#coding: binary module ZSteg class Extractor # ColorExtractor extracts bits from each pixel's color module ColorExtractor def color_extract params = {} channels = Array(params[:channels]) #pixel_align = params[:pixel_align] ch_masks = [] case channels.first.size when 1 # ['r', 'g', 'b'] channels.each{ |c| ch_masks << [c[0], bit_indexes(params[:bits])] } when 2 # ['r3', 'g2', 'b3'] channels.each{ |c| ch_masks << [c[0], bit_indexes(c[1].to_i)] } else raise "invalid channels: #{channels.inspect}" if channels.size != 1 t = channels.first if t =~ /\A[rgba]+\Z/ return color_extract(params.merge(:channels => t.split(''))) end raise "invalid channels: #{channels.inspect}" end # total number of bits = sum of all channels bits nbits = ch_masks.map{ |x| x[1].size }.inject(&:+) if params[:prime] pregenerate_primes( :max => @image.width * @image.height, :count => (@limit*8.0/nbits/channels.size).ceil ) end data = ''.force_encoding('binary') a = [0]*params[:shift].to_i # prepend :shift zero bits catch :limit do coord_iterator(params) do |x,y| color = @image[x,y] ch_masks.each do |c,bidxs| value = color.send(c) bidxs.each do |bidx| a << value[bidx] end end #p [x,y,a.size,a] while a.size >= 8 byte = 0 #puts a.join if params[:bit_order] == :msb 8.times{ |i| byte |= (a.shift<= @limit print "[limit #@limit]".gray if @verbose > 1 throw :limit end #a.clear if pixel_align end end end if params[:strip_tail_zeroes] != false && data[-1,1] == "\x00" oldsz = data.size data.sub!(/\x00+\Z/,'') print "[zerotail #{oldsz-data.size}]".gray if @verbose > 1 end data end # 'xy': x=0,y=0; x=1,y=0; x=2,y=0; ... # 'yx': x=0,y=0; x=0,y=1; x=0,y=2; ... # ... # 'xY': x=0, y=MAX; x=1, y=MAX; x=2, y=MAX; ... # 'XY': x=MAX,y=MAX; x=MAX-1,y=MAX; x=MAX-2,y=MAX; ... def coord_iterator params type = params[:order] if type.nil? || type == 'auto' type = @image.format == :bmp ? 'xY' : 'xy' end raise "invalid iterator type #{type}" unless type =~ /\A(xy|yx)\Z/i x0,x1,xstep = if type.index('x') [0, @image.width-1, 1] else [@image.width-1, 0, -1] end y0,y1,ystep = if type.index('y') [0, @image.height-1, 1] else [@image.height-1, 0, -1] end # cannot join these lines from ByteExtractor and ColorExtractor into # one method for performance reason: # it will require additional yield() for EACH BYTE iterated if type[0,1].downcase == 'x' # ROW iterator if params[:prime] idx = 0 y0.step(y1,ystep){ |y| x0.step(x1,xstep){ |x| yield(x,y) if @primes.include?(idx) idx += 1 }} else y0.step(y1,ystep){ |y| x0.step(x1,xstep){ |x| yield(x,y) }} end else # COLUMN iterator if params[:prime] idx = 0 x0.step(x1,xstep){ |x| y0.step(y1,ystep){ |y| yield(x,y) if @primes.include?(idx) idx += 1 }} else x0.step(x1,xstep){ |x| y0.step(y1,ystep){ |y| yield(x,y) }} end end end end end end