require 'dependency_detection' # This installs some code to manually start the agent when a delayed # job worker starts. It's not really instrumentation. It's more like # a hook from DJ to the Ruby Agent so it gets loaded at the time the # Ruby Agent initializes, which must be before the DJ worker # initializes. Loaded from control.rb module NewRelic module DelayedJobInjection extend self attr_accessor :worker_name end end DependencyDetection.defer do @name = :delayed_job_injection depends_on do defined?(::Delayed) && defined?(::Delayed::Worker) && !NewRelic::Agent.config[:disable_dj] end executes do if NewRelic::Agent.respond_to?(:logger) 'Installing DelayedJob instrumentation hooks' end end executes do Delayed::Worker.class_eval do def initialize_with_new_relic(*args) initialize_without_new_relic(*args) worker_name = case when self.respond_to?(:name) then when self.class.respond_to?(:default_name) then self.class.default_name end dispatcher_instance_id = worker_name || "host:#{Socket.gethostname} pid:#{}" rescue "pid:#{}" say "New Relic Ruby Agent Monitoring DJ worker #{dispatcher_instance_id}" NewRelic::DelayedJobInjection.worker_name = worker_name NewRelic::Control.instance.init_plugin :dispatcher => :delayed_job, :dispatcher_instance_id => dispatcher_instance_id end alias initialize_without_new_relic initialize alias initialize initialize_with_new_relic end end end # If Rails is defined, this gets called in an after_initialize hook # see NewRelic::Control::Frameworks::Rails#init_config unless defined?(Rails) DependencyDetection.detect! end