been saved." index: add_new_inventory_sku: Add New Inventory SKU heading: Inventory page_title: Inventory sku_pluralize: one: "%{count} SKU" other: "%{count} SKUs" new: available_quantity: Available Quantity backordered_quantiy: Backordered Quantity backordered_ship_date: Backordered Ship Date create_sku: Create SKU heading: New Inventory page_title: New inventory reserved_quantity: Reserved Quantity sku: SKU sku_placeholder: SKU123 tracking_policy: Tracking Policy show: page_title: Inventory %{sku} summary: available_sold: "%{available} Available, %{sold} Sold" type: Inventory SKU js: autocomplete_fields: placeholder: Type to Search datetime_picker: date: Date time: Time dropzone_message: add_assets: Quick Add instruction: Drop files here to upload them limitations_html: You can upload <strong>%{max_files} files</strong> at a time. Each file should be smaller than <strong>%{max_filesize}MB</strong> dropzone_preview: error: Error success: Success dropzones: count_uploaded: one: "%{count} Asset has been uploaded" other: "%{count} Assets have been uploaded" error: There is an issue with your upload. Please see below. file_too_big: This file exceeds the maximum upload size (%{filesize}MB). Please resize your file and try your upload again. navigate_away_confirmation: You are currently uploading Assets to the system. Are you sure that you want to navigate away from this page? refresh_this_page_html: "<a href='%{url}'> Refresh this page.</a>" refreshing_now_html: "<a href='%{url}'> Refreshing now...</a>" too_many_files: You can only upload %{filecount} files at a time. Refresh this page to upload more. inactive_blocks: button: Inactive Blocks message_dismiss_action: dismiss: Dismiss product_images_sortables: error_message: There was a problem saving your changes. success_message: Your changes have been saved. publish_with_release_menus: a_new_release: a new release loading: Loading... release_calendar_placeholder: error_message: There was a problem loading the calendar takeover: allow_one_takeover: 'WORKAREA.takeover.allowOneTakeover: you may only have one takeover open at a time.' toggle_filters: hide_filters: Hide Filters show_filters: Show Filters wysiwyg: bold: Bold bulleted_list: Bulleted List cancel: Cancel heading: Heading html: html insert: Insert insert_link: Insert Link italic: Italic link: Link numbered_list: Numbered List open_in_new_tab: Open in New Tab plain_text: Plain Text style: Style sub_heading: Sub Heading underline: Underline layout: account: Account alert: alert_title: Alert category: category description: description empty_category: empty category missing_categories: "%{product} missing categories" missing_description: "%{product} missing %{description}" missing_images: "%{product} missing images" missing_prices: "%{product} missing prices" missing_variants: "%{product} missing variants" low_inventory: "%{product} with low inventory" variants_missing_details: "%{product} with variants missing details" inconsistent_variant_details: "%{product} with inconsistent variant details" product: product publishes_on_and_has_no_changes: "%{release_name} publishes on %{release_publish_date} and has no changes" variant: variant avatar_title: Avatar for %{name} close_primary_menu: Close Primary Menu current_page: Current Page help: Help locale: Locale locale_help_text: When you see this icon, that means the field can have different information depending on the locale that the user is browsing in. log_out: Log Out most_visited: Most Visited most_visited_note: We'll track what pages you visit the most so you can quickly find them here later. open_primary_menu: Open Primary Menu remove_bookmark: Remove Bookmark saved_shortcuts: Saved Shortcuts search_placeholder: Find products, assets, categories, orders, etc... shortcuts: Shortcuts skip_to_main_content: Skip to Main Content skip_to_primary_menu: Skip to Primary Menu top_of_page: Top of Page mailer: title: "A message from %{host}" homepage_link: 'Go to Home Page' handy_links: Handy Links visit_storefront: Visit the Storefront your_account_on_the_storefront: Your Account on the Storefront edit_the_home_page: Edit the Home Page articles: Articles community_forum: Community Forum navigation_menus: edit: index_link: All Navigation name_label: Name name_placeholder: "(defaults to the name of the taxonomy you pick)" page_title: Attributes for %{menu} taxonomy_label: Taxonomy title: Edit %{name} Navigation flash_messages: created: Your menu has been created created_error: There was a problem creating your menu moved: Navigation has been moved removed: Your menu has been removed sorted: Menus have been sorted updated: Your menu has been updated updated_error: There was a problem updating your menu index: add_a_menu: Add a menu add_new: Add New dashboard_link: Store dashboard drag_to_rearrange: Drag to rearrange empty: No navigation! order_by: instruction_1: Build navigation content, sort manually or instruction_2_html: Base it on your %{taxonomy_link}. more_info: More Info on Why Navigation Should be Sorted By Orders preview: button: Looks good, update the order description: 'Sorting by orders will update your primary navigation to:' sort_by_orders: sort by orders tooltip: research_shows: Research shows navigation items higher in the list will get more clicks. So sorting your navigation items by orders will ensure navigation has the highest possible conversion rate. we_recommend: We recommend sorting your navigation items by their selling strength. page_title: Primary Navigation title: Primary Navigation new: create_a_category: Create a category create_a_page: create a page creation_prompt_html: "%{category_link} or %{page_link} to add it to the primary navigation. We'll guide you through setting it up." heading: Looking to add a new category or page? index_link: All Navigation instruction: Otherwise use this form to link up top level taxonomy into the primary navigation. link_up_taxonomy: Link up taxonomy name_label: Name name_placeholder: "(defaults to the name of the taxonomy you pick)" page_title: New Primary Navigation taxonomy_label: Taxonomy title: New Primary Navigation summary: content_block: one: "%{count} content block" other: "%{count} content blocks" inactive: Inactive type: Primary Navigation navigation_redirects: flash_messages: created: Redirect has been created. removed: Redirect has been removed. index: add: Add add_new: Add New created: Created dashboard_link: Settings dashboard destination_label: Redirect To destination_note: Can be any URL destination_placeholder: "/new/path.html" from: From import: Import Redirects modified: Modified page_title: Redirects path_label: Starting URL path_placeholder: "/old/path.html" redirects: one: "%{count} redirect" other: "%{count} redirects" search: Search search_placeholder: Search starting with (e.g. /foo) title: Redirects to: To summary: type: Navigation Redirect navigation_taxons: children: add_new_item: Add New Item drag_items_here: Drag items here! edit_name_navigation: Edit %{name} Navigation navigation: Primary Navigation edit: id_label: Name index_link: All taxonomy links_to: Links to... name_label: Name navigable_type_label: An Existing page_title: Attributes for %{name} properties: Properties title: Edit Taxonomy url_label: Or A Custom URL flash_messages: changes_error: There was a problem saving your changes. created: Your new taxonomy has been created created_error: There was a problem creating your taxonomy removed: This taxonomy has been removed updated: This taxonomy has been updated index: add_new_item: Add New Item dashboard_link: Store dashboard description_html: Organize the stuff in your site. You should probably base your %{primary_nav_link} content on this. drag_items_here: Drag items here! edit_name_navigation: Edit %{name} Navigation home: Home navigation: Navigation page_title: Taxonomy title: Manage Taxonomy insert: heading_step_1: Pick breadcrumbs heading_step_2: Drag and drop to sort, click to add as child. home: Home new: and_link_it_to: And link it to... id_label: Name index_link: All taxonomy name_label: Name name_placeholder: "(defaults to name of what you link it to)" navigable_type_label: An Existing page_title: New taxonomy save_taxonomy: Save Taxonomy title: Add Taxonomy url_label: Or A Custom URL select: none_selected: Selected taxon no longer exists. Reset to continue. reset_button: Reset taxon: add_new_item: Add New Item delete_taxon_confirmation: Remove %{name} from taxonomy? drag_to_rearrange: Drag to rearrange edit_name: Edit %{name} edit_name_title: Edit navigation_menu_info: Check out what this links to url: URL types: category: Category page: Page product: Product orders: attributes: checkout: title: Checkout customer: 'Customer:' ip_address: 'IP Address:' none: "(none)" placed: 'Placed:' placed_by: 'Placed By:' promo_codes: 'Promo Codes:' source: 'Source:' status: 'Status:' traffic_referrer: 'Traffic Referrer:' traffic_referrer_url: 'Referrer URL:' items: pricing: Pricing product: Product quantity: Quantity title: Items payment: address: Address empty: There are no tenders on this order. payment_tenders: Payment Tenders title: Payment shipping: address: Address empty: No shipping info for this order none: None shipping_service: Shipping Service title: Shipping title: "%{name} Details" totals: shipping: Shipping subtotal: Subtotal tax: Tax title: Totals total_price: Total Price total_value: Total Value cards: attributes: button: View Attributes total_price: 'Total Price:' total_value: 'Total Value:' fulfillment: button: View Fulfillment cancellations: 'Cancellations:' packages: 'Packages:' pending: 'Pending:' status: 'Status:' title: Fulfillment tracking_numbers: 'Tracking Numbers:' not_available: Fulfillment is not yet available for this order. payment: status: Status button: View Payment shipping: button: View Shipping index: dashboard_link: Orders Dashboard filters: order_placed: Order Placed placed_date: Filter by Order Placed Date price_range: Price Range summary: average: Average largest: Largest results: Results smallest: Smallest total: Total title: Orders total_price: Total Price payment_status: Payment Status fulfillment_status: Fulfillment Status placed: Placed summary: order: Order tenders: amount: Amount credit_card: issuer: Issuer number: Number title: Credit Card missing_tender: Missing Tender store_credit: title: Store Credit type: Type timeline: title: Timeline for %{name} authorize: success: Authorization on %{type} for %{amount} failure: Failed authorization for %{amount} canceled_fulfillment: one: Canceled fulfillment for 1 item other: Canceled fulfillment for %{count} items canceled: The order was marked canceled capture: success: Capture on %{type} for %{amount} failure: Failed capture for %{amount} checkout: Checkout started comment: Added a comment copied_html: Copied the order to %{link} created: The first item was added to the cart placed: The order was placed price_overridden: Added pricing overrides refund: success: Refund on %{type} for %{amount} failure: Failed refund for %{amount} shipped: one: Shipped 1 item other: Shipped %{count} items view_user: View %{user} payment: show: addresses: billing_address: Billing Address blank: No Address tenders: blank: There are no tenders in this order heading: Tenders title: Payment for %{order_name} transactions: action: Action amount: Amount blank: This order doesn't have any transactions creation: Creation details: Details heading: Transactions status: Status tender: Tender payment_transactions: aux_navigation: view_order_link: View Order %{id} index: dashboard_link: Orders Dashboard title: Payment Transactions order_link: Order %{id} transaction_pluralize: one: "%{count} Transaction" other: "%{count} Transactions" show: capture: captured_amount: Captured Amount none: None title: Capture transactions: Transactions heading: "%{type} Transaction" tender: title: Tender title: "%{type} Transaction on Order %{order_id}" transaction: action: Action amount: Amount canceled: Canceled canceled_at: Canceled At created_at: Created At message: Message more_link: Learn More response_parameters: Response Parameters response_tooltip: This is the raw data we've received from the gateway. status: Status title: Transaction status: canceled: canceled failure: failure success: success summary: order_info: Order %{order_id}, %{amount} title: Transaction payment_type: Payment Type tender: missing: missing title: Missing Tender prices: active: Active inactive: Inactive flash_messages: deleted: "%{sku} price has been deleted." error: There was a problem saving your SKU. saved: Your SKU has been saved. index: button: Add New Price label: Prices minimum_quantity: Minimum Quantity minimum_quantity_placeholder: '0' new: create_price: Create Price placeholder: '0.00' regular_price: Regular Price sale_price: Sale Price sale_price_default: "(defaults to regular)" title: Prices for %{sku} pricing: show: page_title: Pricing for %{name} pricing: Pricing product: Product promo_codes: Promo Codes quantity: Quantity shipping: Shipping shipping_charges: Shipping Charges subtotal: Subtotal tax: Tax total: Total total_price: Total Price totals: Totals pricing_discount_code_lists: cards: promo_codes: button: View Promo Codes generating: promo codes are being generated. last_used_at_html: Last used %{date} title: Promo Codes total: Total used: Used edit: title: '%{name} Promo Code List' update_code_list: Update Code List export_button: Create Export fields: count: Count count_note: Number of codes to generate expires_at: Expires At name: Name prefix: Code Prefix prefix_note: e.g. a prefix of "10GOLD" will generate unique codes like "10GOLD107d35" flash_messages: generated: Your promo codes are being generated. removed: The code list and its promo codes have been removed. saved_error: There was a problem saving your promo code list updated: The code list has been updated. index: button: Add New Code List dashboard_link: Marketing Dashboard description_html: Create lists of promo codes to use in %{link} description_link: discounts table: count: Count delete: Delete? expiration: Expiration list: List prefix: Prefix title: Promo Codes list_pluralize: one: "%{count} List" other: "%{count} Lists" name: Promo Code new: create_code_list: Create Code List title: New Promo Code List promo_code: one: '%{count} promo code' other: '%{count} promo codes' promo_codes: title: Promo Codes table: code: Code expires: Expires used: Used never: Never unused: Unused show: index_link: All Code Lists generating_codes: We're still generating codes for this list! You won't be able to delete, edit, or export promo codes until this is done. disabled_info: You can do this once we have finished generating the codes. summary: type: Promo Code List expires_at: Expires pricing_discounts: aux_navigation: view_orders: View Orders cards: attributes: deactivates: Autodeactivates edit: Edit header: Attributes rules: edit: Edit Rules header: Rules none: None insights: button: View Details old_label: Past month, orders: orders page_title: Insights on %{discount} revenue: revenue title: Insights units_sold: units sold young_label: This week, past_three_months: Past 3 Months discounts: discounts conditions: promo_code: list_help: You can allow more than one promo code for this discount by separating them with commas, e.g. SAVE20, SAVETWENTY. Or, select "is from" in the menu on the left to pick a list of generated promo codes. user_tag: list_help: You can allow more than one user tag for this discount by separating them with commas, e.g. vip, employee. edit: page_title: Attributes for %{name} flash_messages: removed: These changes have been removed saved: Your changes have been saved index: add_new: Add New Discount dashboard_link: Marketing dashboard discount: one: 1 discount other: "%{count} discounts" page_title: Discounts sparkline_title: Based on orders over the last three months options: application_automatically: automatically application_promo_code: when promo code code_list_select: select a promo code list for_everyone: for everyone promo_code_is: is promo_code_is_from: is from unlimited_applications: unlimited when_item_quantity: when item quantity when_order_total: when order total when_user_is_tagged: when user is tagged rules: compatible_note: Discounts that can be applied with this one excluded_categories_note: Exclude products in a category from qualification and value calculations excluded_products_note: Exclude products from qualification and value calculations description: Description page_title: Rules for %{name} redeem_once: Redeem once per email address redeem_unlimited: Redeem an unlimited number of times for anyone sale_items_notes: active: item: The order qualifies regardless of whether sale items are in the order. order: The order qualifies regardless of whether sale items are in the order. shipping: The order qualifies regardless of whether sale items are in the order. inactive: item: Sale items won't receive a discount. order: Deduction is based on the sum of regular priced items only. shipping: Orders made of only sale items don't qualify. show: deactivated_html: This discount was automatically deactivated on %{time} because it had not been redeemed in %{timespan}. disable_auto_deactivation: Turn off auto deactivation for this discount reactivate: Reactivate for now summary: redemption: one: 1 redemption other: "%{count} redemptions" type: Discount insights: chart_label: Revenue orders: Orders revenue: Revenue units_sold: units sold from_previous: "%{percentage} from previous" date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" insights_featuring_this_discount: Insights Featuring this Discount discounts: Discounts pricing_overrides: adjusted_unit_price: Adjusted Unit Price adjustment: Adjustment button: Return to Cart comment_placeholder: Leave a note about why you're adjusting the price of this order, additional info, etc. description: Here you can apply adjustments at a line item-level or to the entire order. disabled_item_field_info: You cannot adjust both subtotal and item pricing at the same time. Remove subtotal adjustment to edit item amounts. disabled_subtotal_field_info: You cannot adjust both subtotal and item pricing at the same time. Remove item adjustments to edit subtotal. flash_messages: error: There was a problem adjusting order pricing. success: Order pricing has been adjusted successfully. item_total: Item Total leave_a_comment: Leave a comment on the order product: Product proposed_pricing: Proposed Pricing quantity: Quantity title: Adjust pricing for %{name} unit_price: Unit Price pricing_skus: allow_discounting: Allow Discounting cards: prices: button: Manage Prices summary: for at least %{quantity} disallow_discounting: Disallow Discounting edit: title: Attributes for %{name} index: button: Add New Pricing SKU title: Pricing sku_pluralize: one: "%{count} SKU" other: "%{count} SKUs" msrp: MSRP msrp_placeholder: '0' new: create_sku: Create SKU title: New Pricing SKU not_on_sale: Not On Sale on_sale: On Sale saved: "%{sku} has been saved." show: view_inventory: View Inventory view_product: View Product sku: SKU sku_placeholder: SKU123 summary: inactive: Inactive pricing_sku: Pricing SKU tax_code: Tax Code tax_code_placeholder: '123' product_rules: card: button: Edit Product Rules description: 'Specify rules to determine which products will show here. Examples include:' empty_button: Add Product Rules example_1: Price is greater than $40 example_2: Only products that match "shirts" example_3: Products that are on sale header: Product Rules invalid_lucene_syntax: Search query contains invalid Lucene syntax. flash_messages: destroyed: That product rule has been removed error: There was a problem saving this rule. %{errors} saved: Your rule has been saved index: add_rule: Add a rule based on base_query_rule: Search query is "%{query}" no_rules: No rules setup page_title: Product Rules on %{name} preview: matching_product: one: 1 matching product other: "%{count} matching products" no_results: No products match these rules show_undisplayable: Show undisplayable products hide_undisplayable: Hide undisplayable products show_undisplayable_info: Products will display on the storefront if they are active, with active variants, and have available inventory. Undisplayable products matching these rules will be included if they become displayable at any point. show_undisplayable_info_link: Show all undisplayable products info fields: category: name: Category that does placeholder: Category A, Category B publish_authorization: unauthorized: You are not authorized to publish changes now. You may add these changes to a release. recommendations: edit: custom: 'Custom:' drag_to_reorder_priority: Drag to reorder priority page_title: Recommendations for %{product} save_recommendations: Save Recommendations flash_messages: changes_error: There was a problem saving your changes. saved: Recommendations have been saved. sources: custom: Custom Administrated purchased: Users Also Purchased similar: Most Similar Products releasables: creatable: add_category: Add Category add_discount: Add Discount add_page: Add page add_product: Add Product or_find_something_to_release: or find something to release ↓ plan_changes_for: Plan changes for %{release_name} releases: calendar: title: Release Calendar add_new_release: Add New Release next_week: Next Week previous_week: Previous Week today: Today cards: attributes: button: Edit Attributes created: 'Created:' last_published: 'Last Published:' last_undone: 'Last Undone:' modified: 'Modified:' never: "(never)" none: "(none)" publishes: 'Publishes:' tags: 'Tags:' title: Attributes undo_at: 'Undo at:' unscheduled: "(unscheduled)" plan_changes: button: Plan changes release_not_published_1: Releases allow you to make storefront changes that publish later. release_not_published_2: You can schedule publishing or publish manually. release_published_html: This release has been published. You can schedule republishing in %{attributes_link} title: Plan Changes planned_changes: button: View Changes changes: Changes empty_note: You can view and manage changes for this release once they are planned. planned: Planned edit: index_link: All releases last_published_at: Last Published at last_undone_at: Last Undone At name: Name none: "(none)" page_title: Attributes for %{name} publish_at: Publish at save_changes: Save Changes tags: Tags tags_note: 'Comma separated: just, like, this' undo_at: Undo at flash_messages: published: Your release has been published. It may take a few moments to apply changes. removed: This release has been removed reverted: Your release has been reverted. saved: Your release has been saved. saved_error: There was a problem saving your release. index: add_new_release: Add New Release dashboard_link: Main dashboard instruction: Use releases to plan upcoming changes for your site. Click on a day to begin planning. Releases are managed and published in the %{time_zone} time zone. never: "(never)" page_title: Releases title: Releases unscheduled_releases: Unscheduled releases unscheduled: Unscheduled view_calendar: View Calendar add_to_calendar: link_text: Add to Calendar tooltip: apple_calendar: Apple Calendar outlook: Outlook google_calendar: Google Calendar google_calendar_instructions_html: > <p>Your Google Calendar feed URL is</p> <p><input class='text-box' type='text' id='calendar_feed_url_field' value='%{calendar_feed_url}'></p> <p> Import this feed into your calendar by following these steps: <ol> <li>Copy the above URL</li> <li>Log into Google Calendar</li> <li>Navigate to <strong>Settings > Add Calendar > From URL</strong></li> <li>Paste your calendar feed URL into the text box</li> <li>Click the <strong>Add Calendar</strong> button</li> </ol> </p> new: add: Add name: Name name_of_new_release: Name of New Release select: live_site: the live site publish_with: Publish with %{release} publishing_now: Publishing now reminder_html: Still working on this?<br>%{yes_link} or %{no_link} view: View view_release: View Release show: index_link: All releases plan_changes_to_preview: Plan some changes to preview this release publish_now: Publish Now republish_now: Republish Now start_preview_in_storefront: Start preview in storefront undo: Undo visit_storefront_to_preview: Visit storefront to preview no_changes_to_preview: There are no changes to preview. Click on the Plan Changes card to start! no_changes_to_publish: There are no changes to publish for this release. Click on the Plan Changes card to start! no_changes_to_undo: There are no changes to undo for this release. Click on the Plan Changes card to start! user_cannot_publish_info: You do not have permission to publish a release. cannot_undo_info: You cannot undo a release that's not published or already undone. user_cannot_undo_info: You do not have permission to undo a release. summary: change: one: "%{count} Change" other: "%{count} Changes" release: Release publish: title: Publish %{name} subtitle: When does it go live? activate: activate active: Active inactive: Inactive never: I'll decide later now: Now release_name: Release name when_does_it_publish: When does it publish? with_a_new_release: With a new release with_release: With %{release_name} which_release_placeholder: Mother's Day %{year} feed: name: "%{site_name} Site Releases" view_release: "View Release: %{url}" starts_on: Starts on %{date} ends_on: Ends on %{date} no_undo_date: There is no undo date set for this release. reports: all_reports: View All Reports average_order_value: title: Average Order Value date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" by: by export_results: Export All Results back: Back full_results_html: "Showing all %{count} results. %{export_link}" group_by_time: uneven_day_distribution: Some days may show more or less than others, since your date range isn't an even number of weeks. partial_results_html: "Showing first %{count} results. To see all, %{export_link}" export_results: Export results unknown: Unknown export: where_will_the_file_go: Where will the file go? enter_email: Enter email start_export: Start Export emails_note: 'Comma separated: developer@example.com, manager@example.com' first_time_vs_returning_sales: title: First-time vs Returning Sales date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" by: by export_results: Export All Results flash_messages: success: Your export is being generated, and will be emailed as soon as it's done. insights: title: Insights all_insights: All Insights low_inventory: title: Low Inventory reference: title: Reports Reference intro: This page serves as a reference for terms and ideas used throughout the reporting area. terms: Terms units_sold: Units Sold units_sold_description: The number of individual quantity of order items, summed orders: Orders orders_description: The total number of placed orders merchandise: Merchandise merchandise_description: The total cost of items (including customization fees), before discounting, shipping, or taxes discounts: Discounts discounts_description: The total of all discounts, including item discounts, shipping discounts, and order level discounts shipping: Shipping shipping_description: The total shipping charges, before shipping discounts have been applied. tax: Tax tax_description: The total tax collected. revenue: Revenue revenue_description: Total money collected - on orders, this includes merchandise, discounts, shipping and taxes. For item level reports, this is the merchandise and tax. average_order_value: Average Order Value average_order_value_description: The revenue dividing by the number of orders first_time_orders: First-time Orders first_time_orders_description: Orders placed with an email address matching no previous orders returning_orders: Returning Orders returning_orders_description: Orders placed with an email address that also has at least one previous order searches: Searches searches_description: The number of times these terms have been searched search_id: Search ID search_id_description: The unique ID of a set of search terms. The terms are stemmed to remove endings. This ensures different search terms with slight language variations (e.g. different tense, plurals) are counted the same. discrepancies: Discrepancies discrepancies_description: Often times, retailers will contact their implementer wondering why Workarea reports and insights may not exactly match a third-party analytics system like Google Analytics, Omniture, Coremetrics, etc. Some of the major causes of this below. definitions: Definitions definitions_description: Differences in the way terms are defined, like "sessions" and "uniques". browser_configuration: Browser Configuration browser_configuration_description: Users can disable JavaScript and cookies, both of which are used by most major analytics software (Workarea uses both for tracking too). time_delay: Time Delay time_delay_description_html: Report data display is refreshed no more than once per hour in Workarea. Other platforms (looking at you, Google Analytics) may have a longer or shorter time delay when displaying data. time_zones: Time Zones time_zones_description_html: All Workarea reports and insights are tracked in the time zone configured by the implementer. The current time zone configured for this admin is <code>%{time_zone}</code>. insights: Insights insights_description: Insights are generated on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis (depending on the insight). You can tell how often an insight is generated by the green time pill in the top right. A month name indicates monthly, "week ending" indicates weekly, and a date indicates daily. Each insight represents data from a snapshot in time. reference_link_html: Questions? See our <a href="%{path}">reports reference</a>. customers: title: Customers export_results: Export All Results results_filter: Results Filter filters: all: All Customers returning: Returning Customers one_time: One-Time Customers sales_by_category: title: Sales by Category date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" export_results: Export All Results sales_by_country: title: Sales by Country date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" export_results: Export All Results sales_by_discount: title: Sales by Discount date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" export_results: Export All Results sales_by_product: title: Sales by Product date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" export_results: Export All Results sales_by_sku: title: Sales by SKU date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" export_results: Export All Results sales_by_traffic_referrer: title: Sales by Traffic Referrer date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" export_results: Export All Results sales_over_time: title: Sales over Time date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" by: by export_results: Export All Results searches: title: Searches date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" export_results: Export All Results results_filter: Results Filter filters: all: All Searches with_results: Searches with results without_results: Searches without results reports_mailer: export: subject: Here's your %{name} export download_link: Download your %{name} export. search: creation_date: Creation Date creation_date_filter: Filter by Creation Date end_date: End Date go: Go keywords: Keywords reset_filters: Reset Filters show_filters: Show Filters sort_by: Sort By start_date: Start Date submit: Submit search_customizations: analyze: title: Search Analysis description: This is intended to help more advanced or technical people understand what's going on behind the scenes for a given search. tokens: Tokens token_help: When performing a search, Elasticsearch breaks down the terms into pieces or "tokens". This list will show you the break down, including terms-splitting, stemming, and synonyms. rendering: Rendering rendering_help: This list is the "middleware" that Workarea uses to render searches. Each step of this chain can pass (do nothing), alter the search response, or declare "this search is done". In the right column, a down arrow indicates this step did nothing, it passed down to the next step. A checkbox indicates this step was the final one, and declared "I know how to respond". An X indicates this step didn't run, because a previous one decided it was final. ranking: Ranking ranking_help_html: This will illustrate how Workarea ranked the results. If there's a check in the Featured column, this result is here due to the Featured Products functionality available in the card above. The score comes from Elasticsearch's interal ranking system and Workarea's customization to that. It's based in an algorithm called TD/IDF. You can read more about that <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tf–idf" target="_blank">here</a>. no_results: There are no results to rank. cards: analyze: title: Analyze description: See what Workarea does to generate the results for this search. attribtes: active: 'Active:' redirect: 'Redirect:' rewrite: 'Rewrite:' search_id: 'Search ID:' search_terms: 'Search Term(s):' featured_products: add_featured_products: Add Featured Products featured_products_description: Featured products appear at the top of the search results. They can be whatever products you'd like. manage_featured_product: Manage Featured Products no_featured_products: No featured products. title: Featured Products insights: abandonments: abandonments past_month: Past month, searches: searches this_week: This week, title: Insights total_results: total results view_details: View Details past_three_months: Past 3 Months orders: orders revenue: revenue units_sold: units sold edit: miscellaneous: Miscellaneous official_lucene_documentation: the official Lucene documentation page_title: Attributes for %{customization} query_rewrite: Query Rewrite query_rewrite_info: 'Example: Results for "scarves" are including poncho products because both are in a category called "Scarves & Ponchos". Rewrite the query "scarves" to "scarves -poncho" to exclude poncho products. Full documentation on query syntax available at' redirect: Redirect redirect_info: Send users to a specific URL for this search. If present, this is the only result customization that will have any effect. redirect_url: Redirect URL redirect_url_placeholder: http://%{host}/products/widget rewritten_query: Rewritten Query search_id: Search ID search_terms: Search Term(s) flash_messages: created: Created a customization for '%{query}' removed: Customizations for '%{query}' has been removed. saved: Your results customization has been saved. saved_error: There was a problem saving your results customization. index: add_new_customization: Add New Customization featured_products: Featured Products page_title: Search Customizations popular_searches: Popular searches redirect: Redirect? rewrite: Rewrite? search_customizations: Search Customizations search_dashboard: Search dashboard search_id: Search ID search_terms: Search Term(s) sparkline_title: Based on number of searches over the last three months term_to_customize: Term to customize insights: abandonments: abandonments abandonments_label: Abandonments page_title: Insights on %{customization} searches: Searches searches_label: Searches from_previous: "%{percentage} from previous" date_range: "%{starts_at} to %{ends_at}" orders: Orders revenue: Revenue units_sold: Units Sold insights_featuring_this_search: Insights Featuring this Search show: index_link: All search customizations search_settings: flash_messages: saved: Search settings have been saved. show: boosts: field_weight: Field Weight field_weight_description: Define which fields are most important when calculating sort. Values are multipliers, and only need to be relative to one another. A zero will remove that field from being matched. product_popularity: Product Popularity product_popularity_description: Tune the effect of product popularity on search result sorting. A factor greater than 1 increases the effect, and a factor less than 1 decreases the effect. title: Boosts button: Save Search Settings dashboard_link: Settings Dashboard filters: description: Define what filters should be shown on search results and categories. title: Filters synonyms: description: Define groups of search terms that should return the same result. phrase_example: united states,u s a,united states of america => usa phrase_example_description: 'You can create synonym functionality out of a phrase like so:' simple_example: "tshirt, t-shirt, tee-shirt \nskirt, skort" simple_example_description: 'Enter one synonym group per line, for example:' title: Synonyms title: Search Settings searches: show: all_searches: Everything dashboard_link: Main dashboard go: Go less_specific: Try a less specific search. no_results: No results! results_for: Showing results for %{params} show_filters: Show Filters sort_by: Sort by title: Search results shared: activate_select: when_does_this_activate: When does this activate bulk_actions: import: Import export: Export selected: selected csv_formatting_tooltip: escaping_commas_example: 'Escaping commas: "Red, White, and Blue"' escaping_double_quote_example: 'Escaping a double quote character: "6"""' example: Example tooltip_content_html: 'Quotes ["] and commas [,] will not be recognized unless you <strong>escape</strong> the value with double quotes ""' release_slug: learn_more: Learn More tooltip_content_html: 'You are currently making changes in a release. Slugs for releasable items cannot be changed within a release. To change the slug for this item, select "live site" in the release dropdown.' pagination: next: Next prev: Previous primary_nav: administrators: Administrators all_orders: All Orders all_people: All People assets: Assets average_order_value: Average Order Value back_filtered_link: Filtered %{resource} back_link: All %{resource} catalog: Catalog categories: Categories content_pages: Content Pages create_one: Create One customers: Customers customizations: All Customizations data_files: Imports & Exports discounts: Discounts email_signups: Email Signups home_page: Home Page imports: Create Import inventory: Inventory insights: Insights main_dashboard: Main dashboard marketing: Marketing no_upcoming_releases: No upcoming releases not_scheduled: not scheduled orders: Orders payment_transactions: Payment transactions people: People pricing: Pricing primary_navigation: Primary Navigation products: Products promo_codes: Promo Codes redirects: Redirects releases: Releases reports: Reports sales_by_discount: Sales by Discount sales_by_product: Sales by Product sales_by_traffic_referrer: Sales by Traffic Referrer sales_over_time: Sales over Time search: Search search_placeholder: Find products, assets, categories, orders, etc... searches: Searches settings: Settings shipping_services: Shipping Services site_planner: Site Planner store: Store system_pages: System Pages tax_categories: Tax Categories taxonomy: Taxonomy todays_orders: Today's Orders todays_signups: Today's Signups transactional_emails: Transactional Emails trash: Trash yesterdays_orders: Yesterday's Orders publishing_select: when_do_these_changes_publish: When do these changes publish warning_message: You do not have permission to publish to the live site. Select or create a release before continuing. shipping_services: edit: button: Save Shipping Service title: Attributes for %{service} flash_messages: created: The shipping service has been created removed: The shipping service has been removed saved: Your changes have been saved index: button: Add New Shipping Service dashboard_link: Settings Dashboard import: Import Services label: shipping service table: country: Country rate_count: Rate Count regions: Regions shipping_service: Shipping Service tiered: Tiered title: Shipping Services service_pluralize: one: "%{count} Service" other: "%{count} Services" new: create_shipping_service: Create Shipping Service title: New Shipping Service options: not_specified: Not Specified regions_note: "Comma separated: PA, NJ, NY" shipping_rates: max_value: Max Value min_value: Min Value price: Price title: Shipping Rates shippings: index: address: Address carrier: Carrier details: Details charges: Charges items: Items name: Name no_shipping_address: No shipping address no_shipping_service: No shipping service page_title: Shipping for %{order} service: Service service_code: Service Code instructions: Delivery Instructions tax_code: Tax Code not_applicable: N/A items: Items show: address: Address carrier: Carrier charges_due_to_shipping: Charges Due to Shipping name: Name no_shipping_address: No shipping address no_shipping_service: No shipping service page_title: Shipping for %{order} service: Service service_code: Service Code tax_code: Tax Code status_report_mailer: alerts: empty_categories: Empty categories products_without_categories: Products without categories products_without_descriptions: Products without descriptions products_without_images: Products without images products_without_prices: Products without prices products_without_variants: Products without variants products_with_low_inventory: Products with low inventory products_with_variants_missing_details: Products with variants missing details products_with_inconsistent_variant_details: Products with inconsistent variant details title: Alerts upcoming_empty_releases: Upcoming empty releases orders: average_order_value: 'AOV:' orders_discounted: 'Orders Discounted:' revenue: 'Revenue:' title: Orders total_orders: 'Total Orders:' units_sold: 'Units Sold:' discounts: 'Discounts:' customers: 'Customers:' title: Daily Status Report summary: last_updated: 'Last updated %{timestamp} ago' tax_categories: cards: attributes: code: 'Code:' rates: button: Manage Rates empty: No rates to show. empty_button: Add Rates from_minimum: from %{rate} title: Rates to_maximum: to %{rate} edit: button: Save Tax Category title: Attributes for %{category} fields: name: Name tax_code: Tax Code flash_messages: created: The tax category has been created removed: The tax category has been removed saved: Your changes to the tax category have been saved index: dashboard_link: Settings dashboard description_html: Setup how to charge tax. Linked to %{pricing_link} and %{shipping_link} by tax codes. empty_button: Create one empty_html: No tax categories found. %{button}. import_link: Import Rates new_button: Add new tax category pricing_link: Pricing shipping_link: Shipping Services table: code: Code created: Created imports: Imports modified: Modified rates: Rates tax_category: Tax Category title: Tax categories category_pluralize: one: "%{count} Category" other: "%{count} Categories" new: create_tax_category: Create Tax Category title: New Tax Category usage: help_link: How to Import Tax Rates info: Tax Categories allow merchants to specify different tax rules for different classes of goods. For example, grocery items and clothing items may be subject to different tax rules based on your store's jurisdiction. instruction_html: Before getting started, please refer to the %{help_link} help article for more information on managing tax categories. title: Using Tax Categories tax_rates: index: button: Import and replace empty_button: Import tax rates not_applicable: N/A table: charge_on_shipping: Charge on Shipping country: Country max_value: Max Value max_value_link: More Info on Max Value max_value_tooltip: Maximum value represents the highest order total on which a tax rate can be charged. min_value: Min Value min_value_link: More Info on Min Value min_value_tooltip: Minimum value represents the lowest order total on which a tax rate can be charged. percentage: Percentage postal_code: Postal Code region: Region title: Rates for %{category} timeline: card: button: View Timeline description: When some changes have occurred or are scheduled, they will be displayed here. title: Timeline delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete these changes? edit: Edit no_activity: No activity to show timeline_for: Timeline For today: Today upcoming_changes: Upcoming Changes toolbar: adjust_order_pricing: Adjust Order Pricing admin_model_view: View %{model} admin close_primary_menu: Close Primary Menu edit_content: Edit Content inactive_message: '%{model} is not active' managing_changes_for: Managing changes for open_primary_menu: Open Primary Menu search: search search_placeholder: search the admin for products, assets, categories, orders, etc search_title: find products, assets, categories, orders, etc... stop_guest_browsing: Stop Guest Browsing stop_impersonation: Stop Impersonation view: view trash: flash_messages: success: This has been restored error: There was a problem restoring this! unauthorized: You do not have permission to restore this! index: main_dashboard: Main dashboard title: Trash description: Here you can see things that have been deleted. Items will stay in the trash for three months. Some items can be restored. empty: There's currently no trash to show. Go delete something! 'true': 'Yes' users: addresses: empty: No saved addresses. title: Addresses for %{user} cards: insights: average_order_value: AOV button: View Details empty: No data yet. order: order spent: Spent title: Insights past_three_months: Past 3 months revenue: revenue first_order: first order last_order: last order not_applicable: N/A orders: button: View Orders empty: No orders title: Orders permissions: button: Manage Permissions title: Permissions saved_addresses: button: View Addresses empty: No saved addresses. title: Saved Addresses edit: button: Save User title: Attributes for %{user} avatar_tooltip: Avatar Info avatar_tooltip_content: Images should be at least 80 x 80 pixels. Files not matching these dimensions will be resized and cropped. avatar_delete: Delete Avatar? email_signup: Email Signup? flash_messages: changes_saved: Your changes have been saved saved: Your changes have been saved started: You are now browsing as %{email} stopped: Impersonation for this user has been stopped. created: This account has been created error: There was an error saving this account index: add_new: Add New Account browse_as_guest: Browse As Guest dashboard_link: People Dashboard export: export stop_guest_browsing: Stop Guest Browsing title: People user_pluralize: one: "%{count} User" other: "%{count} Users" insights: average_order_value: Average Order Value day: Day empty: No order data on this person yet. frequency: Frequency month: Month recently_viewed: categories: Categories none: "(none)" products: Products searches: Searches title: Recently Viewed title: Insights on %{user} total_orders_placed: Total Orders Placed total_spent: Total Spent value: Value week: Week year: Year discounts: Discounts total_orders: Total Orders first_order_at: First Order last_order_at: Last Order ranking: Ranking orders: Orders revenue: Revenue aov: AOV insights_for_this_customer: Insights for this Customer percentile: percentile login: never: Never logged in time_ago: "%{period} ago" name_types: email: email name: name orders: order: Order title: Orders for %{user} order_pluralize: one: "%{count} Order" other: "%{count} Orders" permissions: access_to_administration: Access to administration admin: Admin admin_access: Admin Access admin_areas: Admin Areas button: Save Permissions can_grant_or_revoke_permissions: Can grant or revoke permissions can_publish_now: Can publish to the live site can_publish_now_info: Publish now permission information can_publish_now_message: Admin users with this permission can make changes to the live site. Users without the permission are required to assign changes to a release, if possible, and cannot publish or schedule releases. can_restore_deleted_items: Can restore deleted items from trash cannot_be_changed: "This person is a super admin, so you can't change their permissions here. You'll need a developer to revoke this permission from the Rails console." catalog: Catalog help: Help marketing: Marketing orders: Orders people: People releases: Releases reports: Reports search: Search settings: Settings status_email: Receive daily updates about store activity store: Store title: Permissions for %{user} roles: admin: admin customer: customer show: cant_impersonate_other_administrators: You can't impersonate other administrators. cant_impersonate_yourself: You can't impersonate yourself. impersonate_customer: Impersonate This Customer impersonation_link: Impersonation Info impersonation_tooltip: Impersonating another administrator would allow you to steal their permissions stop_impersonation: Stop Impersonation impersonate: Impersonate summary: admin_user: Admin User order: Order user: User email_signups: flash_messages: destroyed: Email Signup has been removed index: page_title: Email Signups heading: Email Signups dashboard_link: Marketing dashboard export_button: Create Export signup_pluralize: one: "%{count} Signup" other: "%{count} Signups" summary: type: Email Signup