# encoding: UTF-8 require 'thor' require 'ansi/code' module Rpush class CLI < Thor def self.detect_rails? ['bin/rails', 'script/rails'].any? { |path| File.exist?(path) } end def self.default_config_path detect_rails? ? 'config/initializers/rpush.rb' : 'config/rpush.rb' end class_option :config, type: :string, aliases: '-c', default: default_config_path class_option 'rails-env', type: :string, aliases: '-e', default: 'development' option :foreground, type: :boolean, aliases: '-f', default: false option 'pid-file', type: :string, aliases: '-p' desc 'start', 'Start Rpush' def start config_setup require 'rpush/daemon' Rpush::Daemon.start end desc 'stop', 'Stop Rpush' option 'pid-file', type: :string, aliases: '-p' def stop config_setup pid = rpush_process_pid return unless pid STDOUT.write "* Stopping Rpush (pid #{pid})... " STDOUT.flush Process.kill('TERM', pid) loop do begin Process.getpgid(pid) sleep 0.05 rescue Errno::ESRCH break end end puts ANSI.green { '✔' } end desc 'init', 'Initialize Rpush into the current directory' option 'active-record', type: :boolean, desc: 'Install ActiveRecord migrations' def init underscore_option_names check_ruby_version require 'rails/generators' puts "* " + ANSI.green { 'Installing config...' } $RPUSH_CONFIG_PATH = default_config_path # rubocop:disable Style/GlobalVars Rails::Generators.invoke('rpush_config') install_migrations = options['active_record'] unless options.key?('active_record') has_answer = false until has_answer STDOUT.write "\n* #{ANSI.green { 'Install ActiveRecord migrations?' }} [y/n]: " STDOUT.flush answer = STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase has_answer = %w(y n).include?(answer) end install_migrations = answer == 'y' end Rails::Generators.invoke('rpush_migration', ['--force']) if install_migrations puts "\n* #{ANSI.green { 'Next steps:' }}" puts " - Run 'bundle exec rake db:migrate'." if install_migrations puts " - Review and update your configuration in #{default_config_path}." puts " - Create your first app, see https://github.com/rpush/rpush for examples." puts " - Run 'rpush help' for commands and options." end desc 'push', 'Deliver all pending notifications and then exit' def push config_setup Rpush.config.foreground = true Rpush.push end desc 'status', 'Show the internal status of the running Rpush instance.' def status config_setup require 'rpush/daemon' rpc = Rpush::Daemon::Rpc::Client.new(rpush_process_pid) status = rpc.status rpc.close puts humanize_json(status) end desc 'version', 'Print Rpush version' def version puts Rpush::VERSION end private def config_setup underscore_option_names check_ruby_version configure_rpush end def configure_rpush load_rails_environment || load_standalone end def load_rails_environment if detect_rails? && options['rails_env'] STDOUT.write "* Booting Rails '#{options[:rails_env]}' environment... " STDOUT.flush ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = options['rails_env'] load 'config/environment.rb' Rpush.config.update(options) puts ANSI.green { '✔' } return true end false end def load_standalone if !File.exist?(options[:config]) STDERR.puts(ANSI.red { 'ERROR: ' } + "#{options[:config]} does not exist. Please run 'rpush init' to generate it or specify the --config option.") exit 1 else load options[:config] Rpush.config.update(options) end end def detect_rails? self.class.detect_rails? end def default_config_path self.class.default_config_path end def check_ruby_version STDERR.puts(ANSI.yellow { 'WARNING: ' } + "You are using an old and unsupported version of Ruby.") if RUBY_VERSION < '2.2.2' && RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby' end def underscore_option_names # Underscore option names so that they map directly to Configuration options. new_options = options.dup options.each do |k, v| new_k = k.to_s.tr('-', '_') if k != new_k new_options.delete(k) new_options[new_k] = v end end new_options.freeze self.options = new_options end def rpush_process_pid if Rpush.config.pid_file.blank? STDERR.puts(ANSI.red { 'ERROR: ' } + 'config.pid_file is not set.') exit 1 end unless File.exist?(Rpush.config.pid_file) STDERR.puts("* Rpush isn't running? #{Rpush.config.pid_file} does not exist.") exit 1 end File.read(Rpush.config.pid_file).strip.to_i end def humanize_json(node, str = '', depth = 0) # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity if node.is_a?(Hash) node = node.sort_by { |_, v| [Array, Hash].include?(v.class) ? 1 : 0 } node.each do |k, v| if [Array, Hash].include?(v.class) str << "\n#{' ' * depth}#{k}:\n" humanize_json(v, str, depth + 1) else str << "#{' ' * depth}#{k}: #{v}\n" end end elsif node.is_a?(Array) node.each do |v| str << "\n" if v.is_a?(Hash) humanize_json(v, str, depth) end else str << "#{' ' * depth}#{node}\n" end str end end end