flf2a 1 1 3 -1 13 0 0 Terminal by Glenn Chappell 4/93 Includes characters 128-255 Enhanced for Latin-2,3,4 by John Cowan Latin character sets supported only if your screen font does figlet release 2.2 -- November 1996 Permission is hereby given to modify this font, as long as the modifier's name is placed on a comment line. Double-checked by Paul Burton 12/96. Added the new parameter supported by FIGlet and FIGWin. Unlike all other FIGfonts, this one is intended to produce output exactly the same as the input unless a control file is used. Therefore it produces the SAME output for smush, kern or fit. @ !@ "@ #@ $@ %@ &@ '@ (@ )@ *@ +@ ,@ -@ .@ /@ 0@ 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ 8@ 9@ :@ ;@ <@ =@ >@ ?@ @# A@ B@ C@ D@ E@ F@ G@ H@ I@ J@ K@ L@ M@ N@ O@ P@ Q@ R@ S@ T@ U@ V@ W@ X@ Y@ Z@ [@ \@ ]@ ^@ _@ `@ a@ b@ c@ d@ e@ f@ g@ h@ i@ j@ k@ l@ m@ n@ o@ p@ q@ r@ s@ t@ u@ v@ w@ x@ y@ z@ {@ |@ }@ ~@