module Spree module Api class OrdersController < Spree::Api::BaseController skip_before_filter :check_for_user_or_api_key, only: :apply_coupon_code skip_before_filter :authenticate_user, only: :apply_coupon_code # Dynamically defines our stores checkout steps to ensure we check authorization on each step. Order.checkout_steps.keys.each do |step| define_method step do find_order authorize! :update, @order, params[:token] end end def cancel find_order authorize! :update, @order, params[:token] @order.cancel! render :show end def create authorize! :create, Order @order = Order.build_from_api(current_api_user, order_params) respond_with(@order, default_template: :show, status: 201) end def empty find_order authorize! :update, @order, order_token @order.empty! @order.update! render text: nil, status: 200 end def index authorize! :index, Order @orders = Order.ransack(params[:q])[:page]).per(params[:per_page]) respond_with(@orders) end def show find_order authorize! :show, @order, order_token method = "before_#{@order.state}" send(method) if respond_to?(method, true) respond_with(@order) end def update find_order(true) authorize! :update, @order, order_token # Parsing line items through as an update_attributes call in the API will result in # many line items for the same variant_id being created. We must be smarter about this, # hence the use of the update_line_items method, defined within order_decorator.rb. order_params.delete("line_items_attributes") if @order.update_attributes(order_params) deal_with_line_items if params[:order][:line_items] @order.line_items.reload @order.update! respond_with(@order, default_template: :show) else invalid_resource!(@order) end end def mine if current_api_user.persisted? @orders = current_api_user.orders.ransack(params[:q])[:page]).per(params[:per_page]) else render "spree/api/errors/unauthorized", status: :unauthorized end end ## # Applies a promotion code to the user's most recent order # This is a temporary API method until we move to next Spree release which has this logic already in this commit. # # # # Source references: # # # def apply_coupon_code find_order authorize! :update, @order, order_token @order.coupon_code = params[:coupon_code] # result = result[:coupon_applied?] ||= false # Move flash.notice fields into success if applied # An error message is in result[:error] if result[:coupon_applied?] && result[:notice] result[:success] = result[:notice] end # Need to turn hash result into object for RABL # @coupon_result = render status: @coupon_result.coupon_applied? ? 200 : 422 end private def deal_with_line_items line_item_attributes = params[:order][:line_items] line_item_attributes.each_key do |key| # need to call .to_hash to make sure Rails 4's strong parameters don't bite line_item_attributes[key] = line_item_attributes[key].slice(*permitted_line_item_attributes).to_hash end @order.update_line_items(line_item_attributes) end def order_params if params[:order] params[:order][:payments_attributes] = params[:order][:payments] if params[:order][:payments] params[:order][:shipments_attributes] = params[:order][:shipments] if params[:order][:shipments] params[:order][:line_items_attributes] = params[:order][:line_items] if params[:order][:line_items] params[:order][:ship_address_attributes] = params[:order][:ship_address] if params[:order][:ship_address] params[:order][:bill_address_attributes] = params[:order][:bill_address] if params[:order][:bill_address] params.require(:order).permit(permitted_order_attributes) else {} end end def permitted_order_attributes if current_api_user.has_spree_role? "admin" super << admin_order_attributes else super end end def permitted_shipment_attributes if current_api_user.has_spree_role? "admin" super << admin_shipment_attributes else super end end def admin_shipment_attributes [:shipping_method, :stock_location, :inventory_units => [:variant_id, :sku]] end def admin_order_attributes [:import, :number, :completed_at, :locked_at, :channel] end def next!(options={}) if @order.valid? && render :show, status: options[:status] || 200 else render :could_not_transition, status: 422 end end def find_order(lock = false) @order = Spree::Order.lock(lock).find_by!(number: params[:id]) end def before_delivery @order.create_proposed_shipments end end end end