# encoding: utf-8
# This file is part of the brauser gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun <shogun_panda@me.com>.
# Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.

# A framework agnostic browser detection and querying helper.
module Brauser
  # Methods to chain queries.
  module Chainers
    # Checks if the browser is a specific name and optionally of a specific version and platform.
    # @see #version?
    # @see #on?
    # @param names [Symbol|Array] A list of specific names to match. Also, this meta-names are supported: `:capable` and `:tablet`.
    # @param versions [Hash] An hash with specific version to match against. Need to be in any form that {#v} understands.
    # @param platforms [Symbol|Array] A list of specific platform to match. Valid values are all those possible for the platform attribute.
    # @return [Query] The query itself.
    def is(names = [], versions = {}, platforms = [])
      @result = is?(names, versions, platforms)

    # Checks if the browser is a specific version.
    # @param versions [String|Hash] A string in the form `operator version && ...` (example: `>= 7 && < 4`) or an hash with specific version to match against, in form `{:operator => version}`, where operator is one of `:lt, :lte, :eq, :gt, :gte`.
    # @return [Query] The query itself.
    def v(versions = {})
      @result = v?(versions)

    # Check if the browser is on a specific platform.
    # @param platforms [Symbol|Array] A list of specific platform to match.
    # @return [Query] The query itself.
    def on(platforms = [])
      @result = on?(platforms)

    # Check if the browser accepts the specified languages.
    # @param langs [String|Array] A list of languages to match against.
    # @return [Query] The query itself.
    def accepts(langs = [])
      @result = accepts?(langs)

  # Methods to make queries.
  module Queries
    # Checks if the browser is a specific name and optionally of a specific version and platform.
    # This version returns a boolean and it is equal to append a call to `#result` to the method `#is`.
    # @see #v?
    # @see #on?
    # @param names [Symbol|Array] A list of specific names to match. Also, this meta-names are supported: `:capable` and `:tablet`.
    # @param versions [Hash] An hash with specific version to match against. Need to be in any form that `#v` understands.
    # @param platforms [Symbol|Array] A list of specific platform to match. Valid values are all those possible for the platform attribute.
    # @return [Boolean] `true` if current browser matches, `false` otherwise.
    def is?(names = [], versions = {}, platforms = [])
      @result ? @target.is?(names, versions, platforms) : @result

    # Checks if the browser is a specific version.
    # This version returns a boolean and it is equal to append a call to `#result` to the method `#v`.
    # @param versions [String|Hash] A string in the form `operator version && ...` (example: `>= 7 && < 4`) or an hash with specific version to match against, in form `{:operator => version}`, where operator is one of `:lt, :lte, :eq, :gt, :gte`.
    # @return [Boolean] `true` if current browser matches, `false` otherwise.
    def v?(versions = {})
      @result ? @target.v?(versions) : @result

    # Check if the browser is on a specific platform.
    # This version returns a boolean and it is equal to append a call to `#result` to the method `#on.
    # @param platforms [Symbol|Array] A list of specific platform to match.
    # @return [Boolean] `true` if current browser matches, `false` otherwise.
    def on?(platforms = [])
      @result ? @target.on?(platforms) : @result

    # Check if the browser accepts the specified languages.
    # This version returns a boolean and it is equal to append a call to `#result` to the method `#accepts.
    # @param langs [String|Array] A list of languages to match against.
    # @return [Boolean] `true` if current browser matches, `false` otherwise.
    def accepts?(langs = [])
      @result ? @target.accepts?(langs) : @result

  # A query to a browser. This class enables concatenation, like:
  # ```ruby
  # Brauser::Browser.new.is(:msie).v(">= 7").on?(:windows)
  # ```
  # To end concatenation, use the `?` form of the queries or call `.result`.
  # @attribute target
  #   @return [Browser] The current browser.
  # @attribute result
  #   @return [Boolean] The current result.
  class Query
    attr_accessor :target
    attr_accessor :result

    include Brauser::Chainers
    include Brauser::Queries

    # Creates a new query.
    # @param target [Browser] The current browser.
    # @param result [Boolean] The current result.
    def initialize(target, result = true)
      @target = target
      @result = result