= RubyGems Release History == Release 0.8.3: Dec 7, 2004 * Added workaround for the null byte in Dir string issue. (see http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-talk/121702). (Thanks to Mauricio Fern�ndez for the quick response on this one). * Added workaround for old version of Zlib on windows that caused Ruwiki to fail to install. (see http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-talk/121770) * Added workaround for large YAML file issues. (We dynamically cut down the size of the source index YAML file and seem to have worked around immediate issues. * A user specific source index cache can be used when the site-wide cache is unwritable (i.e. because you are running as a non-admin). This *greatly* speeds up gem commands run in non-admin mode when the site-wide cache is out of date. * The gem command now used an HTTP HEAD command to detect if the server's source index needs to be downloaed. * gem check gemname --test will run unit tests on installed gems that have unit tests. == Release 0.8.1: Sep 14, 2004 * Quick release to capture some bug fixes. == Release 0.8.0: Sep 12, 2004 * Remove need for library stubs. Set the RUBYOPT environment variable to include "rrubygems", and a normal require will find gem files. Continue to use 'require_gem gem_name, version' to specify gem versions. * Deprecated "test_suite_file" gemspec attribute in favor of "test_files" array. * Generates rdoc by default on installs. * Adopted tar/gzip file format, thanks to Mauricio Fernandez. * "gem rdoc" allows generation of rdoc after gem installation (will add a "gem test" * Application stubs can now accept an optional parameter of _VERSION_ that will run an arbitrary version of the application requested. * Various bug fixes * Various platform-independency improvements * "gem spec --all" displays spec info for all installed version of a given gem. * Dynamic caching of sources * Support for user-definable sources on the command line (thanks Assaph Mehr) * More intelligent support for platform-dependent gems. Use Platform::CURRENT when building a gem to set its platform to the one you're building on. Installation displays a choice of platform-dependent gems, allowing the user to pick. * Added "gem unpack" for "unpacking" a gem to the current directory == Release 0.7.0: Jul 9, 2004 * See ChangeLog. == Release 0.6.0: Jun 8, 2004 * Collapse output of --search and --list (and gem_server) operations so that each gem is listed only once, with each of its versions listed on the same line. * bin/gem: new --upgrade-all option allows one to upgrade every installed gem * new #required_ruby_version attribute added to gem specification for specifying a dependency on which version of ruby the gem needs. Format it accepts is the same as the Gem::Version::Requirement format: spec.required_ruby_version = "> 1.8.0" * --install-stub defaults to true, so library stubs are created == Release 0.5.0: Jun 6, 2004 * Jim added the ability to specify version constraints to avoid API incompatibilities. This has been the subject of much debate for the past couple of months, with many ideas and code contributed by Eivind Eklund and Mauricio Fernandez. The following set of assertions shows how it works: assert_inadequate("1.3", "~> 1.4") assert_adequate( "1.4", "~> 1.4") assert_adequate( "1.5", "~> 1.4") assert_inadequate("2.0", "~> 1.4") # This one is key--the new operator disallows major version number differences. * Group gem search output when multiple versions exist for a given gem: activerecord (0.7.8, 0.7.7, 0.7.6, 0.7.5) Implements the ActiveRecord pattern for ORM. * Add arbitrary RDoc-able files via gemspec (not just Ruby source files) for people who have, for example, README.rdoc in their distributions. Add to gemspec via: spec.extra_rdoc_files = ["list", "of", "files"]. Ruby files are automatically included. * Some small bug fixes == Release 0.4.0: May 31, 2004 * Minor bug fixes including Windows compatability issues == Release 0.3.0: April 30, 2004 * Cleanup of command-line arguments and handling. Most commands accept a --local or --remote modifier. * Creation of Application Gems (packages that include executable programs). See http://rubygems.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl?DeveloperGuide for information on how to use it. * Basic functionality for installing binary gems from source (:extensions property of gem specification holds an array of paths to extconf.rb files to be used for compilation) * Install library "stub" allowing a normal 'require' to work (which then does the rubygems require and 'require_gem' * --run-tests runs the test suite specified by the "test_suite_file" property of a gem specification * HTTP Proxy support works. Rewrite of HTTP code. * Unit and functional tests added (see Rakefile). * Prompt before remote-installing dependencies during gem installation. * Config file for storing preferences for 'gem' command usage. * Generally improved error messages (still more work to do) * Rearranged gem directory structure for cleanliness. == Release 0.2.0: March 14, 2004 * Initial public release