module Orchparty class RancherBuilder < HashBuilder def scale(num) @hash ||= AST.hash @hash[:scale]=num end def upgrade_strategy(&block) @hash ||= AST.hash @hash[:upgrade_strategy] end def health_check(&block) @hash ||= AST.hash @hash[:health_check] end end class ServiceBuilder def rancher(&block) @node.rancher = self end end end module Orchparty module Plugin module RancherV2 def self.desc "generate rancher-compose.yml v2 file" end def self.define_flags(c) c.flag [:docker_compose,:d], :desc => 'Set the output file' c.flag [:rancher_compose,:r], :desc => 'Set the output file' end def self.generate(ast, options) output = rancher_output(ast) File.write(options[:rancher_compose], output) output = docker_output(ast) File.write(options[:docker_compose], output) end def self.transform_to_yaml(hash) hash = hash.deep_transform_values{|v| v.is_a?(Hash) ? v.to_h : v } HashUtils.deep_stringify_keys(hash) end def self.rancher_output(application) output_hash = { "version" => "2", "services" => do |name,service| service = service.to_h rancher= ( service['rancher'] || service[:rancher] || { scale: 1 } ) # some dummy placeholder [service.delete(:name), HashUtils.deep_stringify_keys(rancher)] end.to_h, } output_hash.to_yaml(line_width: -1) end def self.docker_output(application) output_hash = {"version" => "2", "services" => do |name,service| service = service.to_h #p service.keys service.delete('rancher') service.delete(:rancher) [service.delete(:name), HashUtils.deep_stringify_keys(service.to_h)] end.to_h, } output_hash["volumes"] = transform_to_yaml(application.volumes) if application.volumes && !application.volumes.empty? output_hash["networks"] = transform_to_yaml(application.networks) if application.networks && !application.networks.empty? output_hash.to_yaml(line_width: -1) end end end end Orchparty::Plugin.register_plugin(:rancher_v2, Orchparty::Plugin::RancherV2)