module Alf module Types # # Encapsulates tools for computing orders on tuples # class Ordering attr_reader :ordering def initialize(ordering = []) @ordering = ordering @sorter = nil end # # Coerces `arg` to an ordering key. # # Implemented coercions are: # * Array of symbols (all attributes in ascending order) # * Array of [Symbol, :asc|:desc] pairs (obvious semantics) # * AttrList (all its attributes in ascending order) # * Ordering (self) # # @return [Ordering] # @raises [ArgumentError] when `arg` is not recognized # def self.coerce(arg) case arg when Ordering arg when AttrList arg.to_ordering when Array if arg.all?{|a| a.is_a?(Array)} else symbolized = arg.collect{|s| Tools.coerce(s, Symbol)} sliced = symbolized.each_slice(2) if sliced.all?{|a,o| [:asc,:desc].include?(o)} sliced.to_a else symbolized.collect{|a| [a, :asc]} end end else raise ArgumentError, "Unable to coerce #{arg} to an ordering key" end end def self.from_argv(argv, opts = {}) coerce(argv) end def attributes @ordering.collect{|arg| arg.first} end def order_by(attr, order = :asc) @ordering << [attr, order] @sorter = nil self end def order_of(attr) @ordering.find{|arg| arg.first == attr}.last end def compare(t1,t2) @ordering.each do |attr,order| x, y = t1[attr], t2[attr] comp = x.respond_to?(:<=>) ? (x <=> y) : (x.to_s <=> y.to_s) comp *= -1 if order == :desc return comp unless comp == 0 end return 0 end def sorter @sorter ||= lambda{|t1,t2| compare(t1, t2)} end def +(other) other = Ordering.coerce(other) + other.ordering) end def ==(other) other.is_a?(Ordering) && (other.ordering == ordering) end end # class Ordering end # module Types end # module Alf