module Gravatarify # Set of common utility methods to e.g. deep merge options etc. module Utils #:nodoc: # Merge supplied list of +params+ with the globally defined default options and # any params. Then merge remaining params as hash. def self.merge_gravatar_options(*params) return (params[1] || {}) if params.first == false options = Gravatarify.options.dup deep_merge_html!(options, Gravatarify.styles[params.shift] || {}) unless params.first.is_a?(Hash) deep_merge_html!(options, params.first) unless params.empty? options end # Deeply merge the :html attribute. def self.deep_merge_html!(hash, to_merge) html = (hash[:html] || {}).merge(to_merge[:html] || {}) hash.merge!(to_merge) hash[:html] = html unless html.empty? end # Tries first to call +email+, then +mail+ then +to_s+ on supplied # object, also strips leading/trailing whitespace and downcases string # (as specified by def self.smart_email(obj) (obj.respond_to?(:email) ? obj.send(:email) : (obj.respond_to?(:mail) ? obj.send(:mail) : obj)).to_s.strip.downcase end # Kinda a workaround for Rails 3.x and it's newly introduced +html_safe+ method, which # is used over old school +html_safe!+ method. Well, well. def self.make_html_safe_if_available(str) return str.html_safe if str.respond_to?(:html_safe) return str.html_safe! if str.respond_to?(:html_safe!) str end end end