package PPI::Token; =pod =head1 NAME PPI::Token - A single token of Perl source code =head1 INHERITANCE PPI::Token isa PPI::Element =head1 DESCRIPTION C is the abstract base class for all Tokens. In PPI terms, a "Token" is a L that directly represents bytes of source code. =head1 METHODS =cut use strict; use Params::Util qw{_INSTANCE}; use PPI::Element (); use PPI::Exception (); our $VERSION = '1.279'; our @ISA = 'PPI::Element'; # We don't load the abstracts, they are loaded # as part of the inheritance process. # Load the token classes use PPI::Token::BOM (); use PPI::Token::Whitespace (); use PPI::Token::Comment (); use PPI::Token::Pod (); use PPI::Token::Number (); use PPI::Token::Number::Binary (); use PPI::Token::Number::Octal (); use PPI::Token::Number::Hex (); use PPI::Token::Number::Float (); use PPI::Token::Number::Exp (); use PPI::Token::Number::Version (); use PPI::Token::Word (); use PPI::Token::DashedWord (); use PPI::Token::Symbol (); use PPI::Token::ArrayIndex (); use PPI::Token::Magic (); use PPI::Token::Quote::Single (); use PPI::Token::Quote::Double (); use PPI::Token::Quote::Literal (); use PPI::Token::Quote::Interpolate (); use PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Backtick (); use PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Command (); use PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Regexp (); use PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Words (); use PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Readline (); use PPI::Token::Regexp::Match (); use PPI::Token::Regexp::Substitute (); use PPI::Token::Regexp::Transliterate (); use PPI::Token::Operator (); use PPI::Token::Cast (); use PPI::Token::Structure (); use PPI::Token::Label (); use PPI::Token::HereDoc (); use PPI::Token::Separator (); use PPI::Token::Data (); use PPI::Token::End (); use PPI::Token::Prototype (); use PPI::Token::Attribute (); use PPI::Token::Unknown (); ##################################################################### # Constructor and Related sub new { bless { content => (defined $_[1] ? "$_[1]" : '') }, $_[0]; } sub set_class { my $self = shift; # @_ or throw Exception("No arguments to set_class"); my $class = substr( $_[0], 0, 12 ) eq 'PPI::Token::' ? shift : 'PPI::Token::' . shift; # Find out if the current and new classes are complex my $old_quote = (ref($self) =~ /\b(?:Quote|Regex)\b/o) ? 1 : 0; my $new_quote = ($class =~ /\b(?:Quote|Regex)\b/o) ? 1 : 0; # No matter what happens, we will have to rebless bless $self, $class; # If we are changing to or from a Quote style token, we # can't just rebless and need to do some extra thing # Otherwise, we have done enough return $class if ($old_quote - $new_quote) == 0; # Make a new token from the old content, and overwrite the current # token's attributes with the new token's attributes. my $token = $class->new( $self->{content} ); %$self = %$token; # Return the class as a convenience return $class; } ##################################################################### # PPI::Token Methods =pod =head2 set_content $string The C method allows you to set/change the string that the C object represents. Returns the string you set the Token to =cut sub set_content { $_[0]->{content} = $_[1]; } =pod =head2 add_content $string The C method allows you to add additional bytes of code to the end of the Token. Returns the new full string after the bytes have been added. =cut sub add_content { $_[0]->{content} .= $_[1] } =pod =head2 length The C method returns the length of the string in a Token. =cut sub length { CORE::length($_[0]->{content}) } ##################################################################### # Overloaded PPI::Element methods sub content { $_[0]->{content}; } # You can insert either a statement, or a non-significant token. sub insert_before { my $self = shift; my $Element = _INSTANCE(shift, 'PPI::Element') or return undef; if ( $Element->isa('PPI::Structure') ) { return $self->__insert_before($Element); } elsif ( $Element->isa('PPI::Token') ) { return $self->__insert_before($Element); } ''; } # As above, you can insert a statement, or a non-significant token sub insert_after { my $self = shift; my $Element = _INSTANCE(shift, 'PPI::Element') or return undef; if ( $Element->isa('PPI::Structure') ) { return $self->__insert_after($Element); } elsif ( $Element->isa('PPI::Token') ) { return $self->__insert_after($Element); } ''; } ##################################################################### # Tokenizer Methods sub __TOKENIZER__on_line_start() { 1 } sub __TOKENIZER__on_line_end() { 1 } sub __TOKENIZER__on_char() { 'Unknown' } ##################################################################### # Lexer Methods sub __LEXER__opens { ref($_[0]) eq 'PPI::Token::Structure' and $_[0]->{content} =~ /(?:\(|\[|\{)/ } sub __LEXER__closes { ref($_[0]) eq 'PPI::Token::Structure' and $_[0]->{content} =~ /(?:\)|\]|\})/ } 1; =pod =head1 SUPPORT See the L in the main module. =head1 AUTHOR Adam Kennedy Eadamk@cpan.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2001 - 2011 Adam Kennedy. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut