', {class: 'mercury-toolbar-container', style: 'width:10000px'})
@element.css({display: 'none'}) unless @visible
@element.appendTo(jQuery(@options.appendTo).get(0) ? 'body')
for own toolbarName, buttons of Mercury.config.toolbars
continue if buttons._custom
toolbar = jQuery('
', {class: "mercury-toolbar mercury-#{toolbarName}-toolbar"}).appendTo(@element)
toolbar.attr('data-regions', buttons._regions) if buttons._regions
container = jQuery('
', {class: 'mercury-toolbar-button-container'}).appendTo(toolbar)
for own buttonName, options of buttons
continue if buttonName == '_regions'
button = @buildButton(buttonName, options)
button.appendTo(container) if button
if container.css('white-space') == 'nowrap'
expander = new Mercury.Toolbar.Expander(toolbarName, {appendTo: toolbar, for: container})
toolbar.addClass('disabled') if Mercury.config.toolbars['primary'] && toolbarName != 'primary'
@element.css({width: '100%'})
buildButton: (name, options) ->
return false if name[0] == '_'
switch jQuery.type(options)
when 'array' # button
[title, summary, handled] = options
new Mercury.Toolbar.Button(name, title, summary, handled, {appendDialogsTo: @element})
when 'object' # button group
group = new Mercury.Toolbar.ButtonGroup(name, options)
for own action, opts of options
button = @buildButton(action, opts)
button.appendTo(group) if button
when 'string' # separator
', {class: "mercury-#{if options == '-' then 'line-separator' else 'separator'}"})
else throw Mercury.I18n('Unknown button structure -- please provide an array, object, or string for "%s".', name)
bindEvents: ->
Mercury.on 'region:focused', (event, options) =>
for toolbar in @element.find(".mercury-toolbar")
toolbar = jQuery(toolbar)
if regions = toolbar.data('regions')
toolbar.removeClass('disabled') if regions.split(',').indexOf(options.region.type()) > -1
Mercury.on 'region:blurred', (event, options) =>
for toolbar in @element.find(".mercury-toolbar")
toolbar = jQuery(toolbar)
if regions = toolbar.data('regions')
toolbar.addClass('disabled') if regions.split(',').indexOf(options.region.type()) > -1
@element.on 'click', ->
@element.on 'mousedown', (event) ->
height: (force = false) ->
if @visible || force then @element.outerHeight() else 0
show: ->
@visible = true
@element.css({top: -@element.outerHeight(), display: 'block'})
@element.animate({top: 0}, 200, 'easeInOutSine')
hide: ->
@visible = false