module React module Component # class level methods (macros) for components module ClassMethods def reactrb_component? true end def backtrace(*args) @dont_catch_exceptions = (args[0] == :none) @backtrace_off = @dont_catch_exceptions || (args[0] == :off) end def process_exception(e, component, reraise = @dont_catch_exceptions) unless @dont_catch_exceptions message = ["Exception raised while rendering #{component}: #{e.message}"] if e.backtrace && e.backtrace.length > 1 && !@backtrace_off append_backtrace(message, e.backtrace) end `console.error(#{message.join("\n")})` end raise e if reraise end def append_backtrace(message_array, backtrace) message_array << " #{backtrace[0]}" backtrace[1..-1].each { |line| message_array << line } end def render(container = nil, params = {}, &block) if container container = container.type if container.is_a? React::Element define_method :render do React::RenderingContext.render(container, params) { instance_eval(&block) if block } end else define_method(:render) { instance_eval(&block) } end end # method missing will assume the method is a class name, and will treat this a render of # of the component, i.e. Foo::Bar.baz === Foo::Bar().baz def method_missing(name, *args, &children) Object.method_missing(name, *args, &children) unless args.empty? React::RenderingContext.render( self, class: React::Element.haml_class_name(name), &children ) end def validator @validator ||= end def prop_types if self.validator { _componentValidator: %x{ function(props, propName, componentName) { var errors = #{validator.validate(`props`))}; var error = new Error(#{"In component `#{name}`\n" + `errors`.join("\n")}); return #{`errors`.count > 0 ? `error` : `undefined`}; } } } else {} end end def default_props validator.default_props end def params(&block) end def props_wrapper @props_wrapper ||= end def param(*args) if args[0].is_a? Hash options = args[0] name = options.first[0] default = options.first[1] options.delete(name) options.merge!({default: default}) else name = args[0] options = args[1] || {} end if options[:default] validator.optional(name, options) else validator.requires(name, options) end end def collect_other_params_as(name) validator.allow_undefined_props = true validator_in_lexical_scope = validator props_wrapper.define_method(name) do @_all_others ||= validator_in_lexical_scope.undefined_props(props) end validator_in_lexial_scope = validator props_wrapper.define_method(name) do @_all_others ||= validator_in_lexial_scope.undefined_props(props) end end def define_state(*states, &block) default_initial_value = (block && block.arity == 0) ? yield : nil states_hash = (states.last.is_a?(Hash)) ? states.pop : {} states.each { |name| states_hash[name] = default_initial_value } (self.initial_state ||= {}).merge! states_hash states_hash.each do |name, initial_value| define_state_methods(self, name, &block) end end def export_state(*states, &block) default_initial_value = (block && block.arity == 0) ? yield : nil states_hash = (states.last.is_a?(Hash)) ? states.pop : {} states.each { |name| states_hash[name] = default_initial_value } State.initialize_states(self, states_hash) states_hash.each do |name, initial_value| define_state_methods(self, name, self, &block) define_state_methods(singleton_class, name, self, &block) end end def define_state_methods(this, name, from = nil, &block) this.define_method("#{name}") do React::Component.deprecation_warning "Direct access to state `#{name}`. Use `state.#{name}` instead." if from.nil? || from == this State.get_state(from || self, name) end this.define_method("#{name}=") do |new_state| React::Component.deprecation_warning "Direct assignment to state `#{name}`. Use `#{(from && from != this) ? from : 'state'}.#{name}!` instead." yield name, State.get_state(from || self, name), new_state if block && block.arity > 0 State.set_state(from || self, name, new_state) end this.define_method("#{name}!") do |*args| React::Component.deprecation_warning "Direct access to state `#{name}`. Use `state.#{name}` instead." if from.nil? or from == this if args.count > 0 yield name, State.get_state(from || self, name), args[0] if block && block.arity > 0 current_value = State.get_state(from || self, name) State.set_state(from || self, name, args[0]) current_value else current_state = State.get_state(from || self, name) yield name, State.get_state(from || self, name), current_state if block && block.arity > 0 State.set_state(from || self, name, current_state) do |update| yield name, State.get_state(from || self, name), update if block && block.arity > 0 State.set_state(from || self, name, update) end end end end def native_mixin(item) native_mixins << item end def native_mixins @native_mixins ||= [] end def static_call_back(name, &block) static_call_backs[name] = block end def static_call_backs @static_call_backs ||= {} end def export_component(opts = {}) export_name = (opts[:as] || name).split('::') first_name = export_name.first Native(``)[first_name] = add_item_to_tree( Native(``)[first_name], [React::API.create_native_react_class(self)] + export_name[1..-1].reverse ).to_n end def imports(component_name) React::API.import_native_component( self, React::API.eval_native_react_component(component_name) ) define_method(:render) {} # define a dummy render method - will never be called... rescue Exception => e # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException : we need to catch everything! raise "#{self} cannot import '#{component_name}': #{e.message}." # rubocop:enable Lint/RescueException ensure self end def add_item_to_tree(current_tree, new_item) if Native(current_tree).class != Native::Object || new_item.length == 1 new_item.inject { |a, e| { e => a } } else Native(current_tree)[new_item.last] = add_item_to_tree( Native(current_tree)[new_item.last], new_item[0..-2] ) current_tree end end end end end